
Young Writers Society

echoes through time

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:34 am
pacu says...

Little more action packed than my other stories, 1,700 words.

He saw them waiting for him as he walked up the stairs to his flat. He thought about running, down the dark narrow flights of stairs, spilling onto the pavement then ducking down the alleyway behind Gigliotto’s but then thought better of it. Running never worked, would only buy him a few minutes, and he was feeling tired anyway. There where only two goons this time, both in identical black suits, suits that he now knew had been specially made to blend in with the fashion of the 2030s.
“Mr Withers?” The man nearest him had risen up, blocking the hallway, one hand fingering the buttons on his suit, the other hanging tensely by his side.
“Yes?” he said in his best casual voice, hoping that they weren’t what he thought they where. Debt collectors, police, even fucking quarantine would be better than that.
“Under section 302 of the Futures Act you have been detained by your future self. You are to come with us and will be released in exactly 3 hours.”
Withers felt a wave of nausea wash over his body. Three hours. Too long, far too long. It was the third session in the last eight months and he was not sure if he had the energy to last this one. What else could he do though? He’d learnt long ago that you couldn’t run from or bribe company employees. The men walked him down the flight of stairs, one on each side of him. Outside was parked a black Falcon.
Paid for by people like me, Withers thought. He was ushered into the front passenger seat, goon number one drove while goon number two slid silently into the seat behind him.
“So, can you at least tell me who is going to win the flag this year?”
The joke hadn’t been especially funny, he was too tired and scared to make it sound right but the complete lack of response grated on Withers already frayed nerves. Sure, he knew they were probably bugged so they didn’t give any of that kind of information away, but at least they could have said something.
“Gee, you really turn into a fucked up arsehole Mr Withers.”
“You’ve only got your self to blame, sir.”

It wouldn’t have been exactly comforting, but at least it would take his mind off what was about to happen.

Mike stared straight ahead, his lips curled ever so slightly into an expression of disdain. These freaks where all alike, scared snivelly guys who where ratting there way up in some boring office job. No wonder they got beat up, fuck he wouldn’t mind beating the freak up himself.
Mike tried to guess what he was doing right now, probably getting ready for that shitty job he had as a bouncer, looking at himself in the mirror in his blue jeans and tight black t shirt. He had looked better back then, had been happier to. He sometimes thought about sneaking away during these jobs for a few hours to go and see Christy. She probably wouldn’t even notice if she was drunk enough, he could go back to her apartment and…
It was a hopeless day dream though. Every fucking second you spent on travel was examined by four different nervous looking guys who kept on jabbering into his earpiece about blending in, and reminding you for the 100th time of some shitty schedule they’d written up for you. It was a shame, Christy had been a pretty amazing girl, wild, beautiful, confident. Mike wondered if he could land a girl like that now. The thought depressed him.

They were now driving through an industrial area, factories and warehouse lined both sides of the street. It was a bit past five o’clock, yet the streets were almost deserted. They passed a solitary teenager, hands thrust deep into his pockets, shoulders hunched against the cold.
The car turned left into a small empty underground car park and parked in the middle bay. Mike got out, opened the door for Withers, avoiding his eyes as best he could. He didn’t like talking to the clients, left that to Paul as much as possible. Of course Paul didn’t mind, he liked being the leader, swaggering around in those aviators that he thought made him look tough. Paul was a little bitch when it came down to it though. He was always going on about how he had to do most of the work and how Mike was slack. They both knew though that if the little freak needed carrying back to the car afterwards it would be Mike who would have to do it.

Withers was growing in excitement. He stood in the middle of the bare interrogation room, one hand in his pocket, the other clenched in a fist by his side. His heart was racing and he had a slight erection. Something that he both enjoyed and was repulsed by. The door in front of him was opened and one of the suits poked their head through the door.
“He is here now sir, shall we send him in?”
He, Withers liked the delicacy of that word. It distanced him from the snivelling wreck that was being held outside the door. Helped him to forget that every punch he was going to drive into that weak, spineless body would echo back through time to crunch into his own skull.
“Handcuff him and send him in.” Withers said. “You can wait outside.”
The suit pulled his head back through the door and nodded to someone that Withers couldn’t see. After a short pause he saw himself being thrust through the door, landing on his knees. The door clanged behind him.
Withers looked up and saw himself, a mid forties version who was fatter and balder, but undoubtedly himself. It was a strange feeling knowing that in years to come, you would grow to hate yourself with such passion. The look on his future self’s face was a mixture of intense loathing and contempt. He stood there, both hands clenched, and Withers suddenly felt certain that this would be the worst session he was ever going to go through.
“You spineless little fucking worm!”
The kick caught him square on the jaw, jarring his head backwards as he fell to one side. He wondered how the hell he was going to last three hours of this.

The interrogation room had a cheap white clock hanging over the door, it read 7 : 30. Two long hours had passed. The young Withers lay in a heap in the middle of the floor, he was bleeding from his mouth, and his arm was lying on his back in a twisted, unnatural looking position. A steady drip of blood came from a gash on his forehead, and his eyes were squeezed tightly shut. Above him the old Withers stood, a look of satisfaction on his face. The last two hours had been both exhausting and exhilarating. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cheap looking red plastic lighter.
“While I am aware that you have already suffered extreme pain, there is one more ordeal I wish to put you through.”
Withers’s voice sounded much calmer now. He spoke slowly and deliberately, as if each word had been thought over in advance. Slowly, he tilted the lighter so that the bright yellow flame licked over the metal. He stood in that position for a long time, until the silver metal began to turn red. Bending down he grabbed the arm of the unconscious heap lying at his feet. For a second, he hesitated, a shudder seemed to ripple over his body but in an instant his face was once again cold and emotionless.
“This is for the memories,” he whispered, pressing the lighter into the soft pale skin at the pit of the young Withers’s elbow.

The sun had well and truly set when the three men returned to the car. Paul walked ahead, jangling his keys in his hand. Behind him, Mike staggered under the weight of the unconscious Withers. Mike felt a little uneasy at times like this, not that he’d ever admit this to anyone. He felt real pity for Withers now, pity strengthened by the fear that he may one day go through the same thing. For anyone who worked so closely with the company, there was always the stronger temptation to use the services provided. While Mike felt no particular hatred towards who he had been in his past, he sometimes worried that as he grew older he might develop a certain masochistic streak. He wondered if in the future he’d feel he was wasting his life now, if he would look back on this period of his life as a time of wastefulness and laziness. Sometimes he thought about getting a more demanding job, or trying to re-establish contact with his daughter, stuff that he guessed his future self would care about but he hadn’t gotten around to doing anything yet. Instead he had taken to climbing up the fire escape to enter his house through the back, then stealthily peeking through the window to ensure no one was waiting for him. As he dumped Withers in the back seat his eye caught a mark on Withers’s left arm.
“Paul, take a look at what this fucker has done to himself.”
Paul leant back from the drivers seat and whistled with amazement.
“The sick little bastard.”

Upstairs Withers was preparing to leave. He had been a little rattled by today, it had been enjoyable but some part of him felt he had gone too far. Far back in his mind the slow beginnings of guilt had already began to form.
“Thank you again,” he said, a little too hurriedly to the suit at the door and began to walk towards the departure area.
“I’m afraid you cannot leave yet sir,” the suit said and moved to block his path.
“Under section 302 of the futures act you have been detained by your future self. You are to return to the interrogation room and will be released in exactly 3 hours.”

Somewhere else in the building an old man sat waiting with a steel cane in his hand. Smiling grimly, he stroked a faint scar under his left elbow.
Some things could not be forgiven.
Last edited by pacu on Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:41 am
empressoftheuniverse says...

This was amazing, pacu. I really enjoyed it.
No grammar mistakes that I noticed; the beginning was really confusing but it made sense at the end, and since the confusion was part of the reason I was interested; I'd say you did a pretty great job.
I really see the philosophy in this story; there were times when I looked back at pictures of myself and absolutely hated what I was just a few years ago.
I don't know what else to say; it was my favorite thing of yours.
Great job.
Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart.
*Le Bible
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Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:56 am
Ella_Mercy says...


This is really nice: its fantasy but its not too confusing. Its pretty sadistic, what happens in this :P but its well written as well.

I was a little confused by the characters though, do you jump from one's viewpoint to another's? If you do, try and make this clearer so that its easier to tell whose experiances are who's.

Thats the only critiscism i had to make :)

Loved it
I am not talking about the person you would die for. I am talking about to the person you would live for.


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Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:32 pm
Dubaian says...

My first review

“So, can you at least tell me who is going to win the flag this year?”

I think this needs to be explored, even just a quick reference would do. I was confused about what flag you were refering to and why it seemed like a joke to him, albeit a poor one.

"Mike stared straight ahead, his lips curled ever so slightly into an expression of disdain."

I agree with Ella that you need to make the change in points of view easier to see. Although the ending clarifies this point a little, readers should not have to read through to find out who said what. At first I believed Mike to be the first name of Mr Withers until the second sentence made me rethink who's perspective this was. Perhaps by altering the original sentence to "Mike looked over Mr Withers infront of him, his lips curled ever so slightly into an expression of disdain.", it would give a better indication of the point of view.

"Withers was growing in excitement."

The confusion of points of view resurfaces with this sentence. A quick change could be made, such as "The future Withers was growing in excitement" or something similar if it seems necessary by this point.

"he had taken to climbing up the fire escape to enter his house through the back, then stealthily peeking through the window to ensure no one was waiting for him."

Why does Mike have to use secrecy to see his own daughter? Why does the reader need to know this at this point?

Overall an interesting short story. Once I made the connections by the end it all fit very nicely. The sense of irony at the end really hits home, as if some form of justice has been dealt, even though the situation is a rather strange one. Good work.

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:15 pm
napalmerski says...

... a great story!
Tight, with iron logic in the plot, like an early Heinlein almost. Or a Sheckley :D
One thing only - spilling onto the pavement seems more like a figure of speech by a third party, rather then consious planning of immediate future movements.
In short - bravo! - i would send it to some internet mag just for the kick of it
she got a dazed impression of a whirling chaos in which steel flashed and hacked, arms tossed, snarling faces appeared and vanished, and straining bodies collided, rebounded, locked and mingled in a devil's dance of madness.
Robert Howard

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:20 pm
Calmal says...

A really intersting plot, one that craves attention. It causes a little snippet of mystery, perfect for the ideal novel. It does seem to be rather confusing at the beginning but it slowly started to make sense for thew duration. A great start!

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:24 pm
Mizzle says...

If a story have words such as this, (see above), then I suggest rating it so kids don't see.
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

Why should Caesar just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, right? Brutus is just as smart as Caesar, people totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just stab Caesar!
— Gretchen Wieners