
Young Writers Society

On Crimson Tide [NaNo 2020]

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Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:35 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Nine

Daily word count: 2753

Total word count: 15036/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing


“Oh good, you do know how to answer your phone when someone isn’t holding it up to your ear for you!” It was Josh.

“How did you get this number?”

“Honey, I’m a cop. It’s not that hard for me to find out somebody’s number if I want to.”

Noah rolled his eyes. “And why would you want to talk to me? All the fun we had yesterday?”

Josh laughed loudly. “Apparently a night of sleep has done you the world of good. You sound chipper. Anyway, I’m calling to tell you we figured out who the victim is. I’m heading to his family now. Wanna come?”

“Wanna… what?”

“Now there’s the Noah I know and love. Did you need me to repeat the question or did you just not understand it?”

“I understood it,” Noah bristled. “I just don’t understand why. As you pointed out so kindly yesterday, I’m not a cop. This is none of my business. I have nothing to do with this case. I fell on a guy by accident, got all his goop pulled out of my hair and now it’s done. You want me to come with you? What for?”

We're back on target! I feel a bit drained from all the writing and I know some of it really isn't the best but I'm so glad to be back to where I'm supposed to be. This week so far looks like it'll be a little quieter than last week so I'm hoping to stay more on top of my word count. That way I won't have the mad dash at the weekend to catch back up again.

Next week is horrible, so maybe I can get in a few extra words this week to counteract it? Who knows!

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Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:35 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Ten

Daily word count: 1964

Total word count: 17,000/ 50,000
I didn't even plan this, but I was so happy when I found out my word count was such a round number.

A little snippet from today's writing

To his credit, Josh didn’t jump at his sudden appearance but he did look mildly startled. He reached over to open the door. “Took your time.”

Noah didn’t respond to that, but hopped up into the passenger seat and turned to look at him expectantly. He was due an explanation.

Josh looked him up and down slowly. “Do you always have wet hair?” he asked finally, “or is it just a feature of when you’re near me?”

“I’ve just showered,” Noah retorted. “You might like to try it sometime.”

“Are you inviting me to shower with you?”

Noah turned beetroot red. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

Josh just laughed. “Put your seatbelt on,” he advised. “I don’t much like driving slow if I don’t have to.”

He did as he was told, and as soon as the buckle had clicked into place Josh had put the car into reverse, shooting backwards out of the space. He turned the car around with practiced ease, shot a quick wink in Noah’s direction (he wished he could get him to stop doing that) and pulled out into the steady flow of Saturday morning traffic.

So I'm 34% done according to the site which feels amazing! Although part of me feels I should be further than that, haha. I've just completed chapter 5 and though there are so many redundant words and sentences I have to cut out when I edit I feel like I'm finally getting into the flow!

Josh and Noah together is so fun to write, except I'm a little worried Noah has lost too much of his flusterdness when around Josh so may have to work on that a bit! Next chapter they finally go and tell Toby's family that he's dead which means more characters to introduce... not my strong point!

Only 1650 words needed for day 11 so I'm feeling good and hoping to go over it by a 100 or so!

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Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:15 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Eleven

Daily word count: 2278

Total word count: 19,278/ 50,000
Nearly at the 20K mark!

A little snippet from today's writing

“An investment banker?” Josh raised his eyebrows. “And you said he had no enemies?”

“No, I told you. He was loved by everyone.”

“Anything out of the ordinary?” Noah asked suddenly. Josh shot him a look of surprise but he didn’t tell him to stop, so Noah ploughed on. “Had he argued with anyone recently? Or stayed out later than usual.”

“No, I don’t think so.” His wife shifted in her seat. Noah noticed. Her eyes didn’t quite meet his as she continued. “We don’t talk a lot about his professional life. Or we didn’t anyway.”

There was a clattering noise from behind them. Noah glanced up. A teenage boy had entered the kitchen. He was the spitting image of Toby, and Noah knew instantly that this must be his son. He had the same dirty blond hair, though Toby’s was considerably neater and he had at least a foot of height on his son. At a guess, he would put the boy at around thirteen or fourteen. He groaned quietly. It had been hard enough telling Mrs Raymond that her husband was dead, it was immeasurably worse telling a teenage boy his father wasn’t coming home.

Eh, I wasn't thrilled by this chapter. It's nearly over, but just in scrolling through to find a snippet to post I found a lot of errors and things that just didn't work. I could feel them as I was writing, but I think it's where I've just introduced two new characters and haven't quite got their voices yet.

I did get a lot of words done though, and I'm looking forward to breaking 20K, even if I'm not quite sure where the story goes from here...

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Fri Nov 13, 2020 1:53 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Twelve

Daily word count: 1141

Total word count: 20,419/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“Tox screen came back,” said Josh, still grinning stupidly. “There was some alcohol in his body, but nowhere near enough that he would fall off a pier into the sea. It was negative for drugs too, isn’t that great?”

“Uh, sure?”

“You idiot,” laughed Josh, but it wasn’t unkindley. “Sorry, I guess I’ve been doing this too long I just expect everyone to know what’s going on. That means his death is suspicious which means we’re treating it as a suspected homicide and I get to work it for real.”He paused, “hey, you know what? That also means you just found our first official suspect.”

“Oh, I guess I did.” Noah allowed a small smile to bloom on his face. He couldn’t help it. Obnoxious as he was, Josh’s happiness was infectious. “So what now?” he asked.

“Now,” said Josh. “We track down this murder threatening asshole and ask him a few questions about our friend Toby Raymond.”

So I broke 20,000 words and finished the chapter but I still felt very meh about the whole section. I also don't quite know what's happening in the next chapter so I feel like I'm going to have a few difficult days. Didn't meet my word count goal but I'm still at overall target so I guess things could be worse!

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Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:42 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Thirteen

Daily word count: 1405

Total word count: 21,824/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

The sparse morning traffic had turned into a steady thrum of cars whilst they were speaking to Toby’s family, and Noah had spent the past half an hour sitting firmly on his hands to avoid smacking Josh who couldn’t seem to stop tapping on the wheel or snapping his fingers to whatever tune was playing on the radio.

The smell of mid spring wafted in through the open window and the late morning sun was beginning to turn the creamy skin of Josh’s arm to a faint pink as he rested it against the side of the car.

With the fumes of the traffic and the warmth from the sun combined with the fact that Noah had slept badly that night, he felt his eyes getting heavier by the second and struggled to keep them open, shifting about in his seat uncomfortably. He could feel the beginnings of sweat pooling in his lower back and wished they were back in the Raymond’s house with its sprawling gardens and beautiful air conditioning.

So I cheated and wrote some bits later on to up my word count. The interaction between Josh and Noah is a bit too constant at the moment. I need them to have some kind of conflict or something to break up the monotony but I can't work out what. Eh, just ploughing on and making some notes of where to edit (i.e. the whole of chapters six and seven).

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Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:07 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Fourteen

Daily word count: 2560

Total word count: 24,384/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“He’s not my friend,” Noah shot back. “And no, I didn’t fake it. I’m just tired from yesterday and I didn’t sleep well so…”

“Oh,” Toby almost looked worried. “Are you feeling better now?”

“A little, I guess.”

“Look,” he said matter of factly. “I know this isn’t your job, and I know you didn’t ask for this but I just want to let you know I really appreciate you sticking this out and finding out who did this to me. You met my family, right? You know how important it will be to them to get closure.”

Noah just nodded. What else was there to say? Toby was right, even if he was proving to appear at inopportune moments. He deserved peace and his family deserved to know what had happened to him that he hadn’t even made it to that conference. He sighed. Toby had been missing for three days and nobody had even known he was gone. “You really don’t remember anything else that might be helpful?”

Toby shrugged. “Memories of my death are pretty fuzzy. I think I must have repressed them. You’re a psychologist, right? Can’t you get me to unlock my memories or something?”

“I’m not a practicing psychologist,” Noah corrected. “I haven’t had to use any of my training in years. No, I can’t help with that.” He paused. “Your son said he heard some guy threatening you on the phone about a week ago.”

Toby looked sheepish. “I haven’t had a good year,” he mumbled. “The markets have been unkind to a lot of people and it’s been difficult. People have lost money. I don’t remember who threatened me but he hasn’t been the only one to do so… did Matthew really hear?”

Did a little change up of where this chapter was going and feeling a bit better about it now! I've still got a whole chunk to fit in before I move onto the next chapter so it may be that I need to cut a whole load of this in editing but never mind! Nearly at 25K/ the halfway point!

I'm hoping to get lots of words done for day fifteen because next week my work calendar is crazy and I won't be finishing until about 6 most days which means not much time or energy for writing.

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Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:11 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Fifteen

Daily word count: 1956

Total word count: 26,340/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“Well he was an investor,” said Noah. “I bet a lot of his job involved speaking to people on the phone.”

“It’s the twenty-first century,” contradicted Pearson. “Wouldn’t he have just emailed them?”

“Maybe,” allowed Noah. “But he set up this company on his own. He was old school, he would have wanted to give his clients the more personal approach. I don’t think he would have used email much if given the choice.”

Pearson looked between him and Josh. Josh smirked. “Good call, Noah. Ok, so the large amount of phone calls make sense, any chance in pulling out a suspect from the long list?”

“Well, we did some digging and there’s this one number here that only called our vic once or twice a month for about six months then six weeks ago the calls increased to almost twice a day. Then, last week, our victim stopped answering.” Pearson paused and looked up to check they were all listening intently. Apparently satisfied, he continued. “So Anders looked him up; his name’s Jimmy Barnes, and he’s got a record already.”

“For what?”

“B and E and an aggravated assault. Looks like he tried to break into his ex’s place and her new boyfriend weren’t too happy about it. Charges were dropped eventually though.” Anders handed Josh a photo and Noah leaned over to look at it too. A surly looking man stared back at him out of the picture. There was something almost familiar about him, but Noah couldn’t place him.

“He’s got a place just outside town,” said Pearson. “I’ve got the address for you already. Figured you’d want to get out there and question him as soon as you could. I was gonna offer to come with you but…” he looked Noah up and down and gave a snide sneer. “I’m guessing you’ve already got company.”

Josh ignored him. “Anything on the boat?” he asked.

The men shook their heads. “Wasn’t registered to any of the marinas down that stretch of the beach,” said Pearson. “But we’re still looking.”

Broke the 25K mark!! Not as good as yesterday, but hoping to at least get the chapter finished tomorrow. Don't think I'll get many words done so going to aim to reach 27K tomorrow, which is still just above target.

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Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:16 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Sixteen

Daily word count: 1190

Total word count: 27,530/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

Jimmy Barnes' house was not what Noah expected. He guessed it was a product of all the TV shows he couldn't help watching at all hours of the night, but he had always had it in mind that people with a criminal record consisting of things like aggravated assault were not the kind of people to have lawns the perfect shade of green and big shiny estate cars parked on immaculately pebbled drives.

Josh grinned at Noah as they walked up the steps to the front of the house. "You can't say I don't take you to the best places."

"Yeah, because that truckers cafe we stopped at for lunch was a real treat," Noah retorted.

"Hey, at least you didn't have to pay!"

"Neither did you, you just flirted your way into two free meals from that tall guy!"

Josh simply smirked, and rang the doorbell. They heard it chime tunefully inside the house. They waited, Noah taking the chance to look around the front garden.

So I didn't finish work until 6, which meant I didn't get home until 6:30 and then I had very little motivation to write so I dragged myself through the end of chapter eight and ended up writing little scenes that had come into my head for later on in the novel.

I think I wrote about 500 words and hadn't even met my 27K mark so I wasn't super pleased... but then I went to bed and couldn't sleep (despite being exhausted) so ended up writing around 600 words on my phone as the start of chapter nine! Maybe it was the sleep deprivation but I also didn't hate what I'd written!

Still ahead, just about. Day seventeen and eighteen are recruitment days at work so super busy. Just need to aim for 1000 a day and then I can catch up this weekend (I hope).

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Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:24 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Seventeen

Daily word count: 250

Total word count: 27,780/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“No answer,” said Josh, interrupting Noah’s thoughts about how he would decorate this garden if it were his. “Maybe he’s out.”

“Maybe.” Noah strained his ears. If he listened closely enough, he could hear the faint sounds of clanging and clashing. He glanced at Josh. “You hear that?”

Josh nodded. “Sounds like someone’s definitely here. I think perhaps they’re round the back. Come on, let’s go and find out.” He led the way to a half height painted gate. It was padlocked. Josh checked over his shoulder and then hopped it in one leap. Noah raised an eyebrow.

Yeah, not much to say about this day. Recruitment was long and exhausting as I knew it would be. I finished at 6, came home and could not bear to look at another screen my eyes hurt so bad. So 250 words is quite a feat! Only a very short snippet this time, obvs.

Bring on the weekend. I'm gonna need to write a lot to catch up!

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Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:29 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Eighteen

Daily word count: 402

Total word count: 28,182/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“Isn’t that breaking and entering?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Josh innocently. “Didn’t we just hear sounds of distress. I would argue that we’re going about a noble cause, trying to make sure that Mr Barnes is safe.” He held out a hand to Noah. “You’ve got long legs, this should be easy for you.”

Noah ignored the hand, and stepped over the gate, careful not to catch his jeans on the points of the gate. Josh shrugged and the two of them followed the path around the back of the house to where the clattering noises seemed to be growing louder.

Same as yesterday. Recruitment = little to no writing. It doesn't help that I haven't really worked out the voice of Jimmy Barnes yet so I'm struggling to write that one. Thinking day 19 will also be slow but hopefully can pick this up again on Friday or Saturday.
2000 ish words behind. Not terrible... I can still catch up.

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Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:47 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Nineteen

Daily word count: 119

Total word count: 28,301/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

The current noise was being made by Jimmy grunting and groaning as he threw himself against a heavy bookshelf that didn’t appear to be moving anywhere.

“Go and help him,” Josh nudged.

“I- what?”

“Go and help him. He’s more likely to be willing to talk to us if one of us helps him out.”

“You do it then,” Noah retorted.

“In these shoes? Please.”

Noah raised an eyebrow but shrugged out of his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He was fast learning that sometimes with Josh the path of least resistance was the best way forward unless he wanted to be caught in a circular argument for an hour.

Lots of catching up to do in the next few days. I've definitely hit the around 30K slump. I knew it was coming, I just hope I can shake it somehow.

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Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:50 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Twenty

Daily word count: 2064

Total word count: 30,365/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“Toby. Raymond,” said Josh loudly. “Your investment guy.”

“Oh. Yeah.” Jimmy shrugged out of his jacket, leaving just a white wifebeater underneath. He was a lot larger than Noah had originally realised, with broad shoulders and large muscles protruding from his arms. He was easily a good few inches taller than Noah, and towered over Josh even in those shoes. Noah took an unwitting step back.

Josh’s reaction couldn’t have been more different. Now he had stopped looking at Noah’s sweaty form and seemed unable to peel his eyes away from the form of Jimmy Barnes. His tongue came out and unconsciously, or so Noah assumed, wet his lips.

Noah rolled his eyes. This was their prime suspect in a murder investigation and the lead detective was looking at him like he was some kind of meat. No wonder Josh had been so insistent he come along and be involved in this investigation. He was surprised that anything got done in these cases as Josh just couldn’t seem to keep it in his pants. He cleared his throat. Josh ignored him.

“You remember Toby?” he prompted, when it became clear that Josh was too preoccupied to be asking any of the questions.

Jimmy grunted. “Yeah I remember him. Why? Is he in some kind of trouble? You gonna do him in for screwing someone else over?”

Managed a big chunk for day twenty, but I'm definitely still in that lull. There's a small time jump coming up which should help me to reset, I just gotta get there first.

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Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:58 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Day Twenty-one

Daily word count: 758

Total word count: 31,123/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

Do you think he did it?” Josh asked as they walked back towards the car.

“Why, because you want to ask him out if he didn’t?”

Josh gave him an offended look. “I can’t believe you would even suggest that, I am nothing but professional.”

“Yeah, totally professional checking out our suspect as we’re trying to work out if he’s a general low life criminal or the murdering kind.”

He smirked at Noah, but didn’t respond, getting back up into the car and cranking on the a/c. Its blast of warm air was an unwelcome addition to Noah’s already sweaty brow and he pulled a face in discontent. But the car was pretty new, and it soon switched to blowing a steady stream of cool air onto the inhabitants of the car, Noah sighing gently in relief. He was aware that he hadn’t answered Josh’s original question yet, but he honestly wasn’t sure what he thought of Jimmy Barnes.

About five and a half thousand words behind. Not impossible to catch up but my motivation isn't really there at the moment. I've got a couple of days off work at the end of this week, hopefully I can use them to spur myself on!

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Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:16 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Twenty-two

Daily word count: 1082

Total word count: 32,205/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

“This is really sweet Noah.” She bit her lip. “But you didn’t have to go to all this trouble. It’s just dinner.”

“It’s dinner with you,” he said defiantly. “That means it’s worth the effort.” He caught sight of her serious expression, and swept a thumb across her cheek. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the promise of food make you so serious before,” he joked.

It worked. She grinned back at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“You don’t?” he got a pan out of the cupboard and began preparing ingredients. “I’m pretty sure your usual reaction to food is jumping up and down for joy.”

“What exactly are you insinuating, Mr Taylor?”

“All I’m saying is you appreciate good food.” He chuckled at her and she stuck out her tongue.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you’re saying. Hand me some glasses, will you?”

He did as he was told, and she popped the cork from the wine with practiced ease, pouring a generous serving of the crimson velvet into the round glasses. She handed one to Noah and then hopped up to sit on the counter next to him, swinging her impossibly long legs as she sipped delicately from the ruby drink.

So I didn't do as many words as I might have liked, but this was definitely better writing than I've done pretty much all week. Astra is such a fun character to write and poor Noah is so infatuated with her that it's a really interesting dynamic. She will definitely get more of a look in during the second draft!

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Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:04 am
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IcyFlame says...

Day Twenty-three

Daily word count: 2269

Total word count: 34,474/ 50,000

A little snippet from today's writing

Before Noah could even say ‘come in’, Josh had walked across the threshold and thrown himself dramatically into one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter. He spotted the leftover wine at the table almost instantly and, without so much as a word to Noah he jumped up, grabbed the wine and proceeded to drink straight from the bottle.

Noah didn’t really know what to say. For one thing, he was generally unaccustomed to having unexpected visitors, being the quiet antisocial being that he was. For another, the last time he had seen Josh he was being chewed out by his boss come father and what did you really say to someone after that without just making the situation ten times more uncomfortable than it already was.

He let the open door swing shut, and hurried around the table to clear away empty plates. Josh didn’t look ready to talk about whatever had caused him to turn up at their door just yet, and Noah needed something to busy himself with until he was, because he didn’t think watching Josh down the last of his fairly expensive red wine was going to be something he would enjoy.

Noah was painfully aware of the ticking clock above his head as he stacked the dishes in the sink and then poured over soap and hot water to stop the sauce from sticking. Seconds passed. Tick. Tick. Tick. Then minutes. Josh still didn’t look up from the bottle he was nursing and Noah was finding it increasingly difficult not to look at him.

“Woah it’s quiet in here,” said Astra, swanning in with a grin. “Do up my dress, will you Noah?” Then she spotted Josh, and stopped in her tracks, one hand still lifting the hair off the nape of her neck. Noah shrugged at her awkwardly and they both glanced back at Josh, who was gazing down into the now empty bottle of wine despondently, as if he had somehow drunk the thing that would have given him all the answers he needed.

Much better in terms of word count today! I had a million things to do for work so I was very much in the mindset of powering through. This chapter has taken a turn I hadn't really planned for so I'm excited to see how that goes. In original planning, Noah & Josh were going to have a quiet night at a pub with just each other for company. It was going to be beautifully awkward.
Now Astra & her friend are involved and all four of them are at a club so you know its going to be chaotic!
Also about 4k words behind now which doesn't seem too bad... still hoping to write lots on Thursday/Friday so that Monday isn't a mad dash to the finish line... but mad dashes are kinda my thing so let's see how it goes!

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
— Woodrow Wilson