
Young Writers Society

A poet bleeds ink

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Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:19 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

21. Title: Moonlight

Remember those nights,
Laying under the moon.
You looked at me,
And I looked at you.

We laughed then sat back,
In silence a bit,
I kinda felt myself getting sick.

I loved you to much,
But you’ll never know,
You love someone else so I’ll just let go.

But for now,
I’ll sit here under the moon,
And prey you’ll see that I love you.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:22 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

Hey @avianwings47! Thanks for swinging by and dropping some encouraging words <333 I'm glad you're enjoying my poetry xD - it means a lot to me, especially coming from someone as poetic as you~~ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Don't worry about falling behind on NaPo goals; you'll catch up in no time with your creativity! I'm rooting for you, you got this Av!!! 💘
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:30 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

22. Title: Cognitive distortions, part 1.

Black and white bleed into shades of gray,
As absolutes blur into uncertainty,
Casting shadows where there should be light,
And light where darkness reigns.

Illuminated by the flickering flames of anxiety,
Distortions take on a life of their own,
Magnifying flaws into mountains,
And shrinking triumphs into pebbles.

Like a funhouse mirror, they warp and bend,
Reflecting back a distorted image of reality,
Leaving me questioning what is true,
And what is merely a trick of the mind.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:37 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

23. Title To be alive

To live is to craft your own narrative,
To sculpt existence from the raw clay of experience.
It's more than mere existence,
It's a symphony of moments, a dance of emotions,
A tapestry woven with the threads of our dreams.

But it's within the labyrinth of our own minds,
That we navigate the path to true vitality.
You can merely exist,
Drifting through the currents of routine,
In a world where survival is synonymous with living,
Where every breath is a transaction in the currency of existence.

Yet to be alive is to savor the sweetness of life,
Like hot cocoa on a cold winter's day,
Or witnessing the sun's fiery descent over the vast expanse of the Plains.

There's no one-size-fits-all manual for living,
No predetermined roadmap to follow.

As long as you can feel the pulsating rhythm of life,
As long as your heart beats with the fervor of passion,
As long as you embrace the essence of your being,
Then, my friend, you are truly alive.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:27 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

23. Title: I wish on stars because that is the only hope I have left

In the dead of night, I find myself alone,
Lost in a sea of silent stars,
Their distant light a cruel reminder
Of the vast emptiness that fills my soul.

I reach out, hoping for a touch,
A connection to something, anything,
But my hands grasp only air,
And I am left to face the void alone.

The world spins on, indifferent,
As I stand on the edge of oblivion,
A solitary figure in a universe
That has no time for my pain.

I long for the warmth of another,
For a voice to break the silence,
But all I hear is the echo of my own despair,
Bouncing off the walls of my empty heart.

I am adrift in a sea of loneliness,
Aching for a beacon of light
To guide me out of the darkness,
But all I have are these stars,
Cold and distant,
Mocking me with their unreachable beauty.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Reviews: 71
Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:06 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

24. Title: I won't give up because that's too easy.

I won't give up,
Nah, that's too easy,
Too simple a solution
To a complex battle.

I am stubborn,
A fighter to my core,
I will not let this mentality
Define me, confine me.

I push myself,
Through the pain, the tears,
The moments when all seems lost,
I keep moving forward.

I fall, I stumble,
I get back up,
Bruised, battered, but unbroken,
Because giving up is not an option.

I will not let this mentality,
Win this war,
I will keep fighting,
Keep pushing, keep believing.

Because I know
On the other side of this struggle
Is a life worth living,
A future I want to fight for.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:03 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

25. Title: Perfection will be my destruction

My biggest fear,
Is that, eventually
You'll see me,
The way I see myself.
With every flaw,
Every insecurity,

The fear of being seen,
Of being judged,
Of being vulnerable.
It consumes me,
Controls me.

I am constantly on edge,
Hiding behind masks and walls.
Afraid to let anyone in,
For fear of rejection and ridicule.

It's a never-ending battle
Between wanting to be perfect
And fearing perfection is impossible.
But perfection is my destruction.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:58 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

26. Untitled.

Every step I take, a journey unknown,
Through corridors of memories, both flesh and bone,
I am lost in the echoes of voices long gone,
Haunted by ghosts of dreams I've outgrown.

There is no destination, no light at the end,
Just an endless loop, where beginnings blend
With endings, and time becomes a bend,
A circle unbroken, a story without end.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:52 pm
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OrabellaAvenue says...

Spoiler! :
Wait woah woah woah, hold on.

How come I haven't read your thread before now?? This is actually some of the most beautiful poetry I've seen so far! I can see your style in your words, and the way some of your poems rhyme; they don't have rhymes. They are rhymes.

I actually love this poem so much: Two homes can't fit in one bag
It made me want to cry it's so beautiful <333333

My thoughts scare demons
The simple and short power of this poem is actually incredible. After reading it, I just sat there for a moment and was like, "Whoa"
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
~Dr. Seuss

Orabella ~ Ora ~ Avenue ~ Aven

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Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:06 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

Thanks so much, @OrabellaAvenue! Your words mean a lot to me. I'm really glad you're enjoying my poetry. <3<3<3
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:07 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

28. Title: Dreaming

And so she drifted away into nothingness,
In slumber of peacefulness.
Knowing that she was content,
She let the stars take her in.

As she floated through the galaxy,
Through the milky way,
And the silent sea's,
She slept her sadness away, finally at peace.

Only to wake up, and find reality.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:20 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

29. Title: Unapologetically Authentic

I think I'm finally starting to see
What it means, to be myself
To embrace the unique qualities
That make me who I am
I used to try to [fit in]
To mold myself to please others
But now I realize
That the most important thing
Is to be true to myself

I used to be afraid
Of what others would think
Of my opinions, my interests, my quirks
But now I understand
That it's okay to be different
To stand out from the crowd
To be unapologetically me

I'm starting to see
That being myself means
Listening to my heart
And following my dreams જ⁀➴
It means being authentic
And true to who I am
Not who others want me to be

I'm learning to love
Every P A R T of myself
Even the parts that I used to hide
Because they make me who I am
And that's something to celebrate

I'm starting to see
That being myself
Is a journey, not a destination
It's about discovering
Who I am
And who I want to be
And allowing myself to grow

I'm starting to see
The beauty in imperfection
In the flaws that make me human
And the mistakees that teach me
That it's okay to not have it all figured out
To make a wrong turn
And still find my way

I'm starting to see
That being myself
Is the most liberating feeling
It's like s h e d d i n g a layer
Of expectations and fears
And stepping into the light

I'm starting to see
That being myself
Is the greatest gift
I can give to the ☾world𖤓
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

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Wed May 01, 2024 1:50 am
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Youbeaucupid says...

30. Title: Drips of rain, drops of memories

Each raindrop holds a memory, a moment in time
A moment I wish I could relive, a moment that is mine.
The rain falls gently, like tears from the sky,
And with each drop that falls, a memory passes by.

The smell of wet pavement, the sound of thunder,
Brings back memories of a childhood wonder.
Splashing in puddles, dancing in the rain,
Carefree and happy, without any pain.

But as I grew older, the rain brought new fears,
Of loneliness and heartache, of unshed tears.
Each drop became a reminder of what I had lost,
Of all the childhood memories that were tossed.

The raindrops keep falling, each one a memory,
Of laughter and joy, of sadness and misery.
But through it all, I still find solace in the rain,
For it washes away my sorrows and eases my pain.
•I romanticized you to the point where the knives you pressed into my skin began to look like cupid's arrrow.•

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
— Pablo Picasso