
Young Writers Society

Andrews Wonderful World

Photo of MaybeAndrew

Heres some info about me

I was homeschooled (unschooled specifically). I have moved around a lot, but the whole time has been with my amazing family of eleven. I love books written by boring dead people, (CS Lewis, Jane Austen, and Herman Melville are my favorite authors.) I am currently serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in South Africa. I will be there for two years, proselytizing and serving, and in that time, and so I am not currently active on the site. Jesus Christ and his Gospel have brought me joy, peace, and strength that I am excited to share with others. Christ has loved me when I couldn't love myself, made me stronger when I was weak, and healed me of my sins and wounds. Because of that, he is my Lord Savoir and King, and I am honored to serve him on this mission.
Click the link to learn more about my church.
Thank you all for being so great!


Writing, reading (Especially boring classics, hit me up if you want to talk about a book written by a dead person nobody cares about) all other Nerdy things, Dungeons, and Dragons, working out, and being hopelessly romantic.


Being a child



Queerly beloved, we are gathered here togay.
— KateHardy