
Young Writers Society

from my fishbowl

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Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:29 pm
tinny says...

Okay, I have a really really short attention span, so I tend to flit around from project to project, which is why there are so many of them. I haven’t got much written of some yet, while others are waiting for something important, like a character’s name to be chosen. Even if I’m not writing then I’m constantly thinking about them (I never get a moment to myself…) I can’t abandon any of them either because, sadly, I value my life. And the characters would sure make me pay. They are, as best as I can remember, listed in order of age.


This is odd. I can't remember much about it to be honest O_o" But I think I was staring at the moon one day and wondered what the big fat orb was watching, 'cos it's so high up it sees everything. And I was feeling morbid. The street mentioned could be anywhere really. There's quite a few places like ti where I live.

Ribbons and Rhythm

Excuse the poor title, but I haven’t put a lot of though into what this’d be called. Because I’m lazy. Tis a fantasy about a little boy, Lorek, who dearly want to be a musician. But he can’t because in this place on woman are permitted to play instruments. He has a friend called Cello, and a talking owl called Owl. So imaginative eh ;) To be honest there isn’t much of a plot apart from that yet, well not that I can remember. I lost my special notebook -_-“

Steel Speech

This has one of my most favourite characters ever. She’s called Ket and she’s a mechanic. At the time I came up with the idea my sister was reading a lot of those books where people can talk to animals and plants, so I decided I wanted one where someone could talk to machines. And so that’s what Ket does. She and her friend Clio are trying to figure out who this ‘God’ is, because one of the nations has decided to wage war against their own, claiming that God told them to. Yup.


I might actually ditch this one. It’s one of my many dream-based projects. I think I got up to 4,000 words and then stopped because my main character still didn’t have a name, and she still doesn’t. It’s a little clichéd with the elements and stuff. But it does have a tree that becomes a person. Fir’s quite cute ^^


This is my first attempt at a sci-fi and I’m quite surprised how it turned out. It came from one of the many disturbing dreams I have. It’s strange to say the least, but I think I like it. I’m currently taking a break while I try and figure out how the science in it might work, and also why Wires is so very short tempered.


I stared this a while ago, when I’d broken up from school after my GCSEs. I should write more. I miss Saleh, she was nice.

Stars and Clouds

Yet another thing that hasn’t been given a proper title yes (to be honest I think Refreshed’s the only one that has). I decided one day I wanted to write about people who live on clouds, and this was the product of that strange wish. It’s got everything, and astronomer, cloud-people, cloud-pirates, and many many stars. It’s on hold until June, because then I can see a special star and I need to know what it’s called before I do anything else.

Weaver’s Blood

This is what I’m working on right now, until my attention slips to something else. It stared off with a lot of magic involved, but I decided to change that and it’s become something I’m quite interested in. I write and I wonder what’s going to happen next. It’s basically about a kid called Heath looking for his sister. But then he meets Ash-May (Yey!) strange things are afoot.

Clock Time

Hmm. This is very new, as in it popped into my head last week, so I’ve not written an awful lot, I’m still waiting to see what happens. My main character, Daniel, finds a clock shop owned my the mysterious Mr Tickers.


This came from a rather disturbing dream I had. It’s short, and it’s finished. It’s also the only thing that I’m possibly maybe thinking about seeing if anyone would publish it in a magazine or something of the sorts.

I also have numerous shorter stories that are half-written and really need finishing. I might do them. One day. When I finish all this. If that ever happens XD
Last edited by tinny on Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:34 pm
Myth says...

I bet Wires was glad to get a mention :wink: You know who to tell first when there is more Refreshed.

You've missed out Nameless, unless it isn't very important. Are you still working on Citrus, I got the impression you abandoned it...
.: ₪ :.


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Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:27 am
tinny says...

I was too scared not to mention her XD and I might be able to put more of Refreshed up after half term if I get the time to do some more typing.

I'd forgotten about Nameless *goes back and puts it up* Citrus is semi-abandoned. I read through it all the other day and I felt like adding more, and I have a picture of a cheetah that looks like Saleh on my wall. She looks out my window, waiting for something to happen. I can't rally let her dow ;)
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:14 pm
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Wiggy says...

I'll have to read some of your stuff! They sound really interesting!
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

Got YWS?

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:29 pm
Kitkat_1122_ says...

What I do if I can't think of a character's name is I draw a line (kind of like a bunch of underscores, but on paper): _________ . Then whenever I want to refer to that character's name I draw that line. Later when I think of a name for him/her I put it on the line.

Good luck finishing your stories. :wink:

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:40 pm
Poor Imp says...

I've read fragments of your stuff, Tinny...but I've never managed to go through with a fine-toothed comb and critique. ^_^'' I liked it enough to want to go back though. And if Myth is fond of it, that speaks for itself. ^_^

ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:14 pm
tinny says...

Wiggs:They sound intresting? Really?

Kitkat: I'll try it out. I something similar before with Ket, I could think of a name so I just called her that, and it stuck XD

Imp: You've read fragments? May I ask of what? Though I'm glad you liked it, whatever it was ^^

Looks like everyone posted the day I was off to Germany XD
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:11 pm
Poor Imp says...

Little Tin Fish wrote:Wiggs:They sound intresting? Really?

Kitkat: I'll try it out. I something similar before with Ket, I could think of a name so I just called her that, and it stuck XD

Imp: You've read fragments? May I ask of what? Though I'm glad you liked it, whatever it was ^^

Looks like everyone posted the day I was off to Germany XD

Fragments - in time between running off to class or fence - of Re:Freshed/Re:Cycled. ^_^ (And I think I punctuated that correctly...?) I read Fallen as well; but was remiss and wrote no critique or response.

ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:32 am
tinny says...

In which little tin fish gives a pointless update

Current/Stalled Projects


...is on hold. I think I may have to start it again from scratch in order to salvage things, it needs a throrough sort through before it can even begin to make sense again. The plot changed too many times while I was still writing it, and so it ended up quite messy. Well, very messy. I need to sit down with what I've got so far and attack, but I think that'll have to wait a while.

Weaver's Blood

...has been dismissed. I realised the only reason I like it was because of one character, Ash-May, and the rest of it simply wasn't very good at all. She's been saved for something else, the rest has become scrap.

Steel Speech

...needs me to get off my butt and work on. It's only stangnat due to laziness.

Clock time [Now named:The Kitchen Clock]

...is in the exact same position, though if I can get it done as a short story, I'd still be pleased.

The Agri and The Engineer

...Is still playing on my mind, but at the same time killing it. I've done my usual trick of putting a lot of effort into the first chapter, and then stopping because I can't bring the next up to scratch. It has a plot, it just needs me to be more confident in it. someone really needs to give me a good kicking and tell me to stop worring and get on with it XD

By The Stone River

...Is new, with the salvaged charcter of Ash-May, now named 'Scrap' (I keep wanting to turn it plural, as with Wires, but must resist) in which I try and go against the things I usually do, as in, the patterns that everything I write seems to have.

Finished things [IE: short stories]


...has been rejected several times. It still needs a new title. I still cannot think of one. I'm actually very sorely tempted to bin it.


...was me finally getting rid of that damned star notion that was lodged in my head for a good eight months. It's gone now, I feel kinda happy about it. Unsure about publication, it seems very... sappy?

There are probably other short stories, like Johnny and the Snails, but I think a few I've posted were La Plume Noire entries.

And so endeth the update.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:50 pm
tinny says...

Time for an update methinks.

No real reason for it, but I'll give on anyway.

Current/Stalled Projects


...has been killed. By its MC no less. Wires got angry and demanded a brand new shiney plot, the little devil. I can understand why though, and I agree with her thoroughly. I've already been developing the new way it'll go, focusing more on her brother than Wires herself, and Cray will be gone completely. Wires killed him. I'm not sure if he'll be missed XD

Steel Speech: And other mechanical langauges

...is on hold for the moment. It's terrible terrible stuff, I started it for Nano before I became ill with various pathogens, and I'm continuing it in the same away-with-quality fashion. It's just over 20k at the moment, making it the longest thing I've ever written. I'm taking a break for a little while, but I've left it in a place I've been looking forward to writing from the beginning since one of my favourite characters come in, so I should hopefuly be able to pick it up nicely. I would share some but it makes even me cringe with the poor grammar. I've done 14 out of 50 parts so far.

The Agri and the Engineer

...has begun again! I hadn't written any of this for aaages, and it's something that I think will always move quite slowly. I do like it quite a bit, and I hoping to have more written pretty soon. Null feels left out, poor thing.

As yet un-named thing full of recycled characters

...is going to be very amusing to write when I finally get around to it. It consists of characters gleaned from ditched projects, like Owl (who is the funk) and Ash-May (who si the silent funk) this is another case where I need to get off my butt and write more. The start is odd, and I don't really like it, so I've been amusing myself with Owl&Ash sketches.

I still need to write about Mr Ticker! I love him and his moustache.

[/pointless update]
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

If you know what the tip of a shoelace is called, Congratulations, you watched Phineas and Ferb!
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