
Young Writers Society

Kids story

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Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:14 am
Elizabeth says...

Just a crazy kid story I wrote on TYWC... which is closing in 3 days...
(dependign on when you read this and when this posting day is)

Chapter One Uh-oh!
Calm and cool. Breezy and warm was what it was like. Sky was a light cerulean blue and the grass was the perfect shade of green. All was peaceful and quaint, tucked inside a blanket of either sunshine or overhead tree shade . . ..
"Heads up!" screamed a low, bellowing voice from ten yards away. Rally Saints, who was meditating in the field down below, quickly turned his head around and then BONK!!! Some guys over in the baseball field rushed to his aid. A small concussion formed at the center of his forehead.
"Oh jeez! I said heads up! I didn't mean to . . . Whaaaa!" wailed the boy, his name was Turner Williams by the way, and who stood there staring at Rally who lay motionless on the grass. Another boy, much larger in fact, picked Rally up until it looked like he was standing.
"Speak to me chum!" he shouted into Rally's ear. Rally opened his eyes and was blinded from the sun almost instantly. He squinted at the larger boy. The larger boy's name was Bob. Big Bob actually.
"Are you my mommy? He he!" asked the weary Rally. Rally slapped at Bob's hands until he let go and then Rally began to laugh. Neither Bob nor Turner knew what was going on.
There was also a third boy he hadn't spoken yet. His name was Ralph Jones but everyone, at school, at the park and practically the entire city called him Silent. He only nodded or shook his head. There was the occasional sneeze and a shrug, but nothing more. He never spoke or opened his mouth except when he was eating.
"Silent, Is this dude OK?" Turner asked filled with regret and guilt for not calling to Rally sooner. Except, he didn't know he was calling to Rally because he didn't even know who Rally was. Neither of them did. So here's a problem. Silent shrugged. Rally fell onto his stomach and began to roll in the grass. Shocked, frightened and somewhat amused all three boys, Silent, Bob and Turner, had to decide what to do with poor disoriented Rally.
"Maybe we should, you know, throw him into the forest where the wolves will befriend him and he will be ONE!!!" Bob suggested. He wasn't, exactly, the sharpest pencil in the pack or the most ugly toad in a swamp and he definitely wasn't the biggest pumpkin in the patch.
"Or maybe, we can try to remind him of who he is so he'll remember!" suggested Turner.
"Are there wolves involved?" Bob asked stupidly. I never even thought such stupidity existed on Earth.
"No Bob. No wolves!" sighed Turner.
"Dang it!"
Later, they all agreed that Turner's idea was the best and that Bob's idea was never to come up again. Ever! With that they took Rally by the arm, collected the baseball and a bat and headed down to the Banana Split Heaven, the most popular kid's place in town!
Chapter Two Oh Man!
"Well, here we are! Banana Split Heaven!" Turner exclaimed thrusting the doors open and waving them about. Surprises may come in packages but this was one about the size of an elephant. It was totally deserted. Well, except for a man wearing an eye patch with a Hello Kitty picture sewn on it and smoking a cigar the size of a hotdog and it was very dim inside. There were crates filled with fabric and there was also a black cat that kept on walking into the wall, backing up to wipe his paw, and then walked into the wall again.
"He's blind," explained the man as Silent and Turner nodded strangely, still holding Rally by the arm. Bob immediately took action.
"CANDY!!!" as he jumped into a crate and opened his mouth when Turner suddenly shouted, "STOP!!!!"
Everyone, including the cat, turned his or her heads toward him. "Where the heck are we?" Turner asked.
"You're in Bandana Slim's Haven. I'm Slim and I sell bandanas. What can I do for you?" Slim took the cigar out of his mouth and tossed it out a window. "Well, Slim, I . . ..”
"AHH!!! MY HAIR'S ON FIRE!!!!" screamed a voice from outside.
"As I was saying, I want to know where the Banana Split Heaven is," Everyone nodded except for Rally, who had wandered off and began to copy the blind cat. Monkey see monkey do!
"Well, Banana Split Heaven is two blocks to the left, turn on Earl and walk to the white fire hydrant then turn left at the opera house where you'll be greeted by a fat lady in a ski suit. Viola! You're at the place. That'll be $5.50," Slim held out his hand.
"What for? Asking directions?"
"Nope but Tubby over there seems to be enjoying his food perfectly without being at the Banana Split Heaven!" Slim mocked the last three words, almost teasing them. Everybody looked to where Bob was last seen.
"Hey guys, this one tastes like pork!" Bob exclaimed as they stared at him. Silent poked Bob in the shoulder and Bob turned around. Silent punched him senseless and they paid and left, dragging Bob along with them.
Chapter Three Like Three Idiot Moms in a Theme Park
After three hours, (three miserable, taunting, being chased by dogs hours) they had finally arrived. They were at the Banana Split Heaven. It was full of laughter and the sound of popcorn popping, children crying because they were a penny short for a Mega Scoop Snow Cone and the strong odor of cotton candy. Hey, it might be Banana Split Heaven but it should've been named Candy Castle!
"Welcome to . . . forget it kid. Just get your butt inside so we can order something to eat!" Turner pushed the door open, let it close and then pushed it open again. Silent took Rally by the arm and lead him inside. The yellow and pink-stripped walls burned Silent's eyes so he always wore sunglasses. He placed a pair onto of Rally's nose, just in case. Turner slapped Bob in the face to wake him up. Bob's eyes thrust open quickly.
"We're here already? Thank goodness, I'm starving!" Bob gaited happily through the doors. Turner burned a bright red and grabbed Bob by the back of the shirt and yanked him next to him.
"HOW COULD YOU BE HUNGRY! I PAID $5.50 FOR A BANDANA YOU DEVOURED ANYWAY, YOU WERE BEING DRAGGED ALONG WITH US AND YOU WERE NOT WALKING AT ALL!!!" Turner shouted and some little girls parked themselves in front of him and began to watch as if it were some sort of movie.
"Well, sleeping always makes me hungry!" Bob broke free of Turner's grip and skipped into the building. The girls kept on watching. Turner faced them. "GO AWAY!!!!" He shouted to them and they squealed and ran away. Turner walked in to find Silent and Rally.
"I'll have a Triple Double Bubble Gum Sundae with a Green Rose Cherry on top please!" Turner said to the girl behind the counter. "Does your friend in the sun glasses want anything?" she asked as she wrote down the order. Turner sat at the booth with everyone else.
"The usual Silent?" Turner asked.
Silent nodded with his sunglasses on. He looked like a spy.
"OK. One Nineteen Colored Sprinkled Strawberry Cone with Honey Glaze on the first scoop only. Please. Oh, and a Triple Flavored Cone for Junior over there." The girl scratched it down on the pad, nodded understandingly and walked away. She later came back with the orders. Bob stared at her.
"Where's my order?" he asked the waitress.
"Oh. Your back has the words "Dunces, like me, don't eat here" taped to it so I didn't even bother asking!" Then she left. Bob slammed his head down and fell asleep again. Turner turned to Rally.
"OK, kid. Do you know this place?" Turner asked. Rally spoke quietly, "Yes. My parents used to take me here all the time. I remember something else too . . ..”
Chapter Four Jeez Louise!!!! It's a Miracle!!!!!
"I remembered what I was afraid of!"
"What?" Turner asked. Suddenly, out of nowhere, as if on cue, a clown jumped out and began to cackle. Rally shrieked! "THAT!!!! I'M AFRAID OF THAT!!!!" Everyone ran out of the building and Rally turned around and laughed at Silent, Bob and Turner.
"What's so funny Pete?" Bob asked and began to drink a soda he managed to get.
"Pete? Bob, how do you know his name?" Turner asked curiously.
"Oh, I'm sure it's not his real name. It's just that I kind of like the little fellow!"
"So you gave him a name? Like a pet?"
"Yes Turner. Yes I did!" Bob smiled widely and Silent took three steps back. He knew this could get pretty ugly.
"Eh hem . . .." Rally cleared his voice and everybody turned to see him. "Hey, I'm Rally!"
Everybody stared blankly at him. Silent did too, just silently.
"You can remember! Yeah!" Turner cheered.
"Oh, I've known ever since you found me!" Rally said.
"What?" Silent asked. He had spoken! Everybody, even Rally, who didn't know Silent from the start, gasped loudly!
"Silent! You can speak! It's a miracle!" Bob cried and hugged Silent . . . I mean, Ralph.
"Hey Dunce. Pay attention to Rally. So Rally, give us your story." Turner crossed his arms and licked his lips.
"I honestly wasn't ever forgetful! I didn't lose my mind and I wasn't crazy! I was new to the town and I wanted to meet new people. I'm so sorry if I caused you to think that you were responsible. Friends?" Rally stuck out his hand and Turner shook it.
"There's only one more matter to attend to Rally."
"What's that Turner?"
"Do you want a three or a ten second head start?"
"What are you talking about Turner?"
"Well, let's see. If it wasn't for you faking your stupidity, we wouldn't have gone into Bandana Slims Haven and I wouldn't have paid that $5.50 to him for a bandana you caused Dunce to eat because you were too STUPID to give directions to the real Banana Split Heaven! Not to mention me paying for the ice cream you abandoned!"
"Oh, Turn. It didn't go to complete waste! BURP!!!!" Bob interjected.
Turner cringed and then stared at Rally.
"If the choice is mine, I'd prefer that you wouldn't give me one. Come and get me!" Rally began to step backwards and they finally began to chase him. This was the start to a long friendship.

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Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:35 am
Sam says...


This is so stupid I'm not even going to critique it. Stupid in a good way, at least lol. That's what I hope you were going for anyway...duh duh dunnn. This was sooo funny...you have to write another one like this. *shoves rock candy into mouth*
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

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Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:42 am
Elizabeth says...

LMAO STUPID IN A GOOD WAY??? ARE YOU NUTS WOMAN??? Lol, Ok I should I guess.... but it'll will probably lean towards more stupid than other... Hwy, I am a senior writer now!!! and a kindergartener speller (-_-) hokai so bad at spelling!

You're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are. Sure, they're weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. Above all, they never give up.
— Metatron