
Young Writers Society

"I Trusted You..."

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Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:13 pm
VampireBadger says...

“I Trusted You…”

There was this guy… Yes, well, I s’pose that’s where it all really starts. He was quite a beautiful creature. Long dark hair and eyes that always seemed to be gazing off into nothing while he intently thought deep and profound things. He was a musician, and of course a very good one. A pianist I think. I had heard some of his music sometimes when passing his house and it always sounded wonderful. Dynamic and in a slightly minor key.

It goes without saying that I mentioned him a couple of times to my friends. Well, when I say a couple, I mean regularly… every week… day… on the hour… but you get the picture. Naturally, I’d expect my friends to know that I was telling them this in the strictest confidence and to breathe a word would mean a fate worse than death! Of course this meant every friends except Carrie.

It happened in Maths class. My mind was not on my work, but wondering to the dark haired, handsome figure in front of me. He was hunched, scribbling away in his jotter, his hair falling majestically in front of his face.

“Ashley, what’s the cubed route of one hundred and twenty five…?”

I was so utterly fascinated by him that my friend’s whisper failed to penetrate.

“Ashley? What are you staring at…?”

If I had answered fast enough, none of this might have started. It still haunts me. As it was, Carrie got in there before me.

“Oh, she’s staring at Sean there, her new boyfriend!” she said the last word especially slowly, drawing out my suffering. The boy in front of my stiffened, his pencil pausing on the paper. My cheeks flushed with colour and I hushed her desperately. But it was far too late to stop her words carrying to the other girls around us.


“Sean!? Surely not!”

“Is he really your boyfriend?”

“Has he kissed you yet!?”

Ashamed, I hung my head in my hands, hiding my red cheeks. It didn’t even matter that the girls had heard her. As soon as a bit of juicier gossip was detected they’d swarm around it like flies, completely forgetting this. But the fact that he’d heard it… that he knew. It eliminated any possible relationship between us, at least anything deeper than a polite acquaintance. Carrie was going to pay!

I raised my head, glancing briefly at Sean before rounding on Carrie. He was still frozen and his ears had turned scarlet. Thinking fast, I hissed loud enough so the whole class could hear, “Wasn’t that Carrie and Benny I saw at the cinema, near the back row yesterday…?”

The look on Carrie’s face was classic! Total shock and incomprehension as if she hadn’t really understood what had happened. Benny, a mousy haired boy near the back of the class lifted his too-large nose to stare at me, his own blush creeping sneakily up his neck.


Okay… so that wasn’t the bravest, noblest thing in the world to do. In fact, I am horribly aware it was probably the most evil, underhanded thing I could have done in that situation. And it came back to me, tenfold. While only a few people sniggered behind their hands whenever I passed in the corridor and boys wolf whistled when I so much looked at Sean, the majority of snide comments and cruel remarks were directed at Carrie. All of a sudden she was quite, reserved and withdrawn. But it was the looks that she threw me whenever we came in contact.

I could have dealt with anger, even hatred on her part. I deserved it after all. But no matter how many times I received it, I was never prepared for the look of terrible hurt and despair on her face when we came eye to eye. I always had to look away guiltily, pretending not to have seen it. I would have to make it up to her sometime. And I knew how… but it would include a great sacrifice on my part.


However much she giggled and sneered whenever I went on about Sean, I knew that deep down, she adored him almost as much as I did. Maybe more! It took incredible strength to stride up to him one lunchtime when I saw him alone, reading in a corner of the canteen. He looked up at my approach, skilfully ignoring a hoot from a group of boys who had seen me walk towards him.

“Sean…” I began, not sure how to phrase this. I could barely look at him. So instead I spoke to my feet. “You know my friend Carrie…?”

He nodded, curious.

“She wants me to tell you she’ll be going to the cinema on Saturday. But she has no one to go with… and was wondering…” I felt like this was actually causing physical pain to say this aloud. In my head it was so simple. But here and now, it was awful. Inside there was still a small… well, okay, a very large part of me begging him to refuse. Luckily, I didn’t have to finish the sentence. He beat me to the punch.

“Why don’t you go with her…?”

“I’m…” I struggled to find a suitable excuse. “…Busy”

He closed the book and thought a while. I pleading with him silently. Please say no, please, please, please!

He nodded, and I had trouble stopping myself groaning aloud.

“What time? What cinema?”

It was far too late to back out now, so I told him the details and hurried off before I lost all nerve and fainted. With a cold, empty feeling in my stomach, I went to tell Carrie the good news.
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:27 pm
Dark Maiden says...

Wow! It was fantastic! I hope there will be more.

"I was so utterly fascinated by him that my friend’s whisper failed to penetrate."

I especially love that sentence! It is amazingly worded!

Goooooood Job! And keep up the great work!
"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born." ~Ronald Reagon

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Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:09 pm
PerforatedxHearts says...

Umm...this was...okay.

I honestly failed to realize a point to this. Besides rambling on, and on, and on about her "dreamboy". Or Sean, or whatever.

Plus, this:

Dynamic and in a slightly minor key.

I believe, that music isn't usually "slightly" minor. It's either minor or not. But either way, that sentence is unnecessary and also out of place.

This story seems like it ended without really resolving anything. If there's a second part, why didn't you mention it? If there isn't, work on the ending more. The beginning only has a 25% rate of drawing anybody in, if only for the possible romance. And there isn't even that much romance in it.

"Video games don't affect kids. If Pacman had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills, and listening to repetitive electronic music." --anonymous/banner.

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:47 am
Sachiko says...

I thought that this was absolutely wonderful! It makes me feel ashamed about my writing... Good job! Keep up the good work!
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:11 am
EnchantressMuffin says...

Mm... this was pretty good. I liked the storyline and whatnot pretty well, and the characters are likeable.


- Through the whole thing, I had only a vague notion that Carrie and Ashley were friends. And when I figured out that they were, I didn't know how close they were. It seemed like you were trying to make it seem like they were really good friends, but at certain points it seemed like they were only acquaintences, or fringe friends.
And if they were, then Ashley's sacrifice wouldn't really make sense, because why would she care so much about an aquaintence? It didn't seem like she was the overly sensitive type or anything...

- Agreeing with PerforatedxHearts, music is either in minor key or not. (If you were trying to insinuate that his music was slightly moody, some rewording would be in order.) I have played a succession of instruments over my life, so don't think I'm just saying this for the sake of agreeing with the purple person.

- I really don't know how the title ties in to this story. Maybe with poems you can pull off vague-ish random titles with no relevance, but not so much with short stories.

- These sentences: "I had heard some of his music sometimes when passing his house and it always sounded wonderful. Dynamic and in a slightly minor key."
This really sounds weird. I think you need a semicolon or some other hard-to-place punctuation mark in there, like so:

"I had heard some of his music sometimes when passing his house, and it always sounded wonderful; dynamic and in a slightly minor key."

Make note of the fact that I did not change the "slightly". I'll leave that to you to pick what you want to go there.

Overall, not bad. Rather cute.

Peace, love, chocolate,

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Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:16 pm
GingerLizzy says...

One thing I will say is that [and this is before I have read all of it] I didn't like how you called the boy a creature. Makes him sound like some sort of monster, or animal or something and that doesnt make the greatest first impression. Also, you have called his eyes 'things' and this doesn't sound very elaborate.

Actually, I'm writing this and then reading a bit. So yeah.

When you say hunched, this makes him sound a little weird - although I know what you mean, it doesn't sound write when written down and read back.

I liked how the girl described how the change in attention ebtween little bits of gossip varied and things that embarrassed people moved on fast as soon as someone else's embarrassment turned up. And I particulary liked when the girl turned on her friend, doing a stage whisper of her own gossip. Gosh know's we've all done that.

In the first two sentences on your little middle section, you seemed to have over used the commas there, so maybe you should review this. Just a thought. In this little middle section, I liked how you described the consequences of the girl letting everyone know that piece of gossip. We've all experienced those looks one time or another.

Oh my gosh. Just reading the last piece and I am outraged. What is she doing, why why why?! Gosh, I apologise, I got into the story then. That is a great twist, asking the boy she likes to go to the cinema with her friend. I love it.

Keep writing !
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:50 pm
Night Mistress says...

interesting. i guess there is another pece to this???
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:17 pm
woodland wolf says...

hi i liked that!!!! told you i would reply!! *grins wolfishly* thought it had a disapointing ending, was hoping for a bit of romance but.....none. =[ thats ok it seemed like a real life situation other than a predictable story. which i very much liked cause as we all proberly know real relationships dont always turn out like a bedtime story book, if you feel it needs more added then add it but personaly i think its better without. hope this was helpful!!

“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all -
— Emily Dickinson