
Young Writers Society


Photo of arhez

About arhez

Biography..? sure you want to know....quite boring...

I was born...
And then I grew up
Went to schoool
Grew up some more
Made some friends
Grew up
(got tired of her boring life and tried to run away at the age of seven...didn't work ...i was afraid of the dark)
Grew up some more
n more
made more friends
attended school
found her love for writing and reading
grew up some more

...and joined YWS :)


Books, writing, CHOCOLATE, vanilla icecream, honeynut cheerios, poetry..&.....



I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!
— Charles Perrault