
Young Writers Society

Utopia chapter 3

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Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:05 pm
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scifyfantacywriter01 says...

“Glimpse of Hell”

It had been about a week since I had created the palace. Apollo loves the massive gym I showed him. He’s always in there pumping iron. Cassandra had me make her a piano yesterday and she can play like an angel. I never knew she could play before. I spent the whole day listening to her play. I also showed them the Obelisk in the gym. The Obelisk is a huge stone pillar that can summon warriors for us to fight. If we kill them they just fall to the ground, turn to smoke, and come right back at us.

The mirror hasn’t found anyone yet. Shadow said there are an infinite number of worlds. The mirror may take some time to find one.

I finally pull myself from the silk sheets of my bed. Cassandra and I still have our rooms separated by the glass door. We have shared a bed a few times since we arrived but she still likes to sleep alone. I’m not sure why though.

I go to the glass door and see she’s in bed awake. I open the door and she smiles as I walk in. I go over and lie down beside her. She raises her head up and I kiss her lightly. She has the TV on the news. A story about us at the school has been going on and on all week. I haven’t seen my parents come on once. She finally changes it over to “Jersey Shore”.

“Why do you watch this? It’s just a bunch of crazy guys who live in Jersey.” I say rolling my eyes.

“I just think its funny.” she says with a laugh. I then turn towards the window. The sky is clear, the ocean is steady, a beautiful day in all. I then get up from the bed and walk towards the window. Watching the gulls fly over the calm ocean, I hear Cassandra crawling out from under the sheets. She walks up behind me and raps her arms around me.

“You ok?” she asks with a slight whisper.

“Yeah. Just thinking is all.” I answer.

“About?” she asks. I turn back to face her. She’s wearing a white rob that matches her hair. I put my arms around her and kiss her. Her lips are warm and soft. I then retract and look into her eyes.

“Nothing that’s too big to worry about.” I answer her. The truth is, I don’t really know what I'm thinking about. Its like I went blank.

“I’m gonna take a shower and then head down to breakfast.” she says pulling from my arms and heading to her wardrobe.

“Mind if I join you?” I say with a grin from one ear to the other.

“Not this time cowboy.” she says rolling her eyes.

“Who you calling a cowboy? I’m a god remember?” I say laughing.

“Of what, perverted-ness?” she says with a laugh and then disappears into the wardrobe. I shake my head with a smile and head back to my room. I need some clothes myself. I go to my wardrobe and pick out a pair of pants from a suit and throw them on. The soft fabric tickles my legs as I put them on. I throw my old clothes on my bed and head down to the main chamber.

In the main chamber, I find Apollo at the table having a plate of pancakes drenched in syrup. It looks like it is more syrup than pancakes.

“You want some pancakes with that syrup?” I ask with a laugh.

“What, I like syrup.” he says turned toward me with his shoulders shrugged.

“That’s noticeable.” I say keeping my grin. I then hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Shadow and Cassandra coming in. Shadow’s black coat shined in the sunlight from the ceiling high windows. It looks like he is incrusted with diamonds. Cassandra was in a white evening gown with blue designs that swirle around her figure. Her hair seems to be like a mist of steam in the sunlight.

“Hey guys. What’s up?” she asks not noticing that I’m staring at her.

“Rollex is making funny of me cause I like a lot of syrup.” Apollo whines. I snap back before anyone notices.

“Well come on. You can’t even see the pancak-” I cut off. There’s a burning sensation going all over my body. It feels like a circle of fire just swirled up around me. I looked over to the mirror. The jewel in the rim were glowing a bright blue. I walk over to the mirror and hear the others follow me.

When I reach the mirror, a figure begins to appear. A battle in a burning city. I see a man in armor carrying a sword and shield defending against shriveled, decaying bodies in armor with swords. Their swords smash against his shield and he cuts through them and their armor like nothing.

“Shadow, what are we dealing with?” I ask staring at the mirror.

“This is Karros. The world he is in resembles that of ancient Greece. It seems that the mythology of ancient Greece is reality in this world though, such as the Gods and Titans. This is a warrior of the city Sparta. They are being attacked by an army of monsters from the Gods. I don’t know why though.” he explains.

“So Zeus, Hades, all that stuff is real in this world?” I ask.

“It seems so.” he assures me.

“Alright, everyone, go get some armor and weapons. Looks like we’re gonna have to do some fighting.”

I head back to my room and open the wardrobe. I go straight to the section of different sets of armor. I go with a full black suit that has metal plates covered in fabric over my vital organs. I then go to the armory. I walk into the dimly lit room of weapons. I look upon racks and rows of weapons of every kind. Swords, axes, spears, every weapon you can imagine. I decide on a broadsword. The hilt was silver with a black handle. The blade glowed from the lights over head.

I then went back to the main chamber. There Apollo, Cassandra, and Shadow were waiting on me. Cassandra was wearing a chestplate with steel over cloth, a full metal skirt, and gauntlets that went from her shoulders to her wrists. Apollo was in black pants, boots that came to his knees, and a breastplate that came to his waist. Shadow came with no armor at all. Just his bare coat.

They were all at the dinning table when they noticed me. Cassandra picked up a long, silver spear from the table and a gold hilted short sword in a black sheath. She smiled at me as she fastened the sheath to her belt. Apollo pulled two massive tomahawks from the table and slid them into sheaths at the sides of his legs and the a massive sword the resembled a cutlass. When he reached back to sheath it, I realized it was sharpened all the way to the bottom of the hilt.

We all then started for the mirror, stilling showing us the image of Karros fighting the undead warriors. The mirror then began to glow a swirling mixture of bright blue and green. “So we can go through now?” I ask to Shadow.

“Yes. This will take us right into the battle where we saw Karros.” he says.

I take a step through and the sounds of screams, swords clashing, the heat of fire, and the smell of the dead over came me so suddenly that it almost made me turn back to the portal. I open my eyes and see the monstrosity before me, the undead warriors slashing men in armor, other beasts, some large some small, attacking and killing men as if they were nothing at all. Then I spotted Karros from the carnage. His armor had been ripped from his body showing a muscular, scared, and bloody torso underneath. His hair was stained with blood to where I could not tell what its true color was. We were at the threshold of a building in what appeared to be the town square. I drew my sword. I heard Apollo and Cassandra draw theirs’ and we charged into the fight. I slit the throat of one of the undead creatures sending an arch of black blood into the air. One appeared in front of me with an ax raised above its head. I plunged my sword into its chest and it fell to the ground.

I turned to see that Apollo, Cassandra, and Shadow had gone their separate ways. Apollo was fighting a creature that resembled a half man half bull armed with mace. Cassandra had just speared one of the undead and was piercing another with the short sword. I didn’t see Shadow.

All of a sudden I felt the ground start to shake under my feet. I turned to see a monstrous figure walking into the square. It was a massive one eyed creature. Its skin was a slimy green, like that of a dead man fished from a swamp. Its body was covered in armor that didn’t seem to be for protection, more for intimidation. It wore rusty shoulder spikes, greaves, and a rusty helmet with a big orange eye glowing from it.

I charged toward the beast. I could hear my heart like a war drum. The smell of smoke and blood filled my lungs. It seemed to give me a sort of energy that you see in a warrior on the field. The beast was carrying a huge morning star that it began to swing above its head. I was just now in its range when almost instantly I jumped and was now level with the creature’s eye. I plunged my sword forward, swerved my body around the beast’s head and brought the creature down on its back. I ripped my blade from its head.

I look up to see how the fight is going. The few undead creatures that were still able to walk were now fleeing the square. Most of the living human solders were dead. The ones that were alive were heading towards the building that we arrived at. I noticed the Karros was helping one man with a bloody leg to the door. I rushed over to meet him. A few other men had come to take the wounded man from Karros.

“I don’t know who you are, but I thank you for your help.” he says. His voice was strong, but steady.

“My name is Rollex.” I look behind me to see the others. “This is Cassandra, Apollo, and Shadow. We have come here to see you.” I say.

“Me? Why?” he asks looking confused.

“I believe I better explain.” Shadow says. Karros jumps back startled from Shadow.

Karros takes the news well. He didn’t have any questions. He just listened.

“So you have here to ask me to join your army?” he asks looking at me.

“Yes. I need as many solders as I can get. At least till I get the rest of my jewels.” I reply. He takes a minute and then says,

“ I will join your army, but I need your help. The Gods of this world have turned their backs on us mortals. They send monsters to exterminate us. If you help me defeat the Gods, I will join you.”

“Sounds fair enough.” I reply. “So where do we find the gods?” Apollo asks.

“All of them reside on Mount Olympus except for one. Hades. He is damned to the Underworld.” Karros says.

“So how do we get there?” Cassandra joins.

“First we must go to the island of Medusa. Her and her sisters guard the gate to the Underworld. We’ll have to kill them if we want to enter.” he explains.

“Medusa? She’s the gorgon, the creature that turns people to stone?” I ask. Karros nods. “You know the way?” I ask.

“Yes.” he answers.

“Alright guys. Get ready to go to hell.”
When people think of beauty, they think of bright colors, purity, or goodness. When I think of beauty, I think of the darkness. Beauty has a dark side, and I like it. Light is pretty but darkness is passionate, sinister, and sexy as hell.

If you're paranoid that you're making your novel worse with each passing decision clap your hands
— Panikos