
Young Writers Society

When We Grow Up - Chapter Three

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:46 pm
Maisie says...

I was out in the hallway, pacing up and down and trying to calm myself down. Breathe. Don’t cry, don’t cry. That’s precisely what she wants you to do. I catch my breathe, sitting against the wall, my head in my hands. Mr Collins comes out of the classroom, and glances over at me, strides over, and crouches on the floor to see if I’m okay.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just me being stupid.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” I assure him.
“Okay, well, I have to sort Kimberly out. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m okay, don’t worry about me. I’ve fought these battles for the past five years. I think it’s just the shock, you know?”
He nods and smiles, stands up and walks back into his classroom. A second later, Lucas walks out. “You did brilliantly, by the way.” He smiles.
I chuckle lightly. “Before I stormed out, filled with embarrassment?”
“Yeah, well, everyone around here knows what Kimberly is like.” He says, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hallway.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He smiles.
My expression mirrors his. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
He laughs. “Just give me a call if you need me, yeah?”
“In a heartbeat.” I say.
He stands up, and sighs as he does so. “Give me a hug, you.”
He leans down a little bit and wraps his arms around me, and I instinctively smile.
“You’ll be okay, kiddo.” He whispers, untangles himself from me and wanders in the opposite direction. I smile as I watch him walk away. He seems like the only person who ever really understood me.

Getting home was the worst part. I kept filling up with tears, I kept telling people I was going to be okay, and geniunely thought I was going to be okay. But, after all, Kimberly was right. I was everything she said I was, but I was happy being that way. And anyway, who said that was such a crime?

I pushed through the front door Mum and Sarah were standing around the kitchen having their general chats as usual. As they notice me, they both turn and beam at me.
“How was your debate in English today.” They both say in perky unison.
“Don’t ask.” I sigh, heavily and make my way upstairs.
I sit against my closed bedroom door, pulling my knees up to my chin and everything floods out of me, the tears, the pain, the embarrassment and all the angst that I ever felt. Tears keep falling, and I feel like I’m falling alongside them. Into a deep pit of self pity. Yes, I know, I know. Self pity doesn’t do anyone any good. I’m aware of that detail, but today, to me, it is rather insignificant.
I wipe the tears, catch my breath and hurriedly search for my phone. Ugh, battery is dead.
Could things get any better worse?
“Honey, it’s Mum.” She says from the other side of the door.
I exhale and remain silent.
Sarah calls to me. “Come on, sis. We know you’re in there. Just let us in, we want to help you.”
I say nothing.
“Fine, if you’re going to be like that, there is only one person we can call." Sarah shouts from the other side of the door.
I say nothing. Nobody and I mean nobody could make me feel better about this situation.


The football pitch is huge, I stand in the middle of it and stand in awe.
"Come on, mate." Freddie McLawson shouts from the goalpost. "Are we practicing or what?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry mate just distracted that's all."
"What's this about?" He shouts from the goalpost.
I walk to the goalpost where he is standing.
"Is this about Erin?"
I sigh, nodding.
"When are you ever going to tell her all the things you've been telling me and Toby for the past, I don't know, three years?" He shouts again. I seem to think that he and his family only came with one setting - loud. His twin brother, Toby is exactly he same. Put them two together and it is hardly bearable. Today it's a surprise I haven't told him to shut up.
"Freddie, it's been eight months." I say, matter-of-factly.
"Twelve, and you, me and Toby now it." He rolls his eyes.
I feel my phone ring in my pocket.
"Wait a sec, mate." I smile, and turn round to face the other goalpost.
"Hey, Lucas it's Sarah."
"Hi." I say. "Wait, is Erin okay? You only ring me if there's something wrong."
"Get here as soon as you can."

"Erin, come on. Let me in, please?" I hear his voice from the other side of the door, he sounds like he's about to give up.
"Luc, please. Just…it's just me overreacting, don't worry about me." I sigh.
"Yeah, well, it's pretty hard not to when you're my best friend, eh?"
I laugh at this one.
"Fancy letting me in and we can sort this all out?"
"If I let you in, will you promise to stop being soppy?"
"It's in my nature, I can't help it, you know me."
"Sadly, yes." I laugh.
I reach up from a sitting position and grab the handle, opening the door ever so slightly.
I look at him and every bit of pain and sadness comes back again.
He walks in, looking at me with the most sympathetic expression on his face.
"Come here, you." He says in a calming voice, arms open wide and instantly, I fall into them, as he wraps his arms around me, I feel as if I am now protected from all the bad things in the world.
“I just don’t understand why people do this.” I say, my voice muffled in his jacket.
“Do what?” He whispers.
“Make people feel as if they’re worth nothing.”
“Bad things happen to good people, Erin. There is no justice to that, but it happens, we don’t know why, but it does. I think it’s to make sure we are strong enough to get through any situation put in our path. I know you’re strong enough to get through anything, you just don’t know it.”
“It’s just so hard, you know? Dealing with all of the prejudices that I am put through.” A tear starts to descend across my cheek.
“Believe me, you are strong enough.”
“I’m just glad you are here with me.” I say, with a slight smile.
“I’m here whenever you need me.” He says matter-of-factly. “Forget Kimberly, she just gets a thrill out of making you feel bad about yourself, and you sitting here all alone, must make her feel victorious, because she believes she’s beaten you. I suggest you dust yourself off, put a smile on that beautiful fare of yours and carry on.”
I sigh, smiling. “You’re right, I’m better than this. Now, come on. Let’s go get a movie, pizza, call Demi and have one of our movie nights, you know how much they cheer me up.”
He chuckles to himself.
“What?” I smile.
“That’s my girl.”
I smirk, and squeeze him around the waist once more.

After a night of movies, pizza and being surrounded by my best friends, you suddenly begin to realise that you are completely blessed to have the people in your life, the people that stuck around through everything, the people who make life all that little bit more special - well, that’s how it went for me anyway.
Lucas sits on the couch, his arm curled around the massive bowl of popcorn. “So, what movie are we watching?”
“The Notebook!” Demi enthusiastically offers.
“Normally, I would second that suggestion, but I’m not in the mood for your soppy romances, Dem.” I smirk.
My head rests on a pillow which is placed on Lucas’ knee.
“I object!” Demi turns and glares at me, jokingly.
“Overruled!” Lucas shouts back in protest.
This was their usual banter, and of course, it was all good natured well, except when Demi wanted to watch every single soppy romance possible.
We all laugh and then Lucas looks at me and smiles. “What do you want to watch?”
“I picked last week.” I say. “It’s Demi’s turn.”
“Yeah, I know that.” He sighs heavily. “But when Demi picks the same one every other week, it gets rather irritating.”
Demi smiles at me as she notices my head rest ing on Lucas’ knee.
“What?” I smile.
She winks at me. “Nothing.”
She turns back to the TV.
“Ugh, I hate how you two always pick the rom coms!” Lucas exclaims, putting his hand over his eyes.
“Stop complaining!” Demi almost shouts from where she is sitting on the floor, sitting against the sofa Lucas and I are sprawled across.
“Finding Nemo?” I suggest.
“What are you, five?” Lucas smirks, making a face and teasing me.
“Hey! I love that movie!”

So, we sat and watched Finding Nemo, whilst I lead across the couch resting on Lucas’ knee, Demi sprawled across the carpet.
Now, I realise that I am in my element. My best friends. The only people I need. In the middle of watching the movie, I feel his free arm curl around my shoulder. I fall into his warm embrace and suddenly realise it’s time to tell him how I feel.

Lucas: I wish I had the guts to tell her how I feel, I think to myself, as I take a strand of her hair between my finger and thumb and twirl it around my index finger gently.

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167 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 7459
Reviews: 167
Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:33 am
confetti says...

I was out in the hallway, pacing up and down and trying to calm myself down. Breathe. Don’t cry, don’t cry. That’s precisely what she wants you to do. I catch my breathe breath, as I sitting sit against the wall with my head in my hands. Mr. Collins comes out of the classroom, (no comma) and glances over at me, strides over, and crouches on the floor to see if I’m okay.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just me being stupid.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.(comma)” I assure him.

“Okay, well, I have to sort Kimberly out. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m okay, don’t worry about me. I’ve fought these battles for the past five years. I think it’s just the shock, you know?”

He nods and smiles, stands up and walks back into his classroom. A second later, Lucas walks out. “You did brilliantly, by the way.” He smiles.

I chuckle lightly. “Before I stormed out, filled with embarrassment?”

“Yeah, well, everyone around here knows what Kimberly is like.(comma)” He says, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hallway.


“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He smiles.

My expression mirrors his. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

He laughs. “Just give me a call if you need me, yeah?”

“In a heartbeat.(comma)” I say.

He stands up, and sighs as he does so. “Give me a hug, you.”

He leans down a little bit and wraps his arms around me, and I instinctively smile.

“You’ll be okay, kiddo.(comma)” He whispers, untangles himself from me, and wanders in the opposite direction. I smile as I watch him walk away. He seems like the only person who ever really understood understands me. You change tenses here, from present to past. You need to choose one or the other, you cannot use both. Go back from here and below and fix it.

Getting home was the worst part. I kept filling up with tears, I kept telling people I was going to be okay, and geniunely thought I was going to be okay. But, after all, Kimberly was right. I was everything she said I was, but I was happy being that way. And anyway, who said that was such a crime?

I pushed through the front door. Mum and Sarah were standing around the kitchen having their general chats as usual. As they notice me, they both turn and beamat me.

“How was your debate in English today.(comma)they both say in perky unison.

“Don’t ask.” I sigh,(no comma) heavily and make my way upstairs.

I sit against my closed bedroom door, pulling my knees up to my chin and everything floods out of me, the tears, the pain, the embarrassment and all the angst that I ever felt. Tears keep falling, and I feel like I’m falling alongside them. Into a deep pit of self pity. Yes, I know, I know. Self pity doesn’t do anyone any good. I’m aware of that detail, but today, to me, it is rather insignificant.

I wipe the tears, catch my breath and hurriedly search for my phone. Ugh, the battery is dead.

Could things get any better worse?

“Honey, it’s Mum. (comma)” She says from the other side of the door.

I exhale and remain silent.

Sarah calls to me. (comma)“Come on, sis. We know you’re in there. Just let us in, we want to help you.”

I say nothing.

“Fine, if you’re going to be like that, there is only one person we can call.(comma)" Sarah shouts from the other side of the door.

I say nothing. Nobody and I mean nobody could make me feel better about this situation.


The football pitch is huge, I stand in the middle of it and stand You use stand too repetitively here in awe.

"Come on, mate.(comma)" Freddie McLawson shouts from the goalpost. "Are we practicing or what?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry mate just distracted that's all."

"What's this about?" he shouts from the goalpost. You repeat yourself here, we already know that he is shouting it from the goalpost, no need to say it twice.

I walk to the goalpost where he is standing. You sure want us to know that he's standing near a goalpost, don't you? I would change this to "I walk towards him." We already know he's by a goalpost (as you've told us three times now), there's no need to mention it again.

"Is this about Erin?"

I sigh, nodding.

"When are you ever going to tell her all the things you've been telling me and Toby for the past, I don't know, three years?" He shouts again. Why is he shouting? Are they not standing near each other now? Not to mention, I doubt Lucas wants his personal life shouted on a football field. I seem to think that he and his family only came with one setting - loud. His twin brother, Toby, is exactly he same. Put them two together and it is hardly bearable. Today it's a surprise that I haven't told him to shut up.

"Freddie, it's been eight months.(comma)" I say, matter-of-factly.

"Twelve, and you, me and Toby know it." He rolls his eyes.

I feel my phone ring in my pocket.

"Wait a sec, mate." I smile, and turn round to face the other goalpost.


"Hey, Lucas it's Sarah."

"Hi.(comma)" I say. "Wait, is Erin okay? You only ring me if there's something wrong."

"Get here as soon as you can."


"Erin, come on. Let me in, please?" I hear his voice from the other side of the door, he sounds like he's about to give up.

"Luc, please. Just…it's just me overreacting, don't worry about me." I sigh.

"Yeah, well, it's pretty hard not to when you're my best friend, eh?"

I laughat this one.

"Fancy letting me in and we can sort this all out?"

"If I let you in, will you promise to stop being soppy?"

"It's in my nature, I can't help it, you know me."

"Sadly, yes." I laugh.

I reach up from a sitting position and grab the handle, opening the door ever so slightly.

I look at him and every bit of pain and sadness comes back again.

He walks in, looking at me with the most sympathetic expression on his face.

"Come here, you.(comma)" He says in a calming voice, arms open wide and instantly, I fall into them,(period) as he wraps his arms around me, I feel as if I am now protected from all the bad things in the world. This is very generic and very bland-sounding.

“I just don’t understand why people do this.(comma)” I say, my voice muffled in his jacket.

“Do what?” he whispers.

“Make people feel as if they’re worth nothing.”

“Bad things happen to good people, Erin. There is no justice to that, but it happens, we don’t know why, but it does. I think it’s to make sure we are strong enough to get through any situation put in our path. I know you’re strong enough to get through anything, you just don’t know it.”

“It’s just so hard, you know? Dealing with all of the prejudices that I am put through.” A tear starts to descend across I would change this to down. Tears do not flow in random directions. my cheek.

“Believe me, you are strong enough.”

“I’m just glad you are here with me.(comma)” I say, with a slight smile.

“I’m here whenever you need me.(comma)he says matter-of-factly. “Forget Kimberly, she just gets a thrill out of making you feel bad about yourself, and you sitting here all alone, must make her feel victorious, because she believes she’s beaten you. I suggest you dust yourself off, put a smile on that beautiful fare of yours and carry on.”

I sigh, smiling. “You’re right, I’m better than this. Now, come on. Let’s go get a movie, pizza, call Demi and have one of our movie nights, you know how much they cheer me up.”

He chuckles to himself.

“What?” I smile.

“That’s my girl.”

I smirk,(no comma) and squeeze him around the waist once more.

After a night of movies, pizza and being surrounded by my best friends, you suddenly begin to realise that you are completely blessed to have the people in your life, the people that stuck around through everything, the people who make life all that little bit more special - well, that’s how it went for me anyway.

Lucas sits on the couch, his arm curled around the massive bowl of popcorn. “So, what movie are we watching?”

“The Notebook!” Demi enthusiastically offers.

“Normally, I would second that suggestion, but I’m not in the mood for your soppy romances, Dem.” I smirk.

My head rests on a pillow which is placed on Lucas’ knee.

“I object!” Demi turns and glares at me, jokingly.

“Overruled!” Lucas shouts back in protest.

This was their usual banter, and of course, it was all good natured well, except when Demi wanted to watch every single soppy romance possible.

We all laugh and then Lucas looks at me and smiles. “What do you want to watch?”

“I picked last week.(comma)” I say. “It’s Demi’s turn.”

Alright, so.
First of all, I noticed that you're not very handy when it comes to dialogue. Here's something that would definitely help: topic44898.html
You change tenses a lot. Pick one and stick to it like glue.
Your writing overall is very generic, very bland, and not very descriptive. This story itself is already filled with cliches, and is cliche as a whole (best friends fall in love, yadda yadda), so to make it a good story, the writing has to be fabulous. Yours just isn't up to par. But that's fine, that's what this site is for.
One last thing I wanted to mention is: I would suggest taking out Lucas's thoughts at the end. It's so short and pointless that it adds nothing to your story. We already know how he feels about her.
I hope this helped, have a jolly good day!
"So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads."
— Dr. Seuss

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Reviews: 6
Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:44 am
Maisie says...

Thank you for your constructive criticism!

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8 Reviews

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Points: 1293
Reviews: 8
Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:06 pm
TheGatherer says...

I agree with confetti except in these two points:

confetti wrote:He whispers, untangles himself from me, and wanders in the opposite direction.

There's no need to add that comma...

confetti wrote:Why is he shouting? Are they not standing near each other now? Not to mention, I doubt Lucas wants his personal life shouted on a football field.

You make your point in what you say next, but you could still change some verbs to add some variety.

There are two main points I agree with:
  • There's a problem with the commas and capitalisation in dialogue (the link explains it very well)
  • the way you wrote this is not the best, according to what's needed for its theme.

Now, personally, I don't agree with the way you narrate your story. I'll explain myself:

First of all, you relate it from two perspectives, which is rather confusing. I suggest you try writing from an omniscient third-person perspective.

Second, I don't find your facts realistic. OK, it's fiction. Still, I can't believe two persons can get along so well without being in a relationship. I mean, how can friendship allow that? It makes me so jealous...

Anyway, last but not least, the theme is not bad, yes, but there's a problem with the way you tell it. My main problem is not with the short descriptions, but with the language you use. Here are some words I feel like looking up to: stride, perky (informal), fancy (BrE, informal), soppy (especially BrE), matter-of-factly, dust off (?), second (informal), banter, rom coms (what the heck is this?), sprawled (?), strand.

To end my review, I'll add some things I think confetti missed...

I’m positive.(comma)” I assure him.

Okay, well, I have to sort Kimberly out. Are you sure you’re okay?”

He seems like the only person who ever really understood understands me.

I was everything she said I was, but I was happy being that way. (dash) And anyway, who said that was such a crime?

After this you should put something to separate the scenes.

I kept telling people I was going to be okay, and genuinely thought I was going to be okay.

For two paragraphs you change tenses to past, but then you return to present. This would be understandable with the correct separation between the scenes. I see what you mean, the action starts when they turn after she enters, that's why I hadn't noticed it before...

Tears keep falling, and I feel like I’m falling alongside (with) them. (no period) Into a deep pit of self pity... Yes, I know, I know. Self pity doesn’t do anyone any good. (an exclamation mark wouldn't hurt...) I’m aware of that detail, (no comma) but today, to me, it that is rather insignificant

Could things get any better worse? (It's a difficult choice, I know, but you can't put both...)

I exhale and remain silent. (She's not with a doctor, so maybe she could just sigh?)

Nobody (dash) and I mean nobody (dash) could make me feel better about this situation.

Lucas: (This is just the worst way you can change narrators, it reminds me a play...)

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry (comma) mate (period) Just distracted -- that's all..." (This is the second time you're using mate)

Put them two together and it is hardly bearable (or put both together). Today it's a surprise that I haven't told him to shut up.

I can't see what sport it is (okay, it got a goalpost, but what else?) nor whether Freddie is the coach or a teammate. I suppose it's the former because of the he treats him (mate and shut up). In case he's the later, that's just not the way you should treat a coach...

"Freddie, it's been eight months.(comma) (no, we need emotion here -- exclamation mark)" I say, matter-of-factly.

I feel my phone ring in my pocket.

Is it allowed to have your phone in your pocket during training? Poor phone...

I reach up from a sitting position and grab the handle, opening the door ever so slightly.

I can't understand this... So, she's sitting in the bed, then she stretches herself to the door and grabs the handle. Still, she can hold the handle strong enough to just open it slightly. she must be really good, or I'm just in bad shape...! What I mean is this: wouldn't it be easier to just get up, go to the door and unlock it? He could open it anyway...

I look at him and every bit of pain and sadness comes back again.

Typical case of telling: show, don't tell.

"Come here, you.(comma)" He says in a calming voice, arms open wide and instantly, I fall into them,(period) as he wraps his arms around me, I feel as if I am now protected from all the bad things in the world. This is very generic and very bland-sounding.

I agree, it's getting worse...

“Bad things happen to good people, Erin. There is no justice to that, but it happens, we don’t know why, but it does. I think it’s to make sure we are strong enough to get through any situation put in our path. I know you’re strong enough to get through anything, you just don’t know it.”

He seems a priest... wait, is he...? (he doesn't seem to be mature enough to say these things, or maybe it's just too cliché...)

“It’s just so hard, you know? Dealing with all of the prejudices that I am put through.”

I don't agree with this use of the word prejudice. Maybe just take it out?

“Forget Kimberly, (period) she just gets a thrill out of making you feel bad about yourself, (ellipsis) and you sitting here all alone, (no comma) must make her feel victorious, because she believes she’s beaten you. I suggest you dust yourself off, put a smile on that beautiful face of yours and carry on.”

The dust thing makes her feel like some kind of furniture, doesn't it?

“You’re right, I’m better than this (her). Now, come on. Let’s go get a movie, pizza, call Demi and have one of our movie nights, (period)you know how much they you cheer me up.”

you + she = you

He chuckles to himself.

“That’s my girl.”

A priest, a father, what else can he be...?

I smirk,(no comma) and squeeze him around the waist once more.

Is she too small or is just getting naughty...?

You should put something to separate here too...

After a night of movies, pizza and being surrounded by my best friends, you suddenly begin to realise that you are completely blessed to have the people in your life, the people that stuck around through everything, the people who make life all that little bit more special - well, that’s how it went for me anyway.

This seems to be kind of a trailer of what's going to happen next. It's completely disconnected, though...

My head rests on a pillow which is placed on Lucas’ knee.

So, Lucas sits, puts a pillow on his knees (why on Earth would he do that?) and then Erin rests her head on that pillow. Truly romantic! I'm jealous...

Demi smiles at me as she notices my head rest+ing on Lucas’ knees.

What, why isn't she jealous too? If I were Demi, I'd be truly disgusted! "Oy! What do you think you two are doing?" I'd say, "Is it movie or cuddling night? Get a place, jeez! You should be ashamed of yourself." or, at least, "You're not doing that with me here, won't you?"

By the way, I think confetti missed the rest...

“Yeah, I know that.” He sighs heavily. “But when Demi picks the same one every other week, it gets rather irritating.”
Demi smiles at me as she notices my head rest ing on Lucas’ knee.
“What?” I smile.
She winks at me. “Nothing.” (this is so naughty!)
She turns back to the TV.
“Ugh, I hate how you two always pick the rom coms! I have no idea what he's talking about... ” Lucas exclaims, putting his hand over his eyes.
“Stop complaining!” Demi almost shouts from where she is sitting on the floor, sitting against the sofa. Lucas and I are sprawled across. I'm not going to tell you what this looks like...
“Finding Nemo?” I suggest.
“What are you, five?” Lucas smirks, making a face and teasing me.
“Hey! I love that movie!”
And then...?

So, we sat and watched Finding Nemo, whilst too formal!I lead laid across the couch resting on Lucas’ knee, Demi sprawled across the carpet. How selfish!
Now, I realise that I am in my element. My best friends. The only people I need. Show. don't tell! In the middle of watching the movie, I feel his free arm curl around my shoulder. I fall into his warm embrace and suddenly realise it’s time to tell him how I feel. "Eureka!", I shout (Just kidding... I mean, this is just not the kind of ideas I have all of a sudden...

Lucas: I wish I had the guts to tell her how I feel, I think to myself, as I take a strand of her hair between my finger and thumb and twirl it around my index finger gently. This is the thing that makes me think it would be perfect if this was related by a third-person narrator...

I'm sorry if I became too harsh, but, after all of this, I was getting tired and when I'm tired I start making silly jokes. I hope you can take something useful from my review (like some mistakes you'll look for next time) and good luck with anything you decide to write next...

Don't hesitate to PM me or post on my wall to say something you need. Even if it's for thanking me for reviewing you...

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that life's going to launch you into something great, so just focus and keep aiming.
— Unknown

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Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:08 pm
Rocklobster says...

Okay. I really, really, really love this. I sort of have a soft spot for "best friend" romances, and I for one think they're amazing, not cliche (okay, they're kind of cliche, but in a good way.) I can't wait for the next chapter, I think this is wonderful! Keep writing!
when i was five, i was asked what i wanted to be when i grew up.
i said happy.
they said i didn't understand the question.
i said they didn't understand life. --john lennon <3

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Reviews: 3
Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:26 pm
NightStormxd says...

This is really good.
It gives a really good mind movie and i really like that. Its like i dont have to work so hard to get what you mean!
Keep writing!!!

Fly On~ Raven

*cries into coffee*
— LadyLizz