
Young Writers Society

Hidden Illusions Chapter 3

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:25 am
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tigershark17 says...

Melanie sat in math class the next morning, watching the teacher’s green ink scrawl across the board. Something nudged her arm. Jordan held out a note, and she opened it. Again tonight? it said. She glanced at him then back at the note, staying silent for several moments. His eyes grazed over her. She hesitated. Should I? she thought. He seems trustworthy, I suppose, but… Melanie looked back at him again. He has the most gorgeous eyes, she realized. They were the colour of the Caribbean on a stormy day: a steamy grayish-green that seemed to lead right into his soul. She nodded, hoping she wouldn’t regret the choice. As soon as they left the class, a tall kid with bright purple and yellow hair walked up to Jordan. From a few feet away, Melanie could hear the standard “Hey, what’s up” exchange between them.
“You comin’ to the football game tonight? Xander’s coming, and he’s bringing somebody with him.”
They quickly discussed car plans, and clapped each other on the back.
“Ok. See ya, bro.”
Melanie had to dash to her next class. Smack! Her body collided with another, sending them to the floor. Melanie realized with horror that the girl was Miranda, with Brittaney in tow. The tiny girl helped Miranda up, dusting her off. The two then walked together, Miranda sending Melanie a glare that told her this event would not be forgotten. Melanie went straight from school back home to change, pulling on her bathing suit under her jeans and sweater. The house was strangely silent. Glancing outside, she realized her father’s truck was gone. A strange mix of relief and fear washed over her. She slid her mother’s door open, her eyes wandering helplessly across the thin figure. Streaks of purple and black lined her arms and marked her face. Melanie turned away with a sigh and closed the door. A knock on the front door sounded, and she jumped. Briefly glancing at her watch, she hurried to answer.
“Hey,” Jordan said.
“Oh… hi Jordan.”
“Do you want to come to the game with me tonight? I mean, I know it’s kind of short notice and all, but…”
Melanie brushed some hair out of her face.
“Um, when does it start?”
“Um… sure, yeah… okay.”
“Great! I’m going down to the bookstore now, so do you want to meet there in say, an hour and a half?”
She agreed, breathing a silent thanks as the door shut that her father had not been home. An hour later the front door slammed, and Melanie quickly shut her door and grabbed her things. As she heard her name she slid out the window and climbed down. She crammed her things into her purse and ran at the same time, slowing only when she was out of view of the house. The warm scent of coffee greeted her as she entered the bookstore and checked on the time. They didn’t need to leave for a half hour, so she picked up a book to read.
“Watcha reading?” Jordan asked.
She held up the book and he nodded.
“Sarah Dessen, huh? Is she good?”
Melanie only nodded.
“How many times have…”
Jordan raised his eyebrows.
“And you don’t own it yet?”
She shook her head.
“Would you like to?”
“I can’t. I don’t have any money.”
Jordan picked up the book and held his hand out to her.
“Come on.”
They approached the counter and she stopped.
“Oh, no… you really don’t have to…”
He shrugged.
“I know.”
Three minutes later the book was in her hands, hers. She smiled softly at him.
“Thank you.”
“Anything to make you smile.”
He laughed at the look on her face. When they got to the game, she walked silently beside him. They walked in and she stiffened immediately, a look of shock crossing her face. Jordan frowned.
“Have you never been to a game?”
He took her hand and led her up the bleachers. The kid with purple and yellow hair was a couple rows up, with a girl Melanie recognized as the star of the girls’ basketball team. On her other side was Xander Kelt, a guy almost every girl in school drooled over. Jordan didn’t drop her hand until they sat down by the purple kid. The standard few words of male conversation broke out, allowing Melanie to catch the name Aiden before the crowd's roar blocked all the other sounds. Jordan leaned over to her.
“That’s Aiden,” he said, nodding towards the hair colour kid. “And this is Aubrey, and that’s Xander. Guys, this is Melanie.”
At that moment, a touchdown scored, and the crowd screamed. Aubrey came over to sit by her.
“I haven’t seen you here before, Melanie. Where do you normally sit?”
“Um, I usually don’t go to games.”
“Oh.” Aubrey nodded. “Is it the noise?”
Melanie shrugged.
“I just don’t normally come. I’m usually pretty busy. So, are you here with Aiden?”
“Oh gosh no. I mean he’s a cool guy, don’t get me wrong, but… he’s Miranda’s brother.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, girl! Aiden Houstin is Miranda's little brother.”
“Did Xander bring you then?”
Aubrey nodded and pulled Melanie close.
“He asked me out to dinner after the game. It’s my first date.”
“Oh, really? Where’s he taking you?”
“Seasons 52.”
The game ended several minutes later and each couple went their way, Xander and Aubrey to dinner, Melanie and Jordan to the lake. They swam for an hour together before he took her back home. She couldn’t use the steps outside her window, she knew, or Jordan would wonder why she didn’t use the front door. They said goodnight, and several minutes later she lay across her bed, book in hand. Sarah Dessen had been Kaylie’s favorite. A small sigh escaped her lips. Some days, missing Kaylie was a dull hum of feeling compared to everything else, but every now and then, the ache in her heart throbbed so she could think of nothing else. A few tears crept down her cheek. Once again, her mother’s cry split the night air. She was calling for Alana again. Who is Alana? Melanie thought. And why does my mom keep calling out for her? It was silent for a long time while Melanie read, and then she heard it again.
“Alana! No… Al… Alana…”
Her mother stood chopping vegetables in the kitchen the next morning, something Melanie hadn't seen her do in over a year.
“Hi Mom.”
Her mother smiled weakly. Normally she was still in bed at this time. Melanie felt a wave of affection come over her. She looked so motherly doing a task like that; it was something Melanie rarely saw. She hesitated a few moments and the went for it.
Several moments of silence passed before she spoke again. Her mother looked up curiously.
“Who’s Alana?”
A mixed look of pain and fear crossed her mother’s face.
“Where did you hear about her?”
“You’ve been calling for her at night.”
Her mother went pale.
“You’ve never mentioned it before.”
“It’s only been a couple nights.”
Minutes passed and neither spoke.
“Who is she Mama?”
Her mother stopped chopping and looked up at her.
“Your baby sister.”
Melanie gaped. She didn’t have a sister. She had never had any siblings.
“I was five months pregnant,” Cindy said, resuming her task. “You were barely a year old.”
Melanie waited silently for her to continue.
“Your father and I had been married for almost three years. I was doing the laundry in our room, and…” She stopped. Melanie heard the sound of gravel and stood immediately. The front door opened and she watched her mother’s entire body change. Within seconds, Cindy stood rigid, her face a stone, her eyes dark with fear. Melanie joined her mother around the corner beside the fridge, and the stood waiting. Ryan stomped in and slammed his beer down on the counter, moving right past them to his office. As soon as the door shut Cindy turned back to her daughter with a breath of relief.
“You better go.”
Melanie nodded and swiftly kissed her mother on the cheek. On her way out she saw Jordan tossing his stuff into his truck. He waved.
“Hey. You’re not walking, are you?”
Another nod. He motioned to her.
“Come on. I’ll give you a ride.”
“You leave awfully early,” she said, climbing in.
“I have to go pick up Aiden.”
He was already sitting on the doorstep as they pulled in, and Melanie moved over to make room. She was re-introduced to the now blue-haired kid next to her before Jordan took over the conversation.
“How’s your mom doing?”
“Uh, she’s okay. I think the music really helps her right now.”
Jordan nodded as they pulled in. Melanie could hardly focus on anything all day except her sister. Who was she? What happened? She walked by the gym where Brittaney was rehearsing. A boy she did not recognize sat just inside the door, listening intently. He didn’t look up as she walked in, too focused on Brittaney to notice much else. Melanie smiled to herself, thinking he must like her, but he got up just as she hit the last note. She was watching him leave when Brittaney came up to her.
“You sounded awesome! Who was that guy sitting here?”
“Thanks! What guy?”
“He was sitting right there.”
“I didn’t see anyone. what do you have now?”
“Oh, okay. Well, I’ll see you at lunch. Oh, hey, are you coming to the concert Friday night?”
“What concert?”
“Oh, we have a choir performance on Friday.”
“Oh! Sure, I’ll come.”
A couple hours later, Melanie headed to third period, dreading the class. Today started debate week in CWI. She chose a table right behind Jordan, who then moved his things and sat by her. The teacher launched into his explanation of how debates worked, along with an entire printed list of rules which he insisted on passing out to every student. Even behind his two-inch thick glasses he apparently couldn’t see his entire class yawning. When they finally got started, Braden Harper stood behind one podium, Zara opposite him. Melanie paid no attention to what they were saying, but instead observed the way they watched each other. She didn’t realize she was staring until Jordan elbowed her.
“Hey. Are you okay?”
Braden was looking Zara up and down possessively, and though Zara was looking right at him, she was oblivious to the look in his eyes.
“Melanie!” he whispered sharply.
She jumped.
“Sorry. Are you okay?” Jordan looked sincerely concerned.
“Uh...yeah, fine. Why?”
Jordan raised his eyebrows. “You were staring at them.”
She ignored the statement and turned back to the debate, trying to look casual this time. Braden Harper was the hottest guy in school; how out of it would Zara have to be not to notice his attention? The bell rang as Zara was in midsentence, and Melanie piled out the door, buried in the crowd. When lunch hit, Chloe had disappeared, and Brittaney had last minute music practice. Melanie and Amanda made their way down to the lunchroom. From her spot at the table, Melanie could clearly see Braden at the next table. Across from him was Miranda, and she was talking animatedly, waving her hands and laughing. Braden’s smile was annoyed. His face was turned towards Miranda, but his eyes focused elsewhere. Melanie realized that Zara was tow sears down from Miranda. It wasn’t hard to trace the line from Braden’s eyes to her. Occasionally, Zara looked over at him and smiled. Miranda reached across and put her hand on his arm.
“Are you still listening to me?”
He yanked it away with a close-to-disgusted look as he nodded absentmindedly.
“So, are you going to the concert on Friday?”
Braden stood.
“Maybe. I don’t know.”
Miranda seemed to not know how to respond, because she was quiet for a moment, giving him a chance to grab his tray and follow Zara to the hall. Melanie watched as she flipped her hair and talked sweetly to him, not even encouraging him, but unconsciously flirting. Melanie groaned inwardly at the mess she knew could come from this. On her way to study hall, she passed by the choir room. Brittaney was rehearsing her solo. All the other had left for their next class, but just outside was the same boy Melanie had seen earlier in the gym. He stood mesmerized, listening to her. Melanie walked over to him. He started when he saw her and gasped,
“Please don’t say anything!”
She eyed him strangely and then it hit her.
“You like her.”
The kid turned bright red.
“Please! I’ll just die if she finds out...”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? You can trust me,” Melanie told him, struck by his desperate manner. He was so shy and awkward. “I’m Melanie, by the way.”
She nodded. “We better get to class.”
“Yeah.” He threw her one last frantic glance before he turned the corner.
“You can trust me,” she called after him, and barely caught his nod before he disappeared.
Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.
--Robert Greenleaf

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Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:02 pm
guineapiggirl says...

I'm sorry but this really bored me. There just wasn't anything going on at all, for any of it.
Something I noticed that was bad: His eyes grazed over her. How are eyes supposed to graze? Did you mean gazed?
I think you have decent writing skill; good sentence structure and all that. Try and think of an interesting story idea; you could be quite good.
Hope you didn't find this too put-downy; I do think you've got quite good style!

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Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:26 am
Sonotmybirthday says...

TIGERSHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NAME HIM MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY?????? Sigh.....u would.
:)) I still love u tho.

Brain freezes are temporary, but milkshakes are forever.
— SilverNight