
Young Writers Society

Do you listen to music while writing?

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Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:57 pm
GlamazonianGirl345 says...

Most definitely, I listen to music when writing or typing on a daily basis, for educational purposes, cosmetic purposes, and entrepreneurial purposes. It allows me to foster more productivity for myself moreso than the previous day, what with my Type A, workaholic, perfectionist virtues.

My all-time favorite song is titled "The Rainbow Connection," from "The Muppet Movie" of 1979, my all-time favorite film, and sung via my all-time favorite Muppet (as well as celebrity crush, dare I declare), Kermit the Frog, the genesis of all the passion, effort, dedication, motivation, drive, and zeal I emanate.

I <3, <3, <3 200+ covers of the song, and I always play the covers a total of 4 times each. And if I have to pause, to, say, go to the bathroom, or my parents request that I do a favor for them, I restart the song. Why I perform these actions? Quite frankly, I feel as though when I pause an IMMENSELY heartfelt cover of the tune, it just isn't the same sensation. Complementary to so, if all of a sudden a wave of fatigue and lethargy veils over me (which occurs often, since I am 50% Night Owl), "The Rainbow Connection" suffices as that of a caffeinated beverage for me without the case of the jitters that is often the case with that of a tangible cup of coffee.

And, yes, MORE THAN HALF of the covers result in tears welling up in my eyes, and sometimes, said water droplets to run down my cheeks. But, at times, when I am listening to it in the passenger's seat of the car or I'm laying on the couch, as I contemplate my plans for work, or accomplishing my endeavors, it causes me to feel a bit sleepy, and, eventually, my least favorite activity (a nap) ensues as I unintentionally fall asleep in the car or in my car seat, my chair, or the couch, give or take (which grinds my gears greatly :smt011). That's the beauty of music. It makes you laugh. It makes you cry. It makes you sleepy. Clearly, it generates a MULTIFARIOUSNESS of emotions.

Nevertheless, as far as I'm concerned, exposure to music whilst accomplishing one's endeavors essentially induce them to foster a higher level of productivity and concentration. There's an interconnection with them and the tune (or tunes) they are exposing themselves to, and in conjunction with so, music is a therapeutic resolution, no matter what mood one may be demonstrating. I also find it is a wonderful creativity stimulant, and generates more epiphanies of "THAT'S PERFECT!!!" or "EUREKA!!!." Sure, other members of your house will glance at you as if you're a ball of insanity, but then again...that's why the Living Lord invented "brainstorming."

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:25 pm
GlamazonianGirl345 says...

Oh, and I almost forgot. Here are links to a few covers of "The Rainbow Connection" that has the Avery Seal of Approval, and hopefully, they will tug at your <3strings as they do mine:

1) https://youtu.be/feZFR6Fv058

2) https://youtu.be/C4Z3n-Pwq7c

3) https://youtu.be/HZE8JnvhK94

4) https://youtu.be/WRY9ltSgURk

5) https://youtu.be/6JE_SbeLWUQ

6) https://youtu.be/gwgZQA6dM3U

7) https://youtu.be/x4MTNqtwM80

8) https://youtu.be/aB7PKEAHiuQ

9) https://youtu.be/odpf6F7qCtg

10) https://youtu.be/ITSazJQ_cls

11) https://youtu.be/0tUXTexBOCc

Listen to them whenever you get the chance!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:15 am
Featherstone says...

I almost always have a soundtrack or instrumentals in the background; I can't do lyrics, it distracts me, but it really helps me get into 'the zone'.
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Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:20 am
jster02 says...

Music could slow me down, or speed me up, depending on how I use it. I might use it to help me get in a writing mood, but unless i'm super focused, I can't do it during the actual process. I get distracted.
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Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:56 am
Leo says...

Yep. I listen to music while I write sometimes. What happens some of the times is that the story is inspired by the song, or I make sure the song fits the mood of the scene I'm trying to write. Sometimes, it really doesn't matter though because I'm so into the story no external factor can affect my train of thought.
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Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:32 pm
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GWritesNovels says...

Yes, I absolutely adore it! I normally make playlists to go along with characters or stories. If the song has lyrics, I try to make sure that they can pertain to the story in one way or another; if not, it gets a little distracting.

I've also learned that listening to post rock or electronic music is incredibly helpful. Both of them express emotion so well without saying a word, so if the emotion is too great in a scene or if there isn't any song to describe it, those are usually the two genres I go for.

So basically, listening to music while writing is my favorite thing to do because it helps me become incredibly productive.

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Tue May 12, 2020 4:20 am
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alexwanderlust279 says...

I usually listen to music when I write, but I end up not really hearing it or noticing it at all. It doesn’t help me focus, it’s just good background noise. Sometimes I use songs as voices or theme songs for a character and listen to a certain playlist while writing and it helps me get into the mood of the story.

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Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:51 am
piyaliarchives says...

Yes, I do write while listening to music. Sometimes, just thinking about the scene is not enough. To engage myself in writing I always put up a soundtrack. I never listen to music with lyrics, because that is distracting. Rather, I play instrumental BGMs. It is really fun!

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Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:04 pm
xArrows says...

Definitely. Music helps me tap into the character that I'm writing, and I'll sometimes have the same song on repeat because it helps me write whatever scene I'm working on. I also have playlists for my characters and the stories.

If I wasn't listening to music I wouldn't be able to write anything.
Sometimes I'll point at a random female character and say "gay".

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Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:25 am
ednajones58 says...

If you talk about music, there’s no specific genre of music that I like. And I think that music depends on your mood. Sometimes when you are in a jolly mood you like to listen to party songs on the other hand when you are sad, you want to listen to something slow that soothes your mind. For more information click here ptcl speed test. But yes, there are some singers who I really like and listen to them on repeat. But there’s no specific kind of music that I love. It’s just a matter of circumstances. You can read more about music genres and some popular singers on this site.

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Tue Mar 29, 2022 3:44 am
WeepingWisteria says...

I listen to music while I write. I'm the type of person that can't focus without listening to music. My hearing's pretty sensitive, so background noise is very distracting and frustrating at times. I have my one-size-fits-all playlist of over 2000 songs to listen to any time I need to function. However, I've made a few character playlists. I don't listen to them; I catalogue songs that fit their vibe or character. For example, one of my main characters, Malvis, has the love style of Tear in My Heart by Twenty One Pilots but the grieving style of Wrecked by Imagine Dragons. Listening to music improves my writing since it makes my writing possible in the first place.

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Sat May 21, 2022 11:45 am
fantasies says...

sometimes. a variety of music though; indie, rock, folk, etc. it helps me tune out the world.
I don’t want to set the world on fire.

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