
Young Writers Society

Hush [Legit]

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74 Reviews

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Points: 2188
Reviews: 74
Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:53 pm
Sachiko says...

Spoiler! :
Thanks so much for all the fantastic reviews on this, guys! I'm slowly working on an edited draft, so I'll be sure to post it when it's all through. <3


Karina looked up briefly from her magazine, a spoonful of soup on the way to her mouth. “What?”

Milly smirked, her eyes shining deviously. “He’s looking at you.”

“Who’s looking at me?” Karina flipped a magazine page.

Milly rolled her eyes and smacked the back of Karina’s hand. “Officer Travato!” She hissed.

Karina’s pulse sped up, and she quickly stuck the spoon in her mouth. After she’d swallowed, she said, “No, he’s not. He’s—“

“Coming over. “

Karina stiffened. “What?”

“You heard me! Now wipe that look off of your face, it isn’t very attractive.”


“Hi, Officer Travato!” Milly said loudly, smirking in Karina’s direction.

The skin on the back of Karina’s neck prickled as she heard the scrape of a chair being pulled away from the table. “Hey, Ladies. How’re we doing?”

“…Fine,” Karina choked out, putting down her spoon. She could feel her cheeks heating up. She glanced quickly at Milly, sending her frantic vibes of help me!

“Well,” Milly said loudly, piling her plates atop one another. “I’m done eating. Karina, I’ll see you later. Officer.” She gave him a quick nod, winked at Karina, and left.

Oh god, help me.

While things hadn’t been as awkward as they had been before Karina had apologized, they’d still kept some sort of distance from one another. Why this should have changed now, Karina had absolutely no idea—

“So, Blondie.”

The heat expanded on Karina’s cheeks and traveled downwards to her neck. Now she had no choice but to look up at him. “Yes?”

He regarded her, an expression on his face somewhere between a smirk and a smile. “I wanted to ask you…You doing anything on Friday?”

“I..I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“A bunch of us are going into the city Friday night, and…” he crossed his arms on the table. “I wondered if maybe you wanted to come with us—with me.”

She felt as though she had been submerged in a pool of water. She could hear the sound of her blood roaring in her ears. She forced herself to eat more soup. “Is it like the state dinner?”

Vance laughed. “Uh, no. It’s definitely more casual than that.” He shifted in his seat, leaning towards her a bit, and Karina caught a whiff of something off his clothes.

“Just so you know,” she said, trying to sound offhand, “I don’t go out with smokers.”

“So you’ll come?”

“So you’re not a smoker?”

“Wouldn’t you know,” he grinned and winked. “I just quit.”

Karina stared into her soup. After several moments, he shifted his chair closer to hers and said, “Y’know, Karina,” he said quietly, his face close to hers. “I really want to get to know you, and unless I’m seriously off base, I think you’d like to get to know me too.” He smiled slightly, and Karina had to admit that she didn’t believe he was pulling her leg. “So what do you say? Let’s do it properly this time.”

One beat passed. Then two.

“Alright,” she said quietly, meeting his gaze. “I’d love to go.”

He let out a long breath, one she hadn’t been aware he’d been holding. “Oh my God, I was positive you were going to say no. This is fantastic.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “The shuttle’ll leave at about 5:30 on Friday. Make sure you don’t miss it this time.” He grinned to let her know he was joking.

“Wait!” She called after him as he started to walk away. “Where are we going?”

Ten minutes later Karina rushed into the android hangar and to Milly’s work station.

“I need your help,” Karina burst out, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

Milly raised her eyebrows as she snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. She took in Karina’s flushed appearance and sniggered. “Need to borrow lingerie already? Sorry, honey, even you’re going out with the hottest guy on base, my boobs are still way bigger than yours."

“Milly,” Karina begged, ignoring the slight on her chest size. “He’s invited me to go to Carboncore. Carboncore. I don’t have anything to wear—actually, never mind,” she backed off, as a slow grin began to spread across Milly’s face. “I’ll just—“

“Oh no,” Milly cut her off, picking up a screwdriver and twirling it between her fingers. “You asked, you are receiving.


“I don’t think this is going to work.”

“Hush.” For a woman who was supposed to wear mandatory jumpsuits and tee-shirts, Milly owned an impressive amount of clothing. “Here, try this on.” She plucked a shirt from a hanger and tossed it Karina, who caught it in midair. She looked at it.

“Milly, I can’t wear this.”

“Why not?” she asked, sorting through the rest of her hangers. “Not enough cleavage?”

“Too much cleavage!”

“Urgh. Karina, don’t be an old woman. Show a little skin! Bother him a bit. Not to mention, you’re going to Carboncore. You’ll look like a moron if you go dressed like you usually are. Just try it on, okay? I promise it’s not as bad as you think.”

Karina grudgingly obliged and pulled the shirt over her head. “Oh, man,” she groaned, looking at her reflection in the mirror. “This is—“

“Perfect,” Milly said, turning her around and adjusting the neckline a bit. “Trust me, he’ll love it.”

Karina was surprised that she hadn’t set anything on fire what with all the blushing she’d been doing lately. Though, really, as much as she might say otherwise…there was a little part (okay, a big part) that was excited about going on a proper date with Vance.

“—Make up sorted out and then you’ll be all set,” Milly was saying as she opened and shut various dresser drawers.

“I hope he doesn’t end up regretting this,” Karina fidgeted with the belt loop on her borrowed jeans. “I hope I don’t end up regretting this.”

“Karina, for God’s sake. It’s just a date. Not a marriage proposal. Relax.”

Karina fell silent as Milly began applying makeup. She was right, of course. It was just a date. It might just be a onetime thing.

Or, it might not.

“There.” Milly put down the makeup brush. “Now don’t rub your eyes and remember to reapply the lipstick every once in a while. Don’t spill anything on those jeans, and if you two end up making out against a wall, make sure that no one’s vomited on it. I like that shirt too much.” She began to push Karina towards the door. “And, last but not least, you have to tell me about everything. Everything.

Before Karina could get in a breath to say anything about any of those things, she’d already been shoved into the hallway.

“Have fun!” Milly cackled, blowing Karina a kiss.

Karina stood there in mild shock for a minute after her friend had closed her door. Shaking herself out of it, she glanced at her watch.


Karina yanked off her shoes and sprinted down the hallway. If she’d known it was this late, she would have forgone having Milly do her makeup. It was all she could do to pray that the shuttle hadn’t left yet.

“Not again,” she panted as she ran towards the shuttle platform. “Not again!”

She slammed her palm onto the button to open the door and braced her hands on her knees to catch her breath. When she looked up again, the door had slid open and Vance was grinning down at her.

“I was just coming to find you,” he said, standing back to let her through.

“Sorry,” she said, slipping her shoes back on. “I, uh, lost track of time.”

“No problem.” He waited for her to fully catch her breath. “You look great by the way.” His eyes lingered briefly on her neckline before focusing on her face. He gave her an easy, charming smile and Karina found herself, for the umpteenth time, blushing again.

“Thanks,” she said, then, before she could stop herself, “you don’t look too bad yourself.” She almost wished it wasn’t true, but it was. If she thought he looked attractive in uniform, Vance looked just as good, if not better, in civilian clothing.

He pretended to look shocked. “Holy crap,” he said, pressing a hand to his chest. “Did Karina Bois just compliment me?”

Karina smacked him on the arm. “Don’t be an ass,” she said, pretending she hadn’t noticed the spark in her fingertips at the contact of her skin on his.

The shuttle gave a high-pitched buzz and the remaining people on the platform began to move. They began to hurry towards the shuttle; Karina prayed that she wouldn’t break an ankle from the shoes she was wearing. The shuttle began to move forward just as they reached it. They climbed in and Vance led the way to a center aisle seat, where he flopped down next to the window.

Karina hesitated, and then slowly sat down next to him, aware that if she were any stiffer she’d probably crack in two. The scenery outside began to speed up until it the desert was a blur of gold, tinged with pink and red from the setting sun.

“How long does the shuttle usually take?” Karina asked.

“You’ve never been on it before?”

She shook her head. “when I arrived on base we came on the trucks.”

Vance looked a bit surprised. “It’ll take about twenty minutes, maybe a half hour at the most.” He smirked and nudged her knee with his own. “So we’ll actually have a chance at a proper conversation.”

Karina’s mind went blank. What on earth was she supposed to talk about? Thankfully, she was given a few minutes of stalling time when an officer from the seat in front of them turned and said, laughing, “And why the hell would she want to do that? Jesus, Travato. You’ve already put her through the humiliation of going out with you, now you want her to talk, too? Not to mention she’s probably on every other woman’s black list—“

“Shut up.” Vance kicked the back of the seat in front of them, none too lightly, either. “Ignore him,” he said to Karina, to the indignation of the soldier whose seat he’d kicked. “He’s D Class and therefore a moron—to which I might remind him that I’m his commanding officer and he might give my date a little respect. Also, his girlfriend just dumped him.” The soldier blushed crimson and turned around, but not before he gave Vance the stink eye.

“So,” Vance said, continuing as though nothing had happened. “Let’s avoid sounding like a bunch of tools and not talk about work—not like we don’t know what the other is doing anyway.”

Then what on earth are we supposed to talk about? Karina thought. Apparently though, this hadn’t occurred to vance as some sort of issue, and who simply kept on talking. “Have you ever been to CarbonCore?”

Karina shook her head. “I never really…went to those kinds of places.” Wonderful. Now she sounded like a twelve year old.

“You’ve never been to a club?”

“It’s not really my kind of thing. But a few friends of mine have gone to this one before, and they liked it, so.”

“It’s not too bad,” he shrugged. “If you avoid the drunken creeps. But,” he grinned. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.”

Karina gave a small smile in return and let herself relax back into the seat. She had to admit, it was nice to be able to go out on a date, one who actually seemed capable of watching out for her. She glanced around to see who else was on the shuttle, something she hadn’t done before. She didn’t recognize too many; most of them were soldiers and from Vance’s platoon, and therefore had nothing to do with her department. One of the woman, however, she recognized—Abbi, a nurse from the infirmary. She apparently felt Karina’s eyes on her, because she turned and when she saw Karina looking at her, gave her a smile that could have frozen lava.

Karina tensed up again, then abruptly realized that Vance had been speaking to her.

“I’m sorry, what?” She asked, turning from abbi and back to him. “What did you say?”

“I asked if you’ve ever eaten a bug before.”

Karina looked aghast. “Ew, no!”

Vance laughed. “Okay, good. And what I’d really asked was where you were from, but the other question seemed like it would get your attention faster.”

Karina made herself laugh, determined to relax again. “I’m from Walden.” She let herself be drawn into the conversation, and was surprised to find that he actually wasn’t a bad conversationalist.

She was actually enjoying herself.

Soon enough, the city began taking shape on the horizon. Not long after, they entered a tunnel which brought them into the city’s underground station.

“Watch your step,” Vance warned as Karina nearly toppled over. He glared at the soldier who’d knocked into her. “Hey! You’re gonna pay for that on Monday, Asshole!”

Karina glanced around nervously as everyone began to walk up the wide stairs to the street above. Excitement and fear battled in equal measure inside her. “I feel like a bumpkin,” she confessed as they emerged onto the street. She had to immediately step to the side as she was nearly run down by a pedestrian on a cell phone.

“Yeesh,” she said, sticking close to Vance due to the sheer amount of people around her. “Is it always like this?”

“usually,” he agreed. “The trick is to walk with confidence, or else you’ll be spending all your time avoiding everyone else. Walden isn’t that big, is it?”

“Not really.”

“So this is your first real city experience?” When she nodded, he smirked. “Then I’m flattered that you’re allowing your first time to be with me.”

Oh my God, she thought, grateful for the fact that the darkness and all the neon lights made it impossible for anyone to see her scarlet blushing. He did that on purpose.

They walked several blocks, Karina content with allowing Vance to lead the way, as she had no idea which direction they were going, or what they were even looking for. Therefore, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when they arrived at a large, converted warehouse.

“This is it?” she said loudly to be heard over the sound of pulsing bass as they joined the line at the door.

He nodded. “Brace yourself,” he said close to her ear, and the sound of his voice that close sent shivers up her spine.
Looking around, Karina became increasingly grateful that she’d allowed Milly to dress her. Had she worn any of her own clothes, she would have looked like a fool. As it was, she appeared to be the only one dressed even slightly
conservatively. She saw a group of girls apparently on their way out, all laughing hysterically. They appeared to be slightly drunk. As they passed Karina and Vance, they slowed, obviously giving him a once over.

“Hey,” one of them called out, a petite redhead. “Why don’t you drop grandma and come out with us instead?”

Karina bristled. But before she could say or do anything, Vance, smirking, called back, “Sorry, ladies. Not into the slutty look. My girl suits me just fine.”

The redhead flipped him off, and, still shrieking with laughter, the group moved down.

“Thanks,” Karina said.

“Don’t have to thank me for the truth.” He winked at her as they moved up in line.

At the front, Vance paid for their entry, and Karina had the back of her hand stamped by a leering security guard. She felt Vance’s arm wrap securely around her waist and pull her along.

“Creep,” she thought she heard him say as they entered a short hallway, but it was lost in the sounds of thump thump thump of the bass.

The hall opened up into what used to be the main warehouse, a massive space filled with people. The music pulsing through the air wasn’t even discernible above the noise of all the people.

“Come on, let’s find a table.” Keeping a hold onto Karina’s hand, Vance navigated his way easily through the crowd to the side where the booths were.

“What do you drink?” He asked close to her ear after she’d sat down.

“Whatever you get is fine.”

She watched him go through the crowd to the bar. The dance floor was packed, and it was only then tht Karina had the terrifying but nevertheless logical thought that at some point in the evening, there was going to be dancing involved. Dancing with Vance. Her belly warmed at the thought.

“Hey, honey. Why’re you all by yourself?”

Karina turned. Some guy had stumbled off the dance floor and was stumbling towards her. She could see sweat glistening on his forehead, and, when he was close enough, smell the alcohol on his breath.

“So, baby,” he said, leaning against the booth and staring down her shirt. “How about it? Wanna come give me a dance?”

Karina slid further down the booth and scanned the crowd for Vance. “Actually, I’m here with someone—“

Her unwelcome visitor took the extra room as an invitation to squeeze in next to her. “But he left you here all alone,” he slurred, leaning in close. “So why don’t me and you get busy—“


Karina’s heart leapt into her throat. She’d never been so grateful or relieved in her life. Peering around the intruder’s shoulder, she saw Vance, who was staring down at the intruder with distaste. “I’m gonna ask you to leave now. You’re bothering my date.”

The intruder sneered up at him. “I don’t her hear asking me to leave,” he said.

“I bet she didn’t ask you to sit down, either. Leave, or I’ll make you.”

The intruder stood up, and for a few blessed seconds Karina thought he was actually going to leave without making a scene. But instead, he gave Vance a hard shove in the stomach. “Oh yeah? You and what army, pretty boy?”

Vance grabbed the front of the intruder’s shirt collar and yanked him up to eyelevel. Digging under his shirt, he pulled out his dog tags and held them up under the drunk’s nose.

“C Class Officer,” Vance smirked. “So, yeah. That army.” He dropped the guy back onto the ground. “Now fuck off before I have to break some limbs.”

Vance sat down across from Karina as the intruder, after giving vance the finger, staggered off. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, glancing at the dance floor again, then back to Vance. “No drinks?”

“Actually,” he said, giving her a wide smile. “I had a thought. This place is a bit too packed for my tastes, which probably means its way over packed for yours. What’dyou say we get out of here and go get ice cream instead?”


The sidewalks hadn’t cleared out much, but the shuttle station had. The only other person around was the janitor washing windows at the far end.

“You’ve honestly never broken a bone?”


“I have a hard time believing that. Even when you spar with the battle droids?”

“What can I say?” Vance popped the last bit of his ice cream cone into his mouth. “I’m a lucky guy.”

Karina shook her head. “That’s…something else.”

“That isn’t to say I haven’t had my fair share of injuries,” he said, pointing to the scar on his cheekbone. “Just no broken bones.”

“Hmph,” Karina said, thoughtfully taking a bite of her icecream. “Well, I, on the other hand, have broken my leg and my nose. Wanna know what’s even better? I broke my nose when we were leaving the hospital after the broken leg.”

Vance snorted. “How the hell did that happen?”

“I wasn’t used to the crutches, and I fell down the stairs.”

He burst out laughing. “You’re full of shit, Blondie.”

“I am not! Look!” She pushed her face close to his and pointed at her nose. “See? Crooked!”

“I can see that,” he chuckled. “Hey, can I steal a bite of your ice cream?”

“No, you already finished yours.”


Karina slid to the other end of the bench and took a large chomp of her ice cream.

“Hey, share a little! I bought it!”

“Don’t be an Indian giver.”

He smirked at her. “Y’know, I have to say, Blondie. I’m a little disappointed.”

“Disappointed that you aren’t getting my ice cream? Get over it.”

“No,” he said, stretching the word out. “Disappointed that I didn’t get to dance with you.”

The warm feeling returned to Karina’s belly with such a vengeance that it could have melted her ice cream.

“Oh well,” He shrugged, glancing slyly at her. “Maybe next time—“

The rest of his sentence was lost as Karina pressed her mouth to his. Immediately, his hands were on either side of her face and she’d dropped her ice cream to tangle her fingers in his hair.

“Geeze, Blondie,” he whispered as she pulled away for air. “Where’d you learn that?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered back, breathless. The warm feeling had spread. She could feel it in her fingers, her cheeks, her eyes.

The back of her knees.

On the shuttle trip back to base, Vance brushed off questions of where’d they gone with a stern glance. He kept his knee pressed to hers the entire time.

It wasn’t until they’d arrived back at base that Karina began to think about what was technically supposed to happen next. The warm feeling in her belly expanded, and simultaneously went cold.

“Listen,” she said haltingly, clearing her throat. “I don’t…I don’t want you to think that I’m some kind of tease or anything—“

“Relax, Blondie.”

“Because seriously—“

“Karina.” He kissed her, deep and long, and she responded more readily than she would have liked. By the time he slowly pulled away, her breathing had gotten considerably heavier, and she was quite willing to forget whatever it was she’d just said.

“Relax,” he murmured, his voice husky. “I’m a…gentleman. At least for tonight.”

Please don’t be she wanted to say, even though this was completely contradictory to what she’d just said. Her mouth felt swollen.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow,” he murmured, backing away slowly. “Meet you for breakfast before it’s time for our respective duties.”

It didn’t take Karina the entire walk back to her room to know that she’d have a hard time sleeping tonight.


Spoiler! :
Incredibly pointless romantic fluff--sort of a breather for when I start doing awful things to them later. So. Yup. I know it's rough and...yes. *hides* The story this short is from is Sci-Fi, so I think it posted appropriately. 8D
Last edited by Sachiko on Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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34 Reviews

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Reviews: 34
Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:57 am
remember20 says...

Hi. I liked this story, I have a taste for good fun positive stuff so it's fine. I didn't think it was overly romantic, just a nice night out.

This paragraph confused me and I write sci fi, so I'm probably just not aware of the technology used:

The shuttle gave a high-pitched buzz and the remaining people on the platform began to move. They began to hurry towards the shuttle; Karina prayed that she wouldn’t break an ankle from the shoes she was wearing. The shuttle began to move forward just as they reached it. They climbed in and Vance led the way to a center aisle seat, where he flopped down next to the window.

Karina hesitated, and then slowly sat down next to him, aware that if she were any stiffer she’d probably crack in two. The scenery outside began to speed up until it (typo) the desert was a blur of gold, tinged with pink and red from the setting sun.

I guess I'm imagining it like a subway, so it moving while they are getting into it confuses me. Also, "they" could refer to the couple or the people waiting for it. Either way, it could be clearer. "They began to hurry toward the shuttle which gave a high pitched buzz..." seems like a less confusing start that gives the paragraph a sequence I can follow.
I hope this helps, nice writing!

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:03 am
JabberHut says...



I absolutely loved this. Like totes.

By itself, it certainly doesn't seem to serve any purpose. xD It's nice fluffy character interaction, but all the characters were so fantastic, it made me squee hard. I absolutely adored Milly. She was so well-done, considering her role was only for a fraction of this piece. And the tiniest bit about Abbi was amazing lykwoah. XD

If I were to say one constructive thing, then it would be that all the other guys that seemed to wink or hit on Karina sounded the same. Fortunately, Vance explained the background of the one soldier who was talking, but I still think a little more life could be given to all those guys.

And I really wouldn't mind some more sci-fi mention in your story, but since this is part of a series, that's probably done better in the earlier portions, and thus, you wouldn't have to worry about it.

But that's all I've got that's even remotely constructive. I thought it was pure fluff but pure amazing. I'm still all giddy, and like I said earlier, I totes just fell in love with Vance all over again. You had a few typos here and there, but nothing you can't find when you edit it.

Keep writing! <3

Jabber, the One and Only!
I make my own policies.

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:24 am
Audy says...


I must say I really enjoyed this short :) I love your handle on the characters. I kinda got the one or two hints of Scifi xD It just makes these characters more intriguing for me. Now, I'm going to be doing the review kind of differently. I was reading while I was making edits - and because there's so much character in this, well...I tend to react aloud to the story so my reactions are there as I was reading :) I feel this way is much more helpful than just my overall impressions ^^ I hope it helps.

She could hear the sound of her blood roaring in her ears.

Blood roars? o-o

he shifted his chair closer to hers and said, “Y’know, Karina,” he said quietly, his face close to hers.

Kind of redundant there.

He let out a long breath, one she hadn’t been aware he’d been holding. “Oh my God, I was positive you were going to say no. This is fantastic.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “The shuttle’ll leave at about 5:30 on Friday. Make sure you don’t miss it this time.” He grinned to let her know he was joking.

Two things popped to mind. First: Woah! He's excited xD The second - what does he mean by "make sure you don't miss it this time?" Hmm....

“Need to borrow lingerie already? Sorry, honey, even though you’re going out with the hottest guy on base, my boobs are still way bigger than yours."

Milly is great xD We all need a Milly in our lives.
“He’s invited me to go to Carboncore. Carboncore.

You've been italicizing your emphasized words - don't see why you don't do it here. Underlining is jarring.

Don’t spill anything on those jeans, and if you two end up making out against a wall, make sure that no one’s vomited on it

Great advice, Milly xD ha. I'm loving your characters and dialogue here.

“Not again,” she panted as she ran towards the shuttle platform. “Not again!”

I'm getting the sense this happens to Karina quite often xD
“I was just coming to find you,” he said, standing back to let her through.

Over eager, isn't he?
"...Also, his girlfriend just dumped him.”


Apparently though, this hadn’t occurred to vance

Missed capitalizing there

She had to admit, it was nice to be able to go out on a date,with someone who actually seemed capable of watching out for her.

“I’m sorry, what?” She asked, turning from abbi and back to him

Capitalization again.

“I asked if you’ve ever eaten a bug before.”

Oh, gross. Best question to start a first date, lemme tell ya xD

Vance laughed. “Okay, good. And what I’d really asked was where you were from, but the other question seemed like it would get your attention faster.”

Certainly got my attention, Vance xD

“usually,” he agreed.

Watch your caps.

He did that on purpose.

Italicize, don't underline.

“Creep,” she thought she heard him say as they entered a short hallway

But why would he say that? Hmm... This just seemed really odd and misplaced.
The dance floor was packed, and it was only then that

...as the intruder, after giving vance the finger, staggered off

Caps again.
“Don’t be an Indian giver.”

Nice to see that there's some development with Karina. In the icecream scene here, she seems a lot more confident. I wasn't really feeling much out of her character until this point - but I suppose that makes sense because she was out of her element. Nice job with the shift :) Subtle and brilliant.

The rest of his sentence was lost as Karina pressed her mouth to his.

Woo!! Go Karina!! DIdn't know you had it in you xD
Vance brushed off questions of where’d they gone went with a stern glance.

What's with the change of tense here, and in the next sentence? I'm assuming you mean to say "had" When you say..."It wasn't until they'd" why change into the perfect tense?

The 'd usage here is kind of tricky because it could mean "had" or "would" and it gets a bit confusing. I mean, we can read it from the context. But there isn't need for a tense change...?

Overall, I enjoyed it :D Your characters were great. I'd LOVE to know what happens next!

~ As always Audy

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:12 am
Shadowlight says...

Last edited by Shadowlight on Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:43 am
Shadowlight says...

Yo Sachi my dearest love!

I am here to review your lovely piece, I am going to be nick picky just to forewarn you! <3

Alright for starters I have to say that I am LOVING everything you are writing on this new story of yours! I have loved getting to watch your style grow over the years and I have to tell you, hands down, THIS is the BEST thing you've ever written!

Alright I DO have a few nitpicks but fear not they are very petty things. :)
Also as you know from long experience, I don't critique the mechanics of writing just: story, plot, characters, and the artistic side of writing. (unless I see a really bad mistake that is distracting a lot from the story)
I am going to try and go in some order so no ones heads are left spinning by the end of this.<3

Alrighty here we go!


I LOVE Karina in this snippet! This new incarnation of your character is someone I can relate too much better, and I find her so wonderfully charming in her quirky way.
I really like how realistically you portrayed her nerves about Vance throughout the whole thing-as I have been in her shoes and felt those same emotions and heart palpitations, so good job!

I will say the whole "soup and spoon" moment you had at the beginning was a little awkward for me to read (I'm not sure if it's my dyslexia or not.) I think you should add more description to that section- the spoon works as a plot device and is lovely, but maybe editing those few lines so they flow better?

The whole interplay between Vance and Karina about the smoking is so wonderful! -I almost choked on my tea whilst reading it. :D It was so awkward for her and yet so jam packed with flirty undertones that it is almost lethal.

Her nerves throughout the whole piece are so naturally written to fit her character, she was so in character- elegantly done Sachi!
“So this is your first real city experience?” When she nodded, he smirked. “Then I’m flattered that you’re allowing your first time to be with me.”

Oh my God, she thought, grateful for the fact that the darkness and all the neon lights made it impossible for anyone to see her scarlet blushing. He did that on purpose.

I LOVE how the sexual undertone you gave the whole piece comes out a little stronger here. What he said was so two toned and wonderful- it makes ones romantic inside sequel with unadulterated glee.

Alright my big nitpick with Karina was the kiss moment, It isn't a big nitpick so don't worry! <33
The rest of his sentence was lost as Karina pressed her mouth to his.

Just this one sentence seemed just slightly off for some reason, a little forced? and I am not sure how. (it might be just my own personal preferences here so don't freak out)

also I wanted more description- I know you prefer to write character interactions but you are so good and description too! and this scene, would be just the perfect place to drag out the moments, with some lovely romantic description!

But really I LOVED the kissing moments you wrote, they were so romantic my toes curled! :D I really hope you write more of these for your rabid Vance/Karina fans.

And lastly I really thought how you wrote the whole thing in third person, yet stuck to Karina's POV throughout was so cool and worked wonderfully.

I really like the new character you added- Milly, she is a lovely addition to the LEGIT cast and she is someone I think your readers will love. She seems the feminine and a slightly worldly character- a friend that Karina needs to have to balance out her no nonsense side. their interplay was lovely and I love how completely transparent Milly's comments about leaving the table were- she was trying SO hard and it shone through magnificently!

Moving on to the dressing scene- as a girl I LOVED that! it was hilarious and so covertly suggestive with HOW Milly was dressing Karina (she wanted her friend to have a "wild" night) :D
Again I wished there was more description in that part. I know you are a dialogue writer and you are stellar at writing that! but, I as a reader had a little trouble picturing the clothes and being "in" that place with the characters. I think if you added a little bit more description of the environment it would make this scene even better.
I loved this new character and all the moment with her. I can't wait to see what you do with Milly in the future!


Oh. My. Gosh.
I am now in love with this man! there is no comparison to this Vance and the previous one- This new Vance blows the other away! He is so much more likable and freaking awesome. :D

He is a very human character and I love how gentle he is with Karina- the protective streak he has going on is so endearing and sexy. There, I said it he's sexy! He is SO masculine, he is oozing manly-ness and it is amazing. He is so charming and polished, yet still rough around the edges, and has a smack of the military about him. The way you write his little idiosyncrasies is wonderful- a random scratch or putting his hands into his pockets whilst talking. it makes him so relate-able to me as a reader- he is a real person.

The Club scene was wonderful because he acted like a real testosterone wielding guy- he was not only protective of Karina he was possessive of her! Real guys are like that. How he settled the tiff with the threat was also very true to the male mindset. (and made all his fans want him even more)

The sexual undercurrent you gave a lot of his dialogue and actions was very natural and seemed to fit so perfectly with his personality. How calm, and chill he was in the whole thing also added to his attractiveness. :)

The way you had him be so amazingly romantic was crack to the romance addicts soul!
“Relax,” he murmured, his voice husky. “I’m a…gentleman. At least for tonight.”
Please don’t be she wanted to say, even though this was completely contradictory to what she’d just said.

Can I please have him for my birthday? My knees went weak for Pete's sake reading this! The line was the perfect blend of: Romance, Sexual tension, and lusty-ness!

Yet as amazingly romantic as he is, I would cation you to make sure he is still a guy- guys aren't always the romantic sort, so I would make sure you keep him very much male- that is what makes him so darn attractive.

Alright my big overall critique for this story is this
I want more description! you are amazing at writing it so I really think you should put more it! Vagueness is good in some things, but I really think in this kind of work, you need to have more your reader can grasp onto and form those mental pictures. :)

I have ripped this apart as much as I think I can and I will finish up with this-

It was stellar, the whole thing read so beautifully and easily. I felt like I was reading a published work and all I had to do to read more, was turn a page (I was really sad when I reached the end of the thing.) Your characters are strong, walking breathing and emotionally grounded characters. That leap of the page (or in this case computer screen) and are very realistic even though this is a si-fi story. Your use of words and how you piece them together into your thoughts, is so much above the stuff you fine so often published on the shelves of books stores and library's. I I no doubts what so ever this will be a published book someday after you finish writing and editing it.

Good work my dear friend! <33
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:07 pm
StellaThomas says...

Chiiiiiko. Chiko Chiko Chiko.


“Officer Travato!” She hissed.

she, dear, she.

“I..I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

Two full stops does not constitute any real type of punctuation.

He smiled slightly, and Karina had to admit that she didn’t believe he was pulling her leg.

Uh, I just don't like this line.

“The shuttle’ll leave at about 5:30 on Friday.

I just hope the shuttle isn't going to make Stella go "WHAT" like last time xD

“Wait!” She called after him as he started to walk away. “Where are we going?”

even you’re going out with the hottest guy on base, my boobs are still way bigger than yours."

*giggles* But, read this sentence. I'm sure you'll see the problem.

For a woman who was supposed to wear mandatory jumpsuits and tee-shirts,

Wait, like, ALL the time? And isn't it just "t-shirts"?

turning her around and adjusting the neckline a bit. “Trust me, he’ll love it.”

Since we're on the topic of cleavage, I'd love to know which way Milly adjusts it... that makes me sound like such a pervert. But. Yes.
Milly put down the makeup brush.

Um, my inner-girly-girl is screaming WHICH BRUSH because it's not just like you put "make-up" on with one brush.

“Not again,” she panted as she ran towards the shuttle platform. “Not again!”

I'm so giggling right now and thinking NOT AGAIN too.
“He’s D Class and therefore a moron—to which I might remind him that I’m his commanding officer and he might give my date a little respect.

the "to which" seems formal and weird.

Apparently though, this hadn’t occurred to vance as some sort of issue, and who simply kept on talking. “Have you ever been to CarbonCore?”

... uh. Vance deserves a capital letter. And until now you've just called it "Carboncore."

“usually,” he agreed.

... Yeah...

see her scarlet blushing.

Scarlet cheeks, or something? I feel like you're overusing "blushing"
She saw a group of girls apparently on their way out, all laughing hysterically. They appeared to be slightly drunk. As they passed Karina and Vance, they slowed, obviously giving him a once over.

I think this would be better more compacted. Like, a group of slightly drunk girls laughing hysterically passed Karina and Vance on their way out. They slowed etc. Just now it's weird.

“What do you drink?” He asked close to her ear after she’d sat down.


Some guy had stumbled off the dance floor and was stumbling towards her.

is the repetition deliberate?
its way over packed for yours.

“Don’t be an Indian giver.”

I'm assuming this is an expression and I've just never heard it before.

The back of her knees.

Is this a story thing or does it have some certain sexual significance I'm not aware of?

It didn’t take Karina the entire walk back to her room to know that she’d have a hard time sleeping tonight.

Eh, for a last line it could be a little stronger.


What can I say? It's fluff and you said so and I love fluff and it was very enjoyable fluff. Only thing is I'm concerned that there is a flaw in Karina and Vance's relationship because he always has to cancel her plans for her because she's such a n00b. Stop holding Vance back, Karina! Let him do his thing!

So yes. That bit was a little repetitive after the last short I read and the two together just make Karina seem so whiny and naive. Maybe she is. I don't know. I think if I was reading the whole thing and not two isolated events I wouldn't feel the same way.

Other thing in relation to the last one- last time I felt like Milly was just a passing acquaintance. This time they're full-blown friends. It bugs me when authors do that in books, where the female MC has NO FEMALE FRIENDS because they're HIPSTER LIKE THAT... and then they mention some girl they know vaguely and suddenly that's the girl they go to for everything. I'm not suggesting you're like that! But just... if she has a female friend, then make her a real friend not just a casual acquaintance.

But mostly I loved it. And Vance. I loved Vance muchly.

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:44 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

Hey ya, hunky-bun!

Love, love, love.

I will say right off that I noticed quite a few typos. I'm not going to go through and find them again because I know you'd catch them if you did a read-through. Most capitalizations and the occasional mistyped letter. Not big stuff, but I noticed and it takes away from the polish.

there was a little part (okay, a big part)

I don't know if I've ever said this in a review of your stuff before (though it is possible - I tend to point it out wherever I see it because I am a spaz like that) but I don't like parentheses in prose work (I do, however, love parentheses everywhere else XD). This is entirely subjective and you can feel perfectly free to ignore my weird little pet peeves, but parentheses always seem to break up a prose work unless they are being used as a specific style. And seeing as how this is the only instance I can find it the work where you used them, that isn't the case here. That information can totally be taken out of the parentheses and work in the sentence. Put it between commas - or between dashes like this - so we still get a sense of the 'aside' nature of it without making it look like you're citing a source in a paper. Make sense? (Again though, totally subjective on my part. Ignore me if you wish.)

“Shut up.” Vance kicked the back of the seat in front of them, none too lightly, either.

Mmmkay, so I'm going to use this line to highlight my main problem with this piece and that's Vance. Well, not Vance himself, but more his behavior in this short. This guy in front of them just seems to be ribbing them. Sure, not the nicest way to go about it, but he's just ribbing them. Then Vance kind of gets nasty. Not too nasty, but he does get somewhat aggressive. He seems more like a self-conscious twelve year-old first admitting that they like a girl than an adult dealing with another adult.

Now, I get that Vance is kind of a joker and based on his behavior before, he really does seem to have the mentality of a twelve year-old sometimes (read: "dude, I really like that girl! so I shall throw paper balls at her and pull her pigtail!") so this very well might be in character for him, but it just sort of bothered me. I mean, Karina's kind of self-conscious anyway and seeing someone acting like that on her behalf might unnerve her a little. I know it would me.

I dunno. Vance just seems really aggressive in his protection of her. On the one hand, it is kinda sweet and shows how much he likes her, but on the other hand... I dunno, it makes him look insecure? Volatile? She's not really in any danger from any of these people (aside from maybe the creeper who was hitting on her in the club) but Vance responds as if they are seriously threatening her life and/or honor. I'd kind of like to see him act a bit subtler, a bit smoother, assuaging any kind of confrontation without serious aggression. Make sense?

She let herself be drawn into the conversation, and was surprised to find that he actually wasn’t a bad conversationalist.

Whaaa? We don't get to see any of the lovely banter that shows that he isn't a bad conversationalist and that she actually is enjoying herself? D:

I'm gonna agree with Jabs about the minor characters in this short. All the guys'n'girls who are leering at our two leads sort of felt the same, like their only purpose was to highlight how attractive Vance and Karina are. And don't get me wrong, they are both fiiine and I definitely appreciate the 'showing' approach as opposed to one of 'telling', but it got a little grating. Try to give them a little personality? I dunno. They just seemed a bit blah to me and definitely there with an author's agenda.

“C Class Officer,” Vance smirked. “So, yeah. That army.”

I. Loved. This. Line. It was just incredibly funny for some reason.

D'awww. In the end, this was exactly as advertised: shameless fluff. And I ate it right up. It's nice to see a couple actually enjoying themselves and acknowledging that they like one another without angsting or whatnot. And now we have this shining moment to look back on when awful things start to happen. Me likies.

PM me/spam my wall if you have any questions or comments!

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:05 pm
hermes92 says...

It was a good piece about a couple. i was a little confused because I was looking in the sci fi section then i found that but i like it so its okay. You did a good job at keeping a reader in suspense. It was overall great it just needed a better ending. Keep on writing. You are on the right track with this story.
Everything that happens has a meaning behind it

A true poet does not bother to be poetical. Nor does a nursery gardener scent his roses.
— Jean Cocteau