
Young Writers Society


Photo of kaiden

About kaiden

Kaiden, the curious wonderer of love, life and purpose. An old school romantic with a touch of modern cheesy pick-up lines always looks at the best in a girl that he takes a liking too. He can see past the flaws of a person because he knows that he has his own flaws. That's not to say that some people's flaws don't tick him off here and there.

An open mind with a love of reading, writing, and movies. A willing discusser of philosophy and the unknown and loves to engage in intelligent conversations about life in general. Can and has listened to a person talk for four hours past midnight with intense focus. Always a curious listener to people with differing views. A natural "take a mile in their shoes" kind of guy, he can see where a person is coming from with their opinions.


Life. Love. Philosophy. Video Games. Movies. Books. Girls. ;)


College Student

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that life's going to launch you into something great, so just focus and keep aiming.
— Unknown