
Young Writers Society

Born To Die

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56 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 850
Reviews: 56
Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:28 pm
EvensLily says...

I know this is a little long... but enjoy! xx

Keller sat in the holey armchair with a cigar in her hands, the rain battered down the shattering glass as she took in the sweet bitterness of her cigar, one of the top in the world, Cohiba Esplendido, she stole from a rich bitch after she beat her up and stole her money. She brought her black boots up on the chipped paint windowsill, it was cold, but Keller wasn’t cold, inside maybe, but now, no. Her grey eyes scanned London down below; she saw things that normally people wouldn’t see. She saw a pimp and his bitch across the street; a man on the corner selling M&M’s (Magic Mushrooms) and a man in a business suite running for cover, a man in a business suite shouldn’t be here; simply enough, he was a Con Artist with a gun in his pocket. It was hell in Baker Street.
How she missed hell.
“What the hell are you doing here?” A cold voice snarled; Keller didn’t want to turn around to see his face; she smiled inwardly, hearing the voice she had been deprived of in years.
“Why hello Jesus”
“How the hell did you get in?”
“It’s a simple thing called picking a lock; anyway what kind of greeting is that? I thought you’d be happy to see me”
“Happy to see you? I woke up and you’d gone, it’s been three years!” this time Keller gave a small grin. A grin children would run screaming from.
“The longest three years of your life” She heard footsteps as Jesus tried to take the cigar out of her hand. Before he could do anything, Keller was out of her seat. She stole his hand and twisted it making him scream, fastening both his hands behind his back, she pushed him effortlessly to the floor. Jesus let out a groan from low in his chest, fighting off the fierce arm of Keller. His tattooed body fought her but she was too strong and held his head to the floor.
“Alright Lover boy” Keller sang, letting out a laugh and throwing back her long dazzling black hair and laughing. Talking in a sweet inhale of toxins from her cigar she bent down and blew it into his face. Jesus coughed and muttered ‘bitch’. “Tell me something I don’t know” said Keller as she gracefully got up from him. Jesus groaned again, he fought his way up, his body in agony, the bitch knew her pressure points.
“Why are you here?” Jesus asked again.
“Because I got bored, you can only make fun of the Irish for so long”
“So that’s where you’ve been”
“Here and there” Keller took a breath as she looked at him for the first time in three years. His cold dazzling blue eyes shone with hurt, his dirty brown hair thick, his eyebrows up, his beautiful tattoos of demons and hell inked up on his arms, she knew another tattoo that was there under his shirt, right next to his heart, just like hers, it would have her name there, she had to control her hand from reaching forward and touching it. He was wearing the same leather jacket the day she left him, well he had been wearing it that day. His jeans slumped down his waist, the bagging material over worn. His lip, tongue, ear and eyebrows were still pierced. Keller turned quickly towards the window and watched the M&M’s guy stare at the package longingly.
“Kelly, Leave me alone or give me a straight answer”
“My name is not Kelly” Keller screamed, hitting her fist on the already broken window, smashing it.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake” swore Jesus.
She turned to look at him again, and her heart thumped in her chest.
“You look awful” she fought herself in her head, one side wanting to run to him and tell him how much she loved him and that she was sorry for leaving him, while the other half wanted to kill him, and it wouldn’t be the first person she killed.
“Yeah, well, I haven’t had a good couple of days, wait, scrap that years”
“Oh, boo-hoo get over it. When do you ever have a good day anyway? Unless you score some weed”
“I’ve actually been clean for a year”
“What?” she asked in disbelief, her grey eyes widening.
“I’ve been clean, and since you’ve gone my work got shown in a gallery in Edinburgh-”
“I know” said Keller; she pressed her cigar onto his chair, burning a hole right through it.
“What the hell Keller!” Jesus said taking the cigar from her. “what do you mean, I know?”
“I was there; I was also the reason you got the job. Before you left I called Federico about you. He passed it on to his father”
“You did something for me?” asked Jesus in disbelief.
“No, I was calling Federico about flying to Italy to get away from you. He asked about you and I told him” That was a lie. Keller had called because at the time, she was in love with him. Scared out of her mind, she had ran. However, she had called Federico for Jesus; she wanted him to be happy.
“What do you want Keller” Jesus said with a harsh edge. She recognized his harsh voice, if she was to push him any further; she was going to rest in peace, and not in a good way.
“To be entertained” She sleepily returned; she felt uneasiness in her empty stomach; he always made something inside her churn.
“Well I’m not up for entertaining today””
“I came all the way from Detroit!” Keller snapped.
“Not just to see me Keller, I know you, we did date for four years, what do you want?”
“We didn’t date, we had sex”
“That doesn’t answer the question Keller”
“Fine, I want your unconditional love” She sang back sarcastically, little did he know, maybe even, little did she know, that is exactly what she wanted.
“I loved you once Keller, never again” Keller stood in shock.
“You loved me?” She asked.
“Of course I did, what kind of question is that? To you I was just your play toy, but to me you where everything. My best friend, a brother, a lover, bloody hell, you where even God to me. I gave you everything and you just gave enough to make me happy, and I would have been, with whatever you gave me… to me you were everything, we were everything… nothing else mattered”
“And then I left” Keller pushed down the urge to cry. She had never cried more in the three years she had been away from him, then ever. His name was pierced on her heart, literally. She would stare at the tattoo for hours and cry, just cry for him.
“And then you left” Jesus repeated. “You know, you haven’t been the only one too around here…every time a girl leaves a guy for no reason, we call it doing a Keller. Jenny did a Keller with John right after you did. She came back after a week though, they got married” Keller turned away again and the M&M’s guy had gone, probably to get high, lucky bastard.
“I’m going” Keller said.
“What, where?” asked Jesus.
“To Orlando’s”
“Why, you would only go to Orlando’s if you… You’re not staying are you?” Jesus asked frightened to hear the answer.
“I want to stay”
“But you can’t”
“And why not”
“Because, I don’t want you too”
“Well get used to it” Keller said walking towards the door; she pulled the gun out of her trousers. “The bitch is back in town”
“And what makes you think, by any sort of degree that I will let you back in to the group after you left?” Orlando sat back in his leather chair and eyed Keller, she hadn’t changed at all.
“I have something Orlando, that I think you will appreciate Orlando” Keller went into her leather jacket pocket and pulled out the packs of Cohiba Esplendido. Orlando stopped still.
“Where the hell did you get those?”
“Stole them, I hear they go for about $30 dollars each”
“How many do you have?” Orlando asked, fixated on the Cigars.
“2 packs of 20” Orlando’s mouth fell open. “Now sir, you can have one pack if you will let me back in the group, you can have both if you make me leader again” Orlando shook his head.
“No way, I can’t make you leader again, Jesus is the leader now”
“You made Jesus leader? I’m surprised they aren’t all dead yet”
“Yeah well, you left and then John and Leon both where shot and Jenny was put in jail” Jesus never told Keller John had died, her heart went out to Jenny, John had died and she was in jail, talked about fucked up. “I can make you a deal with the second box”
“Go on” Keller said, she had both packs in her hand and were messing with them, Orlando was not appreciating it.
“I can make you head of the New kids. You can teach them, Jesus, well let’s just say one is already dead” Keller smiled, a smile that even Orlando cringed to.
“Perfecto” she handed the cigars to him and left the room, knowing she had just bribed the true owner of the East Side of London.
Keller had taken one look at the new kids and couldn’t believe her eyes. Two weeks had passed, and they were 100% better than they were in the beginning, but that was not necessary, good thing.
“You’re a sorry bunch of children!” Keller screamed at them as the first one crossed the finished line of the 6 mile assault course they had just done 4 times. Jim fell to the floor and Keller took him by the collar of his sports jacket and pulled him up to standing.
“Collect your time and stick it on the board, and if you fail to do that in the next 20 seconds, I will personally see to it, you do that round again with your legs tied together” she pushed him away in disgust and turned to the next sorry boy who crossed the finish line. “Move it!” she screamed at him. In the two weeks she had been training them, three had quit and only three remained, one of them a girl. Susan crossed the finish line last, but had made the biggest improvement, Keller knew what it was like being one of the only girls in a mafia, and she had been in several, she did make more of an effort with Susan, but that’s only because she wanted her to kick the sorry ass of anyone that stood in the way of a women. “Well done Susan, get your time and stick it on the board, that’s all today” Susan smiled, her blue eyes lightened, her body whitened with sweat. Keller made her way towards the board and to Jim and Ryan that were huffing and puffing. “Your pathetic, the both of you, take a shower, you make me sick” She looked at both of their times, it wasn’t bad, not bad at all, however, she wouldn’t tell them this, she needed/wanted to keep them on their toes.
“Wow, well done Keller, this is pretty good” Keller turned her head and saw Jesus looking at the bored.
“I don’t need approval from you” Keller said, turning around and picking up her bag from the side.
“Well actually you do, seen as I run this”
“Yeah, well whatever big boy okay, I’m going home”
“I need to talk to you Keller, it’s about your team”
“They are not my team Jesus, I’m just training them”
“Well you have a job to do” Keller stopped and turned back to Jesus.
“I have a Job? What am I doing? Bribing the Police, breaking into the houses of parliament, killing?”
“It’s not a big mission but it’s something. We need to know whether you’re on our side or not, you do this and you are. Your team will help you but they are to know nothing about the objective, do you understand me?” Keller nodded and took the brown envelope out of Jesus’ hands and opened it. The mission was simple, Find Mr. Bellow and get back 4000 if not, all means will be necessary to silence him.
Keller stood outside the house of Mr. Bellow and walked in. Jesus had her back, he was in the car across the street for a quick get-away. This was the first time she’d been alone with him since she turned up out of Jesus’ house, the air was thick in the car, she was happy to get out of their but missed him, she missed him terribly. She swaggered up to the door, she had a choice; go through the door or sneak in through the open window. She went with the open window, he was an idiot. Who would leave their window open when they owe the Mafia money? She gracefully slid into the house and looked around; she kept her gun strapped around her stomach. She went into the living room and unplugged all the phone’s making sure that that the Police were not going to get involved. Keller took the stairs two at a time, and with cat-like reflexes, made no noise. She flew into the bedroom, and saw him sleeping, his wife had died from heart attack last year and his only child, Lucy, had suddenly gone to visit family in Florida, this made things slightly easier. She unstrapped the knife from her shin and held it for a second, deliberating what to do next. Best just to go with it. She took the knife, grasped his neck and held the knife over his throat.
“Good morning sleeping beauty” she said her voice almost hysterical. Mr. Bellow’s eyes snapped open as he gasped, disorientated he brought up his hands to hers and tried to push her off, she just laughed. “You’re a silly little boy leaving the window open when you owe money to the Mafia, now’s your chance to up your IQ, Where is the money?” Mr. Bellow pointed at his dresser opposite his bed. “What a good boy” Keller brought out handcuffs from her belt and strapped him onto the beds headboard. Keller went in such for the missing money, she went into the last draw and saw an envelope, she opened it and counted it, $4000, this was going to be a successful mission. “your such a good boy” she cooed, she went back to the bed and un-cuffed him. “Now be a big boy and go back to sleep” Keller watched him as she walked back and closed the door, this time, with satisfaction on her face.
It didn’t last long.
Keller heard the door open, the door from which she had just left. She stopped at the foot of the stairs, using her ears to listen carefully, when she felt something sharp and cold touch her skin of her neck.
“Now” Mr. Bellow said; “Why don’t you be a big girl and hand me the money back” Keller was hoping for a fight, she was glad she was going to get one. Grinning like a maniac from insane asylum Keller punched the man in the stomach with her elbow. Mr. Bellow was stronger than she thought but not that strong. He toppled to the floor, and banged his head on the stairs and Keller pulled out her knife again. She liked to kill, up close and personal, she only used her gun when it was of the utmost importance. She pointed it at his throat.
“you silly little man, to think you could have just left it, and I would have left and it would have all been okay”
“It would have never have been okay. When you borrow money from people like you, there is no going back. My family is in danger”
“You should have thought about that before you begged us for money” Mr. Bellow became red in the face, with embarrassment and annoyance. “Looks like little Lucy is going without Christmas this year” Keller remembered his file; she knew she shouldn’t have provoked him, but couldn’t help it. She never followed rules anyway. Without warning Mr. Bellow punched her in the face, Keller went flying back, hitting her head against the wall. Mr. Bellow twisted the knife out of her hands and tried to cut her but Keller slapped him hard and he went flying back. She licked the familiar metallic taste from her lip, he had made her bleed and he will pay. She leapt forwards and knocked him to the floor, she brutally grasped the knife and plunged it into his heart. Mr. Bellow’s eyes swung open and blood trickled down from his mouth, he struggled his last words; “I love you Lucy”
Keller had to take a minute before she left the house, a murder had never affected her this much in her life. His last words circuled her skull, she thought about what would happen if… if Jesus died. If she came back and Jesus had died just like John and Leon, she didn’t understand, why? Why did she care? She stared at the blood all over her clothes. Innocent blood, this was innocent blood. She tried to get the blood off her, she started to scrape the blood from her clothes, her hands and her face were covered in blood, blood, blood, blood. She couldn’t stand it.
“GO AWAY! GO AWAY PLEASE!” She wept at the blood. Suddenly she heard someone creep through the window, she turned towards Jesus as he stood. Jesus eyes widened at her.
“Sssh, Kelly, come on, let’s go outside” Jesus brought his arms out to lift her, but Keller screamed as she backed against the wall.
“No! Go away, don’t let it touch you!” Jesus carefully brought his hands up into surrender.
“It’s okay Kelly; it’s not going to touch me, why don’t you follow me? I bet it wouldn’t touch me” Keller nodded like a child.
“Yeah, come on Kelly, good girl, this way” Jesus said in encouragement as Keller followed him out of the door Jesus picked open.
“It’s not going” Keller wept as dropped to her knees just before they could reach the car.
“What, what’s not going baby?” Cooed Jesus; with a frightened look on his face.
“All the innocents, all the blood” Jesus stared at her. “Make it go away Jesus, make me happy again” Jesus brought his hand up to her face and brought her hair out of her face and pushed it behind her ear. “Jesus help me” Jesus leant forward, his face inches away from colliding with hers.
“No one’s innocent Keller, do you understand me? Look at me baby” he pulled her face closer to his. “Everyone dies at some point, what did we always say to each other?” Keller took a breath in.
“We were born to die” Jesus looked at her again; hiding each other behind the car he took her mouth into his. Oh, sweet relief! Keller felt herself melting into him, with her arms fastening around him, she kissed him back. Her head exploded, her mind colliding with her heart for the first time, her heart rejoicing in being free. She was still in love with him, always will be. Keeping him close to her heart forever, she became herself again, his kiss brought her back to the real world, Damn that would be the last time she will get high before a mission. She looked at Jesus, as he too was now covered in blood, beautiful blood, he was beautiful. “I’ve missed you” she said, as he picked her up and threw her into the car. Her head leaning against the seat, she watched him as he drove her home. He didn’t though, he took her to his home. She felt tears roll down her face as they kissed all the way to his apartment.
“Why are you crying?” Jesus asked.
“I missed you so much” She pushed him onto the bed and threw his top off, and right there, there is was. The tattoo of her name across his heart, she bent down and kissed it, looking up at him she wiped away a tear. “I love you Jesus”
“I love you too Keller” He sat up. “We were born to die... together” He smiled leaning forward, a tear rolling down his own eye.
Write and Smile people! X

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Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:30 pm
Rosendorn says...


While your idea is rather interesting, the execution makes it hard to get through. Your introductory paragraph in particular is just a bit difficult to read because of the grammar. Let's go into a bit more depth:

Keller sat in the 1 holey armchair with a cigar in her hands, the rain 2 battered down the shattering glass as she took in the sweet bitterness of her cigar 3, one of the top in the world, 4 Cohiba Esplendido, 5 she stole from a rich bitch after she beat her up and stole her money.

I made sure to quote just your first sentence. It's a very long sentence, which makes it not the best first sentence. I've added in numbers to make talking about this first sentence easier.

1- Holey armchair is a bit of an odd description, in my mind. Armchairs are normally upholstered, which would mean there are holes in the fabric. Or, if it's not upholstered, then that needs to be mentioned in order for us to get a clear image. Right now, it sounds like a chair like this has holes right through it. Which is a rather confusing mental image. Clearing that up right off the bat would help readability.

2- If the glass is shattered, why is she not wet or dodging droplets? Shattered= glass isn't there. Also, "battered down the shattered glass" reads as "the rain made the glass shatter" or "the rain knocked down already shattered glass". Battered down is an active verb, meaning the rain is doing the battering. I think you mean "battered against", and maybe "cracked" glass. (Shattered often implies there's a hole in the class)

3- That comma there is really confusing. It's where the sentence starts getting too much crammed into it. That comma could either be replaced by a period, letting readers know where she is, or mean the cigar is from the top of the world. You also have three commas in eight words, which adds to the confusion. Look at the punctuation marks available to you, and see if there's any way you can clear up the confusion.

4- Throwing Spanish into an already long opening line, without much context for us to understand what it's referring to unless we know Spanish, isn't the best move. It leaves readers more confused than less. Either omit this detail from the sentence or give it more room to breath by telling us what it is. I'd suggest omitting it, and putting the detail in later. Then you spread the details out in your story and don't give us a huge infodump in your first sentence.

5- This line is just flat. It feels like details added in for the sake of adding in details, regardless of character voice. I'd picture a four year old saying that, not a twentysomething thief. Since the sentence is already getting long, break that off into its own sentence and richen it. Make it sound like a twentysomething thief, and have her think about it a bit. A rich bitch who'd flaunted her money and needed to be knocked down a peg, perhaps? You decide. But try to think like your character.

Past the first sentence, your dialogue punctuation is very off. Check out this article on punctuation within dialogue to help you out there.

Overall, I found this confusing, without much reason given to care about the characters. Slow down your pace right at the opening, to let us breathe and give time to get to know your characters. What you're doing here is throwing us in a room with two characters, no backstory (that the characters keep dancing around, so the characters know it and we don't. This obvious game of "keep away" can annoy readers if not handled carefully) and expecting us to understand it with minimal time to get in your character's head.

Slow it down, make your sentences only have one idea (two max) in them and polish up your grammar so readers aren't distracted. Your story looks interesting, but I just can't get past that confusing opening paragraph.

Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions/comments.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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20 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 20
Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:06 pm
tanya98 says...

Hi ! I don't know whether or not you got your idea from this movie "Domino" or not but some aspects where just like how they were in the movie, but I'm not here to tell you that but to review your work. Here it goes :
she stole from a rich bitch after she beat her up and stole her money.
Instead of adding the "stole her money part"afterwards and dragging the sentence you could have written :
She stole the cigar and money after, she beat up the rich bitch.

“I have something Orlando, that I think you will appreciate Orlando” Keller
why do you mention Orlando's name twice in the same sentence?. The readers know she's talking to him, so instead you could have written:
"I have something Orlando, that I think you will appreciate."

3) you keep using the 'colan ;' a lot example :
Her grey eyes scanned London down below; she saw things...
business suite shouldn’t be here; simply enough, he was...
around to see his face; she smiled...
called picking a lock; anyway what ...
“I was there; I was also the ...
if she was to push him any further; she was going ...
empty stomach; he always made something inside her churn.
It gets irritating after a time, it's like you don't want to use "and". You should really edit it and change the colans to and .

4) In one line you said "needed/wanted. It grammatically wrong. You should have written needed and wanted .

Yeah, and that's it, Overall it was fast, You have to give time to the readers to catch their breadth, but it was really fun to read your piece .

It's not gravity that's tying you to the earth but that one person - Jacob Black

The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.
— Samuel Johnson