
Young Writers Society

Your Life to Take ~ Chapter One

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Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:19 pm
percyjackson4ever says...

A choice that ends in death

Teenagers: foolish, unreliable, envied, and totally unpredictable. Who knew nerds would ever become the centre of attention? Here we are 21 curious teenage ready to take you on the ride of your life; so hang on tight.

“Hey Jackie, congrats on your acceptance to Yale!” Nikki, my best and only friend in the world yelled across the hall loud enough for everyone in Mackenzie High to hear.
I winced. Great, more publicity, more reason for the popular kids to taunt me.
“Hey Nicks, how’s it going?” I responded, hoping to turn the attention back to my enthusiastic friend.
“Not bad, not bad at all. My mum’s pretty satisfied with Williams,” Nikki grinned widely. “She was hoping for Princeton, but any old university would do.”
“I can’t believe we’re finally getting out of this dump,” I sighed. “Now is our chance to walk out into the real world and prove our worth.”
“Ugh, you and your cheesy pep talk. No offense but this is the twenty-first century, not a Shakespeare stage. Save the drama for your mama.” Nikki never thought one thing that she would not say out loud or put into action.
“Geez thanks for the support,” I said sarcastically. “You plan on doing somethin’ for the summer.”
“About that…” Nikki hesitated. She looked uncomfortable.
“This can’t be good,” I groaned and put my hands on my head for dramatic effect.
“I was hoping that you would go on a road trip with me and a couple of people from homeroom” she said nervously.
“What kind of trip? How many people are we talking about?” I eyed her suspiciously.
“Well, we were planning to visit the ruins of an aboriginal tribe on the other side of town. You know, the one we studies in history last year.” Nikki said confidently as she ran her left hand through a thick strand of blond hair.
“Who’d you convince to tag along?” I ask disapprovingly.
“Twenty-one including you and me,” she said proudly, her chest rising.
“Hey Blondie, I never agreed to go yet.” I couldn’t help smiling at myself. When Nikki wants something done, she’ll stop at nothing to satisfy her desires.
“Come on Jackie, you deserve some fun for a change. Plus, it’s an educational adventure.” She gave me one of her most convincing pleads.
“I guess it would be nice to be a normal teenager for once in my life.” I mumbled to myself. If only I knew just how dangerous my life was about to get…

“I hope no one brought their hair dryers with them.” Nikki joked, trying to break the ice.
A couple girls looked uncomfortable. I recognized most of my fellow “adventurers” from around Mackenzie High. Nikki even managed to convince a couple of curious freshmen to tag along! I have to admit, when it comes to social tips, she’s definitely the one to consult.
I yawned; the two hour train ride has drained most of my inadequate energy. I blame myself for remembering to pack my calculus textbooks in the middle of the night. Not only did my baggage weigh a ton but I barely slept a wink. I would give anything in the world to get a few hours of peace and quiet.

When finally arrived to what appears to be the ruins after a 2 day hike under the hot July sun, most of us barely had enough energy to drag our own luggage! To our dismay, a heavily populated village stood where the ruins should have been.
Nikki’s eyebrows scrunched up in frustration. “What, this can’t be right. The- it should be right here! ”
My years of bad luck prevented me from doing a double take. “Don’t worry Nicks; I’m sure that there is a reasonable explanation behind all this.” I patted her sympathetically on the shoulder.
“You’re right,” Nikki said as she regained to her sense. “Come on everyone, let’s get some rest. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
We were all extremely disappointed but none of us wanted to argue. We dragged out feet across the hot rocks and called it a day.

None of us really wanted to meet the folks who diminished our summer dreams but Nikki insisted on finding out the reason behind the missing ruins. After all, this disastrous trip has made her one of the most hated person amongst the twenty of us.
Finding out the truth wasn’t easy. Turns out, folks in this cursed town despite new comers. “The outsiders” they call us. Ironically enough, a large portion of the population is made up late arriver. Most could be easily identified for the city air lingers on their pale faces.
After several unsuccessful attempt, we realized that no one’s been here long enough to know what really happened to the tribal ruins; except for “the Seeker”: the last descendent of this Aboriginal tribe.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
— Mark Twain