
Young Writers Society

A Life Seeing the Cullens

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Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:28 am
ISeeEdward says...


Hello. My name is Sheila Winston and I am 15 years old. I live in San Francisco, California with my mother and step-father. My real father died when I was very young. I am home-schooled by my mom. I want to tell the tale of my crazy life starting a long time ago, in December of 2008.

1. Set in Stone and in My Mind

"Oh, come on, Sheila! You know you want to see it!" My friend, Tanya, was begging me to see Twilight. She said it was very popular and that I would absolutely LOVE it. I've read the book and I liked it, but I didn't really care if I saw the movie. I could live without seeing it.
"Tanya, for the fourth time, I'm not going to go. Why do you keep asking me to come?"
"Well, I think you would like it. I saw the preview and it looked good," she paused. Then whispered, "And because the guy who plays Edward, Robert, looks good!"
I groaned. I should have known. When ever she sees a good looking guy in a movie, she wants to go see it, even if it's a movie she knows she would hate.
"Fine," I sighed, "I'll come. Just don't talk about the guy who plays Edward-"
"Yeah, Robert. Just don't talk about him the whole movie. If I come, I have to actually watch the thing."
"Okay. My mom will come over to pick you up at 3 o' clock tonight. Be ready!" she smiled.
"Don't worry. I will, trust me."
"Alright. See you later!" said as she ran home, probably to go annoy her parents about Twilight.
I got home about two-thirty, which gave me just enough time to get ready to listen to Tanya blab on about Twilight and Edward. That's all she ever talks about anymore. Twilight this, Twilight that. Lord, she could talk all day about it and never get tired.
A few minutes before three, Melissa called me. She wanted to go to the movies with me.
"Sorry, Melissa. I'm going with Tanya to see Twilight."
"What a coincidence! I was going to see Twilight, too! I'm going at three. How about you?"
"I'm going at three, too."
"Hey, maybe I'll see you there!" I could hear the over excitement in her voice. I guess she was almost as thrilled as Tanya. Great.
"Sure, but I got to go now or else Tanya will flip out about being late," I laughed.
"Alright. See you there!"
I hung up and right on cue, Tanya and her mom were waiting in front of my house in their mini-van. Please, please don't let her talk about it the whole way there and back.
The ride was quieter than I thought, but Tanya was literally bouncing in her seat. Sometimes her craziness scared me and this was one of those times. When we finally got there, I almost jumped out of my seat. I had to get away from her for a minute. This was my first time at the new theater, and, man, was it huge! We went in the front doors, and it looked even bigger inside. We turned in our tickets and got some popcorn and soda while we waited for the movie to start. While waiting, I saw Melissa. I waved for her to come over. Tanya looked at who I was waving at, and freaked out. They really got into talking about Twilight, so I just stayed out of it.
When it sounded like they were talking about hopes of going to Forks, Washington, if that place is even real, a man on the loudspeaker pronounced, "Twilight will now be showing. Please grab your seats and enjoy the movie."
"That's us!" Melissa squealed. "Come on! Let's get some good seats!"
"We better hurry. It looks like that party is gonna get them!" Tanya pointed over to a group of girls, probably in their 17s or 18s.
We sprinted to the viewing area and got one of the last good seats. The room was full of people, mostly girls. After a few minutes, and how many dumb previews, the movie finally started. When it came to Edward's first scene, some girls screamed, including Tanya. Melissa just giggled, and I slouched down a little, not wanting to look like I was with those two.
What really scared me was this. When it came to a close-up of Edward's golden eyes, I don't know, something went off. Now I realized why all the girls thought he was cute. Well, at least I thought his eyes were beautiful and his voice was light and gentle, even when he was angry.
When the movie was over, Tanya and Melissa were talking about it, and so was I. Even they were shocked that I was talking about Twilight and Edward. We all promised that we would buy it when it came out on DVD and have a Twilight party sometime.
For the next few weeks and days, all I could do was talk to Melissa and Tanya about Twilight and Edward. I guess they were set in stone and in my mind for a while. When I brought up the subject to my parents, they didn't mind, but after a few days, they were sick and tired of it.
The months past and, finally, Twilight came out on DVD. I bought one of the last copies for 20 bucks at the "Save a Sum" store. My friends and I decided to have our Twilight slumber party tonight at my house. We took over the whole theater room. We watched it over and over again and talked about Twilight all night until we fell asleep.
When Tanya was in a deep sleep, Melissa whispered, "Sheila? Are you up?"
"Wide awake," I sighed. I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about Edward a lot. I just couldn't shake him off.
"Can I tell you a secret? I really don't want Tanya to know because, well, it's kinda silly."
"You can tell me anything and you will hear no more of it," I promised.
Melissa shot a quick glance at Tanya to be sure she was still asleep. "I-I see Edward. Everywhere. In the park, in the store, in the library-" she paused, then even quieter whispered, "Even in my room!"
I thought she was joking, but her face was serious. I liked Edward a lot too, but I didn't see him.
"Why do you see him?"
"I don't know. All I know is it's nice seeing him, but it kinda scares me."
There was a long, awkward silence. Then Melissa gasped, "There he is!" She was pointing towards the doorway, but I didn't see anyone.
"I don't see him," I confessed.
"There must be something wrong with me," she whispered, her voice full of worry. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about this."
"I already did."
"Oh, right. Just checking."
I yawned. It was almost two in the morning.
"Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Melissa."
"'Night, Sheila."
Melissa fell asleep pretty quickly, but it took a while for me to fall asleep. All I could think about was Edward, Edward, Edward. After about an hour of thinking about him, I was finally asleep. That's when the dreams came.
I was standing in the middle of a beautiful meadow. It looked so familiar, but I couldn't think of where I've seen it before. While gazing at its beauty, I heard a low growl coming from the bushes not too far behind me. I slowly turned around and I saw a pair of coal black eyes, staring straight at me. What ever the predator was, it was close enough catch me in one leap. I took a slow and steady step backwards, watching the dark eyes. Then the predator leaped at me. All I saw was a flash of pale whiteness. That was all that I saw, then my dream ended with me screaming. I noticed that I screamed out loud, too. I sat up and looked for my friends as they came running into the room. I could smell breakfast being prepared and hear the T.V. on.
"Sheila! Are you okay?" Tanya questioned, concerned.
"We heard you scream. Is everything okay?" Melissa was even more worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, still dazed by the dream. "Just a nightmare."
"Can you tell us what it was? It might relax you," Tanya pleaded.
"It was nothing," I fibbed again, "I just had a scary dream."
"Oh. Well, come on. Your mom made us breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, the whole sha-bang," Melissa offered. I could never turn down my mother's breakfast. It's just downright delicious!
While having breakfast, I thought about my dream. What was the thing that leaped at me? Where have I seen that beautiful meadow before? What happens to me? When my friends left to go home, I went in my room and locked the door. I didn't want my parents to know about this. I wrote down everything that happened in the dream last night on a Post-It note. I stuck it on my dream wall, but I thought about my parents coming in and seeing that. I remembered I had an old black binder with some left over loose leaf paper inside hidden under my bed somewhere. I dug around under there, and finally found it. I never used it. It was just a spare incase I lost my first one, which I never did.
I took down the Post-It note and stuck it in the binder. I took another small slip of paper and wrote, "Dreams to Figure Out-NOT FOR PARENTS TO SEE!" I looked for a place where my parents couldn't find it, but where I could. I finally decided to hide it under my mattress. They never go under there.
I really wanted to tell someone my dream, but it would be embarrassing if I told anyone. Then I thought of Melissa. She would probably be the only one who wouldn't laugh or tell someone else. I called her house phone, but she didn't pick up. I tried her cell phone and she answered. She was at our favorite hang-out spot, the Cubby Lounge rooftop. Melissa's mom owns the lounge. I told her I would meet her there. I jumped on my bike and rode as fast as my old mountain bike would go.
When I got there, Melissa was sitting in her chair under our shade area having a Cold Chocolate. I joined her, sitting in my chair.
"Want something to drink?" she offered.
"No thanks. I need to talk to you about the dream I had this morning."
"What is it?" She set down her beverage.
"I had this dream where I was in this pretty meadow. Then I heard a low growl in the bushes behind me. I looked, but all I could see were a pair of black eyes. Then it leaped at me, and all I saw was a flash of pale white. I screamed, and that was the end of it."
"Wow. Did the meadow seem familiar to you, but you just didn't know where you've seen it before?"
"And you said you said you saw a flash of pale white, right?"
"Then you screamed and that was it?"
She sighed heavily, "I had the same dream a few days after we saw the movie in the theater. My mom came in and said I screamed. I lied to her, too. I haven't told anyone about that dream until now."
"What's gonna happen next? What was that thing? Where was I? Do I live? I need to know these things! It's been driving me crazy all morning!" I pelted her with the questions.
"I really don't know. The same thing happened to my cousin, and she never saw Edward. Don't worry, though. You will have the dream again tonight, and this time it will play out the whole thing."
"Thank you so much, Melissa. I think I'll take a Pepsi now."
She handed me the cold drink and took hers. We talked about Edward and Twilight some more, then we talked about going to a regular, public school.
About two hours later, my mother called me on my cell phone to come home for supper. I grabbed my bike and rode home, thinking about what Melissa told me today. "You will have the dream again tonight, and this time it will play out the whole thing." I couldn't wait for night to come.
Finally, it was nine-thirty. Time for bed. I brushed my teeth, changed into my PJs, and cleaned up my room, all in five minutes. I lay in my bed, constantly closing my eyes and trying every trick in the book to fall asleep. I didn't fall asleep for another hour. Then, just as Melissa had said, the dream came and played the whole thing.
Just like last night, I was in the beautiful meadow. I heard a low growl, turned around, and looked at the dark eyes that targeted me. The thing pounced at me, I screamed, and all I saw was a flash of pale white. Then the rest of the dream came.
I was pinned down, my eyes closed, awaiting my death from this ghastly creature. The growling continued, and then came to a sudden stop. I felt the thing's cool breath on my face. Then I heard a light, gentle, but angry voice.
"What the…? Who are you? What are you doing here?" The thing picked me up, setting me down on my feet upright.
I opened my eyes. Only a few feet away from me was Edward Cullen.
I was speechless, stuttering, "Uh…Um…I, uh…"
"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I frightened you." His voice was calm now.
I finally managed to say, "I'm fine, thanks. I'm Sheila, and I have no clue why I'm here. I am so very sorry, Edward."
He sighed and looked into my eyes as I looked into his. They were also calm and gentle.
He took a slow and cautious step towards me, checking to see if I still feared him. I smiled to show I was fine. He smiled back and took another step towards me.
I took a very small step towards him. He was still smiling. We both took steps to each other. Finally we came face to face. He brushed some of my hair back with his cold, but soothing hand. Where his fingers brushed it felt cold, then burning hot, then cool again. I stared into his eyes the whole time. He then took my hand and set it on his cheek. His face was really cold, but I didn't mind. In fact, I sort of enjoyed it.
The dream started to fade and I was waking up. I could hear myself talking to myself in my sleep, whimpering, "No, no! I want to see more! Just a little more!" Then I was quiet for a moment. While the dream was fading, Edward's hand left my face, but moved to my hand, then slipped away as the dream got darker. I then whispered, "Edward. Edward, don't go. No. Edward."
The dream finally ended, and I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with ice cold water, but a small area felt the same as before, where Edward stroked my face in the dream. I thought it was weird. I looked at the hand he held, and the hand he didn't hold. They looked the same, so I filled the sink with more ice cold water and stuck my hands in. The hand he held didn't get colder or hotter, but the other one got much, much colder. It was strange. It was like he actually held my hand and caressed my face.
I dried my face and hands and almost ran to my room. I grabbed another Post-It note and wrote down the other half of the dream and what Melissa told me on another one. I put them next to the first half of the dream. I was starting to think that I as going to see Edward sometime soon, but I read what Melissa told me about her cousin. I decided to stay home all day and think about it thoroughly.

2. The First Time

I have been thinking about the dream for the last week, as well as having the dream over and over again, waking up, mumbling, "No! No, I want to see more!" then whispering "No, Edward. Don't leave. Come back." I went to Melissa's house to talk to her. I had a feeling that I would need to see her a lot more often.
"So, you saw the full dream a week ago, and when you dipped the hand that Edward held in icy water it didn't get colder, nor warmer?"
"Not one little degree," I confirmed.
"Your one step closer to seeing Edward then," she grinned.
"Really? How much longer do I have to wait?"
She hesitated. I didn't like the look on her face.
"It might take longer than it took me, but then again, he might come to you sooner."
Just then, I saw something sparkle out on Melissa's yard. I gasped, "There he is!"
Standing there, looking like a god in his beautiful stature, was Edward.
She looked in the direction I was looking and smiled.
"Like I said, he might come to you sooner than he did me. Can you hear him? Is he moving?"
"No. He's as still as stone."
"Go to him. Maybe you skipped 'Level 1' of the process."
I was confused. "'Level 1'?"
"I'll explain later, but just go to him for now before he disappears!"
I ran out the front door and stopped two feet in front of him. He was smiling the crooked smile. I smiled back at him. He held out his hand for me to hold. I was thrilled, but I didn't show it. I didn't want to ruin this moment. I rested my hand on his, and I really felt it. I flinched back in surprise. The smile disappeared, and he looked worried. He spoke slowly and smoothly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."
Almost the exact same words he said in my dreams last night. I wanted to say something, but I was just gazing into his warm eyes, probably looking like an idiot.
"Are you okay?" he questioned.
Again, I finally spat out the words, “I’m fine, thanks."
His smiled returned, and I smiled back. I could feel Melissa's eyes drilling into my back. I looked at her and gave her a thumbs up. She was jumping up and down and clapping in that kinda scary way. Edward looked over my shoulder.
"Who's that?"
I turned around and his face was just inches from mine.
"Oh, uh-That's Melissa. She's a friend of mine."
He was quiet for a moment, and then laughed.
"What?" I pondered.
"Your friend over there thinks that we're going to fall in love someday," he said, still laughing. I tried to laugh, but it sounded weak. He sighed. "I have to get going. Hunting," he smiled.
"Alright, Edward. Maybe I'll see you soon," I smiled back.
"Maybe." He winked at me. I tried not to laugh, but a small giggle escaped my lips. His hand slipped out of mine as I stood there watching him leave. I heard Melissa come through the front door.
"So, how was it?" I could tell she wanted every single detail. Like she thinks she's gonna get it all.
"It was amazing. I could feel him, see him, and hear him. I loved it," I said, unsuccessfully trying to hide my thrilled voice.
Melissa grinned, "Well, good luck then."
"Thanks. I better get home. I have some chores to do."
"Alright. Have fun and see you later!"
I was already running, but I turned back and waved. I had a feeling that this was going to be an exciting night. And I was right.
I was just about to jump into bed, when leaning against my wall by the doorway was Edward, waiting for me.
"Good evening, Edward," I said politely.
"A great evening, actually," he replied. "I never caught your name. What is it?"
"Sheila. Sheila Winston."
"Well then, Sheila, mind if I lie next to you?"
"Uh…Sure." I had a large bed and I didn't take up that much space anyway.
I lay over my covers because tonight was really hot. Edward lied about half a foot away from me. I looked over at him as he looked at me and smiled.
"Do you mind," I whispered, "if I ask you a few questions?"
"Go ahead."
"Thanks. If you don't want to answer them, that's fine. I'm just a little curious."
He just stared into my eyes.
"Why aren't you in Forks? With Bella?"
The smile disappeared in an instant. His face was serious and miserable.
"You don't have to answer," I reminded him.
"No, no. Its fine," he reassured me, "You should know."
I waited.
"I don't know why, but Bella-" he hesitated "-Bella left me. For Jacob. She took Renesmee with her. I couldn't stay in Forks any longer. I've never been in so much pain. Knowing no one would be able to see me, I came here, to San Francisco." He sighed heavily. I could see the pain in his eyes.
"Oh, no! You poor thing! How could she?" I reached my hand out to hold his. "I am so sorry, Edward. If I knew that this was why you weren't in Forks, I never would have brought it up!"
He looked up at me and slightly smiled.
"I still can't believe she left you! How could she?" I was in disbelief. "Why would she?" Then I realized what I said. "I mean…"
"No, what do you mean 'Why'?"
I sighed, "I don't see why anyone would leave you. I mean, you're beautiful, polite, have warm eyes, and tons of other things that I could go on and on about."
He laughed a little. Then he looked down at our hands, still entwined.
"I can't believe it," he laughed, "you're warmer than Bella."
I giggled.
He glanced at my face. "You have a beautiful blush, too."
I noticed that my face really warmed up. It was the first time I have ever blushed in my entire life. I pulled my hand from his, covering my face to hide my blush. Edward looked up at me again.
"Don't hide your flush. It's a very pretty scarlet that lights up your face," he whispered as he set his hand on my cheek. He turned my face towards his with a slow and gentle movement.
"There," he whispered, "Now is it really that bad letting me see your beautiful scarlet face?"
I giggled, "I guess not."
He just chuckled. I could feel my blush getting redder. I sighed and held his hand, now used to the coolness. I stared at our hands, still embarrassed by my flush.
"Do you have any more questions?" he pondered.
"Well, one or two more, I think."
"Are you by yourself, or did the rest of the family come, too?"
"I came by myself," he responded, "They are just giving me time alone."
"I see."
"Is that really it?"
"I think so," I replied.
"Well, then," he sighed, "I have a question for you. You don't have to answer, but it would be nice if I knew."
"I'll answer it."
"Do you really like me?"
Whoops. I didn't think he would ask that. I instantly regretted it. "Can I pass?"
"You already said you would answer."
I sighed in defeat, "Yes, I really do. A lot actually. I'm sorry."
I looked up at his face. He looked perplexed.
"What are you saying sorry for?"
"Isn't it a bad thing that I really, really like you?"
He hesitated. "I don't think so. Why would you think that?"
"I don't know," I shrugged.
He laughed. Again, I tried to laugh with him, but it came out as a weak little chuckle.
We stared into each others eyes. Just as Bella had said, his eyes dazzled me and distracted me from the rest of the world, like nobody else was there in the middle of nowhere.
After a while, Edward started asking me some questions about myself. My favorite things, hobbies, etcetera, etcetera.
Then he asked me, "Is there anything you like to do at night?"
"Well," I whispered, "sometimes I go outside before I go to bed, and some nights, I sneak out when my parents are sound asleep." I looked over at my alarm clock. It was midnight. "I usually go out about now. Wanna come?"
"Why not? It's a beautiful, starry night, with a full moon and not a cloud in sight. Might as well enjoy it."
So, we headed outside out the backdoor into the backyard. It was very large, so I had lots of running space. I breathed in a breath of cool, fresh air.
"So what do you do out here?" he pondered, startling me.
I started to go red again. "Well, sometimes I watch the stars, other times I run around the yard. What would you like to do?"
"Hmmm," he mumbled. "Stars or running? Tough choice. Why don't you choose."
I thought for a moment. He was right. It was a tough choice.
"How about the stars? I did a lot of running today, plus it's kinda hot out here," I whispered.
"Fine with me," he smiled.
"Follow me," I said, "There's a great spot I found a long time ago that's great for star gazing."
He followed me without a word into a little forest on the western side of our yard. I made a path when I found the great spot. It was a short walk, but with Edward beside me, inches away, it felt longer.

3. Sharing a Sorrowful Past

We finally got there, the old blanket still under the tarp roof. Beside it was a small one-room house. My real father built it for me when I was five along with the "star gazing porch" as we called it.
"Amazing. So you come here to watch the stars?" he asked.
"Yeah. My parents don't know about this place. Sometimes I come here when I just want to get away from them. Especially my step-dad. I don't like him much," I confessed. "My real dad built this for me. If you think the outside is amazing, wait 'til you see the inside."
I led him in. Inside the little house, my favorite books were sitting on shelves with a chair on either side. I had a little end table by one of the chairs with a radio on it. Some pictures and a clock were hanging on the walls. In the corner was a little ice chest where I kept my drinks and some snacks, which I checked every other day. Next to the door, I had a shelf on the wall full of pictures of my father and me.
"You were right. The inside is much more amazing," Edward smiled. He seemed to notice the pictures of my dad and me.
"Is this your father?"
I looked over in his direction. "Oh, yeah. That's me and him when he finished this place," I sighed. I noticed my tone sounding glum. Edward noticed, too.
"Is something wrong?"
"That was one of the last pictures that was taken of him before he died."
"May I know what happened? Or is that too hard for you talk about?" he asked, being cautious not to hurt me.
"I don't know. I've never talked about it before. I could try though." I really wanted to tell someone for years, but I never had the guts to.
He sat down in one of the chairs, I sat in the other.
"My dad had cancer. At the time, I was too young to understand what was wrong with him. My mother always told me that he was very, very sick. Sometimes he would be home with us, other times he would be at the hospital. We would visit him as much as we could." I could feel tears trying to escape my eyes. I got up and stood in front of his pictures. Edward stayed where he was.
"We did this for about a year and a half. Then, one day, he got really ill. He had to go to the hospital. My mother was really scared." The tears started rolling down my face.
"Two days later, she got a call from my dad's doctor. I thought he finally got better and was going to come home, but then she burst into tears. I sensed that something was wrong. When she hung up, I asked her if dad was coming home. She said that he was gone. I didn't understand what she meant. So for the next two weeks, I would look out the window, waiting to see him park in the driveway. He never did." I really started to cry. Edward came by my side.
"Then, my mom finally told me that he was dead, and that he was never coming back. I cried for days on end, never leaving my room, except for one of those days. It was raining outside. I ran all the way here, carrying as many pictures of us as I could carry. I set them up on this shelf. I stayed here for hours, crying even more. A year passed, and I finally was better, but when my mother remarried, my step-dad didn't care about my real father. When they got married, he took down the pictures of my dad and burned or ripped all of them behind my mom's back, saying I burned them to forget about my old dad and move on. When he destroyed them, I tried to steal them away, but the only one I got was this one," I whimpered as I pointed to a partially ripped photo of my dad. "It was a picture of him on his thirty-fifth birthday. I've hated my step-dad ever since.
"So this place is very special to me. It's one of the last things that remind me of my father. I miss him…" I trailed off. I couldn't finish anymore. I was crying so hard. I buried my face in my hands. Edward hugged me close to him as I cried.
"I am so very, very sorry, Sheila." He said affectionately. He held me for an immeasurable amount of time. When my sorrows eased a little I whispered to Edward, "I miss him, Edward. I miss him so much."
"I know you do," he said, still holding me close, "Don't worry. I will always be here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on."
I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you so much."
"Anytime," he grinned back.
I glanced at the clock. It was almost three in the morning.
"Time flies by when you're being comforted by a friend," I laughed.
Edward smiled, then sighed, "Are you sure I'm just a friend, or something more?"
"What do you mean?"
He just smiled at me. I finally got the message.
"Really? I've only known you not even half a day!"
"Well, you brought me out here to gaze at the stars, which I would consider a date," he chuckled, "and I soothed you when you shared a very tragic and heartbreaking moment. What do you think?"
I hesitated, "You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?"
He shook his head.
I gasped, "Oh, my god! I can't believe this!"
He laughed. He then held my hands, and stared into my eyes. I stared into his. He hugged me close again. We stood like that for who knows how long.
He was the first to break the silence. "I think we should head inside. It's almost four. We don't want your parents to think you're missing."
I glimpsed at the clock. He was right, and I just noticed light from the sunrise lighting up the room a little.
"Alright," I sighed, "Let's get going. We didn't get to watch the stars, but at least we will get to see the sunrise."
We headed home, the eastern sky altering in shades of purple and pink.
"Race you back?" he challenged.
"Hey! No Fair! You're faster than me!"
"I'll cut you some slack and slow down."
"Thanks. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something."
"Go!" I laughed as I ran off.
"Cheater!" Edward laughed as he caught up to me. I was already halfway home.
"Why don't you speed up a little? Give me a little challenge!" I taunted him. He looked over at me and smiled wickedly and sped up just a little.
I beat him home, only because he let me win.
"You've got to give me a challenge next time!" I gasped.
"Oh, you will get a challenge next time! You will!" he laughed. I looked up at him and smiled.
"You fragile, little human."
"You strong, beautiful vampire."
We stared into each other's eyes. Edward then grabbed my hand and we walked inside. I went to bed and he watched me sleep. Tonight was the best night of my life.

4. Here Come the Cullens

It's been a month since I saw Edward. I am still thrilled to be his girlfriend. When I told Melissa, she was jealous. Her Edward was still a friend, but she thinks that soon, she, too, will be his girlfriend.
Edward and I were watching the stars when he said, "Sheila, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" I pondered. I turned towards him as he turned toward me.
"My family is coming to San Francisco tomorrow see why I haven't come home yet."
"Oh," I sighed solemnly. He noticed.
"Is something wrong?"
"Well, they're going to take you back to Forks, aren't they?"
He hesitated, "I highly doubt it. If they do even try to take me back, I will never leave. I'm going to stay here with you."
"You really mean it?" I whispered, blushing, "You'll stay with me? Forever?"
I smiled. He rested his hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes as I stared into his. We sat like that for a minute or so.
He broke silence. "Do me a favor and stay very still."
I sat as still as I could, but not as well as he could.
His eyes were scanning my face seeing if I knew what was going to happen, which I didn't. He then slowly bent his face towards mine. A jolt of electricity zipped through my body. I moved my face a little closer.
"Don't move," he reminded me.
Again, I froze where I was. The electricity went through my body, stronger this time.
Then all of a sudden, his cool lips pressed against mine tenderly, yet abruptly. The electricity flowed through my whole body, not stopping, my skin warmed rapidly, my mind was overpowering my sense to behave. I was trying to keep my hands on the blanket, but I lost the battle. It seemed Edward lost his battle, too. His hand was on my neck, pulling me closer. My fingers were knotted in his hair. When our lips parted, we froze in our places. We sat two feet away from each other, our backs to each other.
"I-I'm so sorry, Edward," I whispered.
"No, it's my fault," he sighed
"No, it's mine. I lost control of myself."
"Me too."
We looked over our shoulders at each other and smiled.
"I'm sorry, Edward."
"I'm sorry, Sheila."
He got up and started heading home.
"You c coming?" he asked.
"Yeah," I sighed, "Wanna race?"
"You know I do!"
"Well, then go!" I yelled as I started running.
"Every single time!" I heard him mumble to himself. I laughed as I beat him home.
That afternoon, Carlisle and Esme came.
"Carlisle, Esme, this is Sheila. I've been staying with her since I left Forks," Edward said as he introduced us.
"Pleased to meet you both," I said politely, holding out my hand.
"A pleasure to meet you, too, Sheila," Carlisle responded as he shook my hand.
"Thank you for taking care of him while he was gone," Esme complimented.
"You're very welcome."
"So, are you two together?" Esme questioned.
"Um…" I wasn't sure what to say.
“Esme,” Carlisle whispered to her.
"No, it’s fine. And yes, we are. For the last month, actually," Edward answered. Thank goodness.
"Well, you make a beautiful couple," Esme said.
Then Carlisle asked, "So, when are you coming back, Edward?"
I looked at Edward and he looked at me. We exchanged glances.
He finally answered, "I don't think I will be coming back anytime soon." He hugged me close to his side and grinned. I looked at him and smiled.
"Oh, well, when you're ready to come back, just tell us," Esme replied.
"Thank you, Esme," Edward replied. Esme nodded.
"Well, I think we should be going," Carlisle mentioned, "It might take us a while to get back."
"Well, it was nice meeting you," I responded.
"Goodbye, Sheila, Edward. I hope to see you both sometime soon," Esme nodded.
"Goodbye," Carlisle said, leading Esme out.
"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I mentioned to Edward, who was still holding me close to his side.
"Oh, really?"
I giggled.
A few days later, I met Edward's brothers and sisters. They were short quick meetings. It was nice to finally meet his family.

5. 'It's A Love Story…'

About five months have past. I've been discussing the latest fashions with Alice and Rosalie, playing poker with Emmett (and beating him most of the time), and, of course, spending tons of time with Edward.
One night we were talking in the little house, when Edward asked, "Would you sing for me if I played a song on the radio for you?"
"Only if you would sing for me in return," I replied.
"Fine with me." He got up and pulled out one of my favorite CDs, Fearless by Taylor Swift, my favorite singer. He played one of my favorite songs on it, Love story. He sang the first verse and chorus, and he sounded like an angel! He sang it perfectly, no flaws.
I sang the second verse.
"So I sneak out to the garden to see you. We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew, so close your eyes. Escape this town for a little while. 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter, and my daddy said stay away from Juliet. But you were everything to me I was begging you 'please don't go' and I said…"
Edward joined me in the chorus. Then I was alone in the next verse.
"I got tired of waiting. Wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading, when I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come is this in my head I don’t know what to think he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said…"
I gasped as Edward sang the next chorus. Just as the song had said, he was on one knee on the ground holding a small box in his hands. He sang,
"Marry me, Sheila. You never have to be alone. I love you, and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress. It's a love story, baby, just say…"
"Yes!" I shrieked.
Edward picked me up in his arms and twirled me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him affectionately.
"Thank you so much, Sheila! I love you so much! So very, very much!"
"Any day, Edward. Any day," I giggled, "but could you set me down, please?"
"Oh, sorry," he smiled.
So plans were made, the date was set, and everything was underway. We were just going to have a small wedding that consisted of Edward's family. Alice chose the dress, of course. It was large with little train.
The night before the wedding, I was waiting for Edward while I watched the stars.
“Sorry I’m late,” he whispered from behind me.
“Edward, it’s fi-“ I became breathless all of a sudden as I looked behind me.
Edward was shirtless.
“Is something wrong?” he asked as he lay next to me.
“Uh,” I was distracted by his beautiful stature for a second. “Wh-Where is your shirt?”
“What?” He looked down at his bare chest. “Shoot. I guess I forgot it back at my house. I’ll go back and get it.” He started to get up.
“No!” I exclaimed, flushing the darkest of reds. “I mean, I don’t mind.”
He looked at me and lay back down.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” I smiled as my face turned an impossibly darker shade of red, “In fact, I kinda like it.”
He chuckled lightly. He propped himself on his elbow and hugged me close to his side as I laid my head on his cool, bare chest.
"Tomorrow's the big day," I sighed after a while.
"Do you think this was a good idea? I'm not saying I don't want to get married, but I'm just wondering." I looked up at him.
He hesitated, "We might run into some problems concerning our marriage, but we will get through them, I know we will."
I smiled at him and rested my hand on his cheek. He grinned back. I pulled his face closer. He got the message and rested his hand on my cheek and pulled me in. When our lips met, my skin warmed up, the electricity buzzed through my body, but I was able to control myself. My hand slid onto his chest. The kiss felt like it lasted a very long time.
When our lips parted, I smiled at him, whispering, “I won my battle."
"Me too," he whispered back.
The next day Alice helped me get into my dress.
"Here," she said, handing me a small case, "put this on. It's from Carlisle and Esme."
I opened up the case and inside was a black leather wristband with the Cullen crest on it. I put it on and it fit perfectly.
"Alright," said Alice, "You are ready. Now just stay calm and everything will be fine."
I nodded and took a deep breath.
Finally I came out from behind the trees. Our wedding was being held outside in the little forest. At the end of the aisle was Edward, looking handsome in his tux. The wedding went along smoothly. When it came to the "I do’s" I started to cry a little and my voice cracked. When Edward said "I do" he looked deep into my eyes, and I looked deep into his. They were warm and loving.
Finally, we were pronounced husband and wife. I threw my arms around his neck and he rested his hand on my cheek. We smiled at each other before sharing a tender, heartwarming kiss.

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Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:08 pm
tinkembell says...

I thought this was very good, I don't think there were any grammar or spelling mistakes and it was a very imaginitive idea. You missed Jasper out on the part where you said what you did with his siblings and think you might want to read out the dialogue so it flows a little more.Also i think you might want to rethink the age, if i'm right she got married at thirteen. Other than that very good :)
"The rabbit always squeals in the jaws of the fox, but when has another rabbit ever rushed up to save it?" Damon Salvatore
;'( please, my lump, he just needs HUGS <3
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Just keep writing, just keep writing, do-do-do-do-do

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Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:09 pm
Giselle97 says...



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Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:26 pm
kjr5horses says...

Interesting story....I am not one for vampires but it was good. I did not notice any major mistakes. The only thing I noticed was your dialogue it did not seem to flow as smoothly as could have.

But overall it was well written.
"Me I'm dishonest but a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly its the honest ones you have to watch out for because you can never tell when they are going to do something incredibly...stupid." ~Capt. Jack Sparrow

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Sat May 07, 2011 1:36 am
kcglitter says...

I loved it a lot nothing wrong with it as fare as spelling goes, but the age she grade nine right and Jasper is missing other then that it’s fine and I loved the back story really sad about the dad.
Love is strong, but there is more to life then to finding the love of your life...like...like...give me a minute...oh I got nothing, but there is...what was I talking about???

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:47 pm
sammay says...

I liked it alot. it was good.
People think I'm quiet those who know me wish I was.

I <3 to write.

- Sammay :D

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:56 am
DragonGirl11 says...

Hey IseeEdward! I'm going to attempt to review this a little more in depth than the others here, chapter by chapter. I've read and watched the whole Twilight series, so I know the canon characters. However, I haven't read a lot of fanfiction, but I'll do the best I can.

Part One
This chapter was the weakest, I felt, language wise. There were a bunch of things I feel you can change.
- Throughout the whole piece, try and use some more colourful language, especially in the beginning of this chapter. For example, you used "good looking" several times. You can change some to "hot", "sexy", or "beautiful"
It looks like that party is going to get them.
Would a teenager actually say "that party" in this context? I think she'd say "that bunch", "those girls", plain old "them", or even "that group"
...in their 17s or 18s.
Try "around 17 or 18."
...and how many dumb previews...
I don't like reading "how many" When you're trying to tell me an amount. Consider "lots of", "a bunch of", "too many" etc.
...Edward's golden eyes, I don't know, something went off.

...decided to have our Twilight slumber party tonight at my house
that night.
All I saw was a flash of pale whiteness. That was all that I saw, then my dream ended...
you used "All I saw" twice. But while I'm on the subject of that paragraph, I'm guessing it's supposed to be an exact copy of Bella's dreams, right? Hm. :/
...looked for my friends as they came running into the room.
You'd established that they were in the same room. Fix something here.
Pancakes, bacon, the whole sha-bang...
That's actually "shebang". :)
...binder with some left over loose leaf paper...
That's actually leftover.
...having a Cold Chocolate.
Don't capitalize those C's. But wouldn't that just be chocolate milk? XD
...then we talked about going to a regular, public school.
You didn't mention school before or after, so I'd suggest you either delete this or elaborate a tiny bit.

Part Two
She took Renesmee with her.
Sheila hasn't seen Breaking Dawn yet, so she wouldn't know who Renesmee is. In fact, depending on how the timeline goes, Renesmee might not exist yet.

Other than that this chapter was really good. Much better use of language, no spelling or grammatical mistakes that jumped out at me.

Part Three
You really did great on the part about Sheila's Dad. It was very heartfelt and emotional.
"I am so very, very sorry, Sheila." He Sheila," he said affectionately. He held me for an immeasurable amount of time. New paragraph here When my sorrows eased a little I whispered to Edward, "I miss him, Edward. I miss him so much."

"Really? I've only known you not even half a day!"
This isn't exactly proper, but it's the way someone would actually phrase it.

Part Four
It's been a month since I saw Edward. I am still thrilled to be his girlfriend.
Two things here. First, you have a bit of mix-up in tenses. You've got "It's" and "I am" where there should be "It had" and "I was". Second, I think you mean "It had been a month since I first saw Edward."

This chapter was a little short. It had quite a bit of dialogue, but I've got nothing bad to say.

Part Five
-First paragraph: mention something about Jasper, even if he purposely avoided her and the smell of her blood.
-Make this cover a longer period of time. It's perfectly fine if he doesn't propse until after she graduates. It would make more sense than getting married at fifteen or sixteen. Then again, she's marrying a figment of her imagination, so it's not going to make sense. :P
“In fact, I kinda like it.”
Of course she likes it! She's marrying him, isn't she?

Ok, this one is pretty important. I noticed Edward asked Sheila alot of questions,throughout the story, that he should have got from reading her mind. I would have quoted them, but there was a lot. Edward can read minds. He should know these things, unless Sheila's a shield like Bella, but that's super-duper extremely rare. Oh, and he came from her head in the first place, so that would probably make it even easier for him to hear her thoughts.

In conclusion, I really liked your story. It was lots of fun to read, just as fun as the original books. Of the few fanfictions I've read, most have their OC meet Edward for real, so I loved how you made it so he was only in her mind. I spent a whole bunch of time on this review, so even if you don't take my suggestions I hope it helps you.

Write on, and God bless!

"You could look at the raindrops on your window, or you could look through the window and see the rainbow."
~K.C. Oxford


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Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:10 pm
penguinduan1 says...

...pick you up at 3 o' clock tonight.

3 o' clock as in 3 in the morning (3 A.M.) or 3 P.M. (in the afternoon)? I got a bit confused there... I just wanted to make that note. Alrighty, buh-bye!

"If you are mad at someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes." -Anonymous (I forgot)

The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch somebody else doing it wrong, without comment.
— T. H. White