
Young Writers Society

Apocalypse: What now? Chapter 5 part 2

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Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:45 am
captaindomdude says...

Spoiler! :

He leaned there for a moment as everyone stared at him, then looked up. He looked around the room for a moment, then said,

“Were de ell am I?”

His voice was thickly accented, sounding southern and Jamaican. Each word sounded carefully pronounced, even though he spoke quickly. It reminded Markus of a voodoo priest he saw in a pirate movie before his disease. After he finished his question, the gang of youths ran forward and wrapped their arms around him, all jabbering and exclaiming over his recovery. Markus watched in vague amusement as they swarmed the older boy. He stood there and let them hug and babble over him, taking it all in with a bright smile and calm attitude. After a few moments, the gang got over their excitement and stepped away to the left of him. Fighter stayed a little closer though, her former strong leader attitude exchanged for barely concealed adoration. Though Markus wasn’t sure, he thought there might be something more between the two.
The older boy looked around, trying to get a grip on his surroundings before his eyes fell on Markus. He stood there, staring for a sec before the memory clicked in his brain and he exclaimed,

“Ey! You’re de bit that was outside with de coats! What are ye doin ‘ere and,”

He swirled his head around to the gang of youths before continuing,

“why aven’t you killed or robbed im yet?”

The older boy spoke very matter-of-factly, as if this was something that they should have expected him to say. Both the gang of youths and Markus were taken aback however, and they stared at him, stunned for a moment. Markus slowly eased into a fighting position: his left leg went behind him; he bent his knees slightly, and curled his hands into fists. Fighter however, having overcome her initial surprise, answered the older boy’s question.

“Cause ‘e ‘ealed ya, or brout you to te one ‘o could, n ten fed us. We saved you a little bit as well. Plus, e wasn’t wit te coats, he fought tem and made em run.”

It was the older boy’s turn to be surprised, and he turned his head back towards Markus. The older boy studied him more closely, his eyebrows raised in surprise. After a moment, he grinned and walked forward, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. Markus watched him approach and after studying him for a few seconds, relaxed and extended his left hand. The two met and clasped hands, and before Markus had a chance to say anything, the older boy twisted his wrist and was bringing his other arm around to slam into his elbow. Markus saw the attack coming however, and brought his right fist to slam into the older boy’s elbow. Taking a step with his right foot, Markus used the forward momentum and jabbed his right hand into the older boy’s chin. The older boy let go as his chin snapped backwards. He staggered a little bit, then brought his head down and stared at Markus. After a second, he burst out in a laugh and lowered his sunglasses slightly. Looking over them with dark brown eyes, he said,

“Alright, I just ad te test ya, see for myself if ya could take care of yaself. I ave never seen someone fight like ya do. I like ya bit, I really do.”

The older boy chuckled slightly as he continued,

“I just realized I’ve both tested ya and found out ya saved me n mine, but I still don know ya name”

Markus stared at him, disbelief visible on his face. He couldn’t believe what the older boy just said, that he was attacked as a joking test. Sighing, he ran his hands over his head, wishing his hair was still there as he said,

“I’m Markus. Can’t say it’s been a pleasure meeting you though, Lucas.”

The older boy raised his eyebrows and laughed again, saying.

“Ha! I guess me reputation do precede me den. So tell me Markus, who taught ya ta fight like tat, n where do I find im?”

Markus allowed a small smile at Lucas’s request, and answered.

“My teacher was….a good friend of mine. He’s not around anymore though.”

Lucas’ smiled dimmed at Markus statement, and he nodded as he consoled,

“Aye, dat’s too bad den. I’m sorry for your loss friend.”

His grin returned right after as he continued,

“Guess I’ll just ave to ave you show me den.”

Markus raised an eyebrow and snorted.

“Yea, sure.”

Lucas winked at Markus before pushing his sunglasses back over his eyes, obscuring them once more. He turned back towards his gang and clapped his hands together, saying,

“Alright, now I do tink someone said sometin about some food?”

He stepped over to the wall and sat down as the gang made a small circle around him, pushing the remains of the food towards him. Markus stood there watching, smiling slightly at the scene. Lucas looked from a bag of nuts and, seeing Markus, yelled at his gang,

“Ey! Make a space for our new friend ere, go on, spread.”

The Stealer and Shooter separated, looking over at Markus. He made his way over and sat down opposite of Lucas, and the group sat started chattering as the last of the food was finished.


About half an hour later, the food was all but gone, except for a few bags of supposedly nutritional snacks that everyone agreed tasted horrible. They all leaned against the wall, satisfied with the meal, when G.R.A.N’s voice came into the hallway.

“Markus, Dearie, May I see you in the operating room please?”

The gang all looked at Markus, who shrugged, stood up, and walked inside the room they were all waiting outside of. Inside, Markus heard the door behind him hiss close, and G.R.A.N’s voice came on,

“Alright dearie, I had a thought. Due to the issues with my cooling system, I wasn’t able to notice when those brutes in the coats got in earlier. However, one of the things they said disturbed me. I managed to get an audio log of what happened outside. They not only said that they would be returning, but that they would be taking me apart when they did. And another thing, now that the gates are open, I don’t know who will be coming in. There’s no guarantee that everyone will be as cooperative as your friends there.”

Markus shrugged helplessly as he leaned against the wall, asking,

“Well, can’t you just lock the gate again or something?”

G.R.A.N sighed and replied,

“I told you before; I’m not connected to the main system. I can only control what’s inside this building. But here’s where you come in. I can print off a copy of myself onto a driver, and you can take it to the main building. All you have to do is plug it into the mainframe of the building over there, and I can access the main system. I can close the gates, and access the main security.”

Markus shrugged and stepped away from the wall, saying.

“That sounds easy enough. And if it will offer some protection against those guys in the coats, why not? Where do I get the driver? and where would I plug it in inside the main building?”

“I’ll have the driver set up for you in the mainframe room where you replaced my coolant. I’m not sure where the mainframe is in the other building, but if you plug me in the main desk, I should be able to tell you.”

Markus nodded and turned away, heading for the door. The door hissed open and He stepped out. Turning, he saw the gang lined up with Lucas at the center, waiting for him. Lucas stepped forward and started talking,

“I ‘eard de entire ting mate. Since ya have done so much fer me an mine, I figure I’ll try to return de favor. Ya go and get ya driver, Basher an Fighter are gonna go ta de main gate, while Stealer waits at de front door of ‘ere, and Shooter sets up in de garden. I’ma head wit you when ya get up to de door, and we’ll find de main building”

Markus stood there surprised. He didn’t think about what the gang was going to do, but he didn’t expect this. He stammered,

“I ah…okay.”

Lucas nodded and started walking towards the stairway, with his gang following him. Markus waited a few seconds, and then started making his own way towards the stairwell.
"If beauty could be done without the pain, well I'd rather never see life's beauty again"-Modest Mouse.

"What lies beneath this mask is more then a man, it's an idea. And ideas are bulletproof" V, V for Vendetta.

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.
— Robert Brault