
Young Writers Society

I Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5

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Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:34 pm
Mjdwrite says...

"Nina, wait. please don't go. We can talk this over. Give me one more chance to make it right! Please Nina!" Jimmy grabbed for the lifeline once more. He watched his happiness hustle out the door into the extra cold November night.

Nina brushed past a frazzled waiter-in-training and bumped a mumbling busboy on her way out. She walked outside, knowing full well that she was stuck where she was since Jimmy was her ride. She sat on the sidewalk, twiddling her thumbs, something she did during the repeated off and on periods. She tried not to sob too much - she had to have control if he came out.

Jimmy slumped in the chair and let his words fall to the table. "I know I can mend this still. Our hearts don't have to be broken. I don't want her to go home and cry herself to sleep. I don't want to go home and cry myself to sleep! Why does this happen to us Nina? Why is it so hard just stay you and me? No! I refuse!" Jimmy stood up, almost tipping the table and causing his chair to fall on the floor. "It's not over! Not tonight it isn't. Waiter! Check please!" He slapped his card down on the table and rushed outside, determined to keep her this time.

"Nina!" Nina jumped at the sound of her nickname being called. She turned to see Jimmy's head behind the double doors to what was her favorite restaurant. She got to her feet as quickly as her skirt would allow her. Her brain told her to run from him but her soul cried out for him to wrap her in his warming embrace and tell her everything would be just fine. "Nina! Wait," his breath was heavy and worry lines crowded his face. "If you leave, there is a good chance that I won't make it through the night. I will stand here on the side of the road in the snow all night, and if I see that morning sun, I will run across the street as many times as it takes until a car hits me and kills me. I won't go home unless you come with me." His feet landed in a slush puddle next to the side walk. He threw his coat, gloves, and hat that he had been carrying onto the ground. "Don't leave me Nina." The tough guy facade could not stand another moment. While his body froze, his tears kept his face warm.

Nina glanced at the big blue eyes, raining onto his soft face, and almost fell in love again, but she made her face and heart cold like the air around her and turned around, trying not to remind herself that she didn't have a ride home without him.

Jimmy tried to speak through chattering teeth and a red runny nose. "Nina, if you leave me here, I will be thinking the whole time about how much I am missing in the smell of your breath, the silly noises you make when you fall asleep on my couch that keep me awake." a little giggle erupted at this recollection. Nina stood silently with her back to him, her heart and mind battling to the death inside of her.

"I know that you are leaving me without a second thought because the weight of all that I left unspoken. Those unspoken words got so heavy and crushed both of us every single day. I know that. I know that those things I should have said but didn't say made you cry at night. Why does this happen to us Nina? Why does every moment have to be so hard? We can't stay together, we can't stay apart. It hard to believe we've made it this far and that we are actually trying to end it."

Nina couldn't face her lover. Tears stinging her face, Nina spoke to Jimmy without looking at his shivering body. "Jimmy we will always love each other, but we just can't-" Nina gasped for breath trying to hide her sobs and prevent her slim shoulders from shaking. "We just can't be together. It doesn't work for us."

"I am begging you! Give me one more chance!" Jimmy's feet were numb from the cold puddle and he knew he would have to die in the cold because he wouldn't be able to run to the cars. The reality was sinking in and he tried to save his life with pity, a card hardly ever used. "Just remember as you walk away from me that this is the last time you will see me. I may not make it through the night and I won't, absolutely will not, go home without you by my side."

Nina tried to force herself to choose a path; give him another chance or go home and leave him for dead.

"I have felt so much through my life, I just didn't show it and the worst hidden feeling that I've had was loving you. I should have let you know and told you everyday. Hiding it was the worst decision of my life. I should never have let it come to us separating. I should never have let you go."

"It's not over tonight. Just one more shot. If you don't, then I will die loving you. But if you go home with me, we can talk it through and work it out. No one can make me move except you Nina." Jimmy fell to the ground through loss of feeling in his feet. He wondered if she did agree to talk it out if he could walk to his car.

"Jimmy it's over! Get to your car and go home!" Nina stomped her foot and held her breath to hide her ragged breath. She faced Jimmy, seeing him shiver on the ground broke her heart. She saw him crippled, crying, and broken-hearted.

"No Nina!No! It's not over! One more chance!" His hand reached out for her but she let it sit mid-air. "We can go home or I can die on the street! I won't go home without you." Jimmy picked up his soaked covers and threw them at Nina.

"You will go home tonight. You won't stay here all night." Nina threw the coat, gloves, and hat back in his face.

"I won't go home without you." A stone cold tone and dead serious face scared Nina.

"Would you really commit suicide over me? Jimmy! Don't talk like that!" Nina's eyes popped open and her eyebrows crowded together. She stepped forward with shock. Her hands rushed to her heart as if that would slow down the heart attack beating.

"I won't go home without you." His whisper was hoarse from the cold.

"Jimmy wait, don't die, no, I would die if you did! Jimmy!" Nina rushed to him, falling on her knees next to him and wrapped him in a warming hug.

"I won't go home, not without you." Jimmy whispered, returning the hug and gently brushing Nina's hair. Nina helped the life she saved to his feet and kept him from falling to the ground. "I promise I will always tell you everything that's going on and I will tell you all the time just how much you mean to me." He smiled his million dollar smile at her. "You saved my life in more ways than one tonight."

"Don't you ever, ever threaten to commit suicide ever again mister!" Her arms tightened around his waist. "I won't walk out on you in a restaurant again, I will tell you everything, I will be here when you need me all the time, and I will never let you fall. I love you Jimmy."

"I love you too Nina."
Last edited by Mjdwrite on Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
"It is perfectly okay to write garbage – as long as you edit brilliantly" C.J. Cherryh

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Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:15 am
Calligraphy says...

Hi MJ, though I don't really like the song Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5 I do happen to like your take on it. There wasn't really any major problems with this short story so this review probably won't be too long.

The first thing I noticed is really just a nitpick, but I suppose I'll complain about it anyway. You say the name 'Jimmy' so many times it because very annoying. I noticed lots of place you could leave a noun out completely and plenty of places where you could have used 'him' or 'he' instead.

For example you said:
"Jimmy? Would you really commit suicide over me? Jimmy!" Nina's eyes popped open and her eyebrows crowded together. She stepped closer to Jimmy.

You could say:

"Would you really commit suicide over me? Jimmy!" Nina's eyes popped open and her eyebrows crowded together. She stepped forward with shock.
This probably doesn't seem like a big difference, but if you go through the whole story and even cut out half the 'Jimmy's it would make the piece read a lot smoother.

The second thing I want to talk about your characters. They are okay; I know that they are both very upset about their on and off again relationship; I know they both want to make it work, but it just doesn't. But at the same time I really don't care what happens to them. Have you ever read the kid's chapter book series 'Junie B. Jones'? From the first five sentences of that book I cared about Junie B. You don't have to make your story so long it is a Lord of The Rings to make me care about your characters, but you have to give them personalities. Right now, obviously, this huge problem is dominating their lives, but they still have personalities. A way they talk, a way they think, the way when they are confused they always bite their lip. You don't have any of that; your characters seem a bit blah in fact. Do you really know them? They have to be deeper if you want us to be able to see them like real people.

Also, just a note, why do they think that this new 'on part' is going to be any part than the last. The ending seemed a bit rushed. I only mean for me it seemed like they were still going to be doomed to break up again and then get back together. They didn't even make a commitment in their thoughts that they were going to change....

I don't really have any other comments. I like this, but when I read it I didn't go 'WOW', but I think working on the characters could make this work a lot better. If you have any questions just send me a P.M. In any case I hope I could help.

- Calli

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Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:32 am
starrgazer says...

wow. Personally, I always had the image of a depressed young man sitting alone, staring out a window with a glass of wine. Your point of view gives the whole story line (of the song) so much more raw emotion. Love your take on this :))
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Pffffft, yeah right...fat lot of help sour lemon juice would do. When life also throws me a bag of sugar, then we'll start talking.


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Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:09 pm
Calligraphy says...

Hey, after the edit this is much better! I can't really write a proper review because there isn't much wrong with this. I think it is a lot more realistic and emotional. : ) My only nitpick is about the whole 'ride' thing. This is the day and age of cell phones. I doubt she would have to get a ride home with him...

- Calli

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Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:33 am
Prospekt42 says...

Hey there! :D

Personally, this story was a little melodramatic for my tastes, and I feel like you tried too hard to fit your story with the song lyrics to the extent that it felt a little forced. However, I think you write pretty well, and the only mistake I noticed was here;
a little giggle erupted at this recollection.
but since all you did was not capitalise a letter, I figured it was probably just a typo. ;)

One thing I would say, though, is that you should take a new line whenever you use speech. For example;

Jimmy slumped in the chair and let his words fall to the table. "I know I can mend this still. Our hearts don't have to be broken. I don't want her to go home and cry herself to sleep. I don't want to go home and cry myself to sleep! Why does this happen to us Nina? Why is it so hard just stay you and me? No! I refuse!" Jimmy stood up, almost tipping the table and causing his chair to fall on the floor. "It's not over! Not tonight it isn't. Waiter! Check please!"

would be better like this;

Jimmy slumped in the chair and let his words fall to the table.

"I know I can mend this still. Our hearts don't have to be broken. I don't want her to go home and cry herself to sleep. I don't want to go home and cry myself to sleep! Why does this happen to us Nina? Why is it so hard just stay you and me? No! I refuse!"

Jimmy stood up, almost tipping the table and causing his chair to fall on the floor.

"It's not over! Not tonight it isn't. Waiter! Check please!"

It flows better like that and allows the reader to see what is speech and what's description more easily. :)

Hope that helped!

- Heather
this is all I've ever wanted from life

Nothing says criminal activity like strong bones. ;)
— Magebird