
Young Writers Society


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Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:25 am
SASSYLADY333 says...

I'm anixous to continue this story as well as Amber [ a fan of mine] so i apologize for grammar. And hopely you like it cause i wrote it so long ago.:).By the way I'm editing the entire story now and adding the fifth chapter so bare with me!

Chapter Three

Meanwhile, when any one least expected it an experiment was going on in Colorado. Doctor Stevens a blond who was constantly compared to a certain television character was at work with her partner. Now the other Doctor Stevens was her husband a very powerful man with lots of money.

He worked under cover for the US government for twenty five years .It only took ten minutes after meeting Superman that he decided what he had to do. Now Kragen-Peter Stevens couldn't stop all Kryptonite from being destroyed , but he secretly studied them enough to know what they were made of. He'd started the secret project fifteen years ago, and he'd been married for five. Now, here he was, with his lovely wife, one ingredient way from success.

" Kragen are you ready?"
" I was made ready." He added the last ingredient.

When the substance stopped glowing one lonely tear came down on Kragen's left cheek, "Finally I've made Lithonite!"

He looked at his wife Olivia and they couldn't stop laughing.

Meanwhile the computer said, " Experiment Success."

Two hours later after a little champagne, the Stevens went to their under ground place to meet with their associates. They waited there patiently for when Mr. And Mrs. Stevens walked in the room.

Axel, a bald associate who was a hot head stood up, " Did every thing go according to plan sir?"

" Do you think my wife would wear a thousand dollar cocktail dress otherwise? "

Axel smiled, " No, sir."

" Good, you got the chopper?"

" Yes, sir."

" Hey, Beagle, did you make arrangements in the city?"

Doctor Stevens was talking to a small man, who was thin with small beagle eyes, who also had a tendency to be scared for no reason, " Uh-uh, yes sir yes." He continued staying the same thing over and over again but no one paid attention.

" Good, Levy, That's it for phase one two more to go."

That night there was a merry party on the Kragen Helicopter. That' s because Kragen wanted to see one man, who would make him invisible.

Chapter Four

" Dad, I don't get it. What did you do? I mean I didn't know it was so hard."

" Of course it's hard Jason. I had the same difficulty as you growing up, except I waited to except fame. But I stayed true for years to what I believed was important, and that's got to keep you going."

Jason sank in the car seat, " But I want to tell Fonda who I am and tell her to stop this. I don't want to drive home Dad, I want to fly!" Jason was angry now.

" Well, come on Jason.", his father looked at him, with his dark blue eyes that held all the meaning in the world. It was shame to Jason a man with such a intimidating gaze had to hide it behind think black glasses. " I could flaunt, but won't my meaning change? Do I want to help people or do I want rewards? Do I want parades everyday? Constant worry for family?"

Jason was listening to his father at first but his Clark was begging to lecture. " Gosh, I get it, I've been doing this for a while now. I've thought about that…It's just…I feel bad Fonda going through all that trouble ,like he's someone special. When really he' s not, he's her very own photographer."

Jason did something surprising to himself , he smiled, " It's actually kind of more funny then frustrating." Superman smiled too.

Soon enough father and son were home and Louis had made dinner. She greeted the rest of her family letting the dog outside. The Kent's weren't the only ones at the dinner table, Clark's parent s had come over and were obsessing over Jason.

They all sat around the table, Louis on one end , Clark on the other.

Grandma Kent said, " So Louis how goes that magazine of yours? I saw the cover of this months I was quite shocked. Who knew bones could still be found after the Persian war."

Louis smiled having discussion with her mother in-law. While everyone passed around the baked chicken, Lima bean casserole string beans, and biscuits.

If some one was walking outside the Kent residence they would have heard the loud laughter. But instantly both Clark and Jason stopped smiling. Clark whipped off his glasses, now he was Superman on a mission.

" I've got to go, there's something wrong at the power plant. Jason, don't go any where while I'm gone."

Within seconds, Superman was gone, sadly the family was used to his departures. They finished their dinner and the adults had a nice evening in the living room. Jason went upstairs to finish his homework, he wondered what could happen at the plant.

Superman arrived to the down town plant shortly , when he got their robbers were deep inside the building. They'd released a deadly gas causing others to evacuate. According to a man named Jeff, the regular gas mask weren't useful to this deadly gas, but the arsonist masks did work.

Superman understood, knowing for sure this wasn't any ordinary robbery. This was villains' up to no good again. Using his X-ray vision Superman found the villains' in a matter of seconds.

Once he found them he saw five people. One he was already in acquaintance with. It was Kragen Stevens, he himself worked for the government.

" Kragen? What are you doing here?"

" I was visiting the plant on official business—"

A blond woman took off her mask since the gases had reseeded said nastily, " But now he's coming with us?"

" Not so fast, you'll be taking this man no where?"

" Oh, but Superman what are you going to do?"

And in annoyance to Superman and Kragen the villains' laughed out loud.

Superman ran to one peevish looking man and tried to punch him in a millisecond. In an ordinary case he'd be aiming for the next two guys. But something happened Superman wasn't able to move.

Then he realized the man was a shape shifter, he'd turned into a giant snake wrapping around Superman's feet.

" Who are you?" Superman was quite surprised he hadn't seen one with such abilities in ten years.

" We're the End! " replied the women and as custom the villains laughed as a cloud of smoke allowed them to disappear.

Superman was angered, he investigated the scene, he had made a few conclusions as authorities arrived. After he'd spoken to them he flew to the Daily Planet. When he arrived from the chief's window he asked to speak with him.

" Sure Superman you got any leads for us?"

" Yes, about the robbery from the plant…"

A few hours later Fonda heard on the news about the plant and how there was villains running about with super powers. Fonda had quite a hunch. Superman hadn't had a challenge like this in at least ten years, how was Super Boy going to handle this?

Would his father let him play hero with these guys running around? But the most important thought that came to Fonda was…when was the right time to question Super Boy?

During the ordeal, after, or should she play the cheetah and wait to sprint?

Fonda was sitting at her desk top when she decided it was time to play shadow. Winter break had just occurred so she had plenty of time. It wasn't like Fonda would be bored with her work. Sometimes she found it surprising that people got paid for journalism. It was like play time for her.

She grabbed her phone and called Jason up, " Hello?"

" Hi, Jason. It's Fonda. Enjoying your vacation so far?"

Jason was in his room eating some M And M's thinking about his dad. Then deciding to think about Claire Fisher instead, she was always a good distraction. Fonda was aware of this, if she knew he had been thinking about her she would have fallen into a bad mood.

But fortunately she didn't," Yeah definitely and you?"

" It's been good, you know I got the thinking…"

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 125
Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:29 pm
SASSYLADY333 says...

Reading this over it has kind of hard to read and I have caught a bunch of mistakes.
And it does lack alot of detail...So sorry if its confusing and a lot less enjoyable to read. I'm almost done with my editing!
"Show us, don't tell us!" They say, but sadly I realize I'm a storyteller. When I cross over and accept maturity, when I want to change then maybe I'll be willing to show people my prose and not tell them. As a writer I have to grow. :)

To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.
— Allen Ginsberg