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More of Addi-Marie

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21 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 21
Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:06 am
mandylynn16 says...

Beep, beep, beep, beep… there was that annoying sound again. Why must alarm clocks be necessary? Why couldn’t I just wake up with the dawn and here the pleasant sound of the meadowlarks singing outside my door?
Oh, there I went again, dreaming of the impossible. I mean, I lived in Hollywood’s suburb for goodness’ sake!
I got up and showered to wake myself up, had my quiet time, then got ready for work. Vanessa came a little late. Guess I wasn’t the only tired one.
We were five minutes late to work, but for some very odd reason, our grumpy boss did not come to gripe us out as he normally did when someone was late.
It was a big surprise, but I didn’t think about it. I just sat down at my desk and got to work.
I looked up, and Vanessa was grinning her impish grin at me.
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Don’t you find it odd we were not grilled for being more than 30 seconds late?”
The fact I had ignored, resurfaced. It was odd.
“I guess, Vanessa. Why?”
“I think I know why.” “You do, eh?” I said, not really paying any attention to her.
“Yeah, I thing it’s because you are dating the owner.”
Now I was listening. My head shot up, defense showing in my eyes. “I am not! I thought I fully explained that to you, Vanessa. I’m just going to be his friend.”
Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s classic, Addi, dear. ‘Let’s just be friends’. Do you think Austin honestly cares what you call it? You are hanging out with him, that’s enough to satisfy his burning desire to be with you.” Vanessa rolled her eyes again, and looked at me. “I’m sorry, Addi. You are just so funny when you get defensive and I just…”
I said it was O.K. and went on with my work, but what Vanessa said kept nagging at my thoughts. Had Austin told Charles to get off our case from now on? It made me mad that he would do such a thing, but at the same time I was kind of relieved. It got annoying every once in a while, Charles making a scene in front of the whole office about our tardiness. Yes, indeed. So at the time I was reminding myself to slap Austin Friday when I saw him, I was also thinking I should thank him.

Vanessa and I took a lunch break at our normal time and I was glad that it was break time. I hated work, but it was all I could find right now that paid the bills. But I relished in my free time. I debated rather I would tell Vanessa about the credit card. She’d probably notice when I started wearing the new outfits to work anyway. But I thought I’d keep it between me and Austin and so I kept my mouth shut. Secrets were much fun, especially when they were about your billionaire friend, I thought with an evil laugh.
Vanessa looked at me, “What’s your problem, Addi?”
I smiled and just told her it was one of those times you remembered something in your head and accidentally laughed out loud. She looked very unsure, but that made the secret all the more fun.
We finished up and begrudgingly returned to work. “Oh, Addi, only four more months of this torture,” Vanessa said with glee.
“Oh, just go off and leave me to stand it alone, why doncha?” I said with mock anger.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Addi. I forgot. It’s just pointless to hide my glee, when it seems so obvious.” I rolled my eyes, and kept on walking. “Just marry Austin, and you can join me,” Vanessa said as she laughed. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes and gave the most evil glare I could muster.
“I was just kidding, Addi! Jeez!”
“Oh, Vanessa, please don’t say that.”
“But I was kidding. Why don’t say it?”
“I mean, that word you said. I’m just not comfortable with it.” I knew we were supposed to stand up for our beliefs, but sometimes it was very uncomfortable.
“Oh, yeah, Addi, I forgot. Sorry.” Vanessa had said much worse before I had explained my beliefs, and now it was reduced down to occasional medials. But even the slightest compromise led to bigger and not better things. So I just preferred not even going there.
When we got back to work, everyone was already sitting down fervently into the work before them. I looked at my phone’s clock and realized we were a whole 20 minutes late. I gasped and showed Vanessa. She made a worried face, for she, too, knew what was coming.
We sat down as quietly as possible, and started to work.
A whole hour later, Mr. Grouchy had not shown up to grill us, we were both curious. I’d thought I could wait ‘til Friday to ask Austin about this very curious situation, but I was wrong.
I needed to know.
I decided I’d call him tonight and interrogate. I did not know why he thought he could meddle with my life just because we went to some restaurant together, but I intended to find out and soon. He was going to get it. I did not appreciate it very much. Well, then again, I was accepting his cash gift, How was getting Cunnings off my back any different?
I did not know, but I did not intend to find out, either. Oh, no. I was going to call him anyway and find out what he thought he was doing. He may be rich, but my life was not something he could own.
I was sorry, but that was how it was.

Vanessa took me home after work and I went inside, full of purpose.
I got settled in, then picked up my phone and dialed his number.
I’d memorized it the day he gave it to me. I did the same with all my friends.
He picked up on the sixth ring. “You’ve reached Austin Sykes,” I heard him say as he answered. “I should hope so. I don’t want to talk to anyone else,” I replied, seeing if he would guess my identity correct.
He did.
“Addi! Is that you? I’ve been meaning to call you.”
“Yeah, it is. And I need to ask you something.”
Before you distract me, I thought. He had that uncanny way of making me forget everything I was going to say when I was talking to him.
“So,” he said probing into my thoughts, “what was that you wanted to ask me?”
“I wanted to know about some odd occurrences at work. Thought you probably had something to do with it,” I finished my tone accusing.
“Whoa, girl, don’t be going placing blame on someone that you aren’t sure actually did it!”
“I’m not,” I said with a superior air, “I am sure who did it.”
“Oh, ya got me.”
“Your right, Mister. I got you, hands up. Now, did you tell Charles not to get onto us? I’m sure you did, because he did not get onto us when Vanessa and I were late both for the start of work and coming back from lunch. Austin, I do not appreciate you meddling with my life just because you can. I do not like people minding my business. You-“
“ Whoa, Addi, slow down! I get the picture. Tell Charles to get on your case for being late because you have no car. I’m sorry. I’ll get right to that.”
Ohhhh, the little stink. He had won after all.
“O.K., you win, Austin, but still listen to me. I don’t think you have the right to get yourself involved with my life just because we met. If I had not come to that party and wore a pretty dress, you would have never met me, and you could have cared less about the life problems of some struggling employee named Addi. Do you get my point?”
I realized that I had said that last half of my speech with much more forcefulness than I had meant. And I also realized that my hateful words had cut deep. Austin was completely silent.
“Oh, Austin, I’m so sorry. That was mean; I have always hated when people did not mind their own business, but that was no reason to say those evil things to you.”
Still silent.
When would I ever learn to just keep my mouth shut? It was a question I had asked my self many times. I just hadn’t been able to answer it yet.
“Well, Austin, I gotta go. That has just bothered me all day, and I wanted to ask you. The very fact you didn’t deny it, is my answer. I guess I’ll see you Friday if you don’t still hate me. If you do, I’ll understand. ‘Bye, Austin.”
I hung up, disappointed. I’d hoped he would have stopped me, said something that would make me not hang up. But he’d been completely silent, and he had won.
This was what I didn’t like about any type of relationship that was a male and female. The other made you feel completely guilty, and even if you tried to make up, they persisted at their guilt trip.
Well, I decided, I had not wanted to accept his offers anyway, so their was no loss.
Well, he would be getting an interesting message from Ms. Jana Barnes tomorrow, I thought menacingly.
"The test of literature is, I suppose, whether we ourselves live more intensely for the reading of it."
-Elizabeth Drew

The Twelve Makeovers of Haircules is the stuff of legend. He defeated the Erymanthian Beard. One could say it was a hair raising adventure.
— KateHardy