
Young Writers Society


Photo of Sandvich

Sandvich makes me invincible!

Good evening.
I'm Sandvich. As you can see from my "Interests" section, I am a fascinating and well rounded individual. I've just finished secondary school, and I now have three months of summer with pretty much nothing to do.
I'm currently working on a novel called Collapse. Set after a mysterious event has driven billions of people insane and caused the "Collapse", the end of society worldwide, the novel follows the protagonist Seth's journeys across a post-apocalyptic cityscape. Every day is a struggle to survive as he battles lunatics, the "Twisted" and the ever-present threat of starvation.


Writing Gaming


Sandvich is freeeee!

I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!
— Charles Perrault