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Snoink's Nano

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Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:20 pm
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Snoink says...

...so. Um. we're just continuing on with the usual story and writing new words!

Yesterday, I wrote 1723 words for 1723 words in total.

Total spoiler alert, but this is my favorite part from yesterday...

Spoiler! :
Instantly, Adelore felt Alonso’s feathers prick up even more. Alonso swore. “You did what?” he asked faintly.

Adelore tried to wiggle unsuccessfully away from Alonso. “The ring,” he said, gritting his teeth. “I gave her the ring and the deck of cards that she wanted for her birthday. Just in case.”

“Just in case what?” Alonso asked testily. Then, when Adelore didn’t say anything right away, Alonso said, “You’re not planning on dying, are you?”

“Of course not,” Adelore said grumpily.

“Good,” Alonso said firmly. “Because my plan so far is to help you triumph over the Conqueror. Then, once you emerge victorious -- with me triumphant at your side, of course -- my plan is to win back Alainna’s love, sweep her off her feet, and make passionate love to her.”

Adelore groaned. “Again, I really don’t want to know.”
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:20 pm
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Snoink says...

So... last night, I ended at 3992 words.

Slight spoilers, but this is my favorite part from writing yesterday:

Spoiler! :
Adelore quickly looked into the window. Inside, it was dark, however when he looked inside, he could just make out what might have been a happy home scene, had there not been so much dust. In one corner of the room had been a primitive kitchen area, complete with a wood stove and a little cabinet with one glass panel in it that showed off a stack of colorful china. In another corner, there was a large bed, covered in a colorful quilt. And finally, against the wall, there was a crudely made little cradle. Inside, there was a little toy dog inside of it, propped up so that it looked like he were looking out at the room, ready to greet the baby whenever the baby came. Next to the cradle was a tiny opened trunk, with colorful baby clothes piled in haphazardly. One little shirt looked like it had been midway through being folded when the folder had abruptly stopped.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:52 pm
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Snoink says...

For the third day (that is, yesterday) I ended having 5987 words. Which is GOOD NEWS because today I spent a half day in the hospital, so being a little bit ahead yesterday is actually probably a good thing for today! :o

Anyway. This was probably my favorite part:

Spoiler! :
Adelore glared at Alonso. “Of course we’re going to get trapped inside,” he snapped. “It’s a long house! The whole point of a long house is to trap people inside of it and imprison them in some way. If the Conqueror didn’t try to do that to us, I would be surprised.”

“Then maybe we shouldn’t go inside,” Alonso said, trembling.

“And what do you suggest instead?” Adelore said sarcastically. “Burning down the place instead of going inside?”

“That might not be such a bad idea,” Alonso said thoughtfully, all of his feathers raised.

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:31 pm
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Snoink says...

OKAY. So I ended yesterday with 6326 words. Which is the first time that we've had an undercount (EEP) but like I said, yesterday was CRAZY. I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible chest pains right over my heart and, since I'm like... 30 weeks pregnant, it was even more of an emergency than it usually would be, which is SAYING something because a potential heart attack is nothing to joke about. Anyway, I had several EKGs done, a chest x-ray, and some COVID tests to rule out any sort of emergency heart attack / blood clots. Turned out I pulled a chest muscle, which is awful because I can barely move now, but also like... yay for it not being life-threatening!

ANYWAY. Yesterday, since I barely slept the night before because of pain, I was basically dropping off a lot and sleeping randomly, so I only wrote a couple hundred words yesterday. :p

This was probably the favorite thing that I wrote:

Spoiler! :
Tiziano nodded and immediately transformed into a human while Alonso peered at the door skeptically, his whole body trembling in fear.

“You’ll hold me when we go inside, won’t you?” Alonso asked Tiziano nervously.

“Whatever you need,” Tiziano said gently. He leaned over and held out his hands, and Alonso gratefully hopped into his arms.

And I love it because I sort of adore that it shows that these two brothers -- who used to be mortal enemies, really -- have made amends at long last. The very fact that Alonso is willing to trust Tiziano is HUGE, especially since Alonso is a reader, and it makes me happy. Especially since the second book kind of ended abruptly where it wasn't certain, exactly, whether Alonso would forgive Tiziano or not. However, they have forgiven each other and now they are working together, and yaaaaaaay.

Also, I like that Tiziano has evolved from being an utter and total wimp in the first book, when he reluctantly serves the Lady out of complete fear, to how he is now, where he is calmer and willing to take on more responsibility -- including! Volunteering to do this, where he is in a position where he is directly helping out his brother, which is also huge considering their past. Mind you, a lot of the reason why he is this way is out of guilt for his previous sins, BUT STILL.

...anyway. I should probably write, lol. I have several hundred more words to write just to catch up. O_O
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:57 pm
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Snoink says...

Okay! We finished up Day 4 with 8691 words. Which means that I made up for yesterday's low word count AND did a couple hundred words more. All of this is very good! I've known too many people in Nanowrimo who have had several days of low word count and it just becomes... this mental hurdle that they can't overcome.

This section that I wrote was GROSS. I feel like I am writing some sort of Indiana Jones's fanfic, except grosser, and EW. We're still in the discovery phase where my MC is trying to figure out how to get to the bad guy and ORIGINALLY he was like, "Oh... the bad guy doesn't seem to be using any magic right now and his minions are staying away from us. This is admittedly suspicious, but hey! It might be easy for us to find the bad guy... hopefully?" But now he is full on repulsed because JUST BECAUSE the bad guy isn't using magic to hide himself... yet... doesn't mean the bad guy isn't trying to stop them. AND IT'S SO GROSS. At this point, my MC is trying his best to not to run away and throw up, haha.

My favorite part (which is also a spoiler, lol) is probably this because it kind of sets you up for how gross everything is going to be:

Spoiler! :
“That one is dead,” Tiziano said quickly. He pointed to the linens. “You see how dirty the linens are? It’s because the body is actively decaying and starting to liquefy. See, the corpse expands at first, which breaks apart the linens, which were probably tightly wrapped at first, and then the corpse shrinks again as it begins to decompose. And if you look closely, you can see that there are bugs crawling underneath the linens and eating the flesh—“

“I can see that just fine,” Adelore snapped, trying his best not to throw up as maggots wiggled in and out of the linens. He looked at the next one who was in the cot just below, but that one was worse. The wrapped body looked very much the same as the other one, except you could see that the cot just above this one had been leaking a foul brown fluid that was dripping down all over this body. Adelore turned away and began to gag.


Anyway. More writing!
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sun Nov 07, 2021 5:57 pm
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Snoink says...

I finished day 6 at 10,080 last night!!!! So, still doing good on word count. :)

Things are starting to move? I accidentally forgot to put a "minor" detail in (which is one of those pesky details that seems like it's minor, but it ends up being a rather significant problem, haha) so I'll have to rewrite it a little bit (more words, yay!) but we're getting to the main part!

Still haven't met the bad guy though, lol.

Spoiler! :
“Careful with this one,” Alonso said when Adelore approached him. “He’s feeling a little desperate.”

“In what way?” Adelore asked.

Alonso shook his head and clicked his beak. “Hard to say,” he said. Then he added, “He’s a little crazy by now.”

“I don’t blame him,” Adelore muttered. “If I had to stay here as long as he likely has been here, I would probably go crazy too.”
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:54 am
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Snoink says...

At day 7, I am at 11,824 words! PLUS. I FINISHED CHAPTER!!!! Yes, the chapter "The Unmasking of Faces" (which is an AWESOME chapter title, you have to admit) is now done. So now I get to the next one!

Of course, this chapter ends on a pretty large cliffhanger, because, HEY LOOK. IT'S THE BAD GUY. FINALLY. So like, next chapter is going to be a bit crazy, haha, because the bad guy is basically the definition of chaotic evil. And, whenever he shows up, everything gets pretty crazy really quick.

ANYWAY. Favorite part??? Probably this part because it deals with moss:

Spoiler! :
The Black Swans on the roof were still trying to tear apart the roof, though it sounded like they were encountering some difficulties. Alonso looked up and tittered a laugh. “The roof is covered with moss,” he explained when Adelore glared at him. “They were hoping to tear off the shingles easily and get inside, but once they were up, they kept slipping on the moss and falling to the ground. They have just realized that they have to tear off the moss first. But because they’re poisonous, the moss keeps breaking apart in their beaks and they can’t really tear it off effectively.”

Like, I love it when random environmental or natural factors play a role in the plot. Like, yes, the bad guys are very scary and all that, but also they are currently struggling with... MOSS.

And, in the second book, you had a flash flood go through a city and the surrounding area, and this made things very interesting too, because suddenly the characters were struggling with... MUD.

In the first book, also, snow plays a role in making things a little bit difficult, because it's like, "BTW, we have to take this journey in a snowstorm through a carriage. So this three hour trip is now going to take all night now."

And I dunno. I think it's kind of cool to have nature shape the story a bit!

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:55 pm
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Snoink says...

We hit 13,826 words last night! (And by we, I clearly mean my characters and I because OF COURSE that's what's I mean. Um. Yeah.) So again, we are still meeting (and slightly exceeding!) word count.

Right now it's ACTION ADVENTURE TIME. I've decided that I've basically ripped off Indiana Jones at this point, hahaha. LIKE. Last chapter, they were essentially exploring a crypt with creepy crawlies everywhere. And now they are running away from the bad guys who are RIGHT AFTER THEM. So yeah. Basically, I am writing an Indiana Jones fanfic, lol.

The situation is so odd that my MC, despite having every reason to be Upset and Moping right now (AND TRUST ME, HE HAS EVERY REASON TO BE UPSET RIGHT NOW) is too busy to do any of that stuff and the resulting chaos is actually pretty... funny? I dunno! Like, everything is going wrong right now so it SHOULDN'T be funny, technically, but also like... everybody is frustrated and kind of sniping at each other and my MC can't actually see what's going on, so it just sounds like randomness to him, so it actually is pretty funny writing, haha. I'm just going to go with it, lol.

My favorite part:

Spoiler! :
“How is Adelore doing?” Tiziano said quickly, still running as quickly he could. “Is he in shock yet?”

“Not yet!” Alonso called out. “He’s still conscious.” Then Alonso swore as Tiziano lurched and jerked his wings quickly. “Watch where you’re going, you dumb chicken! You nearly barreled into that tree!”

“I cut it down, didn’t I?” Tiziano yelled. Somewhere a ways off, Adelore heard a Black Swan cry out in dismay. He guessed that the tree falling may have trapped someone.

“What’s Adelore’s pain level?” Tiziano called out.

“Let me ask him!” Alonso yelled. Then, to Adelore, he politely said, “How do you feel right now, my lord?”

The absurdity of the whole situation struck Adelore hard and he swore. “How do you think I feel?” he snapped.

“I have no idea,” Alonso said calmly. “You are unreadable.”


“He’s feeling well enough to act petty!” Alonso yelled to Tiziano.

ANYWAY. Time to write more, maybe?
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:10 pm
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Snoink says...

Whooooooooops. Didn't make word count yesterday... but, on the plus side, I spent a bunch of time hanging out with the husband, so I can't say I'm too unhappy about this, lol.

Anyway! I am at... 14484 words!

My favorite part was probably this part:

Spoiler! :
“See?” Tiziano said proudly. “We made it! The mine collapsed, yes, but since it was at the very entrance, it was big enough for me to run through! And I outran the collapse! What do you think about that?”

Alonso groaned and buried his head in Adelore’s chest. “If the Conqueror doesn’t destroy us, I will destroy you for taking us down here,” he muttered.

Anyway, going do my best to catch up on word count today...
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:11 pm
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Snoink says...

AND. We made word count yesterday! We ended the day 10 at 16,721, plus we finished a scene section. So that was exciting! I'll probably edit it a little bit to make the MC's voice come out a little bit more, since I am still playing with that, but like... now there's more action! So yay!

One of the odd things about the setting is that stories from the MC's youth, such as it was, are coming out. Including this story...

Spoiler! :
Besides, perhaps Alonso would see the carts and realize for himself that it really was a mad idea. When Adelore was a boy, probably about eight or nine, he used to drive the carts around the mines. At the time, he had loved it. All the boys did, really. They used to have races and drive the carts as quickly as they could, sometimes jumping into the carts and riding in them on top of the load of dirt that they usually carried — though sometimes they carried raw diamonds as well. At the time, they were little enough that their extra weight didn’t seem to matter too much on the broken rail system.

Until, of course, there was a major accident. One of Adelore's friends, a boy who was always a little bit denser than the rest of them, had jumped onto a cart, just when it had been going down a slope. But the cart went too fast and, just while it was on a massive trestle, it started rattling. The boy got scared and jumped off the cart when he realized that it was completely out of control, but because he wasn’t the smartest kid, he jumped in front of the cart instead of being sensible and jumping in the back. The cart struck him, completely derailed, and promptly fell off the trestle, knocking part of the trestle down.

The accident delayed operations for two entire months since the trestle had to rebuilt and all of the contents of the cart — which happened to contain raw diamonds — had to be recollected and sent up. Father was furious of the hold up and had all the boys go through safety training courses of how to properly push the carts, which were useless courses that Adelore and the other boys just slept through.

Not that they hadn’t learned anything from their friend’s mistake. How could they not learn anything? While the men were rebuilding the trestle, the men, who did not dare to set foot on a partially destroyed trestle out of fear of breaking it further, sent a bunch of the cart boys — including Adelore — to go scrape up the remains of their friend off the rail tracks. And that was an experience that Adelore could not forget, though he tried desperately.

It was around that time when Adelore first learned how to drink.

And I dunno. It's always interesting when these sorts of stories come out because, even though the MC is basically a former slave, he doesn't really... care. Like, that was his past. The past is dead. He has other, bigger things to worry about now that he is free and he chooses to ignore his past. Unless, of course, the memories come up. And then it's this odd sort of perspective.

ANYWAY. Off to write!
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:10 pm
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Snoink says...

MADE WORD COUNT AGAIN. I ended yesterday with 18,478 words. WOOO!

Probably this is my favorite part:

Spoiler! :
Alonso flapped his wings and suddenly Adelore felt his stomach lurch as they began to move. And then, just as soon as they began to move, a large screeching sound came and they stopped.

“The wheels,” Alonso suddenly said. “Why have the wheels stopped?”

“Did you oil them?” Adelore murmured.

Tiziano groaned. “It needs to be oiled?" he asked. When Adelore didn't respond, Tiziano asked, "Where would the oil be?”

“In the maintenance room,” Adelore said.

“Where is that?” Tiziano said.

But Adelore didn’t know, so he closed his eyes and groaned.

“We don’t have time for any of this!” Alonso hissed. He hopped down and suddenly Adelore could feel someone handling the wheels.

“What are you doing?” Tiziano cried.

“The wheels need oil, so I am preening them,” Alonso hissed. “How else are you supposed to put oil on anything?”

“It needs a different type of oil, not the oil on you!” Tiziano snapped. “It’s not a Swan, it’s a rail cart!”

“Too late.” Alonso hopped back onto the cart and the whole cart shuddered. “All right! Let’s hope this works better. Ready?”

Tiziano groaned. “This is the worst idea ever!”

“Let’s fly!” Alonso cried, ignoring Tiziano, and once more the cart began to roll. Once more Adelore felt his stomach lurch.

This part is actually pretty tricky to write, actually? Because the MC is not feeling quite right, so his dialogue kind of needs to represent that. Also, since he can't see what's going on, I have to indicate what is happening through auditory and motion clues. SO YEAH. Difficult.

This means there's a lot of back and forth with Alonso and Tiziano, haha. Which is good because they have good chemistry together. Tiziano is quite passive, usually, whereas Alonso is Mr. I-Need-To-Be-In-Control, so Tiziano is quite happy to let Alonso have all the credit, even though Tiziano is doing a HECKUVA lot to help everyone out. Though, like... clearly Tiziano is definitely giving Alonso a bunch of input because WTFFFFFFFFF.


We're about to finish the end of this major part of the story and I am a little nervous, lol. This book is essentially separated in three major parts which are quite distinct from each other. Though, they're not formally separated. At least not yet. But yeah.


So far, this entire book is about 90K words. It'll probably be about 250K when it's done. *flails*
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:39 pm
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Snoink says...

I wrote this yesterday, so POSTING IT NOW.

Made word count again! Now there are 20563 words (including a quick 26 word note that I made really quick when I was reminded that I probably should be asleep, so that will be deleted and replaced pretty soon with actual exciting narrative!).

My favorite part is probably this:

Spoiler! :
“This is like flying!” Alonso said, laughing. “But better, because there’s no pesky light. No wonder Ryahn liked to work in the mines!”

“Just make sure you’re watching where we’re going!” Tiziano cried. “I can’t see a thing in this darkness!”

“I’m watching, I’m watching,” Alonso said dismissively. “Though everything seems perfect so far!” Then suddenly he swore. “Trestle overhead! Looks like it’s partially collapsed. Hang on tight, everyone! We might need to fly!”

“Please tell me that’s an exaggeration!” Tiziano groaned.

“We’re going airborne!”

Suddenly, Adelore felt his stomach leap into his throat. And then go back again. Though when they landed, the rails squealed and sounded as if they had landed off the rails somehow.

“Get on the rails!” Adelore yelled, his voice hoarse.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” Alonso said, panting. “The cart is heavy!” He flapped frantically, trying to lift it up, but Adelore could feel it lurch from side to side.

“It’s going to fall off if you can’t get it back on the rails!” Adelore shouted again.

“Again, I’m trying!” Alonso snapped. He flapped more, and suddenly screamed in pain as the rail cart lifted up. But when it landed, it at least landed properly on the tracks so that they continued speeding along.

Alonso whimpered. “You were right,” he admitted to Tiziano, gasping. “I think I broke something just now.”

“Never mind that now!” Tiziano snapped. “Keep your eyes on the tracks! I’ll look at you later, after I get a chance to take care of Adelore. But we need to get out of here first!”


It's hard to stop writing when I get started because it's SO INTENSE AND FUN TO WRITE. Plus, I got a brainwave yesterday where I can use something from the second book and flip it around for this part in a super dramatic way, and AHHHHHH.

I think I am going to try to finish the chapter today... if I can... so that it will be done for tomorrow, when my niece, aka the most awesome beta reader in existence, comes over for the weekly Sunday feast and might possibly be ready to read the chapter!!!!

I also have to figure out if I want to split up this chapter or not??? I sense a monologue coming up, and like... my bad guy kind of adores monologuing, nor does my MC really feel like interrupting him too much, so knowing who my bad guy is, he might need extra room for his monologuing, lol. Also, I am not quite what the MC is going to do to respond (I have an idea of what he will SAY and I know what he will finally DO, but I am not sure of the squishy in between parts. So I am thinking about making that its own chapter.

...I'll probably end up doing this, lol.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:40 pm
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Snoink says...

DAY 13!!! Word count is 21,399. EEP. SHORT. Oh well...

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:26 pm
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Snoink says...


For Day 14, I hit 22,425. So we're still below word count.

I'm... still a little uncertain about how this particular part is going to go. So I guess we'll find out soon...

(No spoilers today... still frantic about word count, lol.)
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:01 pm
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Snoink says...

For Day 15, I hit 24,542. Which is still below word count by a couple hundred words, but it's better than the gap that I had yesterday so at least there's still hope! Still closing the gap, lol. :)

This part was always going to be a little trickier to write though, because I knew what was EVENTUALLY going to happen (because it is one of the few things that has remained consistent throughout all the iterations, lol) but I wasn't quite sure HOW it was going to happen, so I am sort of making things up right now. Once we get out of this particular part (and start shedding characters!), hopefully things will get a little easier because I have a better idea of what should happen in the next couple of scenes.

Anyway, my MC kind of surprised me yesterday by getting angry at something my bad guy said, and suddenly I realized that HE HAD NO IDEA that something had happened in a particular way, and he was furious. But also, he was furious in a way that I didn't expect, which I was also surprised about.

ANYWAY. I think I am going back to fill in some more context and stuff (THIS IS ADDING WORDS) a little bit so that the foundation is a little more concrete and then continue writing. Hopefully we'll meet word count by tonight!

Spoiler! :
Alonso sighed. “So you want to go through with this mad idea?” he asked grimly.

Adelore grinned. “When have I ever said no to a mad idea?”

^ Basically the summary of the book, lol.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

I am deeply disturbed by your ability to meow.
— Carina