
Young Writers Society

Prolougue =] age 16 and up

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Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:52 pm
Jules the jester says...


The group of mounted warriors stopped at the top of the hill. Below them spread out was a large village. A young fresh faced warrior nudged his horse forward so that he was next to the lead rider. “What do we do, Uncle?” he asked him. The man seemed to ignore him. The young warrior’s uncle had long black hair tied back at the nape of his neck with a band of silver. His face was heavily scarred.

“We follow our orders.” The man turned and called out a name. A grim faced rider rode forward; in his hand he held a lance. At his side hung a curved sabre whilst a shield was strapped to his saddle.

“Ride down there and find out what tribe they are, then return here.” The man was about to spur his horse down the hill. “Don’t make it obvious what we are, Tinar. Claim you are a wanderer, buy some food in the inn and have a few ales. Then return.” The man nodded.

“I will do as you say, Delund.” Tinar trotted his horse down the slope and towards the village.

Delund signalled to the fifty warriors back down the hill, where they set up a small camp and began about there mid day meal. Delund ordered that no fires should be lit. Delund sent one of his men up to the top of the hill as a sentry. The men were uneasy. Ever since the war had started the men had followed every command given and had especially relished in spilling the blood of the hated enemy. Yet they hated waiting, anything could have descended upon them in that small space of time that they spent waiting. Some of the men lay down and caught a few minutes sleep.

After an hour Tinar came galloping over the hill. “Broken Lances!” He called. The men moved instantly, running to mounts, readying lances and unsheathing swords. Delund mounted his own horse his young nephew beside him, he dragged his own curved sabre from its sheath.

“All right lads. Kill all the men, have some fun with the women, after that we can sell them to the slavers.”

The assembled men whooped and cheered, the prospect of money always increased the skill of the fighter. Delund spurred his horse and galloped up the hill, behind him Came fifty battle hardened warriors and he knew they would not let him down in the coming fight. In just a few seconds they were charging headlong down the hill, towards the village.

“Tinar, the fields!” Tinar and ten men peeled off and began towards the village fields.

Then they entered the village. Delund steered his horse straight at a tall villager who held a broom in front of him as if he were to use it to defend himself. Delund’s sabre flashed in the midday sun. A head fell to the compacted dirt. A broom next to it. Delund swung his leg over the horse and slid from the saddle. A man ran towards him, a meat cleaver in his hand. Ducking under the swinging implement he skewered the man’s heart. Delund ran to the village inn. All about him his men were chasing down the village men and smashing open houses to get at the loot within. A few had hauled some of the woman into the village hall and were, as Delund instructed, having some fun with them.

Delund kicked the Inn door open and stepped inside. Three women were cowering in the corner whilst a man stood in front of them. In his meaty hands he held a wood axe. “Get out you murderous wretch or I shall split your head wide open.” Delund laughed viciously and slashed the air in complicated patterns, his sabre moved so fast that the innkeeper’s faced blanched. The skill of Delund was legendary within all the tribes of Ruran. He had fought fifty-three men in single combat and all had died in a slow agonizing manner. Then Delund had taken their weapons and their little fingers, these were the rituals handed down by his father and his father before that. Moving forward he began to make his sword patterns more complicated. The Innkeeper attacked with the axe. Delund swayed out of its path his sword sliced the man across the stomach spilling his entrails to the floor, the Innkeeper dropped the axe and tried to catch them but they slipped through his fingers. He screamed in agony as he fell to the ground. To begin teh filthy buisness of dying. One of the women screamed and ran to her husband’s side.

“Where is the gold?” Delund asked. None answered him. “Tell me now or she dies.” Delund held his bloodied sword above the widow.
Blood dripped from the blade landing in her grey hair. The youngest girl spoke up.

“In the cellar.” Delund smiled. Slamming his sabre down he ended the sobbing widow’s life. Two of his men appeared in the doorway, they looked over the scene and spotted the two young pretty women. Faces split wide with grins they looked at Delund.

“Can we, Chief?” Their swords were bloodied. Obviously they had done there part in the slaughter. “Go on, Chief. They would fetch a nice price to the slavers.” One of the men urged him. Delund looked like he was considering it.

“All right then, don’t take the gold in the basement, that is mine.” Advancing on the women the two men whooped and sheathed their swords. Delund left the Inn, he would return for the gold later.

All about him his men were dragging women into somewhere private to enjoy the pleasures victory brought. Delund faced the sky and let out a huge scream. He still lived.
Last edited by Jules the jester on Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:56 pm
Magyk says...

Delund signalled to the fifty warriors back down the hill, where they set up a small camp began about there mid day meal.

I'm not sure about this sentence. It doesn't quite seem to make sense.

Delund swayed out of its path his sword sliced the man across the stomach spilling his entrails to the floor, the Innkeeper dropped the axe and tried to catch them but they slipped through his fingers.

No screaming from the Innkepper? Thats a bit odd. I thought he would be screaming in aggony. And would someone really try and catch thier intestines etc if they were falling? I'm no so convinced.

Other than that, I can't really see anything wrong with it.

It's good so far. Want to read more soon.

Last edited by Magyk on Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:00 pm
Alainna says...


Erm.....I agree with magyk, some of the sentences didn't make sense.

It was quite gruesome, yet in a clean , clear manner. This made it intriguing.

I could see this being made into a film.

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:13 pm
Charlie II says...

Good plot, I like the ideas and ways that your characters very matter of factly go about their lives. Just a few points:

“What do we do, Uncle?” he asked him. The man seemed to ignore him.

First you need a new paragraph for speech and second, seemed. The worst word in existence. It ruins the impact of the short sentence that you've made. Get rid of it, his uncle either ignored him or he did not. Choose.

“We follow our orders.” The man turned and called out a name. A grim faced rider rode forward; in his hand he held a lance. At his side hung a curved sabre whilst a shield was strapped to his saddle.

To tell you the truth, if this is a prologue, you need as many hooks as you can get in it. This paragraph is not a hook. Leave up to 'a grim faced rider rode forwards' and get rid of the rest. At the moment, the reader doesn't care about the armaments of the man. They want excitement! Tell them about the weapons later, when they're using them.

The man nodded.

“I will do as you say, Delund.”

These both mean the same thing. Keep one or the other, not both else you waste words.

Delund signalled to the fifty warriors back down the hill, where they set up a small camp and began about there mid day meal. Delund ordered that no fires should be lit. Delund sent one of his men up to the top of the hill as a sentry.
Unwittingly, you've slipped into the 'Delund did this, delund did that, delund did something else' way of writing, which is not very interesting is it? Spice it up a bit.

Yet they hated waiting, anything could have descended upon them in that small space of time that they spent waiting. Some of the men lay down and caught a few minutes sleep.

What?! They were scared of anything that could have attacked so they went and had a snooze? I'm confused :? .

“All right lads. Kill all the men, have some fun with the women, after that we can sell them to the slavers.”

Despite the complete lack of ethics here, althought that's fine for a Medieval type fantasy, the leaders didn't usually say: Go rape all the girls in town. They may hint at it but I don't think saying it that bluntly would have been done. I don't know, your choice that one.

The assembled men whooped and cheered, the prospect of money always increased the skill of the fighter.

Nice line!

Then they entered the village. Delund steered his horse straight at a tall villager who held a broom in front of him as if he were to use it to defend himself. Delund’s sabre flashed in the midday sun. A head fell to the compacted dirt. A broom next to it. Delund swung his leg over the horse and slid from the saddle. A man ran towards him, a meat cleaver in his hand. Ducking under the swinging implement he skewered the man’s heart. Delund ran to the village inn. All about him his men were chasing down the village men and smashing open houses to get at the loot within. A few had hauled some of the woman into the village hall and were, as Delund instructed, having some fun with them.

Odd paragraph this. You revert back to the 'Delund did...' prose and throw in full-stops after every three words. Chill, calm down. Try to work the shorter sentences into complex ones and that will give the short IMPACT ones more effect!

He had fought fifty-three men in single combat and all had died in a slow agonizing manner. Then Delund had taken their weapons and their little fingers, these were the rituals handed down by his father and his father before that.

:( . 53 men. Ok, he's tough, but that tough?! Kinda makes it boring with an invincible person. 'Slow agonizing manner': Well, I think it's a bit cliche here. It really tells rather than shows here. 'Father and his father before that': Well, lets keep modern cliches out of this. THere's no need to write it and it doesn't really help.

Delund faced the sky and let out a huge scream. He still lived.

Beautiful last line! Just get rid of 'still' and it's perfect!

Well, like I said at the beginning, your ideas and characters are well developed and pretty ruthless! Look over the whole piece and see if you can make any small sentences into bigger, more complex ones. I haven't pointed out places where a full-stop could be replaced by a comma, but I'm sure that if you look over it you'll find them.

Keep it up, this isn't your best but it's getting there!

I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

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Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:53 pm
Jules the jester says...

Cheers darklight. most helpful critique i have had in a while.

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Sat May 19, 2007 7:02 pm
AndNeverAgainx3 says...

great beginning =]] i love adventure/fantasy stories. keep it up!
yeah, i want to be a music journalist too! i love going to concerts and listening to all types of music. my favorite is alternative. i've been to three concerts so far this year, and i've met my favorite band in the world, my chemical romance. i'm interviewing cobra starship and the academy is... on june fourth and i'm really nervous. wish me luck! XD
-Andi x3s youuu-

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Mon May 21, 2007 1:35 pm
miyaviloves says...

I guess that all that needs to be said has been said here!

I really enjoyed this, its a great beginning, and it really gets you into the story quick, which is always good as you dont want to loose your reader so early on, well done!


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Mon May 21, 2007 3:17 pm
gyrfalcon says...

While there's nothing wrong with your story, it does have a lot of what you get with your basic raiding accoung--lotta violence, rolling heads, and yes, ravishing town women. I thank you for being relatively discrete in all your descriptions, but it would be best if readers were warned before they got into it. Ergo--"ages 16 and up."
"In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function...We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." ~C.S. Lewis

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