
Young Writers Society

Exposed Chapter 1

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Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:10 am
RavenFeathered says...

Mika was never one for clubs. Especially since they were filled with brain-dead drunks like the one that had been pressing for her attention for a while now.
"Hey, sweetie," his mouth twisted into wobbly grimace. His form of a smile, apparently. "Why don't you come over here, huh?" he patted his lap while his buddy laughed and chugged down more alcohol.
Mika ignored them with practiced perfection, not even sparing a glance in his general direction. Though what she really wanted to do was punch him in his fat, sweaty throat.
Mika wandered away from the counter and into the crowd of dancing bodies, hoping something else would draw his attention before she made her fantasies real.
The flashing purple and blue lights hurt her eyes and left imprinted visions in her eyelids. Annoyingly loud Techno music droned on and filled her sensitive ears to the point where she thought they'd bleed. She was at a disadvantage because of her height, and she couldn't see where she was going with the constant shift of the crowd.
Shoving aside bodies, she reached her initial destination; the bathroom. Why Lexis brought her here raised some serious questions that needed to be answered. But, right then, she needed an escape from the chokingly familiar claustrophobic feeling that was creeping onto her.
The bathroom obviously hadn't been cleaned in a while and the putrid smells assaulted her nose. The lights were flickering and mold was slowly creeping up the tiled walls.
Sure enough, Lexis was there, lips locked with some sucker. Their actions were bordering on X-rated and she had no idea how they could do that in such a disgusting place. Mika cleared her throat. The man looked up and fled, embarrassed about being caught in the girls bathroom.
"Now, why did you have to go do something like that?" Lexis looked to the mirror, primping her ebony locks of hair, the artificially dim lights shone on her mocha skin. "I was in the zone."
"I want to go home." Mika replied curtly. "Why did you want me to come anyway?"
"You needed some time to breathe," the taller girl said, tucking curls of rebellious hair behind her pierced ears and straightening her clothes.
"Well I was still suffocating out there." She could've died in that sweaty mess of bodies, the tightly packed people of the club were merciless. She sensed some ulterior motive to Lexis's invitation, but she couldn't put her finger on it and she didn't want to prod another argument.
"You could've just told me you didn't like to club, Mika."
"I did. More than once." She objected irritably, pushing her hands underneath the lukewarm tap water. The man had grabbed her hand earlier, much to her disgust, and she didn't want his sliminess on her.
She looked up into the dirty mirror. The girl who stared back looked lifeless. Dark brown eyes, accompanied by the pronounced rings of her insomnia gazed out with an expression that could chase demons away. Her brown hair was down in a loose mess around her, it's light blue and pink highlights prominent among the dark strands. Shed only bothered to throw on her favorite hoodie and ripped jeans when Lexis made her very sudden and unexpected invitation.
"I'm going to take the car," Mika said, knowing Lexis could manage to also extract a ride from that man she was leeching on to earlier. "Give me the keys."
Even though Mika wasn't of age to drive, she trusted no cop would dare plunge into this side of Arcadia City and catch her redhanded. None have before out of fear, very justified fear, but fear no less. It wasn't gangs or mobs or terrorists they were afraid of. It was something else that whipped up more controversy and anger in the people.
Lexis tosses her the keys after rummaging around in her front pockets. "Better take care of my baby, Mika. It's the only one I could get." she said, referring to the beat-up once-blue Beetle car she's so fond of.
Mika exited the vomit-scented bathroom and forced her way through a sea of crazed people and blaring music. A girl with bleached hair tried to pull her in to dance, but was only rewarded by a withering look.
Once she was through the door and the music was stifled, she felt infinitely better. The full moon shone down on her lovingly, stars clustering, enjoying the clear sky. The air was fresh and cool, a much welcomed change from the damp atmosphere of the club.
She managed to cross the parking lot before a big hand clamped down on her shoulder.
"Where're you goin', sweetie?" It was the man from before, his alcohol-fueled breath stirring her hair. He whirled her around and pushed her up against a car, his hands on her shoulders.
"You didn't say goodbye to us, girl." the other said, eyes squinted as he stared at her, making gooseflesh rise on her arms.
"There was a reason I didn't." she replied savagely, ripping herself from his grasp, but the other caught her instead.
She could feel anger rise into her throat, along with the animalistic nature that had been nudging her all night.
Did these creeps seriously want to play?
Mika sort of hoped it wouldn't come down to this. It would mean her cover would be blown, and they'd probably run screaming to the agency and they, at least, weren't an organization to be taken lightly.
But he was really starting to push it when he closed in on her face and said, "Come on. Gimme a little kiss before you leave."
It started with a growl, and the man let go as if she was on fire.
It used to hurt when she shifted from her human body into her much preferred wolf's, but it became less and less uncomfortable until it felt as natural and easy as breathing. It was a quick process, and she was left looking up at them from her new form; a mottled brown wolf with blue and pink patches of fur; a side effect from her permanent hair dye.
Their eyes widened.
Her's narrowed into tiny slits, fur bristling as she stepped forward and they stepped back in response. Mika snapped at his leg and he jumped back further.
"She's a damn dog!" one of them exclaimed, pointing a trembling finger.
The second one tried pulling out a gun, but he was too slow. Sharp fangs lashed out and tore it away from him.
It felt good scaring them, watching them stumble away in terror. One of them yelled a promise that he would inform the agency, but Mika found that she hardly cared. She would not be ashamed about what she was, no matter what the agency said. She'd rather point that fallen gun on herself than repress it.
She was a werewolf, and she didn't give a damn what the 'people' thought.
We bring gold, we bring lust, we bring madness, we bring malice. We bring War.

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7 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:50 am
speakingofsarah says...

This has promise to it :) The only thing I'm not too sure about is the ending, it was rather flat.

Can't wait to read more!

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Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:44 pm
rayofhope says...

It made a very interesting read.It was unpredictable and interesting.The story was different and i would definitely wait for the next chapter too. :) The choice of words was great.i liked the whole story but certain parts caught my attention.Some of these were:
She could've died in that sweaty mess of bodies, the tightly packed people of the club were merciless.
a mottled brown wolf with blue and pink patches of fur; a side effect from her permanent hair dye.
I for one liked this story alot.Keep writing.:)

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:43 am
Wolfdancer95 says...

Very nice, Interesting and I like how you had it from her general POV. It was a little short (to my standards, but it maybe just the site layout) but it was a good read. A little expanding on some paragraghs to make it a little longer and more insight into Mika's head.
'I am the monster in your head.'~ Breaking Benjamin.
"Little voice I thought I got ride of? I have some advice for you: SHUT. UP."~ WolfDancer.

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Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:10 am
Ghost42 says...

Keep it going this was really good I am exited to read more. I love action addventure stories and animals so this is a perfect combination and could easyily make my top 10 fav books!
If there is one thing I never go anywhere without, it's my pencil.
Another thing, if schools don't allow wepons, then why do they allow pens? Because, if the pen is mighter than the sword, doesn't that mean the pen is a wepon too?

It's easier to come up with new stories than it is to finish the ones you already have. I think every author would feel that way.
— Stephanie Meyer