
Young Writers Society

A True Love Story

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Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:16 pm
whitneypaige says...

Chapter One ~ Shot!

My name is Alex Red. I am a senior at Jackson High. I am the star on the basketball team. My life is simple. A worry-free life, I have great parents, no siblings, and an amazing grandmother. Nothing interesting happens in my life. Not a big story to tell. That is until one foggy morning on February 4, 2011.
Everyone is just arriving at school. I'm being very careful trying to get by without hitting the kids that walk through trying to get the the front door of the school. Only a couple more months and I'll be out of this school, out of this town, and on my way to boot camp. I need some kind of excitement in my life, and some kind of story to tell my kids someday. Everything sounded just right, that is until we heard the first gunshot.
I ran into the school knowing that someone had gotten shot and I could easily be next. I knew that and I still went in. Risking my life, and risking my family and friend's happiness. But what if someone had gotten hurt and they couldn't move. No one else is going to stay calm under that kind of pressure. I'm not even sure if I can. But I have to try.
I got in the school and there were and there were backpacks everywhere, and broken glass, and even blood. Kid's running into the classrooms looking for safety. Not knowing who the gunmen were. If there was just one or if there were more then one.
I looked around at the children who were still standing around. Every single one of them had fear in they're eyes. They were frozen there. No one could move including me. My legs felt like they were nailed to the ground. The air smelled different, almost like death was standing right behind me breathing on my neck. If I turned around Death would be standing there looking down at me. I can see him 9 feet tall with a black cloak, not being able to see his face because it was hidden and his red eyes would pierce my heart.
"This is your principal speaking. Code Red, Code Red, this is not a drill, Code Red"
Principal Rae's voice was usually a comfort to me. Today it was not. Today was Death's warning. A warning that someone will die today and there was nothing we could do to stop him. Death was coming.
All around me people were screaming and running into classrooms. Begging for the locked ones to let them in. Some of the doors opened, but most of them stayed closed for they were too scared to let they're classmates in the students we have grown up with. The ones that we have known and loved for so many years. Afraid that one of them could be the gunmen.
I closed my eyes wondering what it would feel like to be shot. My thoughts ran to the war. Where I might be someday soon. Where I could easily be shot by the enemy. But here, right now, we were not being shot by the enemy. We were being shot by one of our friends; some may even call us family. This was no war zone, but I have to wonder, is this what it feels like to be in a war zone. People's screams all around you, fear in everybody's eyes, fear in your own eyes. Death leaning towards you to take you away. I opened my eyes, nobody was around.
It was silent here. The only sound I could here was my own breathing. I held my breath to see if I could hear anything else around me. My eyes wondered over the hallway where I have walked for so many years, it felt like a whole new experience. A whole new place where I have never walked before. A scream for help shattered the silence.
It was a girl's voice. I had to help her. I wasn't sure where she was, or even why she would scream when the gunmen could easily turn the corner. The corner... What if one was waiting for me now. What if he was doing the same thing? Walking slowly towards this girl. There was no time to waste. Someone needed my help, before they were gone forever. Before they're voice was drown out by the gunshot. Before they were buried away forever.
I came to the place of the voice. She saw me standing there. I saw her. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Alex? Alex Red, is that you? Please tell me its you" her beautiful voice was in a whisper.
"Emily? Emily Heart?" She nodded her head. I walked over and got down on my knees.
"Emily? What are you doing here? Why don't you get to a safe classroom?"
"Alex, do you really think that there's anywhere truly safe around here? There's not. He could walk up anytime. I'm so scared." I took hold of her hand, there was blood on it.
"Emily? Why is there blood on your hand?"
"I think you can guess the answer. I was shot. I can't walk. I was shot in the lower leg. But that cut on my hand must be from the glass. He shot me through the glass door and it shattered."
"Why did he shoot you? Was he aiming for you? Who is the shooter? Is there more than one?" there were so many questions I wanted answer's for.
"One at a time. No, I don't think he was aiming for me. Why he brought a gun to school in the first place, I don't know. And the shooter... Alex, its Kenny, Kenny Todd. Do you remember him?"
"Come on Alex! We're waiting!" The beautiful voice called out to me. The girl I knew I was going to marry someday. I loved her for so many years.
"Bye Mom! I'm heading out!" I shouted to her from the screen door.
"Okay bye honey! I love you, have a good time." I ran out of the door and out to my two best friends Emily and Kenny.
"You ready guys?"
"Ready as ever!" we all got on our new bikes and headed out.
"Emily, what happened to us?"
"What do you mean?"
"We all used to be so close. And we promised that we would never grow apart. What happened?"
"Honestly, we grew apart. And you became popular and the star basketball player."
"I feel so bad. I should have stayed with you."
"Yeah... Alex, I'm tired. Are you tired?"
"Yeah, but you gotta stay awake okay?"
"I can't" and her head fell onto my shoulder. I knew I had to get her out of here. I let go of her hand and picked her up in my arms. Her beautiful long hair hung over my arm. Her gorges green eyes were now shut. I knew the school was on lock-down, but I needed to get her out of here. She might die if I don't.
I started to walk down the hallway where there was a little more light. I could feel somebody watching me. I turned around to see a dark figure walking towards me. I felt like I was going to pass out. I looked down at the beautiful angel I held in my arms. I knew this was no time to be scared.
I started walking again. The dark figure moved after me. I could see him in the corner of my eye. I spun around on my heal and there he was.
Kenny Todd was down on his knees. The gun was pointed at himself. Tears were streaming down his face.
"I am so sorry for what I have done. I'm so sorry that you have to see this. Alex, you were always a good friend to me until you left to be popular. You always said nothing would spilt us three apart, you got to high school and you just left. You left to be with those people. You left your best friends behind. How do you just leave your friends like that and never look back? Like they don't matter? We're kids, we were all just kids. We were all just kids fighting through this cruel life. The things you do, we feel that. Its not like we're robots and don't have any feelings. I was your best friend! Alex, how could you just leave me there? I had no body after you left!"
"What about Emily?"
"Emily? Well, lets face it, you were the life of the tree of us. You left and her heart longed for you. Her heart is a good one. But you were to blind to see that she was and is in love with you after all these years." Emily has had the same feelings for me as I have has for her. That's crazy, but possibly true.
"Alex, I had no body after you left. No body cared about me. You and Emily were my only friends. Don't you remember all the great times the three of us once had? When you left I was teased, bullied, and beaten. This was not my fault!" His finger was on the trigger.
"Kenny... I didn't know. You should have told me. I would have helped you-"
"Helped me! Ha! Yeah right, Alex, would you have really left all your popular friends to help me, the loser? No, you wouldn't of. Don't try and pull that crap. Don't lie to yourself to make you feel better. Its not going to work. You left to be popular, I was alone, Not your fault, the least you could have done was checked up on me. You were supposed to be my friend believe it or not."
"Kenny, why are you doing all this man? This isn't you. Your so much better than this. You didn't do all this because of me did you?" It was a stupid thing to ask, but I had to know.
" No Alex, not everything is about you. I'm doing this because I'm tired. I'm tired of living through this crap in my life. My family, my Dad. Nothing is going right anymore. Its time to end it. This is the only way out."
"Come on Kenny, this is not the only way out. Just please give me the gun and-"
"I'm sorry" He said in only a whisper. He pulled the trigger and the bullet hit his chest there wasn't a breath left in him. There was no heart beat. There was just a soul-less body.
A soul-less body I should have been able to help. How could I just leave Kenny like that? He's right, I was suppose to be his best friend and I left him there to die. It is as if I killed him with my own hands.
He could have made it through if he tried but that's the thing he didn't want to try. All he had to do is come and talk to me. But this isn't his fault. Its mine too, I could have talked to him.
I feel guilty that I couldn't stop him. Then I knew I had to get Emily out of here too. I couldn't stand to lose another friend to. I looked down at her and I remember that I was so deeply, madly, in love with her. Looking at her now, I don't think I ever stopped my heart is racing as if I just finished running ten miles. I'm still in love with Emily Heart.
When I got outside a policeman took her from my arms. another came up behind me and wrestled me to the ground.
When they let me go I ran to my car and drove to Jackson hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital I asked the nurse at the front desk where Emily's room was.
"Emily Heart, oh here it is. Her room is 207. But she is in surgery at the moment. I'm sorry. Can I ask your name, when she gets out I can give her a message."
"Alex, Alex Red. My cell number is 1715- 808- 2946"
"Your the one who rescued her. The police want to talk to you."
"okay" I left the hospital and went to the police station. There were a lot of cars there. I still couldn't believe this happened.
"Hello, I'm Alex Red"
"Hello, can we have a word on what really happened? Your our hero "
"Look I'm nobody's hero. I just went in the school to see if anybody needed help. I was scared just like anybody else in that school. I wasn't trying to be the hero at all."
"Okay, how did you find Ms. Heart?"
"I heard a scream for help. I couldn't just ignore it. I had to help her before Kenny got to her."
"You call the gunman by his first name?"
"Yes, we used to be good friends but we grew apart."
"Are you glad that he is now dead?"
"How could I be happy about that? He was one of my close friends and he killed himself, and I had to watch it happen and I couldn't do anything about it." He was scratching this all on paper.
"I see, I see."
"Do you? Because you weren't in that school today. You weren't. We're kids. We never thought that would happen in our school, in our town. We didn't even know what to do. We're just kids, okay? I'm nobody's hero."
"I bet your Emily's hero. I bet she's pretty grateful for you. Without you she could be dead right now."
"If it wasn't me, someone else would have saved her. If you don't mind I'd like to go."
"One more thing, we're naming you hometown hero. Its the truth you are a hero to her." I shook my head and left.
After I was done there I went home to see my parents. They were waiting. I parked my truck in the driveway and got out of it.
"Alex, oh Alex!" My mother ran out of the door. She ran into my arms. I hugged her. She was warm she was always warm,
"Thank God your safe." She held on to my shoulders and looked over my face.
"Alex, we're glad your okay." My Dad came next to me, and hugged me. That wasn't what I was expecting from him.
"We're proud of you son." My Dad said.
"But how thick can you get? Honey, that was dangerous! You could have been killed!" My mom had tears in her eyes.
"Mom it was Kenny"
"I know. Its all over the news, and so are you."
"I am? Why?"
"You know why. You saved that girls life. You are named hometown hero. We are so proud of you."
"Mom, I just went in there because I didn't know what else to do. I scared out of my mind just like everyone else." My cell phone rang I looked at the ID and it said 'Hospital'
"One minute guys, I have to take this." They nodded they're heads.
"Alex? Alex, oh Alex, please come. Please." Her voice was panicked.
"Slow down, okay. Tell me what's going on."
"Nothing, just please get here as soon as you can. I'm in room 207"
"I'm on my way." I ended the call and looked at my parents.
"That was Emily. She wants me at the hospital."
"You should go." My mother looked sad.
"Thank you." I kissed her cheek and hugged my Dad one more time.
I got back in my truck and left them behind. On my way to the hospital I went past the school. All my school mates were standing outside the building. The moment of silence. I wonder how hard it will be to go back. Everyone is going to be so afraid.
When I arrived at the hospital I went right into room 207.
"Emily, what's wrong? What is it?" I stood in the door way she was sitting there with tears falling down her face.
"Alex... They, they told me you saved my life. And if you wouldn't have gotten my out of there I could have died." She was really crying now.
"Oh Em, you don't have to thank me. I just did what I thought was necessary."
"'Em' I remember when you used to call me that." I smiled at her, so did I.
"Is there anything I can get for you?"
"No" She had the sweetest voice ever.
"Emily, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah" She looked at me with the green eyes I have known for so long.
"I was just wondering, well Kenny he said, well, he said"
"Will you just spit it out?" She said with a white smile.
"Were you ever in love with me?"
"Was I? Are you kidding?"
"Sorry it was a stupid question." I turned around and started towards the door.
"Alex, Do you love me?" I turned back around and faced her.
"Are you in love with me?" I didn't know what she would say but I had to answer truthfully.
"Yes, do you?"
"Alex, you can't just walk in here and tell me that stuff."
"Well, why not?"
"Because I might just say yes" I ran over to her and kissed her lips. Something I have wanted to do all my life.
"You have kept me waiting to long for that kiss" She said with a smile.

Chapter Two - Graduation

The first day back to school was scary. Everyone still had fear in their eyes. There were metal detectors set up outside the front doors to make sure this would never happen again.
In our school everywhere I looked it seemed to say, "This is your school" I felt like they should be saying, "This is our school" Because it is our school.
We all returned that day with heavy hearts. Some students were in denial, others were in anger, fear, guilt, depression, I didn't see anyone in the acceptance stage though.
Emily is okay now. She's walking and were going strong. Were waiting to see if she is valid Victorian. Everyone has voted and now were just waiting. I think Emily should get it because she has been waiting her whole high school career for this.
"Alright, the votes are in." Principal Rae's voice came over the speaker phone. "Your Valid Victorian is," He paused. My heart was racing. "Emily Heart"
"Yes!" I jumped out of my seat. Mrs. Raven scolded me so I sat back down.
I couldn't concentrate the rest of the hour. I was waiting for the clock to hit 3:13 so I could leave this school and go find Emily.
Finally the clock turned and I was the first one out of there. I went to my locker and got some of my homework, then I ran out of the front doors. Emily was already waiting for me. She was sitting on a rock. I walked over to her and put my arms around her.
"I am so proud of you"
"I'm valid victorian! I can't believe it! And guess what"
"What?" I smiled, I still had my arms around her waist.
"I have a full ride to Nursing School. And the one I want to go to isn't far from here, its about 45 minutes! I can't believe this!"
"You earned all of it." I kissed her forehead. I loved seeing her so happy, she couldn't stop smiling.
"So, do I get to hear your speech?"
"Oh no! O don't think so, no one is hearing it till graduation night."
Finally it was the night of May 20. Graduation night. I couldn't wait to her Emily's speech, I knew she put a lot of hard work into it. Emily and I walked together. And surprisingly Amy and Zach walked together. They were me and Emily's best friends.
"Finally here is our Valid Victorian Emily Heart" Principal Rae said with a smile. Emily got up and walked up there, she hugged him and got her paper out.
"Dear fellow classmates, here we are we made it. It has been a scary year. Some people say there are six stages of grief. I believe we experienced all of them these past months. The first one being denial. The day of February 4 no one wanted to believe that this could happen to our school. To us. No one expected it. Who would have? We are suppose to be a family here. We have known each other since we were little. Who would have guessed?
The second stage of grief is anger. We were all angry that this happened to us, to our school. We were angry that someone would put us kids through that. No matter how angry you are, you have to face it. You need to figure out where all that anger is coming from and face it. Look it straight in the eyes. Its just like facing the truth.
The third stage being fear. We are all living in fear, afraid that this might happen again. Afraid of coming to school, when no one should be afraid of being at school. School is suppose to be a safe place. A place where people can come to be with friends, to be with people who care about them. Some people aren't getting that at home, some people need it. They may feel like no one is around anymore, that's not true, we all have friends. And if your home is not a good home, go to collage, go somewhere to get out of there and lets not make these kids more afraid than they already are.
The forth stage is guilt. Some of you may feel guilty that this was all your fault. That you might have said or done something to set him off. He was just confused at what to do with his life, or how to handle things. But then in all fairness who really knows what to do with our lives these days. No one knows what to do or how to act these days. We're all waiting for the world to change and make it something better. When we could be the change.
The fifth stage of grief is depression. Some of our classmates have left the school because they were to scared to come back, or even to sad. You will heal, it just takes time. Everything just takes time. Once you heal yourself then help the others around you, then help put our school back together. People need a hand to lift them up, to have some hope put back in their life again.
The last stage of grief is acceptance. You need to accept what happened to us, what happened to you. Because if you don't how do you expect to heal. This is life, and its going to throw stuff at you left and right and slap you in the face. You just need to stand through it. Because if you do then happiness will find you. You need to accept what happened to you, and what will happen to you. You never know what life is going to throw at you next, I mean I was shot! I had no idea that would ever happen to me. I was living the perfect little life, but I've accepted what happened. Life is a challenge, embrace it, accept it." I looked around at the people around me and they were crying, guys even had tears in their eyes. This event brought our school closer.
After everyone graduated everyone was thanking and congratulating Emily. I was scared to go out in the real world. We only got a glimpse of what life is. We have been sheltered our whole lives. Now they're just sending us out there, we're like little birds flying for the first time.
After Emily and I found each other through the crowd we went to Zach's house. He was having this big party. We were all driving there. Everyone in our grade was. We were all coming together for one night, everyone has stopped judging, and we're letting everyone heal they're own way.
I was proud of myself. Not just for graduating, but because I found someone I love, more than anything in the whole world. She was the most beautiful thing that has ever stepped on this Earth. She outshines the stars even when they're shinning they're brightest. She is my beautiful girl.
That night I drove Emily home around 2 a.m.
"Thank you for driving me home tonight."
"Anytime, Baby." Then I leaned over and kissed her goodnight on the cheek like I usually did. I don't want to ruin this. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
She smiled and got out of my truck. I didn't drive off until she turned on the porch light to let me know it was safe for me to go home. I was a little protective.
I had an okay sleep that night. I knew I had a really weird dream I just couldn't remember what it was about.
The next day morning around ten in the morning I picked Emily up. She was sitting on her front porch reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. She looked up and saw my truck in her driveway. She smiled at me and held up one finger, I nodded. She went in her house to tell her parents where she was going. Emily came out of the house and got in my truck. She leaned over and gave me a hug, I kissed her cheek. I was taking things slower with her then I usually would. I don't want to ruin this. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked her as I pulled out of her driveway.
"Why don't you chose Alex, I'm good with anything." I had to think for a minute.
"How about we go to the park? Its a nice day for a walk."
"Yes it is, That sounds perfect."
When we got to the park not many people were there. a couple of older couples were holding hands while strolling down memory lane. I had to wonder if I was ever going to have that someday. A girl that I have loved my whole life, as were old still falling deeper in love then we had before.
We sat down in our favorite place. Right underneath the lamp post. I liked it better at night when all the stars were out and we stare at them and everything is just silent, everything is in perfect harmony. Like nothing bad could possibly happen in the world. Like the past has been erased just for a couple moments, and nothing would harm us or try to tear us apart.
"Alex, instead of dropping me off at home could you just bring me to work? I start at 3:30"
"Yeah, no problem baby"
"Thank you" She gently laid her head on my shoulder. Her head always found the perfect place on my shoulder. She took my hand, I laid my head on hers.
We went back to the truck 2:30 so I could get Emily to work on time.
After I dropped her off at off, I went back to her house. I had a very important question to ask her family.
I went up to the door and knocked on it. Her mother answered.
"Oh, Alex, hello, I thought Emily was with you."
"I dropped her off at work." I was so nervous.
"Oh, thank you. So Alex, why are you here?" She looked confused.
"I was wondering if I could speak with Mr. Heart?"
"Sure Alex, let me get him." She went back inside and called his name.
I waited outside for a few minutes. The summer breeze blew gently around me. The hot sun was beating down on me. Finally Mr. Heart came through the door.
"Is Emily okay?" He asked me as soon as he shut the door behind him. We were alone on the front porch. It was now or never and I choose now.
"Oh yes sir, as healthy as can be." I smiled a nervous smile.
"Then why are you here?" He asked this with a strong look on his face.
"Well, I would like to ask you something." I began to feel hot all over my body.
"Okay, what is it?" He still had a very strong look in his eye. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"I wanted to ask your permission to ask your daughter to marry me." I looked him straight in the eyes when I said this.
"Oh, your doing this traditional style I see."
"Yes Sir, that's what Emily always wanted."
"I don't know Alex, you have only been together for four months and-" I cut him off.
"Yes I know that Mr. Heart, but it has been the best four months of my life. I know its sudden and I know were young, but I can feel its right. Everything just feels right when I'm with her. I don't even know what Emily would say, I just... I"
"You really love her, don't you?" He uncrossed his arms as if he was letting down his guard.
"Yes, more then anything in the world. She means everything to me."
"Wow," he said surprised. "I can't argue with that. You have my permission to ask Emily for her hand in marriage."
"Thank you very much sir."
"Alex, its not really my choice. Its only if she says 'yes'"
"I guess I didn't think of that part." I smiled.
"Well, you go pick out a ring or whatever you are going to do. I'm going back inside. Good luck Alex."
"Alright thank you again Mr. Heart." He went back inside and I went to get in my truck. Once _I was in my truck my cell phone rang, it was Emily.
"Hey, what's up? Aren't you at work?" I asked. I was still so nervous, I was trying to sound like I wasn't.
"Yes I am, but I'm on my break."
"Okay, so what's up?" I started my truck and turned on the road.
"Well I just wanted to see what you do when your not with me. What are you up to?"
"I just got done talking to some old family friends. Now I'm on my way to see my Grandmother."
"Why?" Her sweet voice asked.
"I haven't seen her in awhile. I just really want to see her. After your done with work I'll come pick you up. I have a surprise."
"Okay... I get off at seven. Don't forget! I have to get back to work, I love you."
"I love you too babe."
We both hung up the phone. I was in my way to my Grandma's house. It wasn't to far about a half an hour. I could have just called her but I wanted to tell her in person.

Chapter Three- Proposal

When I got to my Grandma's house she was so excited to see me. My Grandpa died a couple years ago. She was really broken up about it. They were married 45 years. Her heart has never beat the same way again.
I got there and she was baking cookies. Its like she knew I was coming. I love her cookies, with milk, everything was perfect with her. They are the best cookies in the world. When I was little I always told her she should open a little store with her cookies in them, she laughed and handed me more and milk.
"Oh Alex! I haven't seen you in awhile. This must be important. So what is it that you couldn't have just called?"
"Well Grandma, I do need to tell you something, but I couldn't tell you over the phone. You may want to sit down for this Grandma."
"Okay Alex, lets go in the living room." I followed her into her sweet little home. It smelled like her house. It brought back memories of my childhood.
"You remember that girl I saved from the school shooting?" It took her a minute to think.
"Oh yes, I remember her, her name is Emily, right?"
"Yes" I said this with a little smile.
"Okay, what about her?" She looked a little nervous.
I explained the whole thing to her. She had tears in her eyes by the time I told her I wanted to purpose to her.
"Alex, I need to show you something. I always wanted to be alive for your wedding." We walked through her little house till we got to a closed door. She opened it. It was the door to her bedroom. The bed was perfectly made, as it always was when I was little. We went in, I followed her to her dresser.
"When you were first born I always wanted you to use the ring that your Grandfather used to purpose to me." She pulled out the ring. It was beautiful, it was perfect. There was one big diamond in the middle and two smaller ones on each side.
"If you already have a ring I understand. But if you don't, please take it without feeling guilty. If you don't want it you don't have to take it. I would understand that too."
"No Grandma, Its beautiful. Thank you so much. Of course I'll use it." I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Oh, Thank you Alex. I really hoped you would use it." She had tears in her eyes.
It was getting close to 6:00 and I told my Grandma that I needed to go purpose. I was really scared. I didn't want Emily to say no. I really hoped that she would say yes, she is the most amazing person I have ever met. I can't imagine a life without her.
I had told Zach what I was going to do. I asked him if he would pick her up from work and bring her to the Holiday Inn. It was a nice hotel.
When Emily arrived at the hotel she needed to go to the front desk and ask where to go.
"Hello, welcome to the Holiday Inn, How may I help you?"
"Hi, my name is Emily Heart-" She didn't say anything she just have Emily a red envelope with a heart around her name.
"Okay, this is weird."
"The letter inside the envelope told her to go to room 204 and the key to the room was in the envelope.
I could hear Emily coming. I went into the bathroom to hide. I set up the room perfectly. There were red rose petals everywhere. On the bed written with petals was 'I Love You' There was white candles everywhere, giving the room a romantic tone.
When Emily came through the door, I heard her gasp. She looked around desperately. I walked out of the bathroom and put my hands gently on Emily's shoulders. She spun around to make sure it was me. When she saw it was me, she kissed me right on the lips.
"Alex, what is all of this?" There were only seven words that would cover all of this, I went down on one knee and took her by the hand.
"Emily Josephine Heart, will you marry me?" She had tears in her eyes. She couldn't answer at that very moment and things were getting intense.
"Yes Alex! Of course I will marry you!" I put the ring on her finger and stood up and spun her around the room. We had our eyes closed and our lips would not part from each other. I laid her down on the bed still kissing her perfect lips.
"Alex?" I pulled my lips away from hers unwanting.
"What is it?" I stared into her green eyes.
"Where did you get the ring? Its beautiful, I love it." She admired it on her finger.
"That was the ring my Grandfather gave to my Grandmother."
"Oh its wonderful, I just love it!"
"I'm glad you do." I rolled over on my side and propped up on my elbow.
"Oh man! What are my parents going to say when they find out?" Emily looked really worried. I had to smile at her.
"I already asked your parents, they said yes."
"Oh my God, I can't believe they said yes. I mean we've only been together four months and now we're engaged! Wow! I can't believe this." She paused for a minute and looked at the ceiling.
"Hey, in all fairness, we have been waiting years to be together." She smiled at me.
"Alex, can I ask you something?" Her smiled faded.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Kiss me again." I smiled and leaned down and kissed her again. First I kissed her on the neck, then the right cheek, then the left one. Then I went to her forehead, a little further down to her nose; finally I went to her lips. We began to kiss like we have never kissed before.
"Alex?" I didn't want to stop kissing her, but I knew we were going to far. I pulled away from her.
"Yeah Emily?"
"We need to set a date. The date should be in October, that's when the leaves are beautiful. There is only one problem with that. I don't want to wait that long to marry you."
"I know I don't want to wait that long either, but it'll go by fast when I'm in basic. I love you."
"I love you too, I love you more than anything in the whole world. Alex! I know where we should get married!" She sat up.
"Where?" It didn't really matter where we got married just as long as I would get to marry her.
"We should get married in our park. That's our park, I can't really think of a more perfect place to get married. What do you think?"
"Neither can I. It sounds perfect." I smiled at her.
"What?" She asked me.
"Nothing, I just love you so much. You know that right?" She smiled at me and put her arms around me, she laid down so we could kiss again. Then to ruin the perfect moment, my cell phone rang.
I opened my eyes and looked at Emily. She released my neck so I could answer it.
"Hey man! What did she say?" It was Zach. Of course he would call me at this time. Even though he acted tough he was a real softy.
"Yeah man, she said yes."
"Oh! That is awesome! You are going to be a married man! Oh I love weddings! Can I come?"
"Yeah, your coming, you better be my best man! But I really need to go."
"Best man! Really? Okay, I'll talk to you later man, have a good night."
"Night" I hung up the phone and turned it off. I looked back at Emily and she smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"I am just so happy." Her smile was glued to her face.
"Well I'm glad you are so happy." She sat up and came up behind me.
"Are you okay? Who called?" She laid her head on my shoulder and her arms were draped over my shoulders and her hands were on my chest.
"It was Zach, he wanted to know your answer."
"Oh... I can feel your heart beating." She whispered in my ear. I smiled and turned my neck around and kissed her.
"Do my parents know that I'm spending the night with you?"
"No... Neither does mine. Come on, we better go." She nodded and released me. I took hold of her hand and walked out of the building. I had already paid for the room so it didn't matter that we just left. I opened the passenger door for her and she climbed in. It would take us at least 30 minutes to get home. I turned my truck on and it was 8:00.
We drove in silence because we really had nothing to say. When we got to her house I walked her to the front door. I was about to kiss her goodnight when Mr. Heart came through the door.
"Emily, say goodnight." She looked at me.
"Goodnight" She said shyly.
"Goodnight" I hugged her goodbye before I went back to my house.
By the time I got home it was 9:30. _I walked through the front door, I was trying to be quite so I would wake my parents.
"Alex, is that you?" I heard my mothers voice come through the living room.
"Yeah Mom, its me."
"Why don't you come in here, we should talk." I walked in the living room and my Mother and Father were sitting in there.
"Have a seat" My Father said. I did what I was told and sat down on the chair facing my parents.
"So Alex, have a good time with Emily tonight?"
"There's something I need to tell you guys." I sat forward.
"Alex, we already know. You purposed to to Emily. What was her answer?" My Mom sat there and smiled at me. At least my Mother was happy for me.
"She said yes." I smiled at her.
"Now there's a real smile." A few tears slipped from her eyes.
"What?" I was a little confused on what she meant.
"Well, you haven't smiled like that in a real long time. There is a great smile." My Mom got up from the couch to hug me. I stood up.
"We are so proud of you Alex. We know how much you love her." She kissed me on the cheek.
"Wait, so how do you guys know this?"
"Oh, your Grandmother called the house as soon as you left." I smiled. That sounded like something my Grandma would do.
"Well Mom, it has been a really long day so I'm going to bed." I kissed her goodnight.
"Okay Honey." I turned to walk up the stairs. I glanced back one more time at my Father, he was just sitting there not saying a word to me. I wasn't sure if we was proud of me, angry with me, or maybe even disappointed in me. If he was any of those things the least he could do was tell me what was going through his mind.

Emily and I have been engaged for a month now. We have been planning the wedding. We even picked a date, October 15. It was a Saturday.
Today is June 17. I'm at Emily's house.
"So Emily, you need to pick a maid of honor. " She looked up from writing invitations.
"Oh yeah."
"Who were you thinking of?" She was thinking, I could always read her face expressions.
"I don't know. I think I'm leaning towards Amy."
"I think you should" I reached for the phone and dialed the number for her.
"Hello?" I heard Amy's voice.
"Hey Am, its me Emily."
"Oh hey Em, what's up?"
"I wanted to ask you something." She was looking me right in the eyes.
"Okay shoot."
"Will you be my maid of honor for my wedding?"
"Oh Em! Of course I will! Thank you so much for asking me."
They talked for a little while, when she hung up, she handed it to me.
"Your turn" I took the phone out of Emily's warm hand and dialed the number I wanted.
"Hello?" the voice answered.
"Hey Zach, its me Alex."
"Oh dude, what's goin' on?" It sounded like he had just woken up.
"I have a question for you."
"Will you be the best man at my wedding?"
"Dude! Yes, I will. Thank you so much for asking me man."
I talked to Zach for a little bit, then when I hung up Emily and I talked about where to have the wedding reception. We were going to have it at the Rot- In- Gun- Club.
We wanted everything to be as perfect as possible. I really thought it was going to be, and so did Emily.
Later that day we went to the Rot- In- Gun- Club to talk to the manger about getting the date set.
"Well sure, what's the date? I'll have to check and get back to you."
"Sure thing, the date is October 15, 2011. And do you need a cell, home phone number?"
"Yeah that would be great."
"Alright, my cell is 1715- 808- 6524. My home phone is 294- 3854."
"Thanks, I'll get back to soon. Bye." Then he walked away. Not a big talker. By the time we left we left on perfect timing.
"Emily, get in the car, we need to go meet with the pastor."
"Oh right! I almost forgot."
When we got to the office it looked like he was going through some old papers.
"Oh hello, I didn't hear anyone come in. Please come have a seat. Call me Pastor Brian." Pastor Brian sat down as we did.
"Thank you for meeting with us Pastor Brian."
"That was no problem at all, I'm glad to meet with you."
We talked for a long time. He asked a lot of questions, and wrote a lot of things down. He was shocked to find out just how long we have been together. We told him where we wanted our wedding and he thought it was a lovely idea.
After we were done talking to Pastor Brian it was just about 7:00.
"Where do you-" My cell phone rang, I held up one finger to Emily to excuse myself.
"Hi, its Steven Star from Rot-In-Gun-Club."
"Oh hey, thanks for calling me back. Is the place ours?"
"Yes, you picked a good date sir."
"So do you need to meet with us again?"
No, no. Just come in a week before and talk to me, pay for the place and it'll be good. Then the night before come in and decorate it the way you want it."
"Great thank you, goodbye."
"Bye, have a nice evening." Then the line went dead.
"Emily, the place is ours for the reception! What do you want to do now? Go home? Or work on more wedding stuff?" I asked as I started the truck.
"Do you think you could just take me home? I'm really tired, its been a long day." She looked really tired.
"That sounds good, I'm tired too." I started to drive the way to Emily's house.
When we got to her house I walked her to her front door and kissed her on the cheek.
"How about one right here?" She pointed at her lips.
"I can do that." I kissed her and she kissed me back. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I lifted her into the air. She began to laugh. We stopped kissing and looked each other in the eyes. Her green eyes were so beautiful. I was still holding her in the air when the door opened. I quickly put her down. It was her Father.
"Hello Mr. Heart. How are you?"
"Fine, thanks." He turned to Emily. "Emily sweetheart, say goodnight to Alex. Your Mother needs your help."
"Okay Daddy. Goodnight Alex."
"Goodnight." I hugged her one last time before I left.
When I drove up to my house the door was wide open. I had to wonder why. That wasn't like my parents. It was a silent night. Then something terrifying shattered the silence. It was my Mothers voice. She was screaming so loud into the night, like something she had never seen before was staring down at her. Like Death was there like in the school. Suddenly the scream was cut off into nothingness.
Chapter Four~ Last Words

I didn't even bother to shut off my truck, or shut the door. I ran inside as fast as I could. The cry from my Mother was from upstairs. I ran through the house to the upstairs. I went into my Mothers room, she wasn't there. She wasn't in my room either.
I saw that the bathroom door was shut. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't work. I kicked down the locked door.
When I stepped into the bathroom there was a lot of blood. I saw my Mother, she was dead. I couldn't believe my eyes, my Mother raped and then stabbed to death, My Mother!
I closed the bathroom door and collapsed on the floor slightly shaking. My Father. Where was he, why couldn't he help her, was he dead too? There was a yell from downstairs it was my Father's voice. After the yell there were two gunshots.
I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. My Father was shot in the stomach and the shoulder. He was dead too. The tears streamed down my face like a never-ending river.
"Alex, son, are you there?" I ran over to him and fell on my knees next to him.
"I love you so much. Be careful in this world. And son, I am so proud of you." Then he breathed his last breath. At this point I was so angry; but tears took over my whole body. I was shaking again. My whole body, I could barley move. That was the last thing I remember. Besides the pain coming from my head.
When I woke up I looked at the clock, it was 11:00. My head hurt with pain. I tried to remember what had happened and why I was lying on the kitchen floor. I remember there was a lot of blood. Then I looked to my left and saw my Fathers dead body. I touched him, he was cold. I closed his eyes. I hoped they were in Heaven and they were in peace.
I got up and walked over to the phone. I couldn't believe how much my head hurt. I could barley stand up. I grabbed the side of the counter for support, and then I grabbed the phone. I dialed 911 and leaned against the wall.
"Hello 911"
"Hello. My name is Alex Red, I came home and my parents were murdered. I got knocked out by the murder, I didn't get a chance to see their faces."
"People are on their way to your house. What are your parents names, and your address?"
"Joe and Molly Red. I live at 8178 20th avenue."
"Alright, we will be there in five minutes. Do you have anyone you need me to call?"
"No thank you." I hung up and dialed Emily's house. She was probably asleep by now. I really needed to tell her what had happened.
Could it be possible that I was so happy a couple hours ago, now I feel as though happiness does not exist. Finally someone picked up the phone.
"Hello?" It was a deep voice. It was Mr. Heart.
"Hello, I know its late Sir, but is Emily there?"
"Alex, its really late. Can you call back in the morning?"
"No! This is important; she'll want to know. This can't wait!" My vision was slightly blurred.
"Alright, let me get her up."
"Emily, Honey, you have a phone call. He said it cant wait till morning." Mr. Heart called to his daughter.
"Hello?" She sounded tired.
"Emily, I need to tell you something."
"Alright babe. You okay? You don't sound to good."
"I know... I'm not too good."
"What is it?"
"When I got home I heard my Mother cry for help. I ran upstairs to help her... but I didn't get there in time. Emily, my parents are dead. They were murdered."
Oh Alex! I'm so sorry. I'm coming over right now. You need me." She hung up. She would be here soon.
The police came into my house as I hung up the phone.
"Son, son, are you alright?" The policeman put a hand on my shoulder. I just shook my head no. How can I answer that?
"What hurts? You’re going to have to find your words." What hurts, what hurts? My heart, my head, my body, everything hurt.
"My Mother is in the upstairs bathroom. My Father is over there." I pointed at his body.
"Do you know anyone who would want to harm your parents?"
"No, I don't know. Everyone loved my parents." This was true. What if this was my fault? What if someone wanted to have me suffer? Oh My God...
"We are going to look for evidence. Why didn't you call earlier?"
"Because someone knocked me out." He was writing all of my answers down.
"Alright, thank you, I know this is hard." It was about five minutes later when Emily showed up. She got out of the car and ran over to me. She was still in sweatpants and a tank top with a zip up sweatshirt. She hugged me tight. She kept saying, "Everything would be okay." and "She was here for me."
After awhile the detective came back outside.
"Son, we found the murder weapons. Its weird, its like they want to be found."
"Thank you."
"Its my job. So I need your phone number so when we find out anything we will give you a call."
"He will be staying at my house. My phone number is 294-3858" Emily told the detective.
"Alright, I will call as soon as I know something."
After everyone left my head began to hurt so bad. My vision began to be blurred and my body felt weak. My head felt like it was on fire. All I could do was hold it. I fell to the ground still holding my head. I tried to get up, and I got about half way. Then everything began to spin. I was breathing hard and shaking again.
"Alex, are you okay?" Emily's voice sounded scared.
"No" I vomited and fell backwards, my head hitting hard the pavement.
"Alex! Oh God! Alex? Please answer me! Somebody help me!" Those were the last words I heard before I fell into utter darkness.
Whitney Paige

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155 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 6431
Reviews: 155
Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:58 am
hockeyfan87 says...

Hey! I am Hockeyfan87 and I am here to review your story!
Her gorges green eyes were now shut.
gorgeous is spelled wrong
"Emily? Well, lets face it, you were the life of the tree of us
three not tree
"Alex, I had no body after you left. No body cared about me. You and Emily were my only friends.
nobody is one word not two
another came up behind me and wrestled me to the ground.
another should be capitalized
"okay" I left the hospital and went to the police station. There were a lot of cars there. I still couldn't believe this happened.
normally the police would be at the hospital waiting for Emily to wake up. they wouldn't all be in one place also they would be guarding her in case Kenny had an accomplice they didn't know about
Are you glad that he is now dead?"
the police wouldn't ask stuff like this. they would ask relevant questions that could help their case. knowing if he is happy he is dead or not is not a relevant question
After I was done there I went home to see my parents. They were waiting. I parked my truck in the driveway and got out of it.
I would have thought his parents would have met him at the hospital or something.
She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
you said this twice. the exact same sentence within a few sentences. just rephrase or cut it out it sounds repetitive.
After I dropped her off at off, I went back to her house
after I dropped her off at work?
It was getting close to 6:00 and I told my Grandma that I needed to go purpose.
propose not purpose
"The letter inside the envelope told her to go to room 204 and the key to the room was in the envelope.
delete the little " since he is not speaking
I saw my Mother, she was dead. I couldn't believe my eyes, my Mother raped and then stabbed to death, My Mother!
my mother would not need to be capitalized nor would my father. also, you can't tell if someone had been raped by just looking at them. you need to examine the body to know that, unless he saw it happening. if so then say he saw it
it was my Father's voice.
again with the capitalizing
My whole body, I could barley move.

I could barley stand up.
barely not barley. barley is a spice :D
"Hello. My name is Alex Red, I came home and my parents were murdered. I got knocked out by the murder, I didn't get a chance to see their faces."
knocked out by the murderer
"People are on their way to your house. What are your parents names, and your address?"
"Joe and Molly Red. I live at 8178 20th avenue."
they would probably ask for his name not his parents
"Alright, we will be there in five minutes. Do you have anyone you need me to call?"
"No thank you." I hung up and dialed Emily's house. She was probably asleep by now. I really needed to tell her what had happened.
they wouldn't ask if they should call anyone. I researched 911 calls for a book its easy to find what a normal call is like on the internet. it helped me a lot.
Emily, I need to tell you something."
"Alright babe. You okay? You don't sound to good."
"I know... I'm not too good."
"What is it?"
"When I got home I heard my Mother cry for help. I ran upstairs to help her... but I didn't get there in time. Emily, my parents are dead. They were murdered."
if you just found our your parents were murdered I don't think you could have had that whole conversation. maybe when her dad answers the phone be like 'they're dead' then go from there
Overall Opinion
I thought it was really good but could use a few little things. One, when you post stuff on YWS make the chapters smaller, it looks less intimidating and more people will read it. Two, show don't tell. The whole story is about the reader telling what is going on, show it! Show how the halls look or how the parks looks! Three, the whole book moved REALLY REALLY REALLY fast. That isn't normally bad but take your time, slow down. I know I always try to rush it but go back and draw it out. We have no clue what their relationship is like it just skips four months. Have us see what it was like for those months. Were there fights? Drama? Elaborate. The reader will have a hard time caring about your characters if you just rush through it. Overall though, I DO love this story! It was great and kept me wanting to read on. I would hope you continue to write for this story! It was truely amazing! ALSO...I am no where NEAR a professional so please please pretty please don't take anything I said to heart. I don't mean to come off sounding mean, really I am nice, I swear :wink: PM me when you post more or if you have any questions on my review!(:
when you grow up you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair and isnt wearing a black cape and easy to spot Lots of Love Jenn

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
— Sir James Dewar, Scientist