
Young Writers Society


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Points: 823
Reviews: 10
Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:30 am
southerngirl5379 says...

“Olivia wait up!” Katrina Shannon screamed as she came down the hallway trying to catch up.

I watched as her stride lengthened, tiny frame moved faster, and dark blonde hair swayed from the extra movement. My bestfriend looked giddy, like a kid in a completely free candy store.

“Liv! I just saw a Limo pull up! Who do you think it could be?! I bet its Jake Andrews!!!”

Around us whispers erupted, the air became vibrant and lively. Jake Andrews, just another about to be has been pop superstar. I laughed mentally; he had about as much chance of becoming one of us as my dog did.

“Come on be excited! I know for a fact that he’s going here. You know why?! He just cancelled his world tour!!” She screeched.

“Oh gosh please don’t let it be him.” I groaned. It was just my luck because my turn to show the new kid around.

She glared at me, “Jake Andrews is amazing. But I can see why you wouldn’t like him; he obviously would never date you.”

She turned all rival on me; Kat had a tendency to do that when I said I didn’t like something she liked. She tried to turn it into a battle and act like I had lost because I didn’t like it.

Kats comments had set the hallways were on fire. With girls and guys alike whispering about the two besties fighting and the possibility of it actually being Jake. I passed the stain glass front doors, the were said to be bullet proof, maybe even missile proof, because you have to protect future spies, and their history. I looked for the familiar gadgets and gizmos that usually lined the walls, but I found them changed; obviously the newbie didn’t know what this school was for.

I went past the office and saw the Headmaster, staring down a brown head of hair disapprovingly; I ran right past full speed, the only things that saw me were the cameras. But instead reality took over and Headmaster Dustin’s hawk eyes caught me before I had time to.

I locked my hand on the door knob of the office, I hated the office scanners, my eyes flitted to the cameras and I watched as it moved up and down, scanning me to decide if I was a threat.

I hadn’t checked my appearance in the front doors, or faked a smile like most of the girls here would have when faced with meeting a new boy. I almost wish I would have.

I looked around the stuffy old out dated cover furniture; the regular office was a stark, cold and sterile white. I guess they pulled out all the stops for this newbie.Outside a cars tires screech as it drives away.

“Olivia Madison, this is the new student you are to show around for the next week, Ethan Cade.”

His appearance strangely reminded me of a teddy bear, and Adonis at the same time. His Light brown hair was just long enough for him to gel kind of to the side in a wayyyy cuter version of Mr. Tyler’s comb over. His green eyes had bursts of brown around the pupil’s making them look exotic, his complexion just shy of the color of his hair.

He seemed to be picking me over just as much as I had been him. He looked a little over 6ft 2” and lightly muscled. He outstretched his hand, for me to shake. I mulled over how easy it would be to flip him, I knew what the counter attack would be if he’d had any training.

“Hurry up and show him around. You only have four minutes.”

I’d say head master Dustin was trying to get rid of me, but by the way his eyes were nervously flitting to Ethan and back to me, I knew it wasn’t me he was nervous about. What was Ethan’s story? It’s a good thing that I’m a spy, because if I wasn’t I may have actually had to wonder.

We exited into the hallway, not so secret stares bored from the other girls’ eyes straight at Ethan. He held his head high and paid no attention to them. That’s when I realized he was staring at me out of the corner of his eye.

“Do you know what this school is for Ethan?”

“Maybe, why do you ask?”

“Because, The Dex Institute isn’t your normal every day school.”

“You expect me to be surprised when you tell me Dex is an institute for spies?”
His right eyebrow arched is a questioning way.

I acted unimpressed, i was though. Even though he was cute, he was a jerk. I should have guesses he wasn’t going to be extremely sweet, but in way it made me respect him more because he wasn't trying to impress me. I looked at him and sighed deeply.


“I should have known as soon as I saw you, you weren’t what I hoped you were.”
My voice was soft, not exactly a whisper but not exactly my normal volume.

He stepped in front of me causing me to bump into him. There were no emotions in his eyes, he had walls up.

“Did you expect me to fall for you immediately Livvy?”

“No, but I expected you to be nicer.”

He comes closer, since I had moved my book to my side he stepped right into me. We were incredibly close; I could feel the heat radiating from his body. It makes me uncomfortable, probably knwing it did he smirks and stares at me.

“How am I not nice?” He’s amused again.

“I’m glad I’m so amusing to you.” I told him ignoring the question.

He laughs and flashes me a smile.

“You really don’t know me?”

“Not till today.” I answer.

“Good, then I get a fresh start with you.”

He walks towards a set of door that lead outside, like he knows where he’s going. The door slams and I head toward my room where I know I’ll find my roommate.

The hallways are musty, almost dank because of the rain we had today. I feel the old carpet smush under my shoes, the lights dim slightly as lighting strikes outside. I wondered if Ethan was sitting in the courtyard which was usually beautiful. But on rainy days it looked sad almost as if it were in mourning. I knew that he wasn’t though, and a look out of the second story window confirmed it. I stood there for a minute listening to the rain pour outside, watching the droplets on run for their lives towards the ground.

I was taken aback to this summer when I met my uncle in Romania. Rain drizzled outside his little house, and we sat in his kitchen next to a giant hearth. I watched the flames licking the logs intently, listening to the rain. His voice mad me jump, because I was so focused on the flames. He told me our lives seem so important, that little things like rain droplets are insignificant. But in reality they could hold the key to life and because we see them as insignificant, we tend to not care what they could hold.

I missed him; he was always saying things like that. Uncle Trevor was the only family I ever had. My parents never wanted me, and my grandmother died when I was 3. I was almost put in foster care because CPS couldn’t find any more relatives. He had swooped in and saved me from a life living with strangers though. Uncle Trevor was more of a father than my uncle but he still wouldn’t let me call him dad. At least there was only a week left until winter break then I could see him again.

I sighed; it was only a week I could last that long, but still there were tears in my eyes. I walked down the hallway towards the girls dorms; unlike other schools of our kind Dex was coed. The hallways were filled with a loud silence, as I reached my dorm room I saw a note stuck to the handle. It read:

‘Liv, I’m leaving today. Sorry I didn’t tell you; my gran’s gotten too sick to take care of herself. I’ll be back! I promise! Don’t let Katrina rule the school cause you don’t have me to research! I’m just a phone call away if you need me to do some digging. See you in a week at Durbacă Park! Love ya, Lydia’

‘P.S. I’ll tell your Trevor hi, and that you love him’

“So I guess I’ll have to go at it alone then,” I muttered.

The door hinges creaked as I opened it. I looked around; I made me sad to see a Lydia’s stuff gone. Her side of the room was completely bare, stripped of everything that reminded me of her calming presence. My side was like a tornado of all things me had rolled in. my cork board above my desk was covered in pictures and things I found important. On the desk sat my silver laptop, and my art supplies. My bed was covered by my quilt my grandma had made me when I was born. It was turquoise, black, and white, even though the pattern was the same it was new because Uncle Trevor had taken it to a seamstress and she made the exact same blanket for my birthday. My side table held the remote to the TV, lotion, and my stereo.

Our rooms, and weekends were the only way we could freely express ourselves here. We had uniforms that had a strict compliance code. But on the weekends we could go into town, and dress how we wanted. I was looking forward to this one, but so were
the other girls who had already seen Ethan. I had another reason though, I was going to Skype with Lydia and see what info she came up with on Ethan. I sent her a text

‘Lydia, I need you to do some digging on a guy 16 year old guy named Ethan Cade.’

‘Who’s he?’ was her response.

‘The new guy I have to show around not that I mind, he’s pretty cute but he’s a jerk.’

‘K, Skype Saturday?’


“Liv, get to class you’re gonna be late.’

I laughed she was always being a mother hen to me. Probably because she knew I didn’t grow up with a mother. I got up, grabbed my Chem. Book and walked out of my dorm.
Last edited by southerngirl5379 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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88 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 4066
Reviews: 88
Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:17 pm
thegilliangill says...

Hi there!
Wow what a great start I can't wait to see where this is going and who Ethan really is! I think this Is a great start and it had really captured my attention! Well done!

There's a bright light, see it in the distance? It's called your future.

Find wonder in the everyday, find everyday language to articulate it.
— Maurice Manning