
Young Writers Society

A Game to Play #1

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Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:34 am
chayonz says...

Rule 1: Know yourself.

Now I know that I wasn’t the most attractive girl in school. That was for sure. Unlike my sister, I was just an ordinary fourteen, soon turning fifteen, year old girl.

Tif, my sis, had the perfect figure, her face was oval which gave her a doll like look accompanied by her eyes, but she, as she always reminded me, worked on herself. At sixteen years old, she had a double eye-lid. Now I know this is no big deal to all your European and Americans, but as a Korean, we have no line over our eye, that is consequently why our eyes look so small and also was the reason for so much teasing when we were younger by the usual boys who called us ‘Chinga’ and made faces.

Tif was an extremely persistent person, so it was no surprise when she came back from Korean one day with a double eye-lid which wasn’t there the last time I saw her. I won’t tell you how, because you probably don’t care but all I’ll say is that she looked incredibly…better, than she had.
She also practiced, practiced, and succeeded on becoming one of the flirtatious girl in the school. She was a prep and she had it all. She could get any guy she wanted and thrown him away at whatever time she wanted. I always wondered whether people looked at her and then at me and asked themselves, “What happened to the younger one?”

I on the other hand, wore no make-up, was not as skinny as my sister, and I definitely did not flirt. I had naturally large eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. My jaw was almost slender but not thin, but my chin was thin and pointed almost, I have no idea whose genes gave me my jaw. My hair was nothing special at all. Unlike Matt’s, unfortunately, my hair didn’t stand out. It was just the result of two very bad hair cuts and now I am leaving it to just grow as long as it wants, until it gets annoying of course. I had a short fringe and my hair did a slight curl up at the bottom, which irritated me immensely. Of course I had tried a few times to take on another road and follow my sister, but in the end I always detoured back and reminded myself to not try and fool my own mind, for I am who I am.

But there’s no hurt in trying to make yourself better right?

I knocked on my sisters door.

“Yeah?” She yelled over the loud music which was blasting in her room. I opened the door and saw my sister sitting at her vanity desk and making faces in the mirror with her hand making peace signs as she pouted and blew kisses. She sat there in her underwear and a loose t-shirt. That was her usual home apparel.

I went over to her ipod and turned the speakers off which were blasting a song by Hurricane Chris.

“Tif, we need to talk.” I went to her bed and sat down, hugging my knees to my chest.

“What is it?” She asked as she turned her chair towards me and faced me, twirling her hair around her fingers.

“I need help. There’s this new kid in school, and he is just so amazingly cute!” I sighed as I fantasized about his hair.

“Oh I see,” Tif said. She leaned back in her chair and looked at me, reading my mind. “Kris, you just need to be more confident. Seriously. Look at the way you’re sitting!”

I looked at myself, I was sitting with my knees hugged tightly to my chest. Also known as a fetal position. It was a defensive position which people or even animals make when they express insecurity or submissiveness. My knowledge is a result of Animal Planet seven days a week, well not anymore. It was like that when I was younger. I instantly let my feet fall to the ground.

“I am confident!” I defended myself. “What does this have to do with my confidence anyways?” I grumbled.

“Kris, you are unconfident. When you talk to boys you get shy, you get so insecure in front of my friends and you act like a little kid. You’re so annoying!” She cried. It might seem odd for her to get so angry so quickly, but there was a very reasonable reason for that. This conversation was like re-runs on Sunday afternoon TV. And it was always about the same thing. My lack of confidence. Her irritation was because of me. The fact that after we had talked about this so many times annoyed her, along with the fact that I hadn’t changed.

In my opinion I was confident. The first time she had told me this I was shocked for I thought I was confident. I was the loudest one in my class and I wasn’t afraid to go up and talk to any boy in school, it was only in front of the boys I liked that nervousness crept up on me, but ever since we had the first conversation about this I saw it little by little of how what she said seemed to be true.

This conversation had ended with the usual argument and yelling, mostly done by my sister but then the slamming of the door, done by me.

I went and sat on my bed and thought over about what I was doing. I had never gone for a guy because of the way he looked. When I was younger it seemed like an absurd idea. To me, it was always about the personality. Of course looks did come into account, but personality used to be all that mattered, that is, I realized, until today. I don’t even know the boy. I just find his looks so incredibly attractive. I had never dated a boy this cute before. How great would it be to date him? Then it hit me. I’d play a game! As long as I can get him, and I can prove myself that I can, then I’d win. I don’t know what would happen afterwards, I can just leave him, after he falls desperately in love with me, and yes I know it is incredibly self conceited and evil but imagine how fun it would be. Just as long as I don’t get too attached. And who knows, maybe I’ll keep him afterwards…
Last edited by chayonz on Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
h a y o n :)

nobody is perfect. thats why pencils have erasers.
- unknown

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Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:58 am
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Rydia says...

Hey there! I like this. I think you have some interesting characters and some good dialogue but you need to add more description and some of your grammar is a little off. Here's a few suggestions -

Now I know that I’m not the most attractive girl in school. [This needs to be in past tense. It should be 'Now, I know that I wasn't the most attractive girl in school.']

Now I know this is no big deal to all your Europeans and Americans, but as a Korean, we have no line over our eye, that is consequently why our eyes look so small and also was the reason for so much teasing when we were younger by the usual boys who called us ‘Chinga’ and made faces.

Tif was an extremely persistent person, so it was no surprise when she came back from Korean one day with a double eye-lid which [s]was never[/s] wasn't there the last time I saw her.

She also practiced, practiced, and succeeded on becoming one of the flirtiest [Perhaps more flirtacious would sound smoother?] girls in the school.

I on the other hand, wore no make-up, was not as skinny as my sister, and was definitely not a flirty girl. [Maybe did not flirt rather than 'not a flirty girl.']

My jaw was almost slender but not thing [Doesn't make sense. I'm guessing you meant to put thin instead of thing?], but my chin was thin and pointed almost, I have no idea whose genes gave me my jaw.

I [s]have[/s] had a short fringe and my hair did a slight curl up at the bottom, which irritated me immensely.

I knocked on my sister's door.

“Oh I see.” [Comma rather than full stop.] Tif said.

My unconfidence. [Hmm. It's okay for Tif to use 'unconfident' but your persona seems more mature than that so perhaps 'my lack of confidence' would work better.]

I was the loudest one in my class and I wasn’t afraid to go up and talk to any boy in school, it was only in front of the boys I liked that nervousness crept up on me, but ever since we had the first conversation about this I saw it little by little of how my unconfidence was affecting me. [Again, the unconfidence thing and this is a rather long sentence so maybe cut it down.]

Overall, I think this is a good start but like I said, add description, tidy it up and I look forward to seeing how your plot will advance.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:23 pm
BigBadBear says...

Wow! This is a great story! I really like how you described the charactors using humor and things like that. Well, to make a long story short, I agree with kitty15 about most everything except that I know that 'flirtty girl' is not good grammer, but it flows good with your humor. Make people laugh and have fun!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:43 am
Fye says...

Hey! It was quite a nice story. In my opinion, there are some corrections to be done, though.

Now, I know that I wasn’t the most attractive girl in school.

Tif, my sis, had the perfect figure, her face was oval which gave her a doll like look accompanied by her eyes, but she, as she always reminded me, worked on herself. At sixteen years old, she had a double eye-lid. Now I know this is no big deal to all you[s]r[/s] Europeans and Americans, but as [s]a [/s]Koreans, we have no line over our eye, that is consequently why our eyes look so small and also was the reason for so much teasing when we were younger by the usual boys who called us ‘Chinga’ and made faces.

The sentences in the 2nd paragraph were pretty long. "... had the perfect figure. Her face was..." and "...we have no line over our eye. That is consequently why..." is what I'd prefer.

Tif was an extremely persistent person, so it was no surprise when she came back from Korea[s]n[/s] one day with a double eye-lid which wasn’t there the last time I saw her. I won’t tell you how, because you probably don’t care but all I’ll say is that she looked incredibly…better, than she had.
She also practiced, practiced, and succeeded on becoming one of the flirtatious girl in the school. She was a prep and she had it all. She could get any guy she wanted and throw[s]n[/s] him away at whatever time she wanted. I always wondered whether people looked at her and then at me and asked themselves, “What happened to the younger one?”

Practised. Practice is the noun. I'll also prefer a coma after the word "care" in this sentence: I won't tell you how, because you probably don't care, but all... etc.

I have no idea whose genes gave me my jaw.

I found this sentence quite unnecessary. I would cut it.

But there’s no hurt in trying to make yourself better right?

I loved this! A nice twist.

I looked at myself, I was sitting with my knees hugged tightly to my chest. Also known as a fetal position.

The flow of these two sentences wasn't too nice. Probably, "I was sitting with my knees hugged tightly to my chest; a fetal position." or "I was sitting with my knees hugged tightly to my chest; it was also known as a fetal position."

Of course, looks did come into account, but personality used to be all that mattered, that is, I realized, until today.

I don’t know what would happen afterwards, I can just leave him, after he falls desperately in love with me, and yes I know it is incredibly [s]self [/s]conceited and evil but imagine how fun it would be. Just as long as I don’t get too attached. And who knows, maybe I’ll keep him afterwards…

Another long sentence here in the last paragraph. Try, "...after he falls desperately in love with me. And yes, I know it is..." Also, you don't have to put "self" before conceited(it's spelt with a hyphen, though: self-conceited) because conceited alone already applies to one's self.

The ending was alright. It didn't leave much hooks to get me to #2 but it wasn't bland either. Okay, but you can improve it. You have some problems in punctuation, grammar and a few spelling mistakes. For example, you're not too sure on the usage of periods and comas. If you manage to master the usage, your writing won't have much problems. Some problems have been already mentioned by kitty but I'm just adding on to what she said. Other than that, you story has quite a nice flow. Keep it up. I'll be commenting on #2 soon!

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— Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief