
Young Writers Society

alliyah chapbook / history project

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Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:42 am
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alliyah says...

poetry chapbook project | heritage


~~"skimming gravestones in appalachian country
i'm looking for names that sound like mine"

I'm working on three poetry chapbook projects at the moment, and this is one of them! The working title is "heritage". did I make this writers corner thread to show off the cool art collage / cover deal that I made? maybe. It's loosely inspired by my dive into ancestry research during covid and the theme is family and all it relates to - generations, land, home, tradition, story and memory.

At the moment my poems are ranging from way too personal to actually publish or post anywhere to wow that's an oddly specific story that no one else in the history of humanity will relate to - but between that there's also some stuff that might make it into my final project draft - and even if this doesn't go anywhere I really enjoyed the process of putting a chapbook draft together last winter / spring, and so I'm going for it again!

In this thread you'll probably get mostly my notes, ramblings, and artsy-edits, but feel free to comment if ya want, and I'll try to leave some poem snippets (if I get any written) too! I'm also making this because I feel like bragging about my NaNo progress somewhere but don't want to disrupt the novelists while they work.

November Goals
I have 10 poems towards this project and I'd like 30-40 more to choose from.
My goal is to write 40 poems in November, and maybe that'll be around 5,000 words.
I'd love to have a ROUGH draft of this done by the end of November and maybe a second draft by January.

December Goals
Keep on swimming, keep on swimming ...

February Update
-> Around Feb I decided to pause working on the "Heritage" Chapbook in order to finish up my "Rivers" Chapbook for submission to a poetry contest at the end of April.

April Update
-> Finished NaPo wrote more "Heritage" Chapbook possible poems and submitted "Rivers" to contest - but wasn't completely excited about how that ended up.

June Goal
-> I plan to resume working on my "Heritage" chapbook project in June in addition to another chapbook project called with the working title "Liturgy".



NaNo Progress
Complete Poems already on YWS
[url=LINK]Poetry Snippets[/url]
Poetry Ramblings
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:43 am
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alliyah says...

"NaNo" Progress

GOAL: 30 Poems / 5,000 Words
FINAL: 27 Poems (snippets counting as poems) / 2,264 Words

nov 1 - 275 words, 1 poem "All Saints' Sunday" + very cool writers corner post
nov 2 - 99 words, 1 poem "Birthday Nonsense"
nov 3 - 270 words, 1 poem, 4 snippets "Eponymous"
nov 4 - 124 words, 2 poems, 1 snippet "october" "unfamiliar seasons"
nov 5 - 0 words
nov 6 - 39 words, 1 poem, 1 thought "rivers gone"
nov 7 - 50 words?
nov 8 - 210 words, 1 poem, 4 snippets "disconnect" / "ghost"
nov 9- 165 words, 1 poem, many snippets
nov 10 - AND THEN I STOPPED KEEPING TRACK of the daily account because it was stressing me out, BUT I AM Still writing :)
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:16 pm
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alliyah says...

Poetry Ramblings

~~"every city here is a valley on top of a mountain
and the graves all run parallel to the river "~~

* NaNo Reflections - Squills Article

* NaPo Premise - Years Lost to Locusts - here
My NaPo premise for 2021 connected some of the ancestry themes I'm working with in this chapbook draft.

It's pretty stark to remember that a whole year has passed since the pandemic started. No doubt, there's also been growth and joy this year, and many have experienced immeasurably worse than I've had it. But that doesn't take away the feeling that in many ways, a year has been lost. Something that's been a little comfort, sometimes in commiserating and sometimes in inspiring has been to wade through ancestry research during the last year. Covid may be a strange and unfamiliar occurrence in our generation, but "losing years" is nothing new for our family trees. I think of ancestors who left their homes and families in order to seek a better life, I think of ancestors who were stuck in tuberculosis infirmaries, or navy boats, or remote Appalachian cabins. It reminds of that saying that loss is ubiquitous, and maybe there's some solace in knowing that?

And on the edge of loss there's always hope. In scripture God promises, that those years that have been lost to locusts, will one day be restored. I find that to be one of the most poetic sentiments in the Bible. That maybe in our life, or in the next generation, or maybe only in the life-to-come that years lost will be restored. And that's what I've tried to remember when I sweep up dead bugs and browse through census records.
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:40 pm
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alliyah says...

"Heritage" Poems already on YWS

[Here's some poems that I've written that are already on YWS that have some of the same flavor as the poems that'll end up in this chapbook, I'll probably be doing some major revision rounds with many of them before they end up in there and will probably remove them from the site before submitting this anywhere, but still nice to have all in one place and you might just be curious, who knows?]

Poem A Week
eponymous - link (nov. 2020)

family photos link
Spoiler! :
"son threshing in harvest"
another label lacking clarity,
inviting story-making
to fill in all the gaps when
I keep asking where I came from
whose son are you, little boy?
who ironed your coveralls
and combed your hair?
did the rake you carry blister
your hands or were they calloused
already from years of work,
were you proud of the dust under
your finger nails, is it somehow
the same dirt under my feet?
why are you working here;
separating grain from chaff
harvest fruit from weed?

did your mom scrawl the words
on the back of the picture? what
was she meaning to save? was
it for me? or for you? how many
years are you gone, were the
years you lived long like the summer
sun, or short like rain season?
how many people ever told
you they loved you? or did they
say such things, back then? it's
a little cliche these days to say
except in poetry, but I have to
believe whoever saved your picture
must have loved you, so
in some way I guess I do too.

my son threshing in harvest,
help me sort out all this
grain from chaff, and truth from
story, I want to know who we are.

things i learn to love about my grandmother in hindsight link
Spoiler! :

you got the sense that she probably told the sun
when it was time for the day's work to be done -
her skin told her story clear; too many days
with too little rest, you could see worry etched
into her smile, even young - a strange expression
to find saved in a photo album, but somehow
it gives me peace - to know the weight
against her strength. she was always
like a well-loved quilt; too weathered to be
so unexpectedly warm.

NaPo 2020
the night is enormous but i know better now
i'm still very homesick
everything i brought from home
birds in walls and other memories - under spoiler
Spoiler! :

NaPo 2019
unwinding roots -removed temporarily
broken branches | new soil
what color was her skin in the sun
to not forget

NaPo 2018
loose thoughts
to my father
growing pains

NaPo 2017
ongoing battles
have i forgotten?

Other Poems
many currently removed for submission elsewhere
Women Borne of Oceans september 2017
homesick | nostalgia february 2019
the lines from these hands february 2017

subnote but it's really interesting for me reading through these poems from four years of napo that are writing on some of the same themes.

~~"everything in our lives returns to a series of echoes;
softer as time moves, but always returning
like an ocean wave to the shore,
like a migrating bird to her nest,
there's an inescapable sameness here -
some times there's a familiar comfort in that,
but then other times an uncomfortable symmetry
because everything in our lives seem to return
to a series of echoes"~~
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:27 am
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AvantCoffee says...

I was going to leave a post on your wall about how I'm itching to comment in this poetry chapbook thread because I legit love the entire project but I didn't want to disturb it by doing so even though you said it's okay *breathes*

But then the wall post got a little long, so I decided it might make more sense here where it's relevant. So here are comments and things ~

Spoiler! :
I love the visual ideas in this and how it sounds and the flowing movement of these lines <3
we all bleed together eventually, words and names, and photographs,
veins stretched thin over centuries and everyone trying to figure out
who we are, while forgetting who we've been.

And this is such a reflective and provoking line to me aaah
and the graves all run parallel to the river

My favourite part of your "family photos" poem is the way you ended it with the last few lines of the middle stanza and the full last stanza:
but I have to
believe whoever saved your picture
must have loved you, so
in some way I guess I do too.

my son threshing in harvest,
help me sort out all this
grain from chaff, and truth from
story, I want to know who we are.

... especially saying 'who we are' which I really thought was a powerful final line <3

Your grandma poem has some strong and lovely descriptions - and it and all of these linked poems are making me realise how meaningful and rich this chapbook theme must be for you, and how much I appreciate your poetry in general!! It's really inspiring to read what's in this thread and to glimpse this project you're working on!! c: <3

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Thu May 20, 2021 10:43 pm
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alliyah says...

More "Heritage" Drafting 2021

~~ i don’t believe in reincarnation
because heaven is vast and full;
but i believe i can hear the echoes of my ghosts
like water rippling from long ago. ~~

NaPo 2021
quarantine too far from home | letters to our mothers
- from Leslie while in a tuberculosis sanitarium (1918)
- under spoiler
Spoiler! :


echoes and familiar faces
the tendencies of serotinous trees
photo album hunting- for Wilhelmina (1867)
everything i carry home

Heritage Update

I'm sort of paused on attempting to wrap up or submit this project since like February, because the last time I was working on it - things weren't really coming together how I wanted them to (in the interim I finished a 2nd draft of "Rivers" to submit to another contest thing though), so I'd say I'm kind of scrapping some of the ordering I had going on in my original thoughts - and am now in the drafting stage for this again - so writing new poems (+ little memoir and biographical pieces actually) without as much of an "end product" idea in mind. No current goal of when that'll be finished. Though as kind of a sibling to this project - I had a cute little photo / biography / mild poetry snippets book printed just like for my personal enjoyment and had printed for one side of the family - and working on making it even more artsy to possibly distribute to some more folks, and then will probably work on the one for the other side of the family this summer or fall. I might be getting into memoir writing again generally too - which seems like it'd be ideal to mash together with this project.

I have two other chapbook projects going on though - with the working titles "Rivers" and "Liturgy"! So maybe I'll give some updates on how those are going too - since those feel like things I may actually be able to publish in the next half century.
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:39 pm
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alliyah says...

More "Heritage" Drafting 2022

~we learned to build arks because the flood waters came. before people learned to use boats, with ribs turned into oars and lungs into sails, we all were fish and knew instinctively where the river began. i am achingly nostalgic, so places like galaxies and constellations do not draw me, but i swear if you show me the tattered edge of the note you accidentally laundered three years ago, i will fold it back into a paper boat~

NaPo 2022

letters to brothers with Elijah - September 1846

^^ This is probably one of the poems I'm most proud of from NaPo and definitely goes with my family tree poetry-project that's been growing in the background even though it's technically "on the shelf" still experimenting but the concept is sort of a "found-poem" out of some snippets from an actual letter from my 5th Great Grandfather, Elijah, to his brother and then my own thoughts in-between. I clipped the letter in this case so you can see which lines are from Elijah and you can read it in some different ways- might clean up the formatting and edges later.

this is the origin of my collecting
write until you find your home
where's home: a found poem from the findings of a Pew Research Center Survey

and i am a river


heritage project update

I have continued to do significant research in my ancestry research in the last year and I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm trying to produce from it. I've got one completed photo / info book, and am working on a second (for the other side of the family), I've been cataloguing a huge photo collection, and have a few interesting newspaper stories that would lend themselves to maybe some sort of creative non-fiction project?

In the last year three significant things happened: 1) The cousin who helped me get started in my ancestry research passed away - I get the sense she was very relieved to have been able to share some of her research with someone before she passed, and I definitely aspire to create some concrete object that can be similarly passed on too. 2) I finally scanned every ancestry photo from my childhood home and both my parent's personal collections. 3) I am now in contact with two other relatives who've given me a little bit of help as well!

Some Concrete Goals for rest of 2022
1) Finish my second photo book.
2) Revise? my first photo book.
3) Do more research on mines / railroads connected to my family - and maybe even visit this one particular railroad museum.
4) Begin arranging 2 additional photo / document books - to store physical docs.
5) Consider trying out writing some of the vignettes that are more "interesting" to potentially arrange together to be distributed to certain relatives. (I did a little work on this during camp nano last? year)
~ don't actually know where the poetry would go into these, but memoire writing is very poetic to me, so maybe it'd be wedged in between etc. ~
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
— Walt Disney