
Young Writers Society


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32 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 152
Reviews: 32
Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:54 pm
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herbalhour says...

a slice-of-life story following relationship tropes of many cute ships such as:
romance novelist x horror enthusiast!!!
Last edited by herbalhour on Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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215 Reviews

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Points: 11109
Reviews: 215
Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:37 pm
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EllieMae says...

Spoiler! :
Excited to see what you write, Herb <333 You got this!!
”Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards (so you might as well do Duolingo ).”

Was ailah2005
Then AilahEvelynMae
and is now EllieMae

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245 Reviews

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Reviews: 245
Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:21 am
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Spearmint says...

Spoiler! :
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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1162 Reviews

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Reviews: 1162
Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:10 am
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Carlito says...

a continuation of your nano project or something brand new?
either way, best of luck this camp!! :D :D
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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1488 Reviews

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Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:13 am
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IcyFlame says...

I keep checking this thread to see what you're gonna change it to

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32 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 152
Reviews: 32
Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:39 pm
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herbalhour says...

@IcyFlame @Carlito @EllieMae @Spearmint
synopsis updated
nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

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1162 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 32055
Reviews: 1162
Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:27 am
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Carlito says...

I mean, you mentioned a romance so I'm already 100% sold.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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3821 Reviews


Gender: Female
Points: 3891
Reviews: 3821
Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:05 pm
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Snoink says...

You're doing the thing!!! I'm excited...
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien