
Young Writers Society

K and H

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Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:01 am
cathy says...

I'm not quite sure where this is going, so all I want to know is if you think I should continue or not, and any comments would be welcome! I started writing this a long time ago, and edited it last week, during last week, I finished reading Anne Frank, and since then, I haven't been able to continue.


As she ran down the darkened cobbled read, she heard him call out her name. However much she loved him, she knew she couldn't’t be with him again. Her dress ripped as it caught on the brambles, and she took off her shoes so she could run faster, even though her feet were in agony. She turned down a path, running still. She stumbles on a rock and let out a gasp of pain, but she was determined to keep on going, to get away from that pain in her heart.

As she turned her head, she was a small stone cottage. An old woman was looking out the window, her clothes ragged and torn. Yet she seemed happy and content with the way her life was going. And that’s when she realized the pain would never go away.

The girl slowed down as she came to a village. Her eyes filled with tears, but they were not yet trickling down her face. Her life was going nowhere now. What had she done?

The last ten minutes had ruined the best, and worst friendship she had ever had; Craig had been kind to her for as long as she’d know him. But did she really want to spend the rest of her life with him?
She was so confused.

Dan was so gentle though. She thought of the blue eyes that never seemed unhappy and that soft brown hair the always fell into his eyes.
Why had Craig asked her to marry him? Had she led him on? Had she given him the wrong idea? The girl sat on the pavement, not noticing the rain that had started to poor, or the tears falling softly down her face.

The only people around were drunk. They walked past the girl, asking her if she was alright, but the girls reply never came. Her eyes were filled with shame and fear, and slowly, she drifted into an uncomfortable, but heavy sleep. Her dreams were filled with delusional pictures of her life, scary and confusing.

Chapter One

The girl woke with a start to the salty smell of bacon. As she opened her eyes, a fat old lady walked into the snug room. She was wearing an apron and some baggy trousers.

The girl frowned
“What am I doing here?” she whispered to herself
“Good morning! I suppose “Hello” as well! I’m Jo; my son saw you in the street last night, and couldn’t bare the though of you sleeping outside all alone, so he bought you in,”
“Oh.” the girl was shocked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t, I mean I, um… I’m Kate,” she managed to spit out. She got out of bed, and started to pull the covers neatly onto the bed.

“Stop. Now, let’s just get some food into that small stomach of yours, and then we’ll decide what to do about you! So come into the kitchen and sit down. Breakfast won’t be long.” Jo turned and walked out of the room. Kate followed her; slowly a smile filled her face as the smell of bacon became stronger.

She sat down at the large farm house table. The kitchen was big, warm, and comforting, although piles of books and paper were on every surface.
After 5 minutes, a plate emerged in front of Kate. It was filled with bacon, baked beans and an egg.

“Now, just get that into you, and you’ll feel much better,” Jo smiled. Kate felt guilty, but temptation got the better of her, and she started her breakfast as once. Half an hour had passed, and Kate eventually pushed the plate away from her and let out a huge sigh.
“Wow! That was brilliant!” she thanked Jo.
“Don’t worry about it. Now what we have to worry about is what we’re going to do with you. Can you tell me what happened last night?” Jo asked. Kate explained, and between them, they decided that Kate wasn’t going to see Craig or Dan again; they aren’t worth it. “Where do you live? I’m sure my son, Harry will take you home.” Jo said.
“About an hour or so away from here, I can take the bus if you want.”
“I’ll take you home, I don’t mind!” A voice from the door replied.

A tall slim young man was standing in the door way. It was Harry. He was wearing just a pair of boxers, and his hair was ruffled. He came in to the kitchen after his outburst, and sat opposite Kate. There eyes were fixed together, in a whole world of their own, and they only broke apart when Jo placed a plate of food in front of Harry.

“So, you picked me up off the street last night,” Kate spoke.
“It seems that way, yes,” Harry replied.
Silence filled the room, with just Kate and Harry staring into each others eyes. It was broken with a knock from the door. Jo jumped up to answer it. Standing on the door step, was Craig.

“Hello. Can I help you?” Jo asked him.
“Do you know a girl called Kate?” he asked. As soon as Kate heard his voice, she rushed to the door.
“Um; this is Craig,” Kate directed to Jo. Jo nodded, and walked away. Kate led him into the kitchen.
“What happened yesterday?” Craig pestered Kate. “Why did you just run off?” Kate went and sat back down at the table, not replying to Craig. “Say something you idiot… you know, you’re so inconsiderate, it’s unbelievably!” Craig spat.
“Hang on. Don’t you dare judge her, she’s done nothing to you,” Harry warned Craig.
“Fine,” Craig paused, “If you don’t answer me, I’ll just get out your way,” he headed for the door. Kate thought for a moment, and then said
“I’m glad. I never wanted you to find me.” Craig gave Kate one last desperate look and stormed out the door. Kate, Jo and Harry sat in silence.
“Look, I’m sorry about that,” Kate apologized. “I have to go and clear my head,” and she took off through the back door.

Chapter Two

She walked slowly down the path. The day was beautiful. Dew had settled on the plants and grass, and the sky was a deep pure blue. She got to a grassy field, and had a strong urge to lye down. So she did. She looked up at the sky, staring into nothing but pureness. It gave her a feeling of calm, a finishing point to her life at present, and a key to a new chapter in her life.

She lay there for 10 minutes of so, when she saw that same tall slim body walking slowly towards her. It lay next to her in the grass, in silence for a few minutes, and then it spoke.

“I just wanted to make sure you were OK,” Harry said. Kate gently moved herself into a sitting position, Harry following her act.
“I’m fine. I just wanted to clear my head,” she said softly. Harry took her hand and together they got up. The wandered through the field, talking about the most wonderful things.
“So, you want to go to Italy?” Harry asked.
“Yes. I suppose it’s always been my dream,” Kate thought aloud. “Why do you ask?”
“It’s always been my dream too. Just to walk down the streets, saying to myself, “I’m in Italy” would be heaven!” Harry smile and Kate laughed. “I was planning to go there this summer!” he thought for a minute. “I suppose you could accompany me!” Kate looked stunned.
“Do you really mean that?” she asked seriously.
“Of course, I have no one to go with, you want to go there as well, and so it’s obvious, isn’t it.”

They walked home together, talking about Italy. They stopped at the garden gate.
“Are you sure about this?” Kate asked Harry. They were going to tell Jo there plans as soon as they got home.
Harry hesitated for a moment, and then kissed Kate.
“Of course I’m sure,” he replied and smiled at her. They walked hand in hand into the kitchen. Jo was sitting at the kitchen table. She asked Harry if she could have a word, so Kate sat in the sitting room, and watched the telly.

She heard nothing from Jo or Harry until she was called to supper. She sat at the table and waited patiently for the haddock and peas that were coming.
Harry stumbled into the room and immediately sat down opposite Kate. He looked like he’d been crying for a long time, but Jo said nothing. Five minutes passed, and Jo eventually spoke.

“I’m sorry Kate. Harry and I aren’t really in the mood for talking. It’s just that…”
Harry stood up and walked out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him. Jo bravely carried on.
“Its just that we’ve just heard Harry’s Dad has died,” she paused. “We divorced two years ago, and since then, John has had constant heart problems. He died this morning.” she finished.
Kate sat there in silence.
“I’m so sorry,” she at last said.

She started to clear up, and as Jo didn’t stop her, she continued. As she was washing up, she though of her parents death. With out realizing, she began to cry. After 10 minutes, Harry walked in.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I guess my mum has told you…” Kate let out a loud sob. “What’s the matter?” Harry questioned. He walked over to Kate, saw her face, turned the tap off and led her to a chair.
“You know, it’s not that bad, we knew he was going to dye,”
Kate swallowed. “It’s not that. It just brings back so many memories that I just can’t handle,”
“What memories?” Harry asked, grabbing hold of Kate’s hand.
“Well… are you sure you want to hear them?” Kate asked.
“Yes, just tell me,” Harry persuaded.

“OK. It was the 22nd of November, and the day was grey. I was 14 at the time and it was the last day of school before the Christmas holidays. My Mum, Dad and I were going to Wales with the rest of my family. I was sitting in a maths class, and at 9.50, there was a knock at the door. The school sectary came in and told me my Mum was on the phone, so I got up, went to the school office and picked up the phone.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hello. You are to come home at once,” said the voice. I knew straight away it wasn’t my Mum.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You know who I am,” replied the voice. “for god sake, just come home,”
“You know I can’t, I’m at school,”
“Just hand them the phone, I’ll talk to them,” the voice said.
So I handed the reception woman the phone. A minute passed, and she eventually put the phone down.
“I’m sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Go home, I’ll mark you absent,” she said. So I said thank you, and walked home. My Mum and Dad weren’t there, but the woman on the phone was. She was standing in the kitchen.
“Do you want to see your mummy?” she said in a child’s voice.
“Where is she?” I stammered. The woman laughed.
“Follow me,” she whispered. So I did, into my Mum and Dads bedroom. They were tied to the bed. I shivered.
“Now, been a good girl, and watch this for me!” the woman smiled every. She drew out a knife. I tried to look away, but I couldn’t.” Kate paused for a moment, “The woman stabbed my mother first. Right in her heart. I can still see her face in my head. It was full of fear and resentment, pleading for someone to stop the woman. Then the woman moved on to my father. His face was some what different. It was almost praying for it to be over quickly, and the woman fore filled his wish. She stabbed him quickly in between his ribs, and he dies instantly.” Harry gasped. Kate was crying silently again. “Their clothes were soaking up the blood, but soon enough, it was on the bed, and spreading fast. I just stood there, looking from my parent to the woman in disbelief. The woman sat on the bed in between my mother and father, and looked at each one of them for a minute or two smiling. I screamed. For hours, when the police came to the house, my aunt and uncle came to take me to their house, all I could do was sit in silence or scream. I replayed the event in my head. Over and over again. I didn’t do anything to try and stop them. I just stood there and watched them dye. I did nothing. That’s the thing I couldn’t get to grips with. I didn’t do anything. I left my Aunts house 6 months ago and moved into a flat by myself. I haven’t spoken to anyone about this. No one,” Kate stopped. Harry was staring into nothing.
“I’m so so sorry,” he said at last. Jo walked in abruptly. She looked from Kate to Harry and back again, and Harry slowly repeated what Kate had just told him.
That evening was filled with thoughts about people who had passed away. Though the mood was sad, Kate and Harry explained to Jo about there trip to Italy. They wanted to go as soon as possible. Luckily Jo took it with well, and her face was filled with joy when they told her.
The next to months were hard for Harry and Kate. The booked flights and hotels in Italy, and packed to go. Although Kate hadn’t spoken to any of her family for a long time, she rang them to let them know she was going away. There date to go was the 20th March and they were both looking forward to it immensely.
Kate and Harry were taking a walk along the fields and fields of soft green grass.
“I can’t wait to get away!” Kate jumped in front of Harry. He took a step back, and then leaned forward and gave her a kiss.
“Me neither,” he replied. They kept walking hand in hand. Although Harry was being quiet, Kate was sure she was excited, maybe it was just because his Dad had just died; she wasn’t sure.
Last edited by cathy on Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There’s nothing to do, There’s nothing to see
There’s no where to go, There’s no where to be
I’m just sitting alone, In this empty room
Writing my poem, I’m over the moon

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Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:57 pm
Wiggy says...

I like the story so far! I suggest separating your paragraphs-makes for an easier read. :D
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
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Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:54 am
Certainly Love says...

First of all, I didn't like the "Do you know a girl called Kate. It should have been, "Do you happen to have come across a girl, who goes by the name Kate?" It seems only proper. If anything, I see potential.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

It is only a novel... or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language
— Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey