
Young Writers Society

Falling in love with a monster

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Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:21 am
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Certainly Love says...

The most fun I ever had was the time I went to the carnival one summer. I had been invited to spend a day with my best friend Max Zimmerman and I had never had such an adventurous night. Indeed, that was the time I met Gordon Hoffman. The most charming guy I have ever met. I’ve never been in love. In fact, I don’t know if what I felt that night was even…love. All I know, was that I felt something and it was the most wonderful feeling I ever felt. Let me tell the story as detailed as possible…

It was a windy Saturday night and Max had come over to my house. He insisted that he had some kind of remedy that would help cheer me up after getting into a huge fight with this girl Mattie Sims. She and I usually competed in everything. Basically, we hated each other and that was all there was to it.

By the by, that isn’t what the story is about now. Although, she does have a part in it.

Max begged me to go to the carnival with him. He convinced me that there was someone he wanted me to meet. He figured, since I was a writer and so was his friend Gordon that he’d get Gordon to write a school play with me. Interesting enough, that got my attention and I really didn’t want to let that opportunity out the door. I was a senior in high school and I wanted my last year to be the best. Every high school senior did, but how could I with that snob Mattie Sims in my way, ruining almost everything?

I shrugged the thought of her out of my mind. This was my night and I had work to do. Anything that dealt with writing was a job for me. It was my career. It was what I wanted to be and what I am. I smiled up at Max as we headed out the door.

“Alright, Max. I’ll go. But this is strictly business; I’m not going to the carnival to fool around.”

“Right. Strictly business.” He assured me. “Oh, but it will take a while. He has to dress up as a monster for the kids.”

“What?” I laughed, “Why?”

“Well, he told me it was some kind of thriller thing for the kids. Something about chasing the kids around and making them scream.”

“That’s cute. I’m sure it’s because his parents forced him to.”

Max nodded and shook his head, “No, actually. He wanted to. He loves kids.”

I was surprised. I never knew any teenage guy to love kids. The average teenage boy went out and partied, got drunk, or teased every nerd in school. Indeed, this guy was sounding interesting by the minute.

“I’m telling you, Jade. He’s perfect for you. He’s mature, a writer, and loves kids.”

“Really. If you’re trying to get me with him, I’m going home right now.”

“No, no, no.” He said, holding onto my arm, “I’m not, but you know, he’s a charmer.”

“Sure he is.” I laughed.

The first thing that caught my attention was the Ferris wheel. It was the highest ride besides the roller coasters. Max found a number of our friends and we greeted them. Then we finally saw the she-devil. Mattie Sims. She was walking our way and smiling flirtatiously. It was evident she fancied Max, but little did she know that my friend is off-limits! I frowned at her and Max gracefully mumbled a hello.

“Hi, Max.” She smiled. Her perfect teeth and her blonde hair flowing free disgusted me. She then turned to me with a glower, “Hi, Jade.”

“What now,” I asked, wanting to push her off her heels. “Don’t you have better things to do than flirting with my friend Max?”

“Believe it or not, Jade.” She said in reply, “Max and I are going out on Friday.”

“What?” I asked, I was furious. How could Max do this to me, “Max, is that true?”

He looked at me regretfully, “I meant to tell you. Can I explain it to you later? Please. You have to trust me.” He pleaded.

Immediately, I threw my hands in the air, “This is bull---”

“Jade, wait!”

I stormed off. I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was too angry to even think about it. So I set off to meet him myself. I searched for any kind of booth that there was indicating any sign of monsters and then there it was. It took place inside a house that was built for the occasion. I looked at it and I was about to enter it when a man stopped me.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“I’m looking for…my brother. We are leaving.” I lied.

The man nodded and let me through, “Be careful. Some of those monsters may scare you.” He laughed.

I left with a plain, “Yeah, yeah.”

As I went inside, it was dark and little lights were set to guide me. I was in no hurry, so I walked in as every guy dressed in a costume came at me. The man was right. I got so scared that I just ran which ever way I went and they chased me. The place was huge. I knew it was ridiculous, but I couldn’t help it. Those were really creepy costumes. I lost a few monsters and just then, there was one that found me and ran after me. There were stairs and I decided to go down. Bad idea, I know.

That was it! I was so angry that I pushed the damned monster back up against the wall. He fell. I heard him groan.

“Oww!” He said. “What are you doing little girl?”

“You little son of----” I stopped shortly and I ripped his head off of him. Immediately, I saw those startling blue eyes and it made my heart sink for some reason. His hair was as black as the night. He was…gorgeous.

“Wow, you’re a very pretty little girl.” He said, he smiled with those lovely sensual lips.

“I am not a little girl and I’ll have you know that you scared me half to death!”

He laughed, “That’s kind of the point. What are you doing in here? This is for little kids.”

“Really, well. It’s none of your business.” I sighed as he stood up. He was tall and I did feel like a little girl.

“Well,” He sighed, “That was…Hey…you pushed me pretty hard.” He said, rubbing his head, “I think that calls for some compensation.”

I wasn’t done being angry, so with all my might, I lunged at him and we tumbled to the ground. He looked at me as if I was crazy and then the strangest thing happened. He leaned toward me and started kissing me.

I grew wide-eyed and I trembled, “What did you do that for?”

He shrugged, “I just find your lips…impossibly irresistible.”

I stopped myself from replying, “Really?” So instead, I touched my lips. I had never been kiss in my life.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. My name is Gordon Hoffman.” He held out his hand and I stared at him so hard that I thought he felt the tension in my gaze.

“Y-You’re Mr. Hoffman?” I asked incredulously.

“Oh, so you’re a proper little girl.” He teased. “I think you better get off me now before I attempt to kiss you again.”

I gasped and stood as fast as I could but I ended up back upon the ground, sprawled all over him. I looked at him apologetically. He didn’t smile, but he had that flirtatious look in his eyes. It didn’t take me long to notice that he was going to kiss me. He did. When he finally stopped to look at me, I was speechless.

“I was tempted.” He said. “You forgot to tell me your name.”

“I’m…uh…Jade Fairfax.” I said nervously. I never felt so nervous in my life.

“You’re from England, I see.”

“Oh, of course.”

“Are you angry with me?” he asked, “I’m sorry for being so…forward.”

“No, I am not…for some strange reason.” I replied.

“Well, then…Jade.” He looked at me curiously, “Wait, you’re Jade?”

“Yes I am. Gordon---”

“Oh right. Gordon. I’m looking forward to writing that play with you---oh and spending my days with you. You’re so beautiful.”

I smiled, blushing furiously, “Thank you.”

“Don’t I get a compliment?” He teased.

“Oh, you’re charming, I assure you.” I smiled up at him and he took my hand, placing a kiss upon it.

“Well, madam. Thank you.” He said charmingly.

Then in that instant, I knew he was mine and I his.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:32 am
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deleted6 says...

Aww god this is so sweet, i rarely read romantic fiction, but title caught my eye god this is so sweet. I love how they encounter, I hope to see more to this soon well done. Sorry can't really critique but so sweet. :) :D
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
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Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:05 pm
extrastapled says...

There were stairs and I decided to go down. Bad idea, I know.

That was it! I was so angry that I pushed the damned monster back up against the wall. He fell. I heard him groan.

This is a bit too sudden; you need another sentence or two in there, I think.

Other than that, not bad. High school-type stories aren't really my thing, but your writing style is readable enough that I was able to finish the story anyway. :lol: You're a good writer.

I did skip most of the beginning, though, I admit. It doesn't really flow well with the story. Especially this part:

By the by, that isn’t what the story is about now. Although, she does have a part in it.

It would probably be best to simply remove this line and the preceding paragraph, or at least change it so the introduction is part of the story. The way you have it now, with her introducing the story - too much distance. It sets the reader too far back from the action at first, and it takes a few paragraphs to get comfortable with the story because of it.

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Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:25 pm
Wiggy says...

The first two paragraphs are completely unnecessary. I loved the whole story though! I want to hear more about what happens to them...
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:12 am
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Night Mistress says...

This was great! i think you should put up a follow up piece to this.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:52 am
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Liz says...

I liked, but I do agree the first 3 paragraphs are unnecessary. There's nothing wrong with plunging right into a story!
Well, the characters seemed a bit one-sided to me. Plot could also use a bit of complication - it was quite obvious what was going to happen.
I think if you expand on this you'd have a very respectable work of fiction!
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Generally speaking, a howling wilderness does not howl: it is the imagination of the traveler that does the howling.
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