
Young Writers Society

Silver Tears Chapter One

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Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:08 am
CrimsonArrow says...

Chapter 1

The memory of my parents’ death still haunted my memories. I was so shocked. My parents were good people, and they never tried to hurt anyone. My parents were both heart surgeons and a few weeks before they died, one of their patients died in surgery. The murderer was the patient’s brother.
I stood behind the closet door, as the light in their eyes disappeared. The blood glistened in the moonlight and it was enough to make any person scream, but I knew I couldn’t scream because the voice inside me vanished with my parent’s lives. The blade plunged many times into each of my parents until their screaming turned into final breaths. They were almost awake, and my mother had seen me run into the closet and as she took her dying breath, she mouthed, ‘I’m sorry’ as her heart stopped beating and with the last of her energy, she closed her eyes.
The sound of the door unlocking pulled me from my memory. I turned toward the door to see my sister, Veronica, walk in the door carrying a box of pizza. She smiled and said, “Hey Karina, I got dinner!”
Veronica was two years older than me, but somehow I always came off as the older sibling. Veronica was childish, but loveable. And she looked like our beautiful mother, while I took after our father. Her hair was a flowing waterfall of gorgeous blonde hair. It fell a little past her shoulders. It had small highlights of light brown. Her eyes were deep green and were always sparkling. All of her features were small. Her figure, her legs, her torso, even her cute little nose. Her skin was soft and flawless.
I on the other hand, had curly brown hair that came down to my mid back. My eyes were green and blue mix, but mostly blue. I was about 5’8’’. I had long legs, and long arms. My skin wasn’t flawless, just pale, with lots of signs of skin damage from the sun. My features weren’t small. And my fashion was nothing compared to my sisters. She dressed like a fashion model and I dressed like someone had just rolled out of bed and thrown some clothes on. My sister wore shirts that suited her figure and jeans that complimented her legs. She had accessories and shoes. Purses to match outfits. And a smile that made every guy fall for her. I used to hate her when we were little. Because all the kids at our school used to say, “That’s Karina’s sister?! You’ve got to be joking. But this girl is gorgeous, and Karina is well…” their voice would trail off when they saw me glaring at them. Then one day, when I was sixteen, and she was eighteen, I came home to Veronica crying. I walked in to find her crying in my room. She had told me that my boyfriend, Chris, had tried to make a pass at her. I was furious at Chris but for some reason, her not participating in that made me not hate her. And I love her with all my heart.
I smiled with Veronica, “Pineapple and extra cheese?” I asked because that was always our tradition.
She smiled wider, “You know it girlfriend!” she replied.
For some reason every time she smiled I smiled, and every time she cried, I wanted to punch a wall.
She sat the box down on the glass coffee table that was in front of the couch. She sat down next to me and asked, “Are you looking forward to your trip?”
“Yeah but I’m worried.” I responded.
“Yeah, but I hope you have a good time,” she said looking down at the pizza box.
“You could of come with me,” I said, because I did offer her to come with me but she denied it.
“You know that—“she was cut off by her phone ringing.
She answered it then said, “Hello. Oh, hi, Jeff. Yeah, I’m just at home right now. No I’m not alone, I’m with my sister, yeah, Karina. Yeah, the tall one. Ok, bye” she hung up the phone.
Jeff had recently started going out with my sister and from what Veronica has told me, they have a good relationship. I want my sister, no, wait I know my sister can do better than him. Jeff is a complete idiot and couldn’t try to work hard if his life depended on it.
“What’s his problem,” I asked snidely.
“Look, I know you don’t like him but he really is a nice guy once you get to know him.” She said. Famous last words, I thought.
Veronica put the phone back in her pocket and smiled at me, “Karina, you need a boyfriend.”
“Why? I’m about to leave for Scotland and the last thing I need is a guy weighing my mind down.” I responded, “Yeah, and I think guys will go out with me just to by with you.”
Veronica smiled but didn’t comment as we ate our pizza and watched Law and Order.
The next morning, I woke up early to catch my flight. I quickly changed into dark denim jeans, and a grey collared shirt. I threw a bagel in the toaster oven and grabbed my suitcase, making sure not to wake up Veronica. Once my bagel was done, I spread cream cheese on it and ran out of the apartment to the elevator. I rode it down to the lobby where I got into a cab that I had called to arrange yesterday. I rode down to LAX where I was going to catch a plane to Atlanta then Edinburgh. The city was very different at night. More lights illuminate the city than the stars and moon do. The city at night always felt more….damp to me at night. The lights and the dark sky all seem to blend together at night, and I always felt night was a magical time.
I paid the cab driver and walked into the airport, where I checked in and went through security. I was walking to my gate when I thought I saw my parents at a Starbucks. I turned and realized it was just some random people. They looked at me, and I smiled and they smiled back. It was just a friendly gesture. They probably didn’t remember it in an hour, but I did.
At the gate, I sat down and watched the news. I remembered the melancholy of they days that came after my parents’ death. I remember watching them, and the life disappearing from their eyes. It was a scary feeling. Veronica wasn’t there the night of their death, she had been at her friend’s house for a party and hadn’t come home yet. I had stayed home, and when I heard the door opening, I thought it was Veronica, so I went into my parents room to try and wake them up to see her. When I saw the reflection of the blade, I panicked and hid in their closet and watched the entire scene. I remembered watching the news in the days that followed. When they finally convicted the murderer, I didn’t feel any safer. Veronica simply went on living, but I still felt their lives vanishing within me. Even two years later, I was still in a depressed mood most of my life. And that’s when I received a letter from my grandmother on my mother’s side. She wanted us to come visit her in Scotland, but Veronica was to involved with her relationship to go, so I went by myself instead.
As I sat there in that gate I felt tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I blinked a few times and looked at my boarding pass. Then the gate agent called up my section and I stoop up to get in the line for the airplane.
In Atlanta, I quickly had to rush to the next gate to meet my flight to Edinburgh. When I got to the gate they had just called my zone. I was so relieved that I had made it. After I put my luggage in the over head bin, I remembered that I promised to call Veronica once I got to Atlanta. I pulled out my phone and dialed. The phone rang and rang but she never picked up, so I left her a short voicemail, telling her that I was in Atlanta on my way to Scotland. I buckled my seat belt and fell asleep.
When I woke up I heard the pilot saying that we were cleared to land. I was confused about how I slept the whole way over here but I did and I was here in Scotland. When we landed, I practically ran to customs and immigration. It went by fast and I was walking to an exit when I saw an older woman holding a sign with ‘Karina Duncan’ written on it. I walked over to her and said, “Hi, I’m Karina. I’m your granddaughter.”
My grandmother didn’t say anything just started to tear up and then hugged me. She was short and skinny. She was wearing a purple cardigan and a plain blue shirt. She was wearing a long black skirt and ugly brown slip on shoes with white socks. Her grey hair was pulled up in a bun and her eyes sparkled with the same deep green happiness as Veronica’s eyes did. She started to mumble very quickly, then she took my hand and pulled me to the exit where she parked her small silver car. I put my suit case in the trunk and sat down in the passengers seat. Then my grandmother sped off to the city.
Last edited by CrimsonArrow on Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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45 Reviews

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Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:32 am
nativecatcher says...

In general I really like your story, I think it has potential to be something special. The only thing I have to say is that at some points I felt it didn't flow that well and that I was reading an entire paragraph even though it was really sentence, but I do like your characters already, which rarely happens instantly for me. I think if you make the sentences flow better it would be more enjoyable to read, but I must say I will keep tabs on this novel :)
Follow your bliss.-J.Campbell

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Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:35 pm
sidewalkrunner says...

It's a nice story, it really is, and it has all the potential in the world. I just think that the flow could be a little bit better and the beginning of the story didn't really drag me in as much as I would have liked to. If you had started the story with an awesome flash back of the murder of the main characters parents it would have been rocking. But at the same time we got to know the main character pretty good during this introduction.

It's a good story and you should continue with it! I would love to read the continue!

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:57 am
AngelKnight900 says...

I agree with your previous reviewers. This does have potential but it has some flow issues. I struggle with the same thing. What I recommend is for you to put commas instead of periods between sentences because you're going into a sentence and then you stop it when you had a chance to add a little bit of more detail. Also,

She was short and skinny. She was wearing a purple cardigan and a plain blue shirt. She was wearing a long black skirt and ugly brown slip on shoes with white socks. Her grey hair was pulled up in a bun and her eyes sparkled with the same deep green happiness as Veronica’s eyes did. She started to mumble very quickly

This is how it should have gone because you have said 'she' a little too much in here.

She was short and skinny, wearing a purple cardigan and a plain blue shirt along with a long black shirt and ugly brown slip on shoes with white socks. Her grey hair was pulled up in a bun and her green eyes had that same sparkle of happiness that was also in Veronica's eyes. She started to mumble very quickly

This is how I would have put it but you're the author here. Good luck with your future chapters. Keep writing.
True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate.
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Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:55 am
kayrose says...

I like the plot a lot. And you broke it into paragraphs, which some people forget to do. In the beginning I think you could add some more detail to her flashback and how she felt after she saw it. For example I give some detail about the killer, was he wearing a mask, did he see her? Also I would describe her actions during it.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:31 pm
MissingAngel says...

I think this has a really good plot and has great potential. I think it could have flowed a little bit better in the beginning, like if you had added a bit more detail to the flashback, but we got to know the main character pretty well regardless of that. I also enjoyed how you mentioned her relationship with her sister.

In the last sentence I think you could have added comas or an and instead of periods to make it flow a little better. You also used the word 'she' a lot. I hope you keep writing this. You are a very good author. :)

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:29 pm
Priceless says...

Hi there,

The memory of my parents’ death still haunted my memories. I was so shocked. My parents were good people, and they never tried to hurt anyone. My parents were both heart surgeons and a few weeks before they died, one of their patients died in surgery. The murderer was the patient’s brother.

The first sentences are supposed to grab a reader. They're supposed to be the most interesting, and the most exciting. They're supposed to make the reader really want to continue reading. These do not cut it. 'I was shocked' is a telling sentence. It falls flat. The rest of the paragraph is boring, and you're just telling us right away the parents' background and stuff. We don't need info. We want action. Sprinkle information throughout the story later.
I stood behind the closet door, as the light in their eyes disappeared. The blood glistened in the moonlight and it was enough to make any person scream, but I knew I couldn’t scream because the voice inside me vanished with my parent’s lives.

Remove the comma after 'closet door', and I love these sentences. Nice stuff :)

The blade plunged many times into each of my parents until their screaming turned into final breaths

You can't just skip over the most important part of the scene like that! Go into more detail. Describe exactly what was going on, describe every scream, every stab, every thought, every piece of shock, pain and horror that the character felt. Make us gasp, or want to cry. Make us feel sorry for her and like her. The next part of the sentence is pretty though.

Veronica was two years older than me, but somehow I always came off as the older sibling. Veronica was childish, but loveable. And she looked like our beautiful mother, while I took after our father. Her hair was a flowing waterfall of gorgeous blonde hair. It fell a little past her shoulders. It had small highlights of light brown. Her eyes were deep green and were always sparkling. All of her features were small. Her figure, her legs, her torso, even her cute little nose. Her skin was soft and flawless.
I on the other hand, had curly brown hair that came down to my mid back. My eyes were green and blue mix, but mostly blue. I was about 5’8’’. I had long legs, and long arms. My skin wasn’t flawless, just pale, with lots of signs of skin damage from the sun. My features weren’t small. And my fashion was nothing compared to my sisters. She dressed like a fashion model and I dressed like someone had just rolled out of bed and thrown some clothes on. My sister wore shirts that suited her figure and jeans that complimented her legs. She had accessories and shoes. Purses to match outfits. And a smile that made every guy fall for her. I used to hate her when we were little. Because all the kids at our school used to say, “That’s Karina’s sister?! You’ve got to be joking. But this girl is gorgeous, and Karina is well…” their voice would trail off when they saw me glaring at them. Then one day, when I was sixteen, and she was eighteen, I came home to Veronica crying. I walked in to find her crying in my room. She had told me that my boyfriend, Chris, had tried to make a pass at her. I was furious at Chris but for some reason, her not participating in that made me not hate her. And I love her with all my heart.

Is this after their parents death? I'm assuming yes, and so..I didn't like these. Would a person really be thinking about all this after their parents' death? Unless it's been a really long time since Karina's parents died. Also, telling telling telling. We don't need to know all this, not now, and especially not in one go. Like I said earlier, sprinkle these throughout the story. Mention Karina's long legs somewhere, and her pale skin somewhere else. Hope you get me? And never tell us exactly what the characters look like, leave it to our imagination. ;)

For some reason every time she smiled I smiled, and every time she cried, I wanted to punch a wall.

Get rid of this sentence, it just sounds wrong.

“You could of have come with me,” I said, because I did offer her to come with me but she denied it.

“What’s his problem?” I asked snidely.

“Look, I know you don’t like him but he really is a nice guy once you get to know him,"she said. Famous last words, I thought.

The whole her getting up early and going to the airport is really long, unecessary and rushed. We don't need all that. It doesn't help the story in anyway. Maybe fast forward to the part where she sits at the gate and remembers her parents.
In Atlanta, I quickly had to rush to the next gate to meet my flight to Edinburgh. When I got to the gate they had just called my zone. I was so relieved that I had made it. After I put my luggage in the over head bin, I remembered that I promised to call Veronica once I got to Atlanta. I pulled out my phone and dialed. The phone rang and rang but she never picked up, so I left her a short voicemail, telling her that I was in Atlanta on my way to Scotland. I buckled my seat belt and fell asleep.

Telling again. You're just telling us what happened. You're not showing it, writing it as it happens, y'know? For example, the part where she calls her sister. I think it would look better if you wrote that scene directly.
She was short and skinny. She was wearing a purple cardigan and a plain blue shirt. She was wearing a long black skirt and ugly brown slip on shoes with white socks. Her grey hair was pulled up in a bun and her eyes sparkled with the same deep green happiness as Veronica’s eyes did.

I guess you can see why this was bad, since I gave you a bashing about it up there. xD I repeat, don't tell us exactly what the character looks like and is wearing. Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle, like salt. :D You wouldn't dump a whole amount of salt in food, right? ;)
And that part felt a little rushed, like you're just telling us what happened and getting it over with. Slow it down. Describe a little more, I don't know.

Overall, I think the murder scene would make a very intriguing beginning. Maybe describe the scene in detail as the first chapter/prologue? Keep writing, this looks like it has loads of potential! ^.^
We're all a little weird. And life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

You wanna be a writer? You don't know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.
— Paul Simon