
Young Writers Society

*microwave noises*

Well, hello there.

I'm Plume! You can use any pronouns for me.

I am a humble student with an overactive imagination that often leads to me escaping my problems in fanciful ways rather than solving them. I'm a writer in theory, but not in practice. I got my start with prose, but have branched out to poetry and scriptwriting as well. Currently, I don't do much writing, unless it's for Camp NaNo, the odd poem, or a sketch for my comedy group.

Some fun facts about me:

1) I love improv.

2) I love to sew.

3) I really love printing things out and making copies.

I was featured member May 20 to June 3, 2021, became a junior moderator June 13, 2021, and got my final promotion to global moderator on September 8, 2023!

I'm a sucker for piano swells in music and well-written found family stories. Also cake. I love cake.


Biological anthropology. Bones and fossils. Museums. Historical clothing. Fashion design. Shakespeare. Acting. Poetry. Musical theatre. Singing. Art.


your slightly strange cousin

Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel