
Young Writers Society

Tobi's poetry reviews

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5 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 250
Reviews: 5
Mon May 18, 2015 4:44 pm
Tobiah says...

I realize it might take awhile for people to feel comfortable enough to request from me, since I haven't really been around before. But I thought I'd get this up and going already, just in case.

what I will review:

Poetry & Art. That's it. No maybes, ifs, or buts. I have another account for that. It doesn't matter what kind of poetry, I'll generally review it.

what I will NOT review for the love of food:

Everything besides poetry and art.

what I might review if you give me lots of cookies and hugs:

Things that are very close to poetry or art that you're not sure about.

How to play:

.1 Post link* (I'm not going on a scavenger hunt in your portfolio). If you don't know how to do links, I'll teach you- just ask on my wall or something.

.2 Say what it is you're wondering about in your piece, eg. flow, voice, topic, etc. It's helpful sometimes.

.3 If you don't mind to acknowledge the review I just gave you in some way. It encourages me to want to review works by you again, knowing that you found value in my review.

.4 Feel free to ask questions!

I reserve the rights to...

-not review a work requested for any reason what so ever.
-shut down this thread at anytime.
-update my rules/guidelines.

Now that all the scary stuff is over... I really am not that bad. ;)

Legend: * means a must do on your part.

Also, you don't need to pay me anything, but I like hugs and cookies *hints* << That doesn't count as a must. Haha.
why does everything have to be so tall?


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Tue May 19, 2015 10:52 pm
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Nutty says...

Hey sure, I'll play. You haven't been around before and... I haven't written poetry before.

(Also I love art I draw a lot we should talk art sometime yes)

Like I said, I haven't written poetry before. I'm as a new babe when it comes to poetry, and I'd really love someone to go through my first shot and give me some thoughts. If you'd prefer your first reviews go to someone a bit less wet behind the ears, though, I understand.



Thank you in advance <3
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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5 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 250
Reviews: 5
Thu May 21, 2015 5:28 am
Tobiah says...

Thank you for playing, @Nutty!

(Yes, art, let us talk of it)

If I didn't make any sense feel free to say so, and if you ever want some more poetry reviewed don't hesitate to ask! ^_^

Btw I'm new to poetry as well. No seriously, I am. :/ Oops I probably should have mentioned that...
why does everything have to be so tall?


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Reviews: 175
Fri May 29, 2015 12:42 am
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Harker says...

Hi there, Tobiah!

I'd love for you to give me some feedback on my poem (linked below). I'm starting to get really kinda serious in a non-serious way about poetry... :)

John. Queer guy, writer, fan of stuff.

~ Some men are born in their bodies, others have to fight for it. ~

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5 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 250
Reviews: 5
Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:30 pm
Tobiah says...

Sorry for the wait, @IronSpark! I'll hopefully get on that shortly.
why does everything have to be so tall?


A big mountain of sugar is too much for one man. I can see now why God portions it out in those little packets.
— Homer Simpson