
Young Writers Society

[NaNo 2020] Hungry Girls

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Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:38 am
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BluesClues says...

november 17

361 words/14,049 total

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Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:11 am
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BluesClues says...

november 18

1,056 words/15,105 total

Now we're getting somewhere!

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Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:30 am
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BluesClues says...

november 19

955 words/16,060 total

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Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:55 am
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BluesClues says...

november 20

512 words/16,572 total

SUCH H U R T, my friends' rage and fear for the characters' well-being only fuels me

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Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:42 am
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BluesClues says...

november 21

2,866 words/19,438 total

Look at me go! And all it took was an all-day write-in and ignoring my homework! We're definitely into the climax now, so I remain hopeful that this draft will actually end up not too far over 100k, but we shall see.

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Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:46 am
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BluesClues says...

november 22

735 words/20,173 total

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Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:31 am
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BluesClues says...

november 23

292 words/20,465 total

I swear I will do a detailed write-up one of these days, but for now I keep leaving my updates too late.

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Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:27 am
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BluesClues says...

november 24

356 words/20,821 total

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Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:11 am
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BluesClues says...

november 25

789 words/21,610 total

I swear to God I will do a detailed write-up about how things have been going and what I've been writing, but today is not the day for it, because I am super frustrated from futzing with this laptop all day and frankly it's amazing I got any writing done at all.

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:12 pm
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BluesClues says...

november 26

1160 words/22,770 total

OKAY. Time for a write-up. Finally.

Here's what we've written so far this month:

  • Our Heroes arrive in Toledo, Ohio, where they hope to investigate Wizards Inc. Megan and Zafira take a walk and have some happy smooching time in a waterfront park. It took me a full week to write this short chapter lol, although it went super fast once the election was called.
  • Our Heroes go to Wizards Inc but don't make it past the front desk and get creepy vibes from the place. Cap is disheartened by how badly he thinks this this whole quest is going.
  • Our Heroes plan to return to Wizards Inc for some snooping under cover of night, but Megan is distraught when Cap tells her she's not going: she doesn't know how to use any weapons and knows hardly any magic, so it's safer for everyone if she stays behind. I enjoyed writing Distraught Megan far too much. It only took like 3 days to get this far haha. Clearly I am better with angst than fluff.
  • When the fellowship fails to return from Wizards Inc after several hours, Megan panics and decides to go after them, taking some precautions, such as enchanting the doors of their room to open only for members of the fellowship and enchanting a cup of coffee to be super, super hot, because even if she doesn't know how to use any weapons...she figures she can at least throw some boiling lava hot coffee at someone.
  • Oh no! Wizards Inc is in flames. The fellowship is nowhere to be found - except Zafira, who's alone and scared and bleeding horribly from a gash in hir stomach. I attempted an intimate tend-wounds scene, but between Zafira's injury being so bad and Megan being so panicked...there's less comfort and more actual wound-tending. Megan stitches Zafira up to the best of her ability and freaks out a lot. There's at least half a moment of comfort. <3
  • Taman returns to the inn, unharmed but worried because she doesn't know where the others are. Her initial relief at seeing Megan turns into anger when she realizes Megan used magic when healing Zafira: Zafira has a magic allergy that could endanger her as much as or more than hir initial injury. Cue tons of panic from Megan.
  • Rafe returns with AJ and Cap, both injured but alive. There is general despair and panic between all the injuries, the fact that they got separated, and the fact that Charlie stayed behind to fight so the rest of them could get out. AJ tells Megan that Taman's anger isn't really about her: Taman has a Tragic Backstory™ involving an unknown magic allergy and a dead child. Megan panics more and more until finally she resolves to go out and bring Charlie back herself.
  • Megan makes it to Wizards Inc, but a business bro standing guard brings her in before she can do literally anything. She finally confronts Chip Edgeworth, head of WI and the man who cursed her, but he doesn't even remember her. He introduces her to WI's newest member: Charlie.
  • It's okay! Sort of. Charlie has been mind-whammied; he and the missing members of the Council of Wizards are under Chip's magical control. Megan manages to lift the enchantment for a moment, but Chip immediately puts it back and threatens her. Charlie can't quite break free but keeps fighting the enchantment.
  • Lots of fighting, all of it sucky. I'm going to have sooooo much work to do during revision.

So that's where we are right now! Next I need the fellowship to enter, to finish off this fight and defeat Chip and the rest of Wizards Inc, to free the wizards and lift Megan's curse, and then wrap it all up. I'm thinking Megan's going to feel kind of low that she couldn't do it all on her own like in the stories, but Cap's gonna be like "There's no shame in needing help, why the heck do you think I have a whole fellowship with me instead of doing all these quests alone?" And then there needs to be a feast somehow (obviously, because it's been far too long since Megan ate anything tasty), and also I'd love more smooching all around.

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Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:33 am
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BluesClues says...

november 27

744 words/23,514 total

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Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:10 am
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BluesClues says...

november 28

564 words/24,078 total

We are limping slowly and painfully toward the finish line but I also have so much freaking homework. >.< Which is of course my own fault. But still. Ugh.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:50 am
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BluesClues says...

november 29

3,073 words/27,151 total

BEHOLD MY SPLENDOR as I finally blow past 25,000 words AND ALSO PAST THE CLIMAX, we are now RESOLVING THINGS


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Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:00 am
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BluesClues says...

november 30

3,042 words/30,193 total AND THE DRAFT IS FINISHED, WHAT UP

As a draft-is-finished celebratory post, have the last little bit, presented without further context:

Zafira grabbed Megan’s hand and pulled her through the market. It was loud and crowded, and normally Megan would’ve felt overwhelmed, but today the crowds felt like a party. A good party. Not that Megan had ever been to a party she had felt remotely good about, but that’s what the crowds felt like. She and Zafira didn’t say anything to each other as they wound through the market, examining the marketwares, but every time she caught Zafira’s eye, Zafira gave her that small, crooked smile. Megan felt giddy.

At last they came out the far end of the market stalls and wandered up and down the short boardwalk siding the little creek that ran along the side of the parking lot. Megan turned and leaned on the railing, gazing at the tangled greenery across the creek. A breeze picked up and ran through her hair. She laughed, for no other reason than that she was deliriously happy.

“So,” Zafira said, leaning beside her. “That burger was the actual love of your life.”

“Yep,” Megan said. “Tragic it died so young.”

Zafira picked at a splinter in the railing. “I hate to be outdone by a burger. But I take comfort in thinking I was in the running for love of your life until that burger came along.”


Megan hadn’t even thought about it, when she’d said love of my life back in the room. She’d been too focused on the burger to overthink her words. So she’d said it, and she hadn’t thought about it, and she hadn’t panicked about it afterward.

And miraculously, the world had not shattered around her.

“You’re still in the running, actually,” she said.

A slow smile unfurled across Zafira’s face. Megan blinked at hir. Ze had dimples. Zafira had dimples.

“Good,” ze said, and ze stood on hir tiptoes and wrapped hir arms around Megan’s neck and kissed her. Megan kissed hir back, forgetful of the fact that they were out in public and that anyone walking by could see them. She wouldn’t have cared if she did remember.

At last they pulled apart, sort of, and stood there with their foreheads pressed together, which sort of made Megan’s neck ache, but she didn’t care.

“I think I saw someone selling ice cream back in the market.” Zafira’s fingers twined in her hair. “Do you want to get an ice cream cone?”

Megan smiled so much that tears just barely squeezed from the corners of her eyes.

“I would fucking love some ice cream,” she said.


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Sat May 29, 2021 3:40 am
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It's crazy how your life can be twisted upside down inside out and around and you can get sushi from safeway still looking like a normal person
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