
Young Writers Society

Distorted, Defiled and Dead. [18+]

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:24 am
Destiny110 says...

Chapter 1

“WOOHOO!” screamed Jason, standing up his arms in the air, as they drove on the open highway in their convertible jeep.
“Calm down dude!” said Carl, pushing his glasses back into place while he’s watching the road.
“Aw come on Carl, he’s just happy to feel this free. I got to say it does feel exhilarating being on the open road” said Leslie
“Yeah it does!” said Amy as the wind blew through her blonde hair
“I’m just excited to make this documentary. It’s amazing how the people in that town live with the number of bears in the forest nearby!” said Carl.
“Yeah, it’s amazing how there aren’t a large amount of attacks!” said Amy.
“Well we’ll soon find out why that is.” said Jason.
“I can’t wait!” said Leslie, excited.

After an hour and a half of driving they finally arrived in Riverton, Colorado
“We’re finally here!” said Leslie, Jumping out of the back and helping Amy out.
“God it’s freezing here, good call on the coats Carl!” said Jason.
“It’s Colorado, it doesn’t take a math genius to figure out that you need coats!” said Carl.
“Yeah but I’m no math genius now am I?” Jason said jokingly.
“Knock it off guys!” said Amy.
“Aww babe let them have their fun, it’s amusing seeing them poke at each other like this!” said Leslie, chuckling.
“You are such a guy sometimes!” said Amy, looking at her girlfriend and smiling. Leslie walked up to her and gave her a peck on the lips, then went back to getting their bags out of the car.
“It’s really cool of your parents to let us stay in their lodge guys!” Carl said to Jason and Leslie
“Yeah, when they heard it was for a documentary they fell in love with the idea!” Jason said as he opened the door to the lodge.
“Parents will let you do anything if they think you’re doing something productive!” said Carl, walking inside with two suitcases in his hands.
“I never stayed in a lodge before, I’m kind of excited!” said Amy.
“Our parents took us to Aspen for a week when we were 13, but that lodge was nothing compared to this!” said Leslie as she looked around her parents’ lodge, still not believing how big it was even though they had bought it about 3 years ago.
“Yeah that was before they bought this one!” said Jason.
“Dude is that a sauna?” asked Carl, looking through a long glass window into a room which had its floor, walls and ceiling completely covered in planks of wood with what looked like benches attached to the walls.
“Oh yeah,” said Jason, walking over to Carl and pointing something out “and there’s a Jacuzzi through that door right there.”
“So that’s why you agreed with me on the swim suit debate!” said Amy, looking at Leslie.
“Surprise.” said Leslie, smiling at her.
Amy smiled at her and strutted her way towards the window to look at the sauna. Jason walked up to his sister.
“Sis, you’re so whipped!” he said.
“And you’re so jealous!” said Leslie, smiling.
“Do you blame me?” he said chuckling.
“No bro, I don’t!” she said as she followed Amy, put her arm around her and kissed her on the cheek.
“Hey do we have any food?” asked Carl, looking through the kitchen cupboards.
“I doubt it.” said Amy, “We just got here.”
“There’s a grocery store close by, Jason how about you and I go pick up some stuff?” said Leslie.
“Sounds like a good idea, you guys stay here and unpack, we’ll be back in a few minutes.” Jason said, picking up the keys to the jeep and taking his coat off the coat rack.
“Okay” said Amy, pulling Leslie in for a quick kiss and whispered to her “Don’t be too long”
“I won’t” Leslie whispered back, smiling and giving her another peck on the lips and following her brother out the door.
Amy walked to the sofa and sat down, pulling one of her magazines out of her backpack and flipping through it. Carl went and sat next to her.
“So,” he said, casually putting his arm behind her, resting on the back of the sofa. “Nice place they have here isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Amy said, not looking up from her magazine. “It’s really cool.”
“Yeah, so, you want to hit the Jacuzzi?” he asked.
“Uh, no thanks Carl.” She said, flipping another page of her magazine.
“Aww come on, why not?” Carl asked insistently.
“Because I’m not in the mood, plus I don’t feel comfortable while Leslie isn’t here, I don’t want her to get the wrong idea.” Amy explained.
“If she trusts you she wouldn’t get the wrong idea.” he said.
“Are you insinuating that she doesn’t trust me?” Amy demanded.
“No, I’m just saying that if your relationship is strong, she wouldn’t need to get the wrong idea, we’re just two friends in a Jacuzzi together.” Carl said.
“No Carl!” Amy said.
“Oh come on.” He insisted, putting a hand on her thigh.
“Carl!” Amy exclaimed, pushing his hand off her leg defensively “No means no!”
“There’s no need to be careful sweet heart, Leslie isn’t here.” He said and pulled her in, kissing her roughly.
Amy pushed him away, gave him a hard slap across the face, stood up and went upstairs to one of the bedrooms. Carl was going to follow her, but as soon as he stood up Leslie and Jason walked in.
“I can’t believe we forgot how close the store was!” Leslie said as she was coming in.
“I’m telling you that’s a new store; I don’t remember it being there!” Jason said, putting a full grocery bag on the counter in the kitchen.
“You don’t remember most of the third grade, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!” Leslie said jokingly, and then looked around. “Hey, Carl, where’s Amy?”
“She went upstairs” Carl said, pointing out which room she went to.
Leslie jogged up the stairs and into the room, ignoring the red mark on Carl’s face.
“So what did you guys get?” Carl asked, deciding not to tell either of them what had just happened. He walked up to where Jason was and looked inside the bag.
“Uh we got nachos, potato chips, a couple of microwavable dinners, seeing as none of us know how to cook an actual meal and…” Jason looked up at Carl and stopped, noticing the now fading red mark on his face. “Dude, what happened to your face?”
“Oh it’s nothing I just-” Carl began, but before he had time to come up with an excuse, Leslie came storming down the stairs.
“You tried to kiss her?” she demanded.
“Whoa, kiss who?” asked Jason, not understanding the situation.
“He tried to kiss Amy!” she said.
“Carl! Seriously dude come on!” Jason said, looking at Carl unbelievingly.
“Calm down okay, look, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again!” Carl said, with an apologetic look on his face.
“It better not Carl!” Leslie said and went back upstairs.
“Dude, not cool come on Amy is like a sister to me!” said Jason.
“I’m sorry okay! I don’t know what got over me.” Carl said defensively.
“Okay but seriously dude don’t let it happen again, or Leslie might blow a gasket!” Jason warned him.
“It won’t Jason; can we let it go now?” Carl said, taking a few things out of the grocery bag and putting them in the cupboards.

Upstairs in one of the bedrooms Leslie and Amy were talking.
“I don’t think I can face him again Leslie.” Amy said, sitting down on the bed. “I don’t think I can trust him.”
“Look, Carl’s been our friend ever since we were in kindergarten; I don’t think we should let a little incident ruin a friendship like that.” Leslie said, leaning against the door.
“I know, but things are gonna be really awkward!” Amy argued.
“It’ll be fine, we’ve been through worse awkward situations than this, remember the first time we kissed?” asked Leslie.
“Don’t remind me, we didn’t talk to each other for a week.” Amy said, remembering that moment in their junior year in high school. “The guys had to have an intervention for us at lunch.”
“And then came the moment we had to tell our parents!” Leslie said.
“I get it Leslie, but Carl seriously freaked me out, I’ve never seen him like this, it kind of scared me!” Amy said.
“I know, but this is the first time anything like this has happened, let’s just let it go and give him another chance.” Leslie suggested.
Amy took a deep breath and looked at her feet unsurely. Leslie sat down next to her, putting an arm around her reassuringly.
“It’ll be fine, I promise, I won’t let him do anything to you, I’ll be keeping a close eye on him whenever he’s near you, okay?” Leslie said, trying to comfort her. Amy rested her head on Leslie’s shoulder and smiled.
“What is it with you and wanting to protect me?” she asked, still smiling.
“Because I love you.” Leslie said.
Amy lifted her head from Leslie’s shoulder, looked her in the eye, pulled her in and kissed her passionately. She pulled her down onto the bed while still kissing her, there was a knock on the door, but they were so distracted with each other that they didn’t even hear it, Jason walked in.
“Sis, are you two okay up here?” his voice was heard as he opened the door. “Oh God!”
Amy looked up over her shoulder.
“Hey Jason.” She said, smiling.
“Uh, hey Amy.” Jason said uncomfortably.
“Hey bro!” Leslie said, sitting up on her elbows with a smile a mile wide on her face.
“Am I interrupting?” Jason said a small smile on his face.
“Totally!” Leslie said chuckling.
“Sorry.” He said, chuckling a little himself. “Hey listen, we need to test the filming equipment soon. Frankie called, he said he can do the interview about the bears tomorrow, so we have to be ready.”
“Okay, we’ll be down in a minute.” Leslie said, giving a small nod. Jason walked out, closing the door behind him.
“Well that was awkward!” Amy said.
“At least it wasn’t worse than that time your parents walked in on us in your room!” Leslie said, smiling.
“Oh God, that was bad!” Amy said, laughing at the memory.
Leslie pulled Amy onto her once again, kissing her passionately, not wanting to let her go. As she ran her fingers through her hair, Amy deepened the kiss. She wished they could stay like this forever, never having to leave, never having to face anymore awkward situations because of the way they were. She was tired of all of the weirdness between them and their parents, they accepted them, but whenever they were all together, you could feel the tension. Like they weren’t completely comfortable with it. She was sick of it all; she wished they would just get used to it so that they could live their lives in peace.

They spent half an hour upstairs. Then they finally decided it would be a good idea to go downstairs and help Jason and Carl put the equipment in the car so they could go into the woods and test it out. They arrived at a clear spot in the woods in about twenty minutes and set everything up.
"Okay the camera looks good" Carl said, looking up from his laptop, which was on a fold-able table near the camera, which was standing on a tripod.
"I wish we had something that moves fast so we could see how it works on picking up movement." said Amy.
"Maybe we should see if we can get Jason a date." Leslie said laughing.
"Ha ha, very funny sis!" Jason said sarcastically.
"Guys could you be serious for one second?" Carl said.
"Whoa, chill dude, we're just having some fun!" Jason said with a goofy smile on his face.
"Hey is that a deer?" Leslie said, pointing to something in the trees.
"Zoom in on the camera!" Carl said.
Jason zoomed in and Leslie walked over to have a look at the laptop. Amy took a few steps closer to where Leslie pointed to see if she could have a closer look.
"Amy be careful, you don't want to scare it off." Leslie warned gently.
"Actually scaring it off might be the only way to get it to move" Jason said.
"Be quiet, don't make a sound." Carl said softly.
"Jason, try and see if you can get some footage!" Amy said, slowly walking back behind the camera.
Jason started recording. While Amy was backing up she accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped it. The deer freaked out and stampeded towards them, knocking the table with the laptop over, and Leslie and Carl along with it, and running off into the woods.
"Whoa!" Leslie screamed, falling over. Carl fell on top of her and the table fell sideways next to them.
"Are you guys okay?" Jason said, pulling Carl up while Amy rushed to help.
"I'm fine." Leslie said, getting up and brushing herself off.
"I can't find my glasses." Carl said, looking around to see if he spots them.
"Here they are!" Amy said, picking them up and handing them to him.
"Thanks!" Carl said, putting them on.
"Dude, is the laptop okay?" Jason said, picking it up and dusting it off.
"I hope so, all our opening footage was on there!" Leslie said, lifting the table up.
"Here let me take a look." Carl said, putting it on the table and looking through it. "Everything seems okay, the screen is good, no pixels are dead."
"Does the keyboard still work?" Jason said.
"Yeah, no problem." Carl said, hitting every keyboard key at least once to make sure it works.
"I'm sorry guys I should have watched where I was going!" Amy said.
"It's okay babe," Leslie said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "you wouldn't have seen that twig anyway, there's leaves and snow everywhere, it's impossible to see anything on the ground!"
"Yeah Amy, don't beat yourself up about it, easy come, easy go." Jason said. "It could have happened to any one of us!"
"Anyway the important thing is that no one got hurt, and nothing's broken anyway." Carl said. "No harm done!"
Amy nodded.
"Okay, so is there anything else we need to test out? I'm freezing my butt off out here!" she said, smiling.
Leslie laughed a little.
"No I think that's it, it's no use testing the night vision right now anyway, it won't work!" she said.
"Do we even need any night shots?" asked Jason.
"You never know, we need to show both sides of the argument. On how the bears can and can't be a peaceful part of this town." Carl said.
"Which means if a bear happens to attack at night, we're gonna need to be able to film it." Amy said.
"Okay but I am not gonna wake up in the middle of the night to film some stupid bear!" Jason argued.
"Okay, then you won't pass the stupid class and you'll never graduate from the stupid college." Leslie said, smiling cheekily.
"Oh yeah, Smart ass?" Jason said, picking up a handful of snow, molding it into a ball, and tossing it at her. She screamed as the snowball hit her, then she did the same. Before they knew it they were in the middle of a full-fledged snowball fight, guys against girls.
They spent an hour doing nothing but throwing and dodging snow balls. Finally they decided to call it a truce, packed up and went back to the lodge. When they arrived, they all changed into their swimsuits. They all relaxed in the sauna, laughing about the day.
"Hey Carl, where did you run off to in the middle of the fight anyway?" Leslie asked.
"What do you mean?" he asked, not understanding her.
"At one point in the snowball fight, I saw you running into a part of the woods and you were gone for like ten minutes." she explained.
"Oh, that. I was just planning a battle tactic!" he said, laughing.
"Carl you play way too many video games!" Amy said, smiling.
"Hey, I got you didn't I?" he said defensively.
"Dude, you jumped out of a tree and got hit with a snowball in the face!" Jason said chuckling.
"At least I wasn't the one whose sister put a snowball in my beanie!" Carl said chuckling.
"Yeah, I need to wash my hair now thanks to you sis!" Jason said, running his finger through his, now wet, jet black hair.
"You needed a good excuse to get that gel out of your hair, slick!" Leslie said, laughing.
"Hey! The ladies back home love my gelled up hair!" Jason said defensively.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that dude!" Carl said, messing up Jason's hair jokingly.
"Yeah Jason, that's what you said about those gold chains you started wearing in senior year of high school!" Amy said, laughing.
"You mean they didn't?" Jason asked, surprised.
"Everyone thought you were trying to be a rapper or something!" Carl said.
"Well there have been worse fashion disasters!" Jason said. "Remember your braces in the fourth grade?"
"Oh God, don't remind me!" Carl said, cringing and smiling at the same time.
"Everyone called you metal mouth until you came in without them the first day of fifth grade!" Leslie said.
"Yeah then the acne came in sixth grade and it got changed to pizza face!" Carl said.
"Kids were mean back then!" Amy said.
"Yeah, Leslie and I threatened to beat up anyone who laughed at him." Jason said.
"Remember they used to call us the wonder twins?" Leslie said laughing.
"Yeah because we always stuck together!" Jason said.
"Then they started calling all of us the fantastic four!" Amy said.
"We were always the cool kids at school weren't we?" Jason asked reminiscently.
"Yeah, speak for yourself!" Carl said. "I was just the nerd."
"Oh come on, you were not!" Leslie argued.
"Everyone thought I hung out with you guys because I did all of your homework!" he said.
"Well, they weren't far off; Jason always tricked you into doing his homework." Amy said, laughing.
"Yeah, it's a wonder how he managed to graduate high school!" Leslie said, chuckling.
"Mom and dad got me a tutor, remember?" Jason said.
"And the only reason you understood anything she said was so you could impress her when you got good grades on tests!" Leslie retorted.
"It worked didn't it?" Jason asked defensively.
"She had a boyfriend!" Leslie scoffed.
"I still passed!" Jason said, chuckling and throwing his spare towel at her.
"Anyway," Amy said, trying to stop them poking at each other. "The point is we've been through a lot together!"
"Yeah, thick and thin!" Leslie said, smiling.
"Ever since kindergarten." Jason said.
"You think we'll always be friends like this?" Carl asked
"Probably, we've put up with each other this long." Jason said jokingly, chuckling.
"Yeah, we probably will." Leslie said, smiling and looking at each and every single one of them.
"Well we did make that pact in the third grade to always be friends." Amy said, smiling as well.
"Yeah, we had those decoder rings that we got out of a cereal box!" Carl said.
"That's how close we are! We all used to eat the same cereal!" Leslie said.
"You boys still fight over the toy in the cereal box!" Amy said giggling.
"Their collectors’ items!" the boys said defensively.
"Yeah, only usually they're collected by ten year olds!" Leslie retorted.
"She does have a point there dude." Carl said.
"Dude! Who's side are you on?!" Jason asked, jokingly.
"The dark side!" Carl said, attempting to imitate Darth Vader. Jason stood up, put his two fists on top of each other and pretended to have a light saber in his hands, waving them around and making whooshing noises. Carl did the same and they both imitated the fight scene between Luke Sky walker and Darth Vader.
"Luke! I am your father!" Carl said in his Darth Vader voice, and the battle went on.
"You guys are such nerds!" Amy said while Leslie nodded and laughed at their bad imitations of the Star Wars characters.
"Hey remember that one Halloween when we all dressed up as Star Wars characters?" Jason said.
"Yeah, Amy and I had an argument over who was gonna be Princess Leah!" Leslie said.
“We ended up both going as her, and everyone though it was adorable!” Amy said.
“We got so much candy we were sick for a whole week!” Leslie said.
“That was a fun year!” Carl said, sitting back down.
“What about that year we all dressed up as Disney princes and princesses?” Jason said.
“Oh yeah!” Leslie said, remembering that year. “I was snow white, Amy you were Cinderella and the boys dressed up as our princes!”
“Yeah only I got Jason because you guys said it would be too weird because you were brother and sister!” Amy said laughing at the memory.
For about another hour and a half, the gang sat in the sauna reminiscing about their child hood, bringing up memories of Halloweens, Christmases, birthdays and thanksgivings from years ago. They had always been there for each other through thick and thin, and they had always shared each other’s success.
The last person to mess with me and my tigerness lost his face...and his COOKIES!

The strongest people are not those who show their true strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.
— Unknown