
Young Writers Society

KATANA: Chapter 4

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Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:22 pm
specsbroodking says...

Only a week had passed since Shawn had been betrayed by Katherine and the desert family. Here, in Tokyo, Shawn had managed to stay relatively underground. He hadn't seen or heard a KATANA agent since the incident in the desert. But, from past experiences with the organization, he knew that they couldn't be far from discovering his current location.

At the moment, he was staring out the window of the apartment he was currently residing in. He couldn't help but think about what his life would be like if he hadn't met Katherine. Maybe he'd be sitting at home without a care. Or working at McDonalds. In any case, either one was better than living in constant fear of being killed. But he couldn't think about that now. He had to focus. He couldn't let KATANA ruin any more lives.

He was just about to turn back to the window when he heard the lock on his door turn. He quickly hid behind the couch for cover. Good thing he did, too, because at that very second, the door burst open, and gunfire rang out.

Two men in KATANA uniforms ran in, still firing their weapons. It was only when they had completely destroyed the room when they stopped. "Guess he's not here." one said. "Let's go check out the bedroom." the other said. They were both turned around and headed toward the bedroom when he made his move. Shawn jumped from behind the couch and gave one of the men a flying kick to the gut. The man doubled over, and Shawn kneed him in the face. The other man turned and tried to fire, but before he could, Shawn tackled him to the ground. He was just about to knock him out when he felt, of all things, a needle go into his back. Suddenly, the world went black.


Shawn didn't know how long he'd been out, but it felt like forever. Feeling, however slowly, was returning. He soon felt rope biting into his wrists and ankles. He reached toward his belt to try to pull out his knife. But when his hand reached the spot where the knife should've been, he wasn't surprised when he didn't feel it.

He was, however, surprised to hear the clacking sound of heels against concrete. Concrete. Good. At least that means I'm not back at the compound. he thought. At least for now. Then the woman wearing the heels showed her face. "Ani." Shawn said, not bothering to hide the hate he now felt for the name. "Good. You recognized me. Sometimes that knockout chemical has… adverse side effects." Ani said. "Do you want to know why we chose you? You see, we've been watching you for quite some time. From the time you took your first I.Q. test, in fact. Ah, I still remember the score. One ninety-six. Beautiful number, isn't it? But that isn't all that interested us. You had some interesting athletic achievements, too. Jr. Olympic gold medals at nine and ten. Star quarterback. You had everything except reason to join. That's where Katherine came in. Why do you think she seemed so perfect for you?"

"I know about Katherine. Why do you think I left without her? I'm not as naïve as you think." Shawn said.

"You knew? No matter." Ani said.

"I can see you're just itching to kill me, so you know what? I'm going to give you the chance to do so." She unsheathed her katana and cut the ropes binding him to the chair. She then turned and threw him his katana. Shawn caught it without the slightest effort.

"Come get me." Shawn taunted. Ani launched herself into the air and came down hard with the sword. Shawn rolled out of the way of her blow. As she turned around, Shawn dashed toward her and swung the katana at her. Ani deftly dodged out of the way and kicked him hard in the back. "I thought you would have put up more of a fight." Ani said.

"The fight hasn't even started yet. I'm just stalling." Shawn said.

As soon as he said that, a window being broken could be heard. Ani turned around in surprise.

"Who are you?" she said.

"Brutus. I also go by the name 'Your Worst Nightmare'." the man said.

"Not for long." Ani said. Without hesitation, she threw herself at Brutus. Brutus, not one for swords, pulled out twin hunting knives. As Ani brought her sword down, he crossed his knives and blocked the blow. He redirected her sword, dropped down, and kicked her legs out from under her. Shawn, now recovered, clasped hands with Brutus and looked down at Ani. "What do you want to do with her?" Brutus asked him. He pointed to the chair he'd been in earlier. "Tie her to that. Make sure she doesn't have anything… sharp on her. Then leave her here. She'll live. Eventually." Shawn said.

"What now?" Brutus asked.

"We wait until Katherine shows her face. Then we strike." Shawn said.


At the compound, Katherine couldn't believe what she just saw. Ani defeated? By someone named Brutus? And worst of all, Shawn knew she betrayed him. He was now a liability. She turned to an officer sitting next to her. "It's time. Initiate Project MILESTONE."

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
— Helen Keller