
Young Writers Society

Keepers Of The Well (Pt.1)

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Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:00 pm
CVCaul says...

By: C.V.Caul

In the small town named Sunman all things seemed to be calm and normal, to a normal outsider it looked like regular small town that you would see in movies where there was only one of everything and everybody knew everybody. To the people that lived in Sunman County they knew their town carried a secret that many never talked about and more never seen for their selves. Rumor was that over a hundred and fifty years ago there were humans who could transform into lions and dragons and there was a great war between the two.

You were to never be out late at night by yourself because more than likely you would be attacked by one of them. But the majority of the people that thought this was just another small town story figured it was used to just scare the children into acting right and the older generation into minding their own business and to get along with everybody. But little did the people of Sunman know there was a war that was brewing and the small town would never be the same after it was all over.

Across town in the early morning a young man was awoken by a phone call.

“Hello” Adranus said in a groggy voice half asleep still.

“Adranus, wake up”

Adranus sat up in his bed and from his sleep that he was enjoying letting his eyes and ears adjust to his surrounding he recognized the familiar voice it was his best friend Marreal. Marreal was about six feet tall with a clean cut and brown eyes. Smaller than Adranus by about four or five inches.

“What Happened?” Was the first thing Adranus said after he recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. He knew that his best friend wouldn’t call him in the early mornings unless it was something important he needed to tell him.

“Jason was killed a few hours ago”

Adranus hung his head and let the information hit him. Jason was one of Adranus close friends who he grew up with since birth.

“How did he die” Adranus asked as he thought about the grief his family had to be going through.

“They said he was found with deep marks on his face, neck, and chest, they’re saying that it must have been a bear attack and that it was the 5th bear attack this month.” Marreal responded quickly as if he was ready to let this information be known to Adranus.

“Call everybody and tell them we will have a noon meeting at the auditorium, then get ready, I will be over your house in a hour and we will visit Jason’s family” stated Adranus as he gathered himself and began getting out of the bed.

“Ok” was the only thing Marreal said before he hung up.

Marreal knew that Adranus would take Jason’s death pretty hard. Adranus, Jason, Elijah, and Marreal had all grew up together and shared a secret that only few others knew about. Elijah was a young man slightly over six feet with clean and neat dreads the hung a little past his shoulders he had blue eyes that contrasted well with his honey complexion skin.

Adranus was still sitting on the edge of his bed gathering his thoughts and emotions, he couldn’t believe that one of his closest friends had died and he also knew that there was no bear attack that killed Jason. He got up and walked over to his dresser and found his necklace sitting on top. He knew what was coming he couldn’t allow himself to admit it though.


Adranus pulled up outside of Marreal’s house and blew the horn after a few minutes of waiting Marreal walked outside and got in the car. Adranus turned down the volume of the radio and drove off.

“So what do you think happened?” asked Adranus as they drove

“I think the fire-tongues have killed Jason, I also think they are the reason for the bear Attacks, but why?" Marreal answered back as he looked out the window for in thought. What do you think?”

“I think you’re right about the fire-tongues but I think they’re planning something, something we obviously know nothing about something that has to be happening. Call Haro and set up a meeting then let Elijah and Imani know that they are heading to the meeting with us.” Responded Adranus as he pulled up inside of Jason house.

“Before we go in, remember that Jason’s mom probably doesn’t know what really happened to him so we don’t want to let them know what happened. Also look around silently for clues and see if you can find anything that can give us any type of information.”

As they got out the car the saw that another car was there all black and almost professional looking

“Must be a detective” Adranus said aloud as they got to the front door and pressed the doorbell.

After a few minutes of waiting the door opened and a short brunette and green eyed girl who looked to be in her early teens. Once she opened the door and saw Adranus face she wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest. He knew how she felt he just held her harder as she let all her emotions out Adranus couldn’t help but shed a tear also. She pulled away and hugged Marreal.

“How is everybody doing?” asked Marreal as he released her out of a hug.

“Moms really torn, and dad is too but he’s trying to be strong for everybody else” she stated.

She led them into the family room where he saw a police investigator on the couch. Once entering into the room everybody looked up. Ms. Newman jumped up and hugged Adranus as he hugged her he felt all her pain and it went through him like a million pieces of glass slicing through his body.

“Well Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Newman, I’m sorry for your lost, here’s my card. If you can think of anything don’t hesitate to call” said the investigator as he stood up and shook Mr.Newmans hand.

Mr. Newman showed him to the door and was back in a few minutes.

Adranus and Marreal had taken seats on the couch that the investigator had just vacated not too long ago.

“I’m so sorry about your loss Mrs. Newman; you knew Jason was like your brother. If there’s anything we can do just let us know” Adranus stated as he tried his best to hold his emotions in.

“We’re fine baby, how are you two holding up? I know y’all three went everywhere together” Asked Mrs. Newman her voice was full of so much pain but she held it together as she talked with them and laughed about past stories and times they shared.

After awhile Adranus looked at his watch and saw it said 11:45.

“Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Newman but we have a meeting to be at in a few minutes, if you need anything just let us know and we will help as much as we can” stated Adranus as he and Marreal stood up and gave their last farewells and hugs and headed to the door.

Once they were in the car they began talking as they drove across town to the meeting.

“Did you see the mantle?” Asked Marreal

“Yeah, his transformation necklace was there, which means he didn’t have it last night meaning he had to be cornered by an fire tongue; something isn’t right” he responded as they pulled up to the auditorium and entered the building.

They found the whole room full of teenagers sitting around talking and whispering.

“Ok guys let’s get down to business” Adranus stated as he took his seat on the edge of the stage facing everybody.

“What are we here for?” asked a young black girl who had pretty eyes smile.

“As some of you know, and other don’t Jason Newman was killed last night.”

The room filled with gasps and murmuring.

“How did he die?” Elijah asked.

Adranus understood what he had to be going through because he himself was going through the same emotions.

“The coroners and doctors are saying he was murdered by a bear attack but all other signs show that he was murdered by one of the fire tongues” Adranus responded the auditorium erupted into protests and gasps along with shocked faces.

“Hold it down guys, look right now we just have a strong hunch that it was the fire tongues we aren’t sure of nothing yet. Marreal, Elijah, Imani, and I will be heading to a meeting later with the fire tongues leader Haro and try to find out what’s going on and what we can do about it. In the mean time make sure you guys stay either together or in the house, don’t go nowhere without somebody and don’t go anywhere without your transformation necklaces. Jason didn’t have his last night and we believe that’s the reason he was caught and killed” Adranus stated.

As the group broke up Marreal, Adranus, Elijah and Imani hung around as they watched everybody leave while talking and processing the information that they just received.

“So what’s the plan?” asked Elijah as he sat down on the edge of the stage and brushed his hands through his neat dreadlocks.

“Who cares what the plan is, let’s just go in and handle them” responded Imani who was the youngest and also Adranus protégé.

She was a slightly above average height attractive girl with short black hair and soft brown eyes that she used to get what she wanted most of the time.

“We can’t go in there without a plan, we have to make sure everything can go as smooth as possible” Marreal responded.

“Adranus, what do you think?” Elijah asked him as he noticed his mentor in deep thought.

“I think I might know what’s going down I can’t be certain, here’s the plan we go in, I do the talking you all make sure that nothing happens and you say NOTHING!!” he stated with his emphasis while looking at Imani.

“Why do I get the look?” she asked with genuine interest and an innocent voice that would convince anybody that she could never do nothing wrong .

“Because, you’re always the hot head who reacts before they thinks; that’s your strong point but it’s also your weakness” alright make sure you all are wearing your transformation necklaces just in case we might need them” Adranus stated before the group broke up and began heading out to the meeting across town.


Pulling up on the other side of town they reached “The Volcano” a teen hangout place where only south side teens went to hang and party.

“Ok, I hate being over here we’re probably outnumbered 30-4 but lucky for us I have the best team, let’s go in here and do what we have to and get out of here. Keep your eyes opened and your ears tuned alright?” Adranus stated as he got out the car.

“Alright” they answered in unison. Reaching the door they were surrounded instantly by six large men in tight red muscle shorts and black pants they had arms the size of small boulders.

“What is your business here Felidae’s” the guy in front of the door asked he had a strong breath that smelled of onions and coffee.

“I have a meeting with Haro, tell him Adranus is here” Adranus stated after giving the guy a look over.

The guy nodded his head to the slightly smaller and much younger guy beside him who disappeared quickly. The security guys were still surrounding the Adranus and the others, Adranus could quickly feel Imani anticipation rising and her patience thinning he grabbed her by the arm gently and gave her a look. That simple movement made the security move a little closer to them.

“Well if it isn’t Adranus” said a voice from outside the circle they were in the security quickly pulled back and opening its ranks and in walked a young guy with rough dark hair and fire read eyes. He also bore a scar over top of his eye that ran from his eyebrows to the top of his lips.

“Vulcanick” Adranus said with a nod to the young man.

“Haro is waiting for you, please let our guest by” Vulcanick responded and the security quickly disbanded.

“After you” Adranus responded as he and the others followed Vulcanick into the club.

“So how has life been treating you on the other side of town” he asked Adranus as they took the walk to the back of the club.

“Can’t complain really, except that one of our friends was just murdered” he responded.

“Yes, I heard about that tragic accident wasn’t it?” Vulcanick said with a slow glance towards Adranus.

They reached the door that was guarded by an even bigger guy than the ones outside once he saw Vulcanick he quickly moved to open the door and allow them through.

“Adranus welcome, so kind of you to come see me” Haro responded from behind the desk he was sitting at reading papers.

Adranus did a quick glance around the room and saw about 5 other people in the room.

“Well thank you for seeing us on such a short notice” Adranus responded as he gave Haro a struggling smile and gripped his hand as hard as he could to let him know that he wasn’t intimidated by being in a situation where he was outnumbered.

The two had a minute where they glared at each other taking “Well what can I do for you then?” Haro asked him after breaking this thickening silence.

“I think we both know why we’re here let’s not beat around the bush” Adranus stated sitting back and crossing one of his legs.

“I’m sorry this must be one of those situations where I’m woefully ignorant on the situation, please forgive me” Haro responded with a sneering smile on his face knowing that he was in control of this situation.

“Why did you kill Jason?” Adranus asked.

Once the sentence was out of his mouth the whole mood in the room changed it had become apparent that all pleasantries where tossed aside and business was on the table.

“I’m sorry I’m still not sure what you’re talking about” Haro stated but a little less smugness in his voice than before.

Adranus slammed his hands on the desk and stood up at the precise moment the others in the room began to move towards Adranus and his crew. Haro gave them a quick look and they feel back.

“Adranus, you need to learn to control your anger, I don’t know what you are referring to, I’m sorry to hear about your loss but I didn’t order nobody’s death.” Haro responded slowly standing up and looking Adranus in the eyes.

“What are you planning Haro?” Adranus asked as he still stood and remained focused on the teenager of same age that was opposite of him.

Haro took a few minutes before he responded “I’m not planning nothing whatever makes you think that” he said while looking Adranus deep into his eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know I guess it was just the way the stars and moon were aligning” Adranus stated he saw the shock in Haro face as he registered what Adranus was saying.

Turning to face his others he nodded and left the room without a single look back at Haro. Haro sat in his desk for a minute and wondered if Adranus knew what he was really planning or were those just coincidental words, after a few minutes of thinking to his self.

“Kill them, make it look like an accident” Haro stated to Vulcanick who nodded and ushered the others to follow him.


“What was that about Adranus, what do you know?” Marreal asked him as they were back in the car heading back across town.

“Think about everybody that he’s killing Jason, Jamel, Stephanie, Megan, and Maurice, now think about all of those and what title they hold” Adranus stated as he drove and constantly checked the rear view mirror to make sure they weren’t being followed.

After a few minutes Elijah was the first to respond “The keepers of the well” he stated.

“Exactly, now why would Haro want to kill the keepers of the well?”

This time it was Imani who answered “To drink from the well, if the fire-tongues drink from the well during the “Day of the Sun” then they will regain their fire breathing and would almost be invincible.”

“Exactly, Haro wants to free them from the curse and next summer is the year that “Day of the Sun” happens if he can get read of all of them and us four then there are no more keepers of the well and when the last guardian of the well dies then the well will reveal itself to everybody” Adranus responded checking his rearview mirror. He knew Haro wanted him dead and now would be the perfect time to order the hit with Adranus traveling with such a thin team.

“So what do we do then?” Marreal asked but before Adranus can answer there was a loud smash and they lost control of the wheel and the car was flipping on the street until it stopped and hit a tree.

Adranus opened his eyes and felt groggy and his vision was blurry, a warm liquid was running down his face

“Guys are you all right?” he asked weakly as he tried to pull himself together. “Guys!!”

“We’re fine" Elijah said from the back seat very drowsily Adranus looked over and saw Marreal stirring in his seat.

“What about you Imani?” Adranus asked as he looked to the backseat.

She nodded her head but didn’t speak. Right then Adranus door was pulled open and he felt a hard blow against his face as he was pulled out of the car.

Once his body hit the pavement his senses began working in overtime he could smell a burning rotten egg smell “sulfur” he thought to himself. He felt himself being thrown against the hood of the car as his vision finally came clearer to him. The first person he recognized was Vulcanick

“Hold his arms” was all Vulcanick said as two others grabbed his arm and Vulcanick walked up to him and punched him in his right jaw, Adranus felt his jaw break on impact.

“So Haro is trying to kill the Keepers of the Well, and tonight would be the perfect night to get rid of the remaining four member’s right?” Adranus asked as he spit blood out of his mouth and into Vulcanick face.

“Don’t take it personal man, it’s just business; well it’s a little personal also” Vulcanick responded with another punch to his face, this one hitting him square in the nose.

Before you knew it the scene changed Vulcanick and the rest of his crew were surrounded by at least eight lions and lioness all looking to be six-feet off the ground. The one closest to Vulcanick leaped and pinned him down while four more of the lions jumped on the two guys who were holding Adranus down the remaining lions had transformed into young teenagers and went to the car to help Marreal, Imani, and Elijah out.

Adranus walked towards Vulcanick and told the others to pin him against the tree. Once pinned Adranus stood face to face with him so close their noses almost touched.

“I’m only going to tell you this once, tell Haro that the hit he placed on us tonight has begun a war that he would have thought he never wanted. Also that I know his plan and that it will never work, and that if he ever tries to hurt anybody else in my pack then I will kill him and everybody else that stands with him understand?” Adranus asked with his temper rising to the point where his already pounding headache begin to make him start seeing red through his eyes.

Vulcanick didn’t say nothing Adranus roared a roar that was loud and made Vulcanick perk up a little. Adranus turned to the others

“Are y’all alright?” he asked to Marreal, Elijah and Imani.

“Were fine, how are you?” Imani responded back to Adranus as she checked herself.

“Good but we have to get out of here, I reckon Haro will be here shortly to see what is left of our “accident”” he stated.

“What should we do with them?” Elijah asked with a nod to Vulcanick and his crew.

“Open the trunk and get the rope out tie them to the tree and leave them there” once they finished tying them up Adranus and the others transformed and left.

“WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY GOT AWAY WHAT HAPPENED?” Haro screamed into the phone just finding out that his perfectly planned attack had failed and Adranus was sure to be upset.

“They were saved by some of the members in their pack, the accident didn’t kill them, and they were wearing the charms.”

There was a pause on the line while Haro was adding up the problems in his head and trying to find a quick solution.

“What happened next?” Haro asked finally calming himself down to let his mind work functionally .

“Well we hit the car from the side and it flipped about five times and hit the tree on its side and rolled back up straight we approached the car and opened the doors Adranus was driving everybody else was conscious but were stuck to the seats and Marreal was behind the airbag we dragged Adranus out the car knowing that if we killed him then it wouldn’t be that hard to kill the rest he’s the leader so once he was dead we knew that everybody else would be weaker. So once we pulled him out we roughed him up a little punched and kicked him around and as soon as we got ready to end it about twelve of those Felidae’s ended up surrounding us two of them went after Tyler and two more went after Jake and I think it was Kevin who jumped on top of me we were outnumbered at least three to one. The rest helped the others out the car and Adranus told them to pin us against the tree they tied us up and Adranus and the others left.”

Vulcanick finished and waited for Haro to give him instructions on what to do.

“Ok, tell everybody to get over here now; understand?” Haro stated with a panic in his voice.

“Yeah, we’re coming now...boss man, that's not it. .?” Vulcanick stated with a hint of uneasiness in his voice.

“What?” Haro asked wondering what else could be left to say.

“Adranus told me to tell you that the war you never wanted has begun, and he knows your plan.”

Hanging up Haro knew what was coming, the world was going to change letting out a loud scream Haro threw a glass full of maroon colored beverage against the wall as it broke leaving its contents stained against the wall.

Across town everybody was gathering at Adranus house wondering what this emergency meeting was called for and what all the rumors were about. Adranus upstairs with Marreal, Elijah, and Kevin they were talking plans and strategy when someone knocked on the door

“Come in” Adranus stated as he sat back in his chair.

Raelyn walked in the room she was a short light skinned attractive female with long black hair and soft eyes. She walked over to Adranus and gave him a kiss.

“Everyone is here” she stated as she sat down to his side.

The others left the room heading down to the meeting leaving Adranus and Raelyn alone in the room. Adranus stood up and began moving over to the other side of the room to grab his jacket Raelyn saw that he was moving gingerly.

“Are you ok, why haven’t you healed?” she asked with genuine concern in her voice.

“I’m fine, my injuries are internal so it takes them longer to heal than it would a regular injury to skin or tissue.” He replied to her.

She walked over and helped him put his jacket on turning around and facing her he saw that she had fear in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“Nothing, I...” she stopped and looked him in the eyes and smiled “Nothing”

“You what?” he asked as grabbed her hand and looked her into her eyes “tell me” he said.

“I’m just worried, I mean we have never gotten along with them but now to be heading into a war with them, it just seems like the world is changing like nothing will be the same again” she said.

Adranus knew what she was talking about and she was right it was going to change and not just in Sunman County, the history of the Fire Tongues and Felidae’s have started in Sunman county but since then have branched out. This war was going to affect the whole world and a lot of people could die or get hurt for no reason and no intelligence why.

Adranus just hugged her and kissed her forehead

“Everything will be fine I promise, I’ll make sure that nothing changes” he stated to her questioning himself inside his mind.

Could he really stop what looks like the inevitable? Could he make sure that no casualties, families, and friends didn’t die? He flashed back to seeing dead bodies and faces


“Adranus” Marreal had just popped his head into the room breaking the mental trance he was in. Everybody is ready” he said after Adranus recognized him.

Leaving the room and heading downstairs Adranus mind was still working overtime trying to understand everything and think of the right steps to take to address what was going on. Emotionally he wanted to attack and destroy the fire tongues but mentally he knew that going after them with no plan was suicide, he had to make sure everything was addressed in the right way at the right time. He had to respect the rest of the member’s opinions and take a vote on what would take place.

Turning the corner in the family room to a long maple wood table that had twelve people sitting in the seats with three seats open one at the head of the table and one each on both of its sides. Everyone stood to acknowledge Adranus and the others presence, Elijah took the seat to his left sitting right beside Imani and Marreal took the seat on his right hand side.

Adranus stood and bowed his head to the other members before he sat down and nodded to Raelyn who closed the door leaving them inside and undisturbed. After a few minutes of silence and wondering how he was going to address everybody Adranus cleared his throat to address the rest of the room.

“If you don’t know by now why we’re here, yesterday after my meeting with Haro, Imani, Elijah, Marreal, and I were attacked by the fire tongues. Haro had ordered the attack personally and Vulcanick and his team were behind the hit. We almost died if it wasn’t for some of the others we probably would have died.” Adranus stated and paused so the others could soak in what was going on.

“Well, why did Haro call an attack on y’all, I mean we know what type of person he is but that doesn’t make sense” Chris stated from the sixth seat from Adranus right.

Adranus smiled at the question Chris had asked him. Chris was one of the first lions Adranus recruited when he was anointed the leader of this generation, standing at five-foot nine Chris was small but had a lot of heart but also had a short temper Adranus taught him how to control himself how to think before reacting and how to master and control his power so to see Chris ask questions instead of jump into combat mode showed Adranus how much he had matured and evolved.

“Haro is one of the oldest fire tongues from this generation, he knows the stories that were passed down over the years and the oldest story for the Fire-Tongues is that if they kill every guardian of the well then the well will present itself to anybody that knows how to look for it. Take that and the killings of Jason, Jamel, Stephanie, Megan, and Maurice and add Marreal, Imani, Elijah, and I and we are the remaining guardians of the well. Haro wants to be immortal and if the fire tongues drink from the well, well that pretty much guarantee’s that happens.”

Adranus answered as he leaned back in his chair to let it all sink in to the others, whether they wanted to admit it or not they were entering the early stages of what could be a long, nasty war between the dragons and lions a war that the earth hasn’t seen in over a thousand of years.

“So what are we doing, what is our defensive plan” Elijah said from the seat directly from his left.

“Well, that’s what this meeting is for, y’all know that I can’t make any decisive plan without having it approved by vote of the committee, I don’t want a lot of bloodshed from my crew or innocent civilians but we can’t stand by and let Vulcanick get away with the plan he has in store.” Adranus stated looking around at the others.

“Let’s attack them and show them that we’re not playing, let them know that when they mess with us they have to worry about the retaliation that can come” Imani said with a fierce look in her eyes.

“Adranus has never had the heart to attack, he’s to strategic to take that route” a voice said from the doors that Adranus thought were locked. Everybody’s head went to the direction of the voice that had so boldly questioned their leader heart. Imani, Elijah and Marreal instantly recognized who it was and began moving towards the door.

“STOP” Adranus said with strong power in his voice that froze all three in their place. “Don’t be rude to our guests, sit down and let’s hear what our visitor has to say.”

The three took their seats with a look at Adranus that clearly showed they weren’t too happy with the orders that were directed to them.

“So Aklin, what do we owe this pleasure for you to great us?” Adranus asked with no sense of sarcasm in his voice making it seem like he really was interested in what Aklin had to say to him.

“My dear cousin, always the calm and gracious one no matter what the situation is, I think it’s clear who has the better family in this mess.” Aklin responded as he began making his way to the head of the table where Adranus was sitting pulling up a chair and sitting down beside his cousin while the others at the table kept looking from Adranus and Aklin.

“Aklin, we are having a very important meeting right now so if you just showed up to talk about family members and whatnot I have to ask you to kindly wait outside until this meeting is over” Adranus responded not looking his cousin in his eyes as he spoke to him but continuously looking down the table to the remaining members of the committee.

“I brought some news that I think you might find useful” Aklin shot back to Adranus with a smug smile on his face.

“And why should we believe anything you have to tell us, the last time we listened to you Stephanie got killed” Marreal shot back at Aklin. Adranus didn’t say anything he knew this was something that would have to happen eventually, he knew that Marreal and Stephanie had something going on and Marreal had never completely dealt with it.

“True, I did get Stephanie killed but it was nothing personal, I was just trying to save my own life.” Aklin said giving Marreal a look that made it seem like he was trying to read him.

Marreal Transformed and jumped on top of Aklin pinning him down to the ground letting out a loud roar as he flashed his teeth.

“Marreal, stop” Adranus said rising from his seat.

Marreal transformed back into his human form and was still on top of Aklin pinning him down. Giving him one more look over Marreal punched Aklin in his jaw and climbed off top of him.

Aklin sat up spitting out blood; Adranus offered him a napkin and a hand helping him off the floor.

“I guessed I deserved that” Aklin said sitting in the chair with his hand on his jaw wiping the remaining blood out of the corner of his mouth.

“Aklin, you have taking up too much time already, state what you have to share with us and then be gone” Adranus said.

Aklin rose from his seat and began making his way towards the door “Haro is planning something major for the fall festival next weekend, he knows that you will be there and so will the rest of your crew and he can make it look like it was an accident.”

Aklin finally made it to the door and grabbing the handle getting ready to leave he turned and gave one final look at Adranus and said “He’s put a price on your head Adranus, he really wants you dead, be safe.” And just like that he was gone.

You cannot understand and disagree.
— P. D. Ouspensky