
Young Writers Society

Take A Chance- 21

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:45 am
theotherone says...

“She chose me, so you better back off,” Cole whispered harshly. His face was close and I could clearly smell the hint of mint on his breath. He was way too close for my self control.

“You’re gonna have to make me. I’m not giving up on her that easily.” He blinked at me.

“You’ll have to. You’re still thinking about what Ben said to you all those years ago. You can’t change any of it and you’re too careful because of that. You won’t have the guts to choose her over him.” His lips were stretching in a smile.

“She’s better off with me anyways,” my words came out gruffly, almost menacing. Almost.

“That’s what you think, buddy. She’s not,” he stopped there, frowning. “You think she needs a little boy that will just want her when he feels like it, and ignore her the rest of the time? A guy that will always accomplish her brother’s wishes before hers? No, she needs a man. A real man, not some coward like you,” he finished. My hand came up to grab his shirt as I pushed him to the wall, squishing him between it and my body. The force of it didn’t even make him squint. It was enraging me.

“You’re a fucking monster who just wants to use her. I’m not gonna let you do that. Neither will Ben,” I sputtered in his face. I could feel my lips curling back from my teeth in fury. He laughed in my face and I pushed him once again against the wall, my muscles responding instantly to my thoughts.

You can try to do something about it, but you know you won’t succeed.” In a second, we were down on the floor, wrestling together. I always thought that he would be stronger than me, but I guess I was wrong. We were equally struggling, no one succeeding at taking over long enough to some real damage. It had probably something to do with the intense training everyone had given me for the past few weeks. They hadn’t stop for even a minute, and every time I came home from school, someone was waiting for me on the porch, ready for another lesson.

Cole’s labored breathing brought me back to the present. I looked down at him, a small smile of victory spreading on my lips. I had taken over while I was lost in my thoughts and now, with Cole’s body underneath mine, I knew that all of the pain hadn’t been in vain. I brought my face closer to his, my teeth almost touching his skin. So close, I could bite down on him. My body was shivering all over, and I knew I had to control myself fast. I wouldn’t be winning this if I couldn’t manage myself.

“I have a whole pack behind me,” I said, taking a deep breath. I held it, letting my lungs soak in the fresh air.

“And I have a few hundred years of experience,” he answered, pushing me back from him and getting up in a flash. He left me alone on the floor so I pushed myself up too. I didn’t want to leave him the advantage of height. We circled each other slowly, eyes locked together.

“You know, you maybe think that I don’t deserve her. You don’t either. No more than I do,” he said, a smile taking over his lips once again. A scream escaped my mouth, and before I even knew, my legs were carrying me to him. I pushed him to the floor, climbing on top of him and taking my hand way back. I let it go back down, aiming toward his face. I hit him, over and over again. It all happened so fast, he didn’t get the chance to do anything, not even protect himself.

Blow after blow, his head kept swiping from side to side, and my hand hurt like a bitch, but I didn’t care. Fury was emanating from my entire body, leaving it cold.

“Stop,” a voice whispered but I didn’t know from where it came. It sounded like it was coming from underwater, almost inaudible. I swung my arm once again, this time aiming for Cole’s stomach. His eyes were closed, mouth in a grimace you sometimes see when someone eats a slice of fresh lemon.

“Stop,” the voice was closer now, the letters coming together in my head but I still couldn’t register them right. A hand grabbed at my arm as it was swinging back for another punch, but it failed to keep it up and it slammed in Cole’s throat.
The hands grabbed my shoulders, pushing me off of Cole.

Stop it,” a hysterical scream right beside my ear made me snap off, and I finally looked at the scene before me. Cole was still on the floor, but he had turned on his side, curling up in a fetal position. Alicia was standing between me and him, a scared expression on her face. When our eyes met, she dropped hers to the floor and turned to Cole. She got down on one knee, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?” She turned to me, getting up once again.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She screamed. A stunning contrast from the soft whisper she had used only seconds ago.

“He was...” I didn’t finish my sentence, the words had too much trouble passing through my closed up throat.

“Can’t you just leave him alone?” She turned her back to me, taking Cole’s hand and helped him to get up. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I felt as if I would puke. I felt cold. Numb. I couldn’t move nor say a word when they walked away. Not when Alicia gave me one last look, a mixture of sadness, disappointment and anger. Not when Cole put his arm around her and winked at me. Not for a long time.

Eventually, Ryan came along. “Man, are you okay?” He asked, jogging down to me.

“You look terrible,” Delia came after him, noticing me too.

“Here,” Ryan gave me his hand, helping me stand up. A spiky ache ran through my hand, and I took a big breath.
Everything felt sharp around me. The colors, the smell... The pain. I looked down at my knuckles, finding them red, the
skin covering them ripped up.

“We should take care of that as soon as we get home,” Delia said, looking at me. I nodded absently, flexing my hands. The pain felt so good. These last few days had been hard emotionally, with Alicia’s refusal and anger, and physically with the intense training. I needed something real that I could grab onto. And right now, the pain I felt in my body was far better than the one I felt deep in my chest.

“Let’s go, Brett and Drew already left,” Ryan slapped my shoulder. We walked to the parking lot, heading to Ryan’s car that was parked there. But as I was opening the passenger door, I saw a friend of Alicia standing at one of the doors that led to the side of the school. She looked like she was waiting for someone, maybe to pick her up. I walked towards her, not even bothering to close the car door. I heard Ryan call after me, but I ignored him. How could I tell him what I was doing when I didn’t even know myself?

“Hey, it’s Bailey, right?” I asked her when I was close enough. I still had a few steps to go before I was beside her. She turned around to get a better look at me, her face instantly lighting up with a smile when she recognized me. I noticed her hands go to her waist, lifting her skirt to make it ride higher on her thighs. The school dress code was pretty strict and it was a constant fight between the students and the teachers, but as soon at the bell rang for a final time at the end of the day; most girls were stripping to tanks tops and much shorter shorts and skirts. It had probably been the case of Bailey today, but what she was doing now wasn’t a rebellion against the school administration. No, it was more of a final attempt to look sexier.

“Hey Liam, what’s up?” Her hands went up to her hair and fluffed it.

“Did you see Alicia leave? Was she with someone?” I asked her. Her eyes left the floor to settle on mine.

“Yeah, she left with Cole,” I could hear a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Okay... Ben was just wondering...” I didn’t know why I was saying that, but I felt the need to give an excuse. She smiled exuberantly and laughed, leaning closer toward me.

“He doesn’t have to worry, I bet Cole can take very good care of her,” she said in a high pitched voice. It sounded almost plaintive. I couldn’t stop myself to think of her comment in the sexual way, and I tried to push it away. I pushed my hands in my pockets, forcing air in my lungs.

“Are you waiting for someone?” I asked her in attempt to change the subject. It worked.

“Yeah, but he’s late. Really late. Are you leaving right now?” Again, she looked at me, smiling in a fake way.

“Yes I am... Do you want a ride?” I asked slowly. I didn’t want the words to leave my mouth, but at the same time, I felt like I would be a jerk if I didn’t at least offer. She might say no.

“Sure, that would be really nice.” Damn. I smiled and lead the way to Riley’s car. Delia and Riley were still there, talking quietly beside the driver’s side. They were probably talking about what was happening with me.

“Ready to go?” Riley asked me, head going up when he saw me. His eyes traveled to Bailey beside me.

“She’s been waiting a while for her ride... I offered her to drive her home?” The last sentence went out of my mouth sounding more like a question. Riley nodded and went in the car, starting it up. Delia looked at me one last time before getting inside herself. I opened the door for Bailey and when she was sitting, I got to the other side. Inside, it was silent and everyone was looking straight ahead. Soon I couldn’t take it anymore so I turned to Bailey.

“So, I bet school was pretty boring today,” I said, smiling once again to her. She did too, scooting a little closer to me.
Her knee was touching mine, and her skirt was riding even higher, if it was even possible. I had a feeling that if she moved, I would see her underwear.

“Isn’t it always?” She laughed at her own joke. I met Riley’s eyes in the rear-view mirror but ignored him. “I heard that you and Lisa aren’t on good terms lately. It’s a shame,” she said. Her voice made it clear she didn’t think so though.

“It’s been a little bit tough,” I said, choosing to play the game as well.

“You know there’s not only her... A lot of girls would love to pass time with you.” I smiled, feeling like I should feel complimented when in fact I didn’t feel anything at all. She turned her head to look out the window and instructed Riley to turn on several streets. All the while, she kept brushing against me, touching my arm and my knee occasionally.

I tried scooting away from her, but when I did, she gave me a look that made me freeze. If looks could kill... I smiled, and she did too, her eyes automatically softening.

“That’s me.” She looked out, hand on the door handle. She turned around again, facing me when the car finally came to a stop.

“If you ever want to come lunch with us, you know where we eat, right?” She asked, still smiling.

I nodded, opening my mouth to answer her, “yeah, the wall.” She winked at me and then opened her door. She got out flawlessly, like every girl dreamed to move like. She made a move as if she was about to go, but then bent back down, arm resting on the top of the open door. Her mouth was gaping open, like she wanted to do something, but couldn’t get around to it. Almost as if she was nervous. I felt bad for her. She had seemed too fearless before, but now I could see right through her act. She was a nice girl, and she just wanted to be noticed, like she thought she deserved to be.

“See you later,” I said enthusiastically, waving my fingers at her. She blushed, her cheeks growing a deep shade of red, reminding me of Alicia. She was constantly blushing when we were young, and even though it had grown better over the years, she still became a little bit darker in the cheeks when she was embarrassed or angry.

“So, who was that?” Ryan asked, winking at me in the rear-view mirror.

“No one that matters,” I mumbled, looking down at my hands. If you even knew, I thought, smiling faintly as I thought of the one girl that actually did matter. Probably the only one that ever will.
Last edited by theotherone on Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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64 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1098
Reviews: 64
Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:15 pm
WriteWriter says...

Wow. I love this chapter. It's probably my favorit chapter so far, other than he one where Liam and Alicia kiss. I really want Liam and Alicia to get together here soon because it seems as though they're a perfect match for each other and Liam....he sounds super sexy...Lol. I didn't see any mistakes other than furry needs to be spelt fury by the way. I enjoyed this chapter like I enjoyed all the others and I'm loving the book so far. I don't think anything could make it better than it is now. Great job and keep writing, can't wait for the next chapter!!!(:
I Know I Can Wish Upon A Star But My Past Is My Past, And That Includes Last Night And Yesterday.

Daddy Long Legs are more closely related to crabs than spiders and somehow the idea of crablike creatures with spider legs that have escaped the entrappings of the primordial sea and now crawl over land and can walk up and down walls and ceilings creeps me more than I can adequately describe.
— Snoink