
Young Writers Society

Eagle Talon Files chapter two

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:33 am
Ghost42 says...

Cp 1:
My entire team was surrounded by over one-thousand Viper troops. They were led by none other than Adam, who had broken out of the prison and rallied the troops. We were all injured, tired, and running out of ammo. I had run completely out of ammo so I threw my weapons down and fell to my knees in surrender, after all; I had no choice. I had failed my team, and myself. We were literally thrown into a stone cell with an iron door. Ramirez spent hours trying to beat down the cell door.
“Calm down, Ramirez,” I said, finally, “There’s no way out of here.”
“You’re one to talk!” he retorted turning to me, “We could’ve taken them!”
“No, we couldn’t have,” Cody put in calmly.
“We would have been killed,” Echo said, standing from helping Aaron.
“There is no other way we could have survived that,” I added.
“We could’ve fought on! We could’ve survived!” Ramirez exclaimed angrily.
“For the last time, calm down Ramirez!” I ordered, getting agitated.
“Ghost did what he believed he needed to do,” Cody put in standing.
“This can’t be the end!” Ramirez responded stubbornly, “It’s not over, it can’t be!”
“No, it’s not over, but getting aggravated isn’t going to help anything,” Akito said calmly.
Ramirez turned back to the door and fell to his knees. Cody and Echo sat back down, leaving me standing. Adam appeared at the door moments later. I glared in hatred at him. He unlocked the door and stepped in. Ramirez stood as if he was going to make a run to get out but Adam punched him, hard. Ramirez fell back from the impact and passed out. He walked toward me and knocked me to the floor. I couldn’t do anything about it so I just lay there on my stomach. Adam tied my hands and the rest of the team.
He had two troops walk us to a courtyard surrounded by a stone wall. There were at least a million troops there and an iron post in the middle. I was tied to the rod and the rest of the team was taken to the edge of the field.
Adam walked up to me and aimed his M9 pistol at my chest. I couldn’t move or speak. I hung my head as I took one last wistful glance at my team and my friends.
After Adam had readied his pistol and was just about to shoot, I heard Cody’s voice from the other side of the field.
“No!” he yelled, startling Adam and throwing off his aim as he fired the pistol.
The shot hit me in the stomach. Pain shot through my body as I fell limp and took what I thought was my last glimpse of day light. I closed my eyes slowly as I heard the wiring of a helicopter, and saw Eagle Talon troops repel down a rope that hung from the back of the large chopper. I heard gunshots all around me as I felt my body fall and be carefully dragged away from my current position.
I weakly opened my eyes. Slick, one of our best men, was standing over me, defending me. The Vipers surprisingly fell back, seeing as this was their territory. A medic, whom I did not know nor have seen, came to check my wound. My breath grew heavy as the medic treated the injury. Everybody had crowded around me, with worried looks on their faces. The medic stood and signaled the chopper to lower a cable to attach the medical lift to. The cable retracted, slowly pulling me closer and closer to the chopper. The helicopter took off in the direction of the nearest Eagle Talon Base, as I slowly blacked out.
I woke slowly in a room that I had never seen. Which it seems that is never a good place to be when you wake up, but this felt different, as if I were at home and the war was over. Only, I knew the war wouldn’t end with a fatal injury and I heard bombs blowing up in the distance. I heard Cody talking to Echo outside the room.
“Echo, he’s been out cold for a month, are you sure Ghost is even still alive or even ok,” Cody asked worriedly.
“Yes, he is alive, but barely,” Echo responded gravely, “His vital signs are too low, and dropping,” he added, pausing.
Cody sighed and walked into the room. I didn’t even try to move, judging from what Echo had said, it would be a bad idea, I felt too weak to anyway. Cody noticed that I had woken up. He explained that this was an Eagle Talon Base but it was far away from our base. Echo walked in moments later.
“Look who’s finally awake,” he said, chuckling, “You’re fine to sit up.”
I slowly sat up putting a hand to my injury, it stung as if the bullet had just hit me.
“Well other than that fall you took last year, this is probably your worst injury yet,” Cody said, surprised.
“Yep, that defiantly was another near-death experience,” Echo said.
That night I was woken up by a sharp pain. I sat up and grunted as the pain worsened and Echo ran in aware that I had woken up.
“Ghost, lay down,” he urged.
“I’m fine,” I replied flinching from the pain which was consuming me.
“No, you are not ok,” Echo said, forcing me down.
I struggled against him to sit up again. Echo called Cody and Akito to hold me. Akito held my arms and was fairly easy to overcome, Cody on the other hand held my legs and I couldn’t get free of him. Akito rushed back to me and this time pushed my chest down, I could struggle but I couldn’t free myself from their grip.
“Hold him still,” Echo said as he injected a sedative to my shoulder.
My breath grew quick and heavy and I didn’t have enough strength to struggle any more, yet the sedative never caused me to fall asleep. Akito sighed and walked out with Cody. The pain that had stung me was still present. I flinched as the pain worsened. I was getting weaker, though I’d never admit it.
“Ghost, there’s no hiding that you know you’re not ok,” Echo pointed out.
I glared up at him, pain obviously clouding my gaze. I probably wouldn’t walk away from this without another injury that might not heal. The pain slowly subsided. Echo stayed in the room in case something happened.
I never slept the next night. In the morning, I carefully sat up as Echo woke up. Echo, still half asleep, looked at me and thought the pain had completely vanished. I slowly stood, and feeling somewhat dizzy, put a hand to my head. As the dizziness faded, Echo came over to me to check the wound were I had been shot. It looked as though I had recovered. Echo was thoroughly surprised. He stood, looking baffled as to how the wound healed so quickly. But I had no clue how it happened, of course, I did doubt the wound would heal, but I never thought if it did that it’d happen so quickly.
Echo and I walked out of the room. Akito and Cody were standing in the hall. They stared at me bewildered. I grinned at them and they also thought I had recovered from that horrible incident.
“I guess it is time we return to the base,” Cody said.
“I supposed it is,” I said, glancing at Echo and Akito carefully.
We left the building to a helicopter waiting to take us back to the base. My injury still hurt a lot but I wasn’t going to admit it. Though Akito threw me a couple curious glances, she obviously knew, but she didn’t say anything.
The ride was at least three days and wasn’t without difficulties. On the second day of the journey back to the Eagle Talon Base Division Thirteen, we encountered some very heavy turbulence. The door was flung open and a vacuum effect was created. Everybody but me was fortunate enough to have something to hold on to. I was sucked out the door and had just enough time to grab the landing rail on the chopper.
“Ghost!” Akito’s worried voice called above the sound of the helicopter the sound lingered in the air for a few seconds.
I tried to pull myself up but I couldn’t I was still left weak from my injury.
“Akito what are you doing? Get back before the same thing happens to you,” I recognized Cody’s voice calling to Akito.
Akito had no choice but to obey the order. I kept trying to pull myself up and back onto the chopper, loosing strength with each heave. I was just about to give in to my exhaustion and fall with no chance of survival, when Echo and Cody reached down and grabbed me to pull me up. As they carefully pulled me up, the bandages covering my injury snagged on the landing rail and were torn, making it somewhat clear that I had not completely recovered.
I stepped out of the chopper, weak and tired, Echo supporting my left side. I was shocked, surprised and somewhat terrified of what I saw.
Everybody was in chains, either dead or out cold, and all the buildings on fire. I stared, dazed, at the flames consuming my cabin and the barracks. The flames at my cabin door parted to show me the cause of the destruction, Adam. I shook free of Echo’s grip and positioned myself for hand-to-hand combat.
“You really think you can take me down, Ghost?” He taunted, “I’m not blind, and I can see you’re still injured.”
“Ghost, as much as I hate to admit it, he is right, you are still hurt pretty bad, you don’t have the strength to take him on,” Echo confessed, reasonably and reluctantly.
“I know my own boundaries of strength, Echo, I’m well aware of the point you made, but I am not going to back down,” I responded, keeping eye contact with Adam.
Adam glared at me and charged at me to deliver a hefty punch strait to my stomach, luckily, I jumped to the side in time to dodge him. I punched him in the ribs and dodged his next frustrated attempt to hit me. We continued to fight in hand-to-hand combat for a moment or two when Adam surprised me with a fake-out punch and got a direct hit on my stomach, right where I was shot. I stumbled backward in shock and he continued hitting me and I couldn’t stop him he was too fast. He put a firm hand on my shoulder to hold me in place and delivered the hardest punch yet straight to my wound. I fell to my back, near my team, and coughed up a small amount of blood. I looked up at Ramirez as if I were showing him what would’ve happened if I hadn’t surrendered. I was barely awake and determined to stay awake. I struggled to stand and never even got to my knees before Adam pushed me back down to my stomach and pulled my hands behind my back to arrest me. I felt the weight suddenly lessen and vanish. I weakly looked up to see Ramirez fighting Adam. Echo helped me up and I pulled out my pistol, I only had one shot. I took aim and fired the single shot at Adam he was still locked in combat and evaded the bullet just in time. I was out of ammo so I threw the pistol down. My vision was clouding again and I couldn’t see. I suddenly felt a horrid pain in my stomach. My vision cleared to show that Adam had beaten Ramirez half to death then he had charged and punched me right where he had shot me over a month ago. It seemed he always aimed for the same spot. I coughed up a somewhat large amount blood and fell to the ground.
For the moment it took for me to regain my thoughts, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Adam turned to Echo and Akito, who stood in terror, watching as Ramirez slowly, fell out cold. I slowly closed my eyes and opened them again. I looked to Ramirez who tried to stand up but easily failed.
I resisted my weakness and injuries and stood shakily. Echo and Akito were unarmed all they could do is watch in amazement and horror.
Adam turned but was almost instantly knocked over. Ramirez had dashed in and directly into Adam. I walked over to where Adam had fallen, I had found one last bullet, and I aimed my pistol at his head.
I paused for a moment. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my back and on many of my vulnerable pressure points, that were left vulnerable in case we ever turned on Eagle Talon, they could hit the points to temporally paralyze us. I collapsed beside Adam unable to move.
“Ghost!” I heard a worried voice. I could tell it was Akito; the others would know or at least think I’d be fine.
I heard a menacing laugh behind me.
“That was too easy!” I heard the voice said, I knew it didn’t belong to anyone I knew, but it sounded vaguely familiar.
“Just help me up you oaf!” Adam ordered.
Then I saw his face. Surge had returned half of his face was scared and burned; I guessed it was from going down in the chopper last year. He tied my hands and held me on my knees. Adam faced me and punched me the stomach yet again two or three times before punching me in the jaw. He took a step back and I spat a little blood. I looked pleadingly at Akito, Cody, and Echo.
“Now, let’s see just how much you can take,” Adam said, grinning as he pulled his knife out.
He took a step toward me again. I felt stronger all of a sudden. I struggled against Surge, but I couldn’t break free of his grip.
I looked over to Akito. I saw a flash of anger in her eyes as she attacked Adam. Of course that was all she could do since only Ramirez and I had weapons. My hands were tied, and Ramirez was out cold.
Echo stared in bewilderment and looked around. He ran over to Ramirez, now awake and rolling on the ground in pain. Echo kneeled beside him and pulled the pistol out of its holster. I saw him aiming down his sights but I couldn’t tell who or what he was aiming at. I struggled fiercely against Surge, his grip got a lot firmer, I screamed in pain as he forced me to my stomach and placed a heavy foot on my back to prevent me getting up, I felt him put a gun to my head and ready it.

My sight blurred. ‘What just happened to me?’ I sat up and looked around; noticing I was still at the base and most of the base was still on fire. Most of the people were now up and working on dousing the fires.
I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Akito. She looked a little beat up. I thought to when Echo was aiming the pistol. It had looked as if he were aiming at me.
“Ghost, you’ve been out cold for quite awhile,” Akito said, “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” I answered,” Where’s Echo?”
“He’s over there, helping Ramirez,” she said, pointing toward where Echo and Ramirez were sitting.”
I tried to stand but collapsed, Akito caught me before I hit the ground.
“Alright, what’s going on? Why can’t I stand?” I questioned.
“Echo injected a jellyfish toxin to your legs, he knew you’d try to get up instead of resting like you should be doing,” Akito explained.
“I’m fine, Akito. I have to speak with Echo now,” I said, getting frustrated.
“No, Ghost, you need to get some rest,” Akito replied.
“Ugh, Akito, I’m fine! Just get Echo,” I said aggravated.
“Ghost, I’m ordering you to get some rest,” a voice spoke behind me, Echo, finally.
Of course when it comes to the health, wellbeing, and safety of the team, the medic has more authority than the captain. I had no choice but to rest. However, I still refused and glared at him.
“Ghost, the injury from that pistol shot is still affecting you,” he said, pulling something from his equipment bag. I couldn’t tell what it was, though he injected it to my right arm,” I’m ordering you to stand down and get some rest.”
I immediately started falling asleep and as I did so I heard Echo reply to something that I hadn’t heard, as Akito laid me back down.
“That’s alright, Akito, you know how stubborn he can be,” he said,” Now let’s get him to one of the medical tents.”

I woke in a tent on a cot with Akito tending to my wounds.
“What happened, before I woke up on the ground?” I asked sitting up.
“I’m not sure,” Akito replied,” I was distracted fighting Adam that is before you intervened when he started getting some good hits after a pistol shot startled me.”
“I have to speak with Echo,” I said.
“Ok, I’ll get him,” she said nodding slightly.
I lay back again and waited for Akito to return with Echo. Echo entered the tent after a while. Akito wasn’t with him. I couldn’t help wondering where she was.
“Akito said you needed to speak with me,” he said.
“Yes, I need to know what happened before I woke up on the ground,” I answered.
“Well you obviously noticed my aiming the pistol towards you but I was not however, aiming directly at you, I was trying to get a good shot of the cuffs so you could fight,” Echo responded,” After I got the clear shot I took the shot and you were immediately able to overcome Surge.”
I finally understood why he had aimed the pistol at me, but that didn’t tell me what happened to Adam. Echo went on explaining what had happened.
“Then Akito got distracted and Adam started getting a few good hits,” Echo said continuing the explanation,” You stopped fighting Surge and charged in to help Akito,” he went on describing the fight that went down between me and Adam.
I charged in-between them and Akito ran for cover. I started the fight with a few good hits to his chest. Then Adam started trying to hit me. I effortlessly dodged each move hitting him in critical pressure points from the side each time. By the time he had thrown 6 punches and missed, he was to the point where he should have given up. Just like last time he hit me with a surprise punch but this time to my side. I recovered from the shock faster than last time and was almost able to dodge his next hit instead, I was only able to block. I blocked the next few punches and delivered heavy punch straight to his stomach and followed it with more hits to his stomach. He eventually fell onto his back like I had. Surge then came up behind me and punched me in the hip. I whirled around to face him so I could take him down too. Then Adam started getting up and it was one on two. The chances of my winning were slim.

Suddenly the memory of the battle came back to me. The details flooded back to me, how I felt and what was happing.
I was outnumbered and outmatched, yet I knew I could take them on. I backed up so I could see both of them plainly. They attacked at the same time and I was able to duck behind them and hit them both. They started punching at separate times and when I dodged one punch I jumped right into another. It took me a little while to catch them off guard but I finally landed a successful punch on Surge, knocking him out. I turned to Adam and prepared myself for even more hits and pain. I dodged his first punch and most of the ones after that; he only landed a few weak punches but I hit him with many heavy punches and there was no doubt that the next hit would take him out. Unfortunately the same went for me due to previous injuries. I glared at him and he charged straight for me, when he got dangerously close I jumped to the side. We faced each other and charged at the same time both of us landing hefty punches to the torso.
Adam passed out before I did. I stumbled toward the team and fell. Then everything went black. I finally had the answer to my question.

I opened my eyes. I was in my cabin and my injuries had almost healed I was still extremely sore from all those punches to my stomach wound. The fires were out and the base had finally been fixed. The only problem was that Adam and Surge had escaped, again. I had been assigned to infiltrate the Viper’s boarder with my team and find out where they had gone. I got up and headed to the barracks to meet up with the team and gear up for the mission. Unfortunately, Cody, Slick, and Domino, the team sniper, weren’t coming with us this time. I made sure everybody was prepped before I got ready. Echo made sure that none of us had injuries and that we could all still make the journey to the Viper territory.
We used a SR-71 stealth fighter jet to fly, unnoticed into the Viper territory we were to patrol. The jet stayed hovering in the air while we jumped and parachuted down to an open field. For miles all I saw was sand and barren wasteland. But somewhere in the distance I knew we’d find the Viper’s base. It was our goal and mission to reach that base, infiltrate it without being noticed, and find out if Adam was there and if he was we were to capture him.
We were all well equipped for the stealth mission. Echo, Ramirez, and I were all equipped with silenced sniper rifles, guile suites, and silenced pistols, which was one thing all of us had in our load-out. Akito, Aaron, and Chrono had silenced assault rifles, a Famas, Scar-H, and a Tar-21, guile suits, and the standard stealth silenced pistol. The guiles were burning hot under the blazing sun that was shamelessly beating down on us as we trekked toward the base.
We encountered few troops on our way we took them out with on recognition. We finally approached the base we were tired but we had a mission to complete. There was a small cliff surrounding the base. Echo, Ramirez, and I took up positions around the base to provide cover for Akito, Aaron, and Chrono. With the positions we took up we could survey the entire base. We radioed each other when there was someone heading toward them if they were out of range for the person who spotted them. Unfortunately Akito, Aaron, and Chrono encountered heavy resistance and were surrounded but fending off the enemies well. That told me that Adam must have been here. I radioed Echo and Ramirez to head in one at a time while I cover them. When they were safely inside the base I headed down of course I had to duck down and go prone a couple times to avoid being caught. When I was inside I saw that most of the troops had been either killed or had fled the battle.
“Looks like you guys were faster than me,” I commented chuckling.
“Well, I’m sure avoiding the guards slowed you down,” Echo said, giving me a sideways glance, as if he knew my stomach wound was still soar. Which didn’t surprise me seeing as he was the medic.
“Well if you two are quite finished we should be moving on,” Akito said, interrupting an odd silence.
We continued on looking for Adam and/or Surge. We searched the entire base and there was no sign of Adam or Surge. This was a decoy. Something must have been happening at the base again. We exited the base and called in the SR-71 to pick us up.
“This was obviously a decoy,” I said, aggravated.
“Or we were wrong,” Ramirez said, trying to keep me from getting mad.
“Ghost, calm down, our Intel was off,” Akito said, calmly.
“Ugh,” I groaned, my stomach was still soar and it was starting to hurt worse.
“Maybe we should all get some sleep,” Echo said as he looked us all over and realized that most of us had a couple injuries but none too bad.
We all headed into the back cabin to sleep. It took over an hour for me to fall asleep but sleep finally came.
I woke to a sound that was blaring over and over. It was he missile warning. I got up and hurried to the main cabin. I looked out of a single window and saw that a missile was heading straight for the plane. The pilot veered and tried to dodge the missile but the missile followed the plane. It was a heat-seeking missile. The missile got closer and closer to the plane. I charged to the back cabin while the pilot continued to try to lose the missile. I woke everybody up so we could get prepared for what I was sure would be a crash. It would be difficult for the pilot to get rid of the missile.
The warning got louder as we prepped ourselves for the impact of the missile. Less than half a second later, the missile hit the plane and we went down in flames.
When we hit ground all I felt was pain and all I saw was blackness.
All of a sudden I saw the flames that surrounded the crash. I saw my team lying motionless on the ground. I could tell my breathing was slow and heavy. How had I survived that after all the near-death experiences I’ve had? I saw Echo and Ramirez starting to move. I flipped onto my back and tried to get up. I felt too weak to move but I did anyway. I couldn’t have any signs of weakness. Echo got up and stumbled over to where I lay, weak and unable to move. He examined my injuries and tended to them before moving on to check the rest of the team. As I lay on the ground, I started to feel stronger. I turned onto my stomach and raised myself to my knees.
I stood shakily and limped over to Akito to see she was ok. As far as I could tell she seemed to be ok except for a few small scratches and bruises. Echo came and kneeled beside me to check Akito’s wounds. I looked at his shoulder as I noticed something scarlet red out of the corner of my eye, Echo had what looked like a pretty bad injury. He apparently hadn’t noticed; he was ignoring the injury completely. I stood; suddenly feeling dizzy, I put a hand to my head, running my fingers through my shaggy, black hair.
Akito sat up slowly as she regained consciousness. She looked around as if she momentarily forgot where she was. Echo stood and backed up as Akito stood shakily. Eventually Ramirez, Aaron, and Chrono woke up as well and Echo tended to their wounds. After everybody woke up, we examined the wreck of the cockpit. The pilot had died in the crash. We carefully made our way out of the wreck to continue our journey and find a way home. Unfortunately, we were still stuck in Viper territory.
“We’ve got to call in a chopper,” I said as we all sat down in the sand of the dessert that we were currently trapped in.
“The radio was destroyed in the crash,” Echo pointed out.
“Great,” I said, sarcastically.
“Ghost, if we find the nearest base I could tap into the radio system so we can call in some help,” Chrono spoke up this time, Chrono was the team mechanic he knew anything and everything there was to know about any kind of mechanics.
“Looks to me like the next base would be to the west,” Aaron, the team navigator said, as he stood and looked around,” but it is a couple miles away. What do you think, Echo?”
“Well we all have quite a few deep wounds but we should be fine to make the trip,” Echo said, looking us over. He still hadn’t noticed the blood on his shoulder, did he know about it but not think it was serious? It looked pretty bad to me. Why would he ignore an injury like that? I decided not to tell him about it assuming he knew about it.
“Alright that’s that then, we’re going to travel to the nearest base and tap into the radio,” I said, standing.
Our guile suites were torn but still good. We were only noticed a couple times but dispersed of the enemy that dared mess with us quickly. Echo seemed to be slowed down, something was definitely bothering him, I slowed my pace to match his. He was looking ahead to where the nearest base was suspected to be. His shoulder was still bleeding heavily. He apparently noticed me looking at his shoulder because he looked too.
“Oh, that’s not good,” he said, stopping.
The others stopped and turned around to see what was going on. Echo just kneeled and pulled his equipment bag out. He wrapped the wound carefully with bandages and put the bag away as he stood again.
“Aaron, take point,” I said, staying with Echo.
“Hoah,” He replied, as he headed to the front of us.
We continued on with not much more trouble. Echo held his shoulder as if it hurt badly. Akito was limping from an injury taken in the crash. I was pretty sure I had blood dripping down my face slowly too. When we finally reached the base we noticed that it was more heavily guarded than the one we had previously went to.
We lay down, covered by our guile suites, as a patrol came close. We remained laying there until they wouldn’t be able to see us then we stood and slowly made our way into the base remaining in prone, or laying down and crawling on our stomachs, so Chrono could hack the radio system and we could use it to call in a new transport. Unfortunately, we were instantly attacked by none other than Adam and Surge themselves. We pulled out our pistols almost all at the same time and started firing. But Surge ran to the side and used his weapon to shoot the pistols from our hands.

Adam chuckled and dropped his guns and threw his knife behind him. He put up his fists as if requesting a hand to hand fight. I glared at him and as Chrono tried to step forward to fight him I blocked him off with one arm and put my sniper rifle down as well as my knife. I stepped forward and put up my fists.
“Again?” Adam chuckled,” This is goanna have the same result as last time, Ghost.”
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Chrono spoke up from behind.
Adam just laughed,” You, a mere navigator!?”
Chrono stepped up beside me. Aaron and Akito followed. Echo stayed, he held his shoulder as if it was still hurting. Even if he had stepped up I would’ve told him to stay out of this due to his shoulder.
Adam kept laughing as if he thought he could take us all on at once. I looked thankfully at my team beside me. We lunged at Adam all at once hitting Adam right in the stomach where he had hit me so many times. He stumbled back a few paces and regained his balance. He punched me in the chest making me stumble back and then landed another punch in the jaw. I fell to my back and almost immediately jumped back up. I wiped blood off of the corner of my mouth and glared at Adam. My team looked at me and backed up as I stepped forward to fight. I punched him in the stomach, dodged a punch and punched him again. We continued to fight like that for a while. I landed about thirty punches and Adam landed none. I punched fast landing about thirty a second now. Adam stumbled backward and I punched him once in the jaw. He fell on his back and passed out. I then turned to Surge who looked terrified of me. I walked over to where my pistol had landed when he shot it out of my hand and picked it up. I aimed it at Surge and fired a single shot that hit him in the leg. I holstered my pistol, picked up my rifle and my knife, and put them up as well. I then walked over to Adam and arrested him. I left Surge where he was.
“Let’s get out of here,” I said lifting Adam to his feet as he woke up.
Adam struggled against the titanium cuffs that had bound his hands. We made our way to the control room which was heavily guarded, Akito and Echo stayed with Adam to make sure he didn’t get away again while the rest of us fought off the guards. When we finally fought off all the guards, Chrono was able to hack the radio connection and call in a new transport. Strangely enough there were hardly any guards that noticed us. We fought off the few guards that did show up. We made our way out of the base to wait for the transport. With Adam in the middle of us, Akito holding him so he wouldn’t make a run for it.
It seemed like hours before the transport arrived. When it did, Cody was there with the part of the team that hadn’t come. They took up defensive positions around the chopper while me and Cody spoke and boarded the chopper with my team. Once we were all on board with Adam, Slick, and Domino boarded one-by-one keeping their weapons aimed toward the base.
“So how’d you all get all the way out here your assigned target was about 5 miles east of here,” Cody asked sounding confused.
“Well we didn’t find anything at the first base but when we boarded the plane to get back to the base the plane was hit by a rocket. We went down in flames and had to travel to that base and we found Adam there,” I responded, giving Cody the full report of the mission.
“We all got some pretty bad injuries, but out of all of us I’d say Chrono got the least amount of damage,” Echo said, looking us over again for more injuries.
“Geez,” Cody seemed surprised,” you all have had a rough time.”
“It wasn’t that tough,” I said, covering up one of my injuries with my hand.
“Ghost, you know that’s not true out of all of us you probably had the worst of the injuries,” Echo pointed out.
“What are you talking about, Echo?” I said, curiously, “I’m fine.”
“Nope, I know you’re still sore from the punches to your stomach,” Echo said, “Plus, a pretty bad head injury from the crash.”
“Seems pretty bad to me,” Cody said, looking at Echo as he spoke, they both noticed the injury.
Everybody was silent. I looked at Echo. I suddenly felt dizzy; I put a hand to the injury I knew had been on my head but I didn’t want anybody to know that I was in pain. Echo could obviously tell something was wrong then, he gave me a worried look. The rest of the team was in the back guarding Adam or resting. So it was just Echo, Cody, and me. I slowly removed my hand from the injury to reveal a deep wound with a small, sharp piece of shrapnel sticking out. Cody sighed and went to the back room. Echo laid me down on the bench and pulled the shrapnel out, wrapping the wound afterwards.
“Go get some rest,” Echo said, helping me up.
Deciding not to argue this time I went to the back room and lay down in one of the cots. I fell asleep quickly.
I was gently woken by a slight nudge on my shoulder. I woke up slowly and saw Echo standing over me. I sat up; immediately feeling dizzy, I put my hand to my head again. I stood slowly and walked out of the chopper onto solid ground and was greeted by many cheers. As usual, I felt dizzy and nearly passed out again. I made my way to the barracks to put my equipment up and take the guile suite I still wore off. After I had finished doing that it was getting late so I made my way to my cabin. When I arrived there I saw Echo standing outside my door, waiting no doubt. I rolled my eyes discreetly and walked up to him.
“Alright, what’s the problem?” I asked, I could tell there was a problem due to the look on his face.
He just looked at me. I was getting curious and confused, he almost always answered.
“Look, Ghost, I know your still hurting from your injury to the stomach, we all do,” Echo finally replied shaking his head,” The question is why haven’t you told us or let us know that you needed help.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. How had he found out?
“You were talking about being in pain in your sleep but we didn’t want to wake you,” Echo replied.
I sighed, “I didn’t want to sound weak, I thought I was fine, and I knew I would be,” I answered, he was the medic and had the right and need to know.
“You wouldn’t sound weak by admitting pain, Ghost,” Echo said,” Now you should get some rest, it’s been a long day for all of us.”
I walked into my cabin and lay in my bed. I had trouble falling asleep that night but sleep came with a sharp pain in the back of my shoulder. After that I fell asleep rather quickly.
I woke with a very dizzying feeling that morning and I had woken up on my stomach where-as I had fallen asleep on my back. I have never shifted in my sleep before, this was odd. When I tried to push myself up I felt weak and collapsed right back onto my stomach. What was going on?
I stayed put, unable to move due to my weak feeling. Eventually Echo came in he seemed worried as if the he and the team had noticed something was wrong. He came over to me and helped me up.
“What’s going on?” Echo asked worriedly, “You’re always up before now.”
I felt too weak to speak but I did anyways,” I feel…weak…too weak to move,” I barely got the words out before collapsing with Echo still holding me up, supporting my right side.
Echo laid me back on the bed. He ran out the door, for the barracks to get his equipment bag and to inform the team of what happened I assumed. Echo ran back in moments later carrying his large black equipment bag with Akito, Aaron, and Chrono close behind. Echo pulled something out of his the black bag, but my sight started to fail and I couldn’t tell what it was. I felt a pain in my arm and I felt my breathing grow heavy as I thought I was about to lose consciousness. I suddenly heard Ramirez’s voice urging me to stay awake. I hadn’t seen him come in, had he come in late? I heard his voice fade as I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I heard Akito’s voice but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. Her voice was quick and worried. I heard Echo’s voice in response. I still couldn’t tell what he was saying. My breath came in quick, shallow gasps now. I felt as if I were going to pass out any minute. Soon I couldn’t see much light at all. I heard mixed voices urging me to stay awake. The voices faded and I lost all feeling in my body.
I woke up, still in my bed. I still felt weak so I stayed lying motionless in the bed. It seemed like hours before anyone came in. Finally, Echo came in the door holding a clipboard in one hand. I suddenly felt stronger than I had before and attempted to sit up. Echo stopped me abruptly with a firm hand on my shoulder.
“You need to rest, Ghost,” he said, pushing me back down carefully.
“I’m fine,” I replied trying to sit up again but failing when Echo pushed me down again.
“Ghost, you have to rest,” Echo repeated sternly, though he had a right he was the medic.
“Echo, I told you, I’m fine,” I said again as I pushed his hand off my chest and sat up.
“Ghost, lay down,” Echo said glaring at me as he reached behind him.
“For the last time, I’m fine,” I retorted, stressing the words.
Echo pulled a needle from behind his back and injected it suddenly into my shoulder blade. My eyes widen with shock and I immediately fell asleep.

I woke steadily in a white room that I hadn’t seen before. There was an essence of sleep and resting about the room. I sat up and looked around. This was unusual, I had fallen asleep in my cabin and woken up in what I guessed was an off-campus recovery building. I saw my large black equipment bag sitting, propped up, against one of the walls. Had they expected me to grab it and run off back into the front lines? Well, of course that is what I would’ve done, if only Echo not walked in the door.
“Alright, where am I?” I questioned as Echo looked up from a file he was holding.
“A recovery room a couple miles away from the base,” Echo seemed surprised to see me sitting up, though I felt fine.
“I should be out in the front lines not here,” I said, starting to get up.
“Nope, you need to stay and get some rest,” he said.
I sighed, there was no way I was going to get out with him standing there, “Fine,” I said, no way I was staying here I had to find a way to get past him.
I lay back down in the bed again, I was sure he’d leave if I just did what he asked, but I had no intention on staying. When he left and I was sure he was gone, I got up again and slipped on my canvas boots and slung one strap of the black equipment bag over my left shoulder, immediately regretting my decision to do so because of a sharp pain that resulted because of the weight of the bag, I continued anyway. I carefully made my way out of the recovery building, and finally made it out attracting little attention to myself. I looked around to see if I could tell where I was. I had no clue where to go or where I was and Aaron wasn’t there to tell me. As I continued to look around I decided to go in the direction I thought was west judging from the sound of gun shots. I remained alert as I walked because in times of war you never know when an enemy will ambush you.
Not far from the recovery building, I saw gunshots and a familiar scream of pain. I hurried in the direction I heard the scream come from and saw Chrono laying on the ground a hand on his shoulder, scarlet blood seeping through his fingers and onto the ground. I helped him up and looked around to make sure whoever had done this was gone. I then started walking back towards the recovery building, I supported Chrono as he was injured and about to pass out from exhaustion and pain. I didn’t want to go back there but what choice did I have when Chrono was injured.
Echo was already on his way outside, he paused as I went through the possible things he could do. He just sighed and took Chrono and helped him inside. I stayed outside for awhile. Eventually a couple men came out and walked over to me. One of them held me and forced me to my knees, I was too exhausted to struggle so I just let what happened happen. As the man held me the other pulled my hands behind my back, bound them, and injected a sedative my exposed shoulder. I went down immediately.
I woke lying on a bed in the same room I had been earlier or at least that’s what I thought I wasn’t quite sure. Just then Echo walked in with a clip board in one hand. I would’ve sat up but I couldn’t move no matter how hard I struggled.
“It’s about time you woke up,” Echo joked as he noticed my struggling.
I remained silent. Why had those guards attacked me like that? Did Echo give them the order? Why couldn’t I move? These questions swirled around in my head making me dizzy just trying to come up with answers to them. I kept struggling as I thought about these inquires.
Echo rolled his eyes and hit a button on the wall; suddenly I was able to move. I sat up and glared at him but the cold stare turned into wonder as I asked myself ‘where and how is Chrono?’
Sure enough almost as if he had read my mind Echo said,” Chrono is fine, he’s in the room next door.”
I look at him and ask, "Can I go see him?"
I wasn`t sure that he would let me but then Echo said, "Sure. I will accompany you to the room."
As we walked into the room next door I saw Chrono. I look at Echo wondering if I should go in or not. Echo nodded his head and I went in.
I looked at Chrono and said, "Hey Chrono. How is it going?" Chrono looked at me as if he didn`t know who I was.
I noticed Echo give him a weird look and Chrono gave Echo a swift, somewhat discreet nod. Then he looked back at me and for some reason or another looked somewhat surprised and shocked. I heard a grunt behind me and turned to see Echo falling to the floor, unconscious. Standing in the door way, I saw Adam and Surge. ‘How on earth did Adam escaped yet again?!’, I asked myself, shocked that he had gotten past all the guards and security precautions we had put into place.
I reached behind me, forgetting that I didn’t have any of my equipment, and tried to pull out a pistol, but I didn’t have one. I looked around for something I could use, nothing. I turned back to Adam, only to see a heavy punch headed right for me. I didn’t have time to dodge or block it so I braced myself for the impact and hoped that it wouldn’t do much. He seemed aggravated that he hadn’t knocked me out, his next punch was heavier than I could block so I dodged instead. His punches became heavier and heavier until it got to the point where it seemed like he was trying to kill me with a punch instead of knocking me out.
I was wearing out fast, my dodges became clumsy, my balance was thrown off, and Adam surprised me with a very heavy hit to the chest. I grunted in pain and stumbled a little bit but held my ground and staid standing. I was breathing heavily with exhaustion, and weakened by exhaustion and the injuries I had overcome a couple days earlier.
Adam came at me with yet another punch that I didn’t have the energy to dodge or block; he hit me in the stomach, this time when I fell off balance, I then fell to the floor. I saw Surge make the final hit that knocked me out.

When I woke, I felt the harsh coldness of steel surrounding me. The only light I could see came from a small row of computers, knobs, and buttons.
I couldn’t even move my head so I did the best I could to look around by just sticking with what was in front of me. It was a solid steel room with no windows and no source of light other than the computers that I had seen.
Suddenly a door that I hadn’t been able to see due to the darkness flew open and cast a blinding light over me. I squinted in the light, trying to figure out who had entered. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw Adam standing triumphantly at the entrance, looking at me. Another guard entered behind him and went straight to a desk without looking up.
Whatever was holding me, was too tight for me to even struggle and if I could’ve dropped my head I would’ve, struggling would have been futile anyway there was no way I could get past any of the security or Adam for that matter in the condition I was in.
Adam gave the guard, who was waiting patiently at the row of computers, a signal the guard looked down at the surface of the desk as he turned a few small knobs and pressed a button. I felt an electric current shoot out from whatever it was that was holding me and through my body. I screamed in pain and fell limp, breathing heavily as I tried to shake off the current that still lingered in my body.
“Up the voltage,” was all he said, he signaled to the guard again.
The guard turned a knob then hit the same button as earlier. A stronger pulse shot through me and I screamed again. I was sure I was going to pass out but I didn’t
I fixed Adam in my gaze, apparently he saw submission in my firm gaze, because he chuckled, came up to me, pulled out his combat knife, and shoved it right through my side. My eyes widened with shock and pain as I screamed in pain.
The little while it took me to pass out seemed to drag on for hours. I saw Echo, Ramirez, and Akito come in after throwing a flash grenade inside to stun Adam I guessed. As far as I could tell Ramirez ran over to Adam while he was stunned and knocked him out. Then everything went black.
I woke only moments later to see Echo standing over me, tending my wound. After he finished, he slid one arm behind my back and used his other arm to hold my left arm around his shoulder, seeing as I was too weak to even move I went along with it. Akito rushed in to support my other side and I saw Ramirez walk in front of us, Adam, who was restrained, in front of him.
We made our way out side; Adam had been forced to lead us through, since Ramirez had a gun pointed at his head. The path was short but I saw no guards, Echo, Akito, and Ramirez must have taken them all out. When we got out, we were standing in a large clearing with an unexpected hundreds of Viper guards. They had secured an Eagle Talon medical transport helicopter and most of my team the only one they didn’t have wasn’t there as far as I knew, except for the three that had tried to rescue me. All the guards pointed their rifles at us. Echo and Akito exchanged a nervous glance, while Ramirez dropped his rifle took Adam’s restraints off and put his hands up in submission, that was unlike him but I didn’t have time to think about that. My team was captured, I was injured, and Adam had escaped yet again, this couldn’t possibly get any worse. Adam stepped forward and away from Ramirez, took a rifle from a nearby guard and readied it. When he was about to kill Ramirez, all the guards that had once stood watch over my team fell, dead, they were almost immediately replaced by guards that readied their weapons and took aim at the team, so that if they were to be killed they would set off the gun as they fell. I looked around in surprise; I thought I could see the glint of a sniper’s scope on a cliff in the distance, Domino, our team sniper, had arrived and had taken out half of what gave him his name with a single, silent shot. Adam followed my gaze but by the time he was able to look to where I had seen Domino hiding he had gone and moved locations. This time the shot went right in front of me and took out a guard that was aiming at Akito.
Adam finally figured out what was going on and apparently had a plan. He shoved Akito and Echo, who were helpless to do anything, aside and grabbed me before I was able to fall to the ground. He fisted my shirt in his hand and hoisted me off the ground he then put a pistol right under my chin and was ready to take the shot and be done with me. I was still weak from my injuries but as I had over-heard Echo say to Akito a few weeks before, ‘I’m stubborn.’
Adam looked me in the eye; I had pulled my head back in a futile attempt to avoid the pistol.
He chuckled and said, “What’s wrong, Ghost, afraid to die?” he teased, that was his first mistake, his second was loosening his grip on both me and the pistol.
“Nope,” I said putting my head straight again, “It’s death that fears me,” I responded a little more seriously than intended.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Adam asked sarcastically.
“Heck if I know, I’m just trying to buy some time,” I said casually.
“For what? No one can help you know,” he said surprised.
I chuckled, “You always did underestimate me,” I said.
I grabbed the hand that held me, and Adam seemed shocked. He was about to fire the pistol but I twisted the arm that held me and he dropped me and the pistol and grabbed his now injured arm. I fell to the ground limply with a grunt as I hit the hard, dried up ground. Dust flew up around me; stinging my eyes and making me cough. I couldn’t see anything for awhile. I felt some one grab me and by the way they held me afterwards, it was not anyone on my team. Whoever it was held my arms tightly behind my back and forced me to my knees. Adam picked up the pistol he had dropped and emptied it of all but one bullet. He glared at me, and came over to where two guards held me. I looked up to meet his gaze but instead of fierce hatred I was looking down the barrel of an M9 pistol. Adam readied the pistol and was about to fire when he was thrust backwards; the two guards flinched in shock and loosened their grip enough for me to get away. I stood shakily and looked at Adam, who lay weakly on the ground, there was blood welling in a wound in his shoulder, then collapsed back to the ground weakened by the injuries.
I looked over to Ramirez, the only one without a guard on him, he sighed in relief and kicked his rifle up, catching it as it went up.
He came to where I lay weakly on the ground and helped me up. Echo and Akito had been forced to give up their weapons and surrender; they were on their knees with both hands behind their heads. Two guards had SPAS-12 shot guns pointed at both of them. I turned my head to see the glint of Domino’s scope, he was apparently reloading. There were still very many guards that lined the clearing, too many for me or Ramirez to do anything to help Echo and Akito.
“You’re call,” Ramirez whispered to me.
Almost as if by response I felt a sharp pain where I had been stabbed only moments before. I grunted in pain and almost fell to the ground, if Ramirez hadn’t been supporting me I would’ve. He must have taken that as a sign to surrender, because he, carefully, laid me down on the ground, and fell to his knees as he threw his weapons.
Troops instantly started weaving through my team, restraining each person they went by. The two guards that had guarded Echo and Akito had forced them to their stomachs and were now tightly restraining them. When they finished they came over to me and Ramirez, they must have noticed I could hardly stand, because they left me alone and when they were taking us to the cell, rather than forcing me to stand, they dragged me and literally threw me into the cell. I hit the back wall with a thud and grunted in pain as the shock of the impact sent a sharp pain rippling through my side where I had been stabbed.
I struggled to push myself up and lean against the wall. I looked around, everyone was here except for Domino, and he must have been able to escape. I put one hand over my wound, the bandages had been torn away by something and the cut was now exposed, and hurting worse than when it happened. Echo came over and knelt beside me to examine the wound. He seemed frustrated that he couldn’t do much to heal the wound. He reached behind him and pulled out a roll of bandages from the small equipment bag that the Vipers had overlooked when searching us and taking any weapons and equipment that they found. He carefully wrapped the wound in a few strong layers of the bandages. He sighed, the bandages wouldn’t stop the bleeding but soak up the blood, and he apparently knew I didn’t have much chance here.
“Get up,” the words came harshly from Adam as he tried to make me stand, even if I wanted to I couldn’t have. I said and did nothing, “I said, get up!” the words came harsher this time.
Echo was tending to Akito’s wounds and without looking up said,” He can’t. His injuries left him too weak to even move.”
“Then you get him up!” Adam was not that smart, Echo had meant, and I knew, that I was ‘unresponsive’ I knew because I had heard him tell Akito when she asked if I was ok.
Echo sighed and rose slowly, did as he was told and helped me up, supporting me as he glared at Adam.
It seemed I was in the same position I had been over a month ago, tied to an iron post, unable to do anything about it, my team at the edge of the field being forced to watch me die. Except this time, the intervention came from Domino, who immobilized Adam at a point where he was quite a ways away from me and hadn’t even pulled his pistol out yet. The guards that stood watch over my team readied their weapons and started scanning the cliffs and walls for the glint of the scope that indicated a sniper that was reloading. Apparently they never saw it. They fell before too long, like a line of domino’s that gave our sniper his name. He had just taken out twice as many troops than the number that he was named for; he took out twenty troops with one shot. He took pride in the sniper motto, ‘One shot, one kill.’ He just made it more than one.
Then the Eagle Talon troops came, they ran to my team, gunning down Vipers as they ran. They cut the ropes that bound the hands of my team mates. Akito ran to me and cut the rope that held me to the pole, catching me before I fell to the ground. She helped me behind a line of Eagle Talon troops where I would be the safest and lay me down there. I saw Echo backing up and firing at troops as he went, another Eagle Talon troop took his place as he lowered his weapon and ran over to me, seeing as he had gotten his equipment back when Adam went down. Echo knelt beside me and began tending the wound, in a somewhat vague attempt to keep me from passing out again, thankfully, it worked.
When the helicopter landed, Echo had been able to clean and cover the wound.
He looked back at the chopper, turned back to me and said, “That’ll have to hold for now,” as he stood me up and supported my right side.
He helped me into the small air craft and laid me down on one of the benches, then went to take a seat on another bench, which was not far off.
When we arrived back at the base, I was on the verge of death, as I had heard Echo report. I blacked out as Echo carried me to the East-Wing Infirmary, but I could still hear everything, though I was sure I wasn’t conscious.
I heard Echo,” Akito, keep his pulse,” Echo seemed worried yet calm and determined, a very good quality in an amazing medic.
“It’s faint but there,” Akito said worriedly.
“Just keep an eye on it!” Echo ordered her.
“Echo, if you’re goanna do something, do it now!” Akito seemed very worried that I didn’t have much chance, whereas Echo seemed very calm about it.
“I’m working on it,” he calmly replied.
From there I heard silence, felt nothing, and saw nothing. I felt as if I had fallen into nothingness, then I felt a pulsating wave of electricity, it didn’t hurt, but I felt something.
“Alright, I’ve got his pulse back,” Akito said, a little more happily than before.
What she just said, did it mean that I had died and come back?
“Good,” Echo replied, just as calm as before,” how is it?”
“Still faint,” Akito said after a short period of time, as if she had to figure it out.
There was no response for a while, and then all I heard in response to Akito’s answer was a sigh.
“Is he ok?” Akito asked worriedly.
“I don’t know,” Echo replied solemnly, “his wound is pretty bad, his pulse is faint, and his vitals are too low and dropping.”
I started to hear a response from another individual that had entered the room but had no time to figure out who before I fell into nothingness again.
If there is one thing I never go anywhere without, it's my pencil.
Another thing, if schools don't allow wepons, then why do they allow pens? Because, if the pen is mighter than the sword, doesn't that mean the pen is a wepon too?

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:05 pm
KingLucifer says...

This is generally great, I do believe if you think about it enough you can make the chapter's longer. Take time between each one and try to think of how you can make it longer, what details could you put in, what the character's are doing, what was in each of the room's. ETC, I do like what your going with her ghost, I really do it's just I belive you can make it longer make it really feel like a novel or series. What I say you should do is that say if your character is dreaming, what happens to a soldier at war can have phytratric effects on him or her, but that's my opinion really. But overall this is great and this is coming from someone who knows what the military is like these days.

Your Friend,
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:09 pm
Ghost42 says...

Yeah, I do think I can make the chapters longer but it would've gone over the character limit to add even the best part to this, I had to cut it out and wish soo much that I could add it back in.
If there is one thing I never go anywhere without, it's my pencil.
Another thing, if schools don't allow wepons, then why do they allow pens? Because, if the pen is mighter than the sword, doesn't that mean the pen is a wepon too?

No matter what happens I'll always know there's a quote of mine in the YWS quote generator.
— looseleaf