
Young Writers Society


About bryan

Its very hard to openly express my life and know that people may view it any moment. im not a priveleged adolescent but rather its opposite. I grew up thirsting for a family that lost me. I hated because thats all my heart would let me do. I have yet to breach all the barriers of my past but i feel as though when i write i release. Oh the feeling i get is such a plain feeling one might think me absurd for cherishing it. the feeling i get that almost brings tears to my eyes is more of a state. Its calm. Not overjoyed or extatic. Just calm. The calm i feel drowns out any emotion that saddens me or tanperswith my anger. i have control and i feel like i never endured any of the things that happened in my past. Now i only need to figure out how to make this calm last.


elagance beauty art and all thing pure catch my eye. Not to say that imperfection doesn't have beauty of its own. I actually would rather bask in beauty of an imperfect and faulty piece of art than sulk in presence of a world renowned perfectionist. If something is perfect there is no no room for change and change is something that invokes revolution and fufills the human desire of adventure. Without critique and error what fun would the world be? I dont ever want to find out.

— Rudy (Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality)