
Young Writers Society

Worldbuilding Contest- Week 1

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Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:24 pm
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haredrier says...

Hey everyone! This is Haredrier representing the Fantasy/ Worldbuilding Club, here with a contest for all you writers! This will be the first in a series of worldbuilding contests, each designed to help you flesh out your fictional worlds and maybe help you with others in the future.

The goal of this contest is, well, worldbuilding. Every two weeks I'll post a new topic related to worldbuilding, and during the course of the first week people can submit their entries. So far I have 24 possible topics written down, so I don't really think there's any fear of running out for quite a while. The following week will be for voting. Even people who didn't contribute to the topic can vote for the entry they liked best. In case of ties, I can vote as well, but otherwise I'll mostly stay impartial.

The same fictional world must be used for future rounds as well. It has to be the participant's original universe, because that's just fair. It can be one that they've written about before, or it could be one made up for the sole purpose of entering these contests. If your world doesn't fit into the categories that a week asks for, you don't have to enter that week. You won't be disqualified from future contests.

For the first round, we'll keep it simple. You'll have to write a general overview of your fictional world. This should include genre/ style of world (fantasy, steampunk, sci-fi, dystopian etc.), as well as a short description of it. Don't worry about going into too much detail about things like geography or culture, we'll get into those in future contests. Just post your short description here to enter.

As for judging, that will start next week after I announce submissions are closed. Until then, get to writing, I'll be waiting to read each one!

- Haredrier
Death isn't cruel- merely terribly, terribly good at his job.

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Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:38 am
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NympheaLily says...

Heeeey! I'm deciding to join this contest. This is about the mystical world of Elswyre.

Elswyre is divided up into ten sectors, each assigned with a different element. It is a fantasy world with dragons, magic forests, elves, the works. The only way to travel between sectors is through the Spirit Woods (which are magical woods that can transport you through space much quicker than just an ordinary wood). I'll get into the Spirit Woods later.

Well, I want to keep writing but I can't give away to much! Let me know what you think of this world.
Will Solace IRL

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Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:26 am
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Disclaimer: The following presentation is NOT made by a sane person. You have been warned.
You are, of course, allowed to laugh anyway.



Greetings, fellow writers. I, the self, crazily-proclaimed Shell Master Tortwag, have decided to join this contest in order to test one of my many worlds and see how much data I can gather for it to stand on its own.
This world... Is the realm of Metolvard.

Metolvard is a fantasy realm in which the various species that inhabit it coexist in a not so perfect harmony, mostly because each of the 8 main lands that compose the entire realm are all affected by a main type of climat that characterize each region's layout, culture, type of magical abilities, which in short affects the inhabitants' very ways of life.
As a result, some climates are desired by some, and each of the Weather Casters of each land actually do have the ability to steal a climate from another land, provided that certain conditions are met. This whole situation causes all matters of trades, alliances, encounters and conflicts collectively referred to as...
...The Weather Wars!

I... am itching to write more, buuuuuut since I'm just supposed to make an overview for this round, I'll just bow as gracefully as I can to try and simulate the end of a dramatic talk show and pass my mic to whoever comes after me.
Cheers y'all! GET THAT MIC!


~Shell Master Tortwag ← Title not needed when talkin' to crazy me :smt003
Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:45 pm
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Deskro says...

Yo, I've decided to join this comp to help me with my world-building skills so my novel doesn't end up in the trashcan... This submission is separate from it though. Anyway, here goes...


Guardia is a fantastical world in which spans 6 vastly different continents divided by a vicious ocean. At the shores, each continent looks normal, but as you venture deeper you find all the inhabitants beginning to exude certain qualities.

In the center resides a patron God called a "Guardian", whom are the reason for the atmosphere and citizen demeanor. No one knows when they came or there reason, but they happily settled and have been present since time immemorial. Few have questioned their reasons, and none have dared ask.

You had better be in their continent for a reason, or you'll most definitely regret it.


I'm pretty excited to delve deeper into this, I have lots of ideas cropping up.

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:29 am
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Vervain says...

May as well, since I'm revising this world. It'll keep me on track, right? ;D (I want to write SO MUCH, it's SO HARD to stop at a basic overview, haha)

- - -

In this fantasy realm, magic flows from the land into the Sea of Pavre, a body of water that, despite its multi-colored appearance, is safe to swim, fish, and sail in.

Since times of old, magic has leaked from the sea up the delta of the River Wen, leading to the popular name for people with particular talents: wenfolk. Some have even been so powerful that they're rumored to have been made immortal, or into gods, or to have caused the immortality of something else -- a fabled ancient tree, or a giant caiman.

Up until the most recent century, the lands around the sea have been peaceful, but when the ghost of an empire from across the ocean comes limping in and sets itself up in land that's belonged to others for hundreds of years, trouble starts to brew.

Chaos is close to erupting between the region's five major political players, and the fabled immortals of ages past are waking up to see it.
stay off the faerie paths

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:44 pm
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Apricity says...

The world is similar to Earth’s, surrounded and separated by a body of water. There was a total of seven continents in this world, with the last one being cut off due to a mass catastrophe that happened centuries ago. Since then, entrance upon the island has been close to impossible. There other six continents are Lishika, Haka, Riandra, Wune, Neys and Regnian.

As it is in our world, each of the continents have their separate culture and customs, language and climate. However, some of the flora and fauna, as well as the animals are distinctly different to ours.

Although it is a fantasy setting, this world is technologically advanced along with it, magic exists however only those who can master it and awaken it will be able to use it.

It is a time of change, and death. Recently, unknown diseases and new species of plants have started to pepper all continents. As frustration, fear and anger brew.

Who can say, what the future holds.
Previously Flite

'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:41 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

*casually slips in my entry (because I've been working on this story on and off for about a year, and I want to see how much I understand about it)*


The focus of this story is the world of Fayne, the crown jewel of an entire universe. The first world composed by a refugee from another dimension entirely, it stands as an honorable first step whose successors are manifested in the long series of planets, stars, and galaxies that form the universe of Acheron. His descendants and creations are scattered across the landscape, localized within a central continent straddling one half of the world. Their home is surrounded by a massive body of water, itself strewn with artifacts and remnants of what is claimed to have been a colossal struggle during the settling of the continent, fringed with impossibly tall peaks. These separate the two halves of the world, the latter of which is described within ancient script to have "risen," becoming a heaven, in effect. But, of course, with Death guarding the entrance (metaphorically), nobody can be particularly sure.

Regardless, in its almost-1,000 year history, the multi-national region has remained relatively peaceful. Or, as peaceful as you can get when surrounded by manipulative and malicious rulers. In recent times, however, the various animal and human races have come to a head, with civil wars breaking out in several nations. From rebel movements to usurping dictators, the political situation of even the most powerful nations is unstable at best. Fears run rampant, especially concerning the state of the Confederacy de Austliere (formerly the Kingdom of the Five Duchies before the individual states forced their governing country to concede some of its powers to them), in which multiple of its component nations plot to completely destroy the central, leading state. Unfortunately, these concerns are valid, as the prospect of looming war and destruction is beginning to persuade the neighboring lands to enter battle themselves, for the purpose of capturing land and antagonizing each other. Thus, if the Confederacy, as it is simply called, falls, the whole continent could descend into violence.

So, in the midst of all this tension, between various races inhabiting a wide variety of climates and landscapes, each struggling for survival, and the political and military manipulation of a multitude of leaders, what is to happen? Will the watchful, yet distant eye of this world's creator prevail, or will old evils return to plague the land?
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:45 pm
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Lightsong says...

The Magibearers

The world had four kingdoms, each one ruling two continents except for Ilal, the neutral kingdom, as it only ruled one. Vanarin and Ixar were rivals while Seefyr sided those who gave it advantages.

At the eleventh passing of the second sun, a mysterious event happened in Vanarin. Unusual happenings occurred around born babies at Eneria, the last day of the week. The news attracted other kingdoms when, after years, those babies developed magical abilities. Vanarin kept them under close supervision, as magic was a practice learned by the wealthy and was not supposed to be given by the commoners. When they advanced their abilities, Vanarin started to oppress them, limiting the practice of their abilities. Because of this, some left the nation and moved to other kingdoms that accepted them with open arms.

One of the Magibearers (the term used for them), Ignus Iriel, left to a distant village with no name at the outskirt of Vanarin. He started a family, and from there, little silent speakers, people that could speak through their minds, were born. At that time, other kingdoms had already used their Magibearers for their benefits. Ixar sent a group of Magibearers to the Village decades later, hoping to persuade those silent speakers to be on its side. The silent speakers were torn, but when the Magibearers told them they could find out the reason why Magibearers existed, some of them followed the Magibearers to attack Vanarin, hell of Magibearers, while others stayed.

One of the silent speakers who joined was Vien, and she was curious as to how the first silent speaker, Vikter (once known as Ignus) came to be; also, she wanted to achieve more than what she could in the Village. In her journey to find the truth, secrets were unveiled, betrayals were made. Each kingdom harbored secrets of their own, and while Vanarin and Ixar remained as the two that had the most Magibearers, Seefyr watched with its intents unknown and Ilal would prove itself to be a crucial piece in the game of blood and tears.
"Writing, though, belongs first to the writer, and then to the reader, to the world.

The subject is a catalyst, a character, but our responsibility is, has to be, to the work."

- David L. Ulin

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:56 pm
TahaT11n says...

Yooo~hoooo! :P :D :D

I am so hyper-excited :D

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Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:24 pm
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DukeofWonderland says...

amazing idea @haredrier :D


For this, I'll revive a fantasy world I'd set aside in 2010.
It's an alternate universe of planet earth. If compared to the timeline of earth, in terms of attire, technology & architecture, I'd say around the 1850s (before electricity). The geography never changed from PANGEA, and so the entire planet is one jointed piece of land.

All humans are born with a symbol etched on their inner ankle. The existing known symbols are known to signify the six 'fates' :

1- Deity: A ruler, a person fated to work in leadership positions. Over the last 279 years, there has been only one deity in our story. He is the ruler. It is suspected he has a secret mission to kill any other children born of the deity fate.

2- Artist: Anyone who is artistically gifted. The artist are looked down upon as the state believes they are a waste of human resources. Many artists find appropriate jobs of course, but many help out in other family jobs.

3- Warrior: Gifted with physical stamina and strength. Will be recruited into state security department.

4- Operator: Gifted with mental stamina & organisation. Easy to find jobs, will be recruited into most office tasks.

5- Talisman: Gifted in the art of magic. Often ostracized by the community as they fear what they can't fully understand and anticipate.

6- Healers: Gifted with caring nature of personality and the gift of understanding the magical art of healing. Easily find jobs in healthcare.

As you can see, magic is assumed to be divided into two forms. The dark magic is mastered by talisman, and the good by healers.

Our story opens with the birth of a baby Jay, who's grandmother is shocked and fearful, when she notices her grandson has no scar & must hence be fateless.

dun dun dunn
"The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it
regularly went cuckoo."
-- Terry Pratchett, "Wyrd Sisters"

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Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:11 am
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Virgil says...

Might as well do this c:


Industria is a realm where a number of people can conduct electricity. Unfortunately for them, they are locked in tall towers and are used to power the world's energy. These towers are located around the realm and world.

In this world, jailbreaks are not often for these people. The government controls them and keeps them locked up and advertises them as evil, though they are not. This causes the rest of the world to see them as scary.

After 50 years, there's an outbreak.
Last edited by Virgil on Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:37 pm
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reikann says...

I'm developing a new world for a fantasy RPG I'm running now, so some work wouldn't hurt! As an author, I have my roots in high fantasy and hard sci-fi, so I'd hope that my world is a fusion of the two. I'll try to limit myself to a classic essay five paragraphs.

Unwuji, a pocket universe that bubbles off the side of the realm of Limbo, is in a constant state of on the edge of collapsing into complete tohubohu.
The livable areas themselves are roughly the size of South America, pulled into a roughly disk-like shape due to the spin of the limbo 'galaxy' and gravity, hedged by giant mountains (-like structures).

Spinning pieces of other worlds tossed into Limbo have been known to make their way into Umwuji, and before the inhabitants grew tired of being subjected to that chaos, did with some regularity. That's where the varied terrain, technology, and variety of species come from. The inhabitants of Unwuji, likewise, were descended from refugees, criminals, and unlucky explorers who, for whatever reason, found themselves in that corner of Limbo with no escape.

A central river, the Zouyan, akin to a fjord crossed with the Amazon, slices the landscape in two down the middle and diverts off in leaf-vein rivers. The direction of the river's flow follows no obviously apparent rules, but conscious beings have found ways to predict the flow, making the land traverseable and goods and ideas tradeable. Set on a plateau in the center of the Zouyan is the largest trading port and current center of knowledge, Summit.

Kingdoms rising and falling happens often and fast. However, as there must be a time, as it stands there are five dominant powers. The mermaid courts that run trade and communications through the river networks are on the verge of a civil war. The theocracy of Summit is run by a pantheon of a thousand gods and goddesses whose priests make decisions in council and bicker as they breathe. The desert wastelands are protected by a shogunate of cowboys who fight off the twisted clockwork monsters that rise in the night. The ring of mountains are the domain of an ancient, missing lich, keeper of a fictional Library of Alexandra and her three golem sister-guardians. Finally, the forests and plains pay tribute to merchant-kings, whose feudal Victorian England has entered the steampunk era and is raring to mess with forces man was never meant to understand.

And on top of all that, in the pocket universe on the verge of chaos, for the first time since Unwuji was formed, Limbo is breaking back in.

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Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:24 am
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Meerkat says...

Hello, all! I'm Meerkat, here to join the worldbuilding contest. It looks like there's already some stiff competition. :D

Genre of entry: fantasy (nontraditional? unclassified?)
Life in the Apher Valley moves in only one direction: onward. The region is a geological enigma, a vast landmass isolated from the surrounding territory by its staggering depth. It is perhaps this forced solitude that allows the valley's inhabitants to advance rapidly in culture and technological enlightenment—though not in peace.

Humans, automatons, and a sentient bearlike species called the Dov all coexist with one another, and are ruled by a triumvirate with a leader from each race. This balance, however, is a fragile one. In the east, the Dov have newly won their freedom from human enslavement, and the bloody, violent struggle has caused bitterness for both sides. Automatons face contempt and distrust from a great number of their organic neighbors. Apher's unstable government stands on the threshold of collapse.

With an internal war seemingly unavoidable, many of the citizens of the valley look outward for their future. The exotic allure of the lands above calls many a soul to adventure. Whether the motivation is a religious pilgrimage, a quest for wealth, a search for a fabled city, or simply a dream of independence, whatever compels these daring travelers to ascend into the unknown is the same force that can lift the heavens...or bring them thundering down.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." –Terry Pratchett

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Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:07 pm
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jumpingsheep says...

Hello all! I picked my character's home planet and decided to run with it!
Many years in the future, Mars has been terraformed and colonized. Many territories of the red planet have grown to be just as populated as Earth, and the cities range from carefully planned suburbs and cityscapes to more rural homesteads lining the outskirts.

One can easily see that Mars was one of the first planets to be terraformed. Though the air is quite breathable and safe and trees hold firm, the grass is rather sparse and dust storms are not uncommon.

The planet has recently been liberated from Earth’s government. While many planets colonized later had their own form of government in place, Mars remained tied to Earth until a revolution that occurred several years back. The citizens of Mars are still getting used to their newfound power.

Welcome to Mars. Where the sky is pink, the people are rogues, and the dust hangs lightly under orange moons.
hello there

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Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:39 pm
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haredrier says...

Submissions are now closed for this week! Congratulations to all those who entered, your works look interesting.

As of now voting will commence. Anyone can PM me with their favorite entry, and at the end of the week I'll tally up the votes and announce a winner. There are two rules to voting:
1. Everyone can only vote for one work. Even people who didn't participate can vote, provided it's only for one entry.

2. No voting for your own work guys, be a good sport and appreciate your competitor's works as well.

All messages to me with your favorite entries will be noted. Voting will close at approximately this time next week. Good luck and happy voting to all!
Death isn't cruel- merely terribly, terribly good at his job.

Your presence can give happiness. I hope you remember that.
— Jin, BTS