
Young Writers Society

Chapter 8: Sibera

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Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:51 pm
Derek says...

Spoiler! :
Something about this chapter is weird to me, after reading it. A little cheese, a little "unrealistic", which is surprisingly easy to do despite the fact that it is, unrealistic. Probably has something to do with my skill as a writer, not being able to produce what is in my head properly. At this point I'm going to continue focusing on getting the story line down on "paper" and worry about grammar and writing ability later. Still, not proud of this but I am happy the next chapter starts their entry into Lemeria, finally!

Chapter 8: Siberia
Viewpoint: Lucas

The last flight of stairs till we reached the first floor were the worst. When we got down there what would be different? Not much time had allowed us to process what we had experienced. Powers, stuff out of books or movies. I could move stuff without touching it, Telekinesis, maybe. Veda's was harder to figure out, she could...control people, but those things weren't people so maybe it was only animals.

The truth was, when we got to the bottom, would we still be sane? Dreaming maybe? The answer was in front of me and I could see the final step. As we took it, Veda and I noticed that no one was outside the once guarded cafeteria door. The reason we used the side door last time was to avoid being seen by the teachers, but it seemed they were gone, or simply inside the cafeteria.

"They are probably just inside." Veda said, her pulse was increasing steadily.

"Now is not the time to be optimistic." I replied, turning my head to look at her.

"No, now is the best time." Even without the words, I had believed her. I nodded my head and we made our way quietly to the door of the cafeteria. My back against the wall, I peered my head over slowly to look inside the windows on the door. The optimism hadn't paid off. From what I could see in the window it was empty.

"Well?" Veda asked.

I sighed. "It's empty. Come on, let's go inside." I opened the door and pulled her through. We entered the normally busy cafeteria and the quiet was not comforting.

"Lucas? Veda?" A voice to our left startled us.

"Emeth." I said, not sounding as happy as I should have.

"Oh look, Lydia is here too, let's ignore her." Lydia said, unfortunately not sarcastic. Emeth grinned and looked at her for a second then turned back.

"You don't sound too excited to see us..." Emeth said.

"Yea, well, if you knew what happened you might not be so surprised." Veda finally said.

"Something...weird happened to you guys too?" Lydia stepped forward.

"Weird is an understatement for what happened. We got attacked, by wolves." We stood there for a minute, and no one said anything. "I sound like a crazy person, right? There is no way wolves would attack us here and there is no such thing as powers, like moving things with your mind and controlling peoples bodies ha. Am I right?" I laughed out loud long enough for it be awkward.

"Crazier even, is being attacked by a giant...thing. I can't even describe it to you. Fire and ice, just as crazy, right?" Emeth said.

"This is not happening."

"Snap out of it Lucas. Let's face it, something is going on here and it's effecting us. We were almost killed, we have some kind of abilities that came from somewhere, given to us by someone, we saw it, it happened, this isn't a dream and the more time we spend dwelling, denying, and wondering about it the less time we have to figure out why it happened. I need to find my brother and everyone else that was here before." Veda turned to walk out of the cafeteria but I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"You're right. I'm sorry, it's just...hard for me to wrap my head around all of this. Stay, we should wait to see if anyone comes back, or maybe wait for Annabeth and Riley." I let go and she nodded in agreement.

"I'll try to call them." Emeth took out his phone and dialed the number as he walked toward the corner of the room. Lydia sat down at one of the lunch tables close to the center of the room and we followed and joined her.

"So, um, fire or ice?" I asked. Lydia shot me a weird look for a moment.

"Fire." She replied by looking down at the table.

"Not the one I would have guessed." Veda said.

"Just be glad I don't know how to use it again." Lydia said giving Veda a heated look.

"Listen." Veda slammed her hand on the table. "I'm not completly defenseless either and I'm not going to sit here and take crap from Annabeth's little bitch."

"Excuse me? At least I'm not a whore, at least I don't have a druggy brother and live in the projects." Lydia stood up from the table, returning the same amount of attitude. Veda went in to punch Lydia but I caught her in time and held her back. She struggled shouting "When I learn to control people you'll be burning that cute little hair off your head yourself!"

"Calm down, both of you! This is not the time to be fighting." Veda got lose and pushed me away. She walked away, her fist tightened, and sat down a few tables away. Lydia sat back down in her chair and crossed her arms.

"What's going on over here?" Emeth said.

"I don't know, doesn't matter, what did they say?" I said.

"No service, I tried a few places inside but I couldn't get any. I usually have it here though. Towers must be down cause of the storm or something."

"Great. What are we supposed to do Emeth?"

"I don't know Lucas. You are always the man with the plan, not me." Before I could reply the doors that Veda and I came thought burst open and everyone stood to attention, ready to face whatever was coming through, luckily we wouldn't have too.

"There you guys are." Lydia said running to great her best friend with a hug.

"Surprised you're talking to me." Annabeth replied, a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that, I really am. We can talk about it later okay?"

"Sounds good." They hugged again.

"I'm guessing you guys had an equally freaky experience." I said, toward Riley.

"You all too? I thought it was just us." He said, sounding relieved.

"Yea, we all had our own little "adventure" it seems. What is going on here? This can't be a coincidence and it's not a dream." Veda said walking from her sulking corner and over toward the group. "Did anyone find my brother?" She asked.

"We didn't see anyone." Emeth said. Annabeth and Riley looked at each other for a moment, then at Veda.

"I'm sorry Veda. We didn't find anyone either." Annabeth said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"It's okay. He probably skipped out of school before all for this even went down." She said, chuckling.

"Probably." Riley said trying to assure her.

"What do we do now?" Lydia said.

"What you were meant to do, dear Lydia." A voice startled us, everyone looking in different directions trying to find the source. On the far side of the room a boy, he looked about our age, came walking toward us. His hair was white and medium in length. He was wearing black jeans, a blue t.-shirt, and a yellow string was around his right wrist.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name isn't really important, what is important is why you are all here and where you are going. Those powers you were given are not meant to be used in this world." His voice wasn't high nor low, it was comforting, soothing.

"If you know what is going on then just tell us." Veda asked, demanding answers.

"That isn't for me to do. I'm simply, a messenger if you will, a conduit. I was sent here to find you, and to take you were you are supposed to be."

The time he had spent talking he was also moving closer, he stopped a few feet from us.

"Your eyes." I said. "They are yellow."

"Yes, everyone from Lemeria has yellow eyes. At least, my people do."

"Your people? What does that mean? Where is Lemeria?" Annabeth asked.

"As I said, that is not for me to do. I am not meant to answer any question but one. And that is, what is Lemeria."

"Then what is Lemeria?" Lydia said sounding intrigued.

"It's...not somewhere you can go physically. There is only one way and I will provide that way. Humans would refer to it as "another dimension" but it is simply a world that is connected to yours, it lives inside of it."

"You said you would provide the way, are we going there? Do we even have a choice?" Emeth joined in on the conversation.

"They better watch you, you catch on quick. No, you don't have a choice. When this conversation is over you will find yourself in Lemeria, with only one hope of getting out."

"This is ridiculous, this has to be a joke. Powers, alternate dimensions, all this is crap." Veda exploded out of nowhere. The mysterious boy walked past Emeth and I, and over to Veda.

"Really? When that wolf was about to rip your head off and you were saved by being given the power that no other person in the world, neither of our worlds, posses and you choose to deny the facts that are right in front of you? What of your brother? He would have believed all of this right? He is the optimistic one, your protector, without him here to define what you can and cannot do, you are just hopeless aren't you? I can help you fix that." By this time he was leaning pretty far into her face.

"What did you do to him?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"WE, did not do anything. I'll make you a deal though. If you choose to not to fight this, not that is matters seeing as you don't have a choice, you will find out what happened to your brother. I promise you that." She was quiet for a minute, no one else dared say anything and we all stood frozen until she finally said.

"Fine. Do whatever you want."

"Good girl." He said, moving away from Veda and into the center of all of us. "No doubt you have an enormous amount of questions, and I wish I could answer them but I cannot. The time has come for you to enter Lemeria."

"If all of this is real." The boy turned his head toward me. "And I'm still doubting that whatever you are about to do will work, why? Why are the ones who must travel to your world." It was hard for me to say aloud, until you've experienced something like this you don't realize just how crazy you sound.

"You will have all your questions answered, Lucas, I promise."

"Before you go, please, tell us your name?" I asked.

"I am Forem, for the cycle will never end." Those words were the last I heard. I don't even remember if I fell asleep, if everything just went black, there is nothing from that moment, just an empty feeling.
Last edited by Derek on Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:41 am
davantageous says...

I like this story. I have not read the other two chapters but do plan to. Before I go on, the viewpoint is amazing and was spot on. I did not find much if anything to comment on so I'll just post two examples of my favorites.

"Listen." Veda slammed her hand on the table. "I'm not completly defenseless either and I'm not going to sit here and are crap from Annabeth's little bitch."

"My name isn't really important, what is important is why you are all here and where you are going. Those powers you were given are not meant to be used in this world." His voice wasn't high nor low, it was comforting, soothing.

*gestures in butterfly meme*
— BluesClues