
Young Writers Society

Event 6: My Writer, the Character

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:01 am
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crossroads says...

My Writer, the Character

Summary: From now on, for the twenty four hours since this topic was posted, become one of your characters, and write a short story or a scene with your writer as the protagonist.
You can decribe a day in his/her life, or a scene, or the way s/he acts when s/he's thinking about your next move in that story you come from, anything at all. You can add in your thoughts or comments, and describe objects and people the way you deem fit, as well as somehow introduce yourself and your own story if you can.
Please do not break the fourth wall and interract with your writer directly in your story, though. That might freak them out more than you'd expect.

How to enter: Simply. Just submit your entry to this topic ;) Do keep to one post in this thread (for easy tracking). For everything else (questions, comments, bragging, complaints, predictions or whatever comes to your mind), refer to the Discussion Topic of this event.
Keep your submissions short - up to 1000 words. You can write stories of any rating, but keep it visible at the top of your post if necessary.

Psst. You. Yes, you. The hero, villain, sidekick or random observant destined to die on page two, come closer. Leave that messy mind of the writer who created you, take a breath and pick up a a quill yourself, for you are now given a chance to write about no one else but that very conflicted, cruel, lazy person whose mind you've been born from.

Imagine if Voldemort wrote about J. K. Rowling's shopping session, Marius about V. Hugo's birthday celebration, or Captain Nemo about J. Verne's writer's block. Imagine if your own character - from a story, novel, Storybook or just one you imagined and haven't written about yet - got the opportunity to describe a snippet of your life. As a silent observant from the inside of your mind, he, she or it gets to see everything. What do you look like from their perspective?
Do give them the chance to tell you.


In addition, there will be two mini-events.
At and , join us in the main chatroom, staying the character you used for the challenge. For as long as you feel like staying there, adopt the way of talking, attitude and personality traits of that character, gossip about your writers, exchange ideas with other characters of the kind, brag about yout acchievements, ask advices on your love interests or complain about your storylines.
(note: the times of the mini events refer to time in your timezone. It reads 6 and 10 pm for me, which is 5 and 9 pm GMT)

~Some important things to know
You do not need to participate in the mini-events to participate in the challenge, and vice versa (then just use whatever character you want, as long as it's your own).
Whether you join chat for the RP mini events or not will in no way affect neither your chances in the challenge, nor the judging itself.
While in chatroom, even though keeping yourself in character, do follow the chat rules.

• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:00 am
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Maximilia says...

Bobby (from the Falling Under series...)

She’s got such tiny windows in her house. Nothing but glass where screens would be; with white crosses barricading this world from the world inside that dark room she stands in; alone.

Walking circles, in the eventual: here is all she ever is. Standing in the dark alone, with the shadows of her childhood surrounding her. Erecting lives out of slivers of her own.

Watching her, this frozen doll. This black figurine poised with her fingers to her lips. I know I am a metaphor.

She calls me Bobby, but I feel the center stitch of my bearing words binding me to the bitterness and disappointments which shape her nightly silences. I am a piece of her she carries at distance; left to watch her through small windows of a great, big empty house with starlight and solar flares dying on the ceiling.

I can’t tell her what I mean. I can’t tell her that we love each other.

Sometimes, she scares me. Sometimes, it takes her days to move at all. It’s irrational; my fingers twitch against the wooden pane, and I don’t know what it is about her stillness that unnerves me, but it unnerves me.

Others pass by and watch beside me. Sometimes three different faces peering through one little window at one little author with her eyes closed; one little broken god.

Of course, I can’t see her in the day. It’s hard to be anywhere really after sunrise…but I leave blessings at this altar – little words I might say to inspire her, in the hope that maybe, when I come back, she’ll have done the same.
Moved. Came closer after so many days, to stare back at me with dark, glittering eyes…

But I’ll always be tethered here. A sound fading in and out of her ears. A balloon tied with lyrical strings to the bottom latch, watching her forever – even after my story ends.

My author; my god.
This is essentially the visual dynamic I had in mind, btw...
1619087_10152174637156738_1953006421_n.jpg (28.08 KiB) Viewed 817 times
Last edited by Maximilia on Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:08 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:10 am
GreenTulip says...

She just sits there, her eyes closed her fingers resting upon the keys. Her thoughts stumped, as she struggles to find the words, that give me life. She is the God that I look up to. She is the one who gives me and the one's around me life.

My ma says I am just to crazy to see the blonde haired girl who's thoughts are mine. I see her pain- hidden behind a fake smile, happy words. She struggles not to cry from the pressure of school and home. She is not happy- but she is happy in her own way. She refused to let the others see how weak she is, how powerless she is too the 'ntire world.

It is days like this- dark and saddening- that don't help her mask the pain, the sadness. She just tells everyone that the weather makes her sad, and that everything is okay. Nothin' passes through her pink lips about this feeling, that is holed up in her heart.

My name's Baillie Smithfield, and the one, in the "real" world, that they call "Katie" is my God. She is my maker, my savoir, and she is the one who brings light to my world. It hurts me too see her like this, but I suppose that she knows what she is doing.
Life works in funny ways sometimes. Some get hurt, others go through without a single bruise. I could tell so many stories of how I got each scar that is scattered across my flesh.

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:44 am
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RachelLeeAnn says...

I hope I did this right...
Spoiler! :
Thud. I hear the familiar sound of her bedroom door closing. I hear her shuffling across the floor, turning on her bedside lamp, and crawling under the covers. I can never guess where I will see her next. Sometimes, I see her through the dim light of a computer screen. Other times I find her through the worn pages of her favorite journal. Occasionally, I will see her behind scribbles on her hand or used napkins, but it’s rather blurry then.

You see, this girl is my creator. She made me who I am, and whenever I see her, she can control my every move. She creates every thought, emotion, and action that I have when I can see her. I don’t think she realizes that sometimes I don’t like the way she makes me. Too frequently, she makes me sad or angry. However, once the laptop shuts down or the book is closed and I can no longer see her, I’m back to myself. Though I guess “myself,” is just a compilation of all the different stories she’s told about me.

When my maker isn’t in eyesight, all I can do is idly wait for her return. I like it when she’s around, even if I do have to be unhappy for her occasionally. Without her here to mold my world, I just sit in dark nothingness. She never gave me a name. I’ve always just been “her,” or “she,” or “I.” There are no background characters; no noises or colors or scenes. Just me, waiting for my next adventure to start.

Though she probably doesn’t know it, I know a lot about her just from observation. I know that when she’s really stressed, she sits at her computer with a cup of tea and makes me take hikes on mountains. When that boy broke her heart last winter, she spent a week straight in bed while I was physically abused by villains she created (who ironically resembled her ex-boyfriend.) I also know that when she’s really sad, she doesn’t really finish my adventures. Instead, she writes me into existence and then stares at me (a blank page in her eyes) until she’s finished crying. Then she puts me away again.

But I also have seen the good things. Because more often than not, after I’m done being abused or after I’ve climbed a really high mountain, she normally looks at me for a little bit and then smiles. It took me a while to figure why she was smiling at me. I realized that I’ve done a good job. I took that beating like a trooper. I hiked that mountain like a pro. She’s proud of me, and that makes it worth it.

I hear the low hum of her computer starting, and I immediately know that tonight she’s chosen typing instead of hand writing. The computer screen is probably the best window for me to see her from, so I’m happy with this decision. I hear her clicks and taps as she gets to a blank page. A bright light shines out of nowhere, and I take this an indicator that I’ll see her soon. As always, I get excited as I start to anticipate the world she’s about to place me in.

Slowly at first, but then increasingly quick, I hear her fingers flitting across the keys. As she sets the scene, I start to see my world come together. Streaks of color coming together to create mountains, forests, trails, and fields. I can feel grass beneath my bare feet, and I can feel a cool breeze in my hair. Finally as I feel myself being brought into existence, the blurry window becomes crystal clear, and there she is.

She’s looking at me with concentration. Every few seconds she stops typing and just stares at me. She doesn’t know I can see her, but that’s okay. This way, I see her with her guard down; I see her how she is naturally. Her face is set into a seemingly constant expression, with her lower lip between her teeth, and her brows furrowed. Her blue eyes are rapidly going across the page over and over as she reads and rereads what she’s already written.

The world behind me is getting more and more vivid, but I don’t care. I’m focused on her. Judging from some of the things she’s written in the past, I feel like I’m her only release sometimes. So, when I get the chance, I really like to look and make sure she’s okay. Plus, it’s kind of fun to try and guess what kind of mood she is in before the creation process really starts.

I look past her for indicators of how this story will go. Judging by the cup of tea, her teary eyes, and the inspirational book on her nightstand, I think it’s safe to assume tonight’s story will be a story about overcoming some sort of obstacles. I like these stories.

She keeps typing, and even though my body is doing everything she wants, and I’m saying the things she wants me to say, all I can think about was that quick glimpse of her face. I’ll see it for a couple more hours at most, and then after one last smile, she’ll put me away again. But that’s okay. She always comes back.
"I think all writing is a disease. You can’t stop it." —William Carlos Williams

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:04 am
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Ventomology says...

For my writer, Bug, her freshman orientation day was something to be remembered. Now, at Fernwood High, we never got an orientation day, mostly because it was the same place and same atmosphere as the Middle School, so her tale was something I found difficult to understand. Although, now that I think about it, Skye might do something similar should the opportunity arise...
Anywho, like anyone else in her position, Bug found freshman orientation day to be a bother. First an assembly in a gym paired with frighteningly loud pop music, not to mention embarrasing ice-breaking activities like the silent rearrangement game. Honestly, whoever comes up with these ought to be sent to a loony bin.
After the gym, she was sent sprawling into a group of strange kids who she had never met, along with two very peppy upperclassmen, to play even more ice-breaking games in a classroom. Since her orientation day invitation had specifically instructed her not to bring a lunch, she found herself eating some sort of chicken concoction provided by the cafeteria. I feel sorry for her, because the Fernwood High cafeteria is good enough to be in the basement of a House of Representatives office building.
Once the mock zero hour finally began, Bug was reunited with her science-side friends in Chemistry. The teacher did not seem that nice, and from what I've been hearing, she still matches the original first-impression: mediocre. (According to Skye, she did blow a few things up during a demonstration, a quality that raises points in any student's mind.)
Her official 'first hour' contained few friends, but second hour was boringly spent with a monotone English teacher, who I heard teaches straight out of a literature textbook. All of her friends had joined freshman jazz, and were not there to suffer with her.
And that is where the real story begins.
Giddy, she skipped to the band room for third hour, a plastic orange cowboy hat with several goodies tucked under her arm. Bug waltzed in and placed her cowboy hat on the ground.
Alas, things do not always proceed as planned. Her first time in years attending the same school as French Horn friend, Ei, she wanted immediately to search for the other girl. Instead, a tall trumpet player grabbed her suddenly around the waist, several girls giggling up a storm behind.
Her feet rose, kicking and jerking, off the floor, and like the scaredy-cat she was, Bug screamed in terror. For one does not expect such things on boring freshman orientation days.
"Jeez," said a deeper voice, obviously male, "why does Newbs want this kid again?"
"Duh," said French Horn friend Ei, "she plays trombone too, you know. I'm sure you haven't forgotten that there were only TWO of them last hour!"
"Yeah, and Mr. Blake did recommend her," added another voice, most likely the ever-present Bird's.
Still screaming, and with her strangely calm entourage following behind, Bug was carried through the hallway to the jazz band director's office, whereupon she was ungracefully dropped onto the floor. Bug swatted at her arms, trying to rid herself of the tingly feeling of surprise human contact before looking up at the director.
"Uh, hi," she said, waiting for recognition.
"Hello," said Mr. Newbury.
Jerking her thumb backwards, Bug continued. "And I guess you arranged that?"
"Right on, kiddo."
And so explains the kidnapping of my writer. She did end up joining jazz band, a class which saved her from the monotone English teacher. The trumpet playing kidnapper became her unruly lackey, and lucky enough for her, she managed to make her freshman orientation day into a memory that would last forever.
I can only hope that I, Millie Hansen of Fernwood City, whose story remains unfinished, will be given a gift like that. From Bug, of course.
Last edited by Ventomology on Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I've got dreams like you--no really!--just much less, touchy-feeley.
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone
surrounded by enormous piles of money." -Flynn Rider, Tangled

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:04 am
Cirute says...

Up atop a hill in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, sits a large white house. Its paint , peeling from years of harsh New England weather, fields surrounding it, overgrown and ridden with poison ivy. The high summer sun, setting the white house aflame with golden glory, warms my scales.

Nimbus doesn't like the place, saying that it's a hateful place inhabited by humans. I wouldn't call it that. I love seeing these strange things the humans make.

We both lay, hunkered down behind a great boulder, wings tucked in tightly. We watch as the tall, skinny boy with the red hair walks along a well-beaten path through the field, pushing an orange bike, carrying a shovel in bony, calloused hands, and humming the tune to that strange song by Pink Floyd, the one about schoolchildren being bricks in a great wall. I remembered Louis telling me about that one once, long ago.

Nimbus murmurs something to me, he is afraid the boy might see us. I tell him that if he did, he wouldn't do anything. I remind him that the boy created us out of his own imagination the winter before. The boy, an angry punk, created him specifically in an effort to vent his anger. Nimbus smiles, as do I.

The boy drops his bike, and walks up to a line of large mounds of dirt. I ask Nimbus what they are, and he concludes that they are jumps for his bike. I ask him how he knows this, and he says he doesn't know.

"Guess it's because I have a lot of him in me, Celsko." He whispers, eyes still fixed on the boy.

I think about this for a moment, then say, "Why do you think he created our world?"

He closes his yellow eyes.

"I think it's because he wanted to show what the world around him is like. Our world is everything wrong with his: Dictators, corruption, greed, communism-- all those strange human things.

The boy raises the shovel above his head and brings it down with a loud slap, packing the dirt solid. He repeats this process over and over again, a constant cycle of lifting the shovel up and slapping it down.

"Then why did he chose us to be... dragons?"

Nimbus muses over the question for a moment.

"I'd imagine they represent something to the lad, I don't know what though." He pauses, looking at me, "We better be getting off though, Cel. It's getting late."

I sigh, not wanting to leave our warm little spot in the grass.

"I suppose you're right," I murmur, "Nimbus..."


"Do you think he'll give our story a happy ending?"

Nimbus pulls me close, his wings encapsulating me, and whispers four words.
"Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention."
-The Sex Pistols

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:31 am
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mephistophelesangel says...

There she goes again, I muse silently, picking on her scabs.

I can smell her blood from the roof of her apartment, the blood that runs down her skin as the scab finally comes off. Her black, almond shaped eyes are half-lidded, relaxed. In a strange way, her pain relaxes her. I always wonder why, and how. The night wind howls and whistles by her open window, and she shivers and closes it.Then she flips open her computer and starts to type - a sudden inspiration.
I lean forward with her, interested about what will happen to me this time. She scratches her scab again, her face then brightening, and she types furiously and fast.
Behind me, I hear a soft thump. Abel scowls at me, holding up a dagger. A dagger with a hilt that has writings on it - written with cow blood.

"You!" He roars, jumping over the space between us and kicking me flat onto the roof. In the apartment under me, my creator whispers sarcastically under her breath, "Yeah, me." I smirk and say, "Yeah, me." sarcastically. Abel's face flushes. "Traitor! I will kill you this time, Mason, I swear." He hisses under his breath. It is amusing to see how his voice corresponds with hers.
My face darken and I snarl back. "What did I do this time? Hm?" She leans back in her chair and scratches her former scab, concentrating. It doesn't take long for Abel to slam a fist into my face. I grunt in pain. Damn nine-tailed foxes and their powers.
Abel's face is unreadable, but only one thing is clear. Rage. Sadness flashes in his eyes then disappears.

"You've changed. You betrayed us." Abel whispers. I stare at him disbelievingly. "I change? You changed. You betrayed me. You kicked me out. And you say that I've changed?" Another fist to my nose. It breaks and blood flows down my face.
My creator winces to herself, but keeps typing.
"Mason... you've gone too far this time." Abel warns, and pushes me up to my feet and holds up me by my neck. Only the tips of my feet barely brush the ground. I start to choke, and claw at Abel's hands. What is he doing? Is he -she- really going to kill me?

"No, don't die, Mason." She whispers under her breath, and a grim smile breaks out across her face.

A second later, I see the tip of a dagger. Growing out of Abel's neck. Embedded in the back of his neck. The death-spot. I scream as his grip slackens and take a huge swipe at the Hunter. "NO!" I howl. The Hunter stumbles back, and trips on his own feet. Unfortunate for him. My claws tear out his throat cleanly. He collapses onto the ground and doesn't move.
I whirl around and crouch down next to Abel. His eyes are glassy and he soon turns into his true form - a huge, nine-tailed golden fox. He is dead.

She chuckles hollowly and slowly closes her laptop.

Sometimes I wonder if my creator is not that entirely sane.

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:36 am
Nike says...

Okay, here goes. *crosses fingers*

Spoiler! :
I was the girl she wanted to be. She wrote me to show she could be different, be out there, have drama, and be broken. It's not like she was already broken, but she wanted to be broken from a much better reason than... what she is broken from.

Every time I saw her, it was either through this computer or in her mind. She liked to visit us people a lot and reflect on our lives, what toll we will take. That gives us the chance to dig into hers.

When the time comes to write, it's either some random attack of knowing what she's doing and other times frequent pauses and swearing at herself, running her hands through her hair furiously. There was something bugging her.

Her mind didn't work right. Her heart went it's own way. And her life sorta sucks.

There's always a new guy she writes about, but this time, it was different. It took everything in her not to write the same thing again. A meeting with this guy and change it up into a romantic event. She wrote the truth, what exactly happened that one night at that one party. It made her head hurt and she shut her eyes, pleading herself to write about him even though she just couldn't.

It would make her better. It would make it more real. And, it's pretty entertaining too. I could tell this guy made her different. And it hurt her.

I don't understand why she'd want to be me. I'm sorta a slut. A bitch. And I don't have a pretty organised life. I know, she wants a guy... but is really having a guy better than having a guy you love? Her mind is messed up, but she can fix that. She's a good person and I don't think being me would help in anyway.

"Jane is like my alter ego!" she said with a smile.

That's the thing, I'm an alter ego. As in, do not try to be me, Nicolle. It's just not a smart idea.

When she left me, I just wondered around with everyone else. I've got Will, Jas, Oli, Lena, Alex, Harry, Jessa... there's a bunch of us. And we just don't know what to do. When I'm here, untouched, I think of Emmett and how much I miss him. And that makes me remember how she really likes this guy...

She came back. My creator. A mother really. She sat down at the laptop and started typing again, a world shaping around me. Oh, she was typing about me. I saw what she was typing, what was going on. The surrounding took shape and I saw Emmett again. Then, in a second, it all disappeared and Nicolle screamed.

Oh my, she was all alone at home and tears were streaming down her face. What was I to do? My heart wretched for both her and Emm.

"I can't type... not like this..." her voice was so weak and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't do anything. "What is wrong with me? I am so... stupid." She hissed the last word.

Well, guess what, so am I.

That's why you wouldn't want to be me. I've made so many mistakes... why did I make so many mistakes? Why did you make me into this person? Why couldn't I be Jasmine? She seems perfect. Or, like, couldn't you have made me nice and not slutty? Why did you make my life suck? So you wouldn't be the only one suffering?!

I had to calm down. She wasn't worth it. She made me because she believed I could be a better person! She wanted to prove people can be good even if they started all rocky. And that was okay.

All I want to know though, is why. I deserve the good life. Ugh, seeing her crying made me hurt all over.

Maybe she made me like this so I could relate to her in some way and not be boring like her. She tends to live an utmost boring life.So I'm her with an edge. That's okay.

It was a hard time for her, but she'll be better. I know it. She was okay, so soon enough, she'll be back.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:40 am
FatCowsSis says...

I think I understand this....So here it goes!
Spoiler! :
The snow fell in sheets, covering the ground like a soft, white blanket. A cold blanket at that. The day was new, and the air crisp and clear. A perfect day for my little "outing." I must admit, I had been looking forward to re-uniting with Adam for weeks. I has missed him while he was gone overseas to Poland to visit relatives. But now, he was back and had asked me to the diner in town. I couldn't wait.

I practically ran through the snow, attempting and failing not to leap with joy. This day would be perfect! I couldn't wait for his voice to warm me, filling me with laughter. I smiled at the thought.

As I skipped through the snow, a figure shot in front of me, screaming at someone behind it. Seconds later, a second figure sped past, flinging snow on me in the process. Bang. The deafening sound of a gunshot broke the silence of the night. I heard a scream of pain and panicked. Whirling around, I began to sprint through the snow, screaming in fear.

I saw a man pointing a gun at a girl and the girl leaping behind a tree as the bullet slammed into the trunk. I heard myself screaming and saw people pulling out phones, dialing 911. I blinked slowly, and continued my slow sprint toward the diner. Bang. The gun went off again, the frightening sound stopping me in my tracks. I turned and stared into the cold blue eyes of the convict. I shivered. The man spun back around and continued to fire at the girl. I kept running.

Bullets flew everywhere. Not only bullets from the man's gun, but the also came from cops and men dressed in black. So many bullets. Fear shot through my body and my shoes unstuck themselves from the snow as I began my sprint. I was too late.

A cold bullet slammed into my gut, knocking me to the ground. The world slowed, my vision blurred. I could feel my blood draining out of me. I'm just a bystander. Please. The snow around me turned red, and my vision faded to black. I'm just a bystander.

Why do we always die?
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Spoiler! :
Ground Beef

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:29 am
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GoldFlame says...

Spoiler! :
Writer's Block

The Void isn't hollow, painted with liquid shadow, as humans so often imagine. It's flooded with abandoned dreams, scraps of events, colors and thoughts clumsily stacked against its walls. And with each passing hour, another dream breaks, more scraps flurry to the bottom, another stack tumbles down.

I cling to a suspension bridge, cursing she who banished me here. The girl who'd taught me love and laughter, so carefully crafted my life. And then so carelessly threw it away.

"Why?" I scream, but I scream at nothing, for she's closed all doors to her mind. "What have I ever done to you?"

My ears absorb laughter. Broken pieces of laughter...Drake's laughter. His flesh and bones are sheer, his heart opaque, a pearly white.

She murdered him, the monster. Without second thought.

Then light tears at the fabric of the void, and this time, no needle comes to stitch it back together. Elation drowns out all rage.

She hasn't forgotten me, after all. My author.
Last edited by GoldFlame on Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“He leant tensely against the wall and frowned like a man trying to unbend a corkscrew by telekinesis.” – Douglas Adams

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:34 pm
SirenCymbaline says...

Introduction. It's a bit long and unecessary, but if you want some insight on who Forbye is and why she dislikes me, then here it is.
Spoiler! :
To make this interesting, I have decided to hand the reins to the character who probably likes me the least. Forbye Eldritch.
I made her up in 2011 for a friends' storybook that never ended up launching.

She was bitter because I gave her a tragic backstory, being an inexperienced writer. She was against magic because a fiendfyre killed her family, so being in a magic community was the cruellest twist of fate that I could have conceived.

Now that I am more experienced, I have made some modifications to her surroundings and story. She likes her new governess Mavis and her new home, but still has a merciless sense of humour. I think she got it from Shakespeare.
I am uncertain of her background.

I also exercised her character in a Character Chit-Chat forum once.
A person that we all knew.
She only had one scene, but she made a strong first impression.

While I have tried to improve her life, she still has every right to despise me.
Even now that I've revised and put her in a better place, I still haven't been active in her story for a long time. If I ever do get any more inspiration and ideas for her story, no doubt she will have mixed feelings about me.
Also, thank you very much for reading all this, I didn't think anyone would.

She was born on a dark and stormy night.

The midwife was driving a long way through the country roads in the bad weather, and she never made it in time, but the baby was safely home delivered.
Now that she's fifteen she tells the story of her birth like it's an old cheesy horror film.

I wonder if I was born on a dark and stormy night.

My origin is very blurry and vague, even she isn't very sure of it.
What I do know is that I was created for wish fulfillment.
She used me to do things that she hadn't the gall to do in her life.
She couldn't say what she wanted to say to those that hurt her, so she made me to say it to those who hurt me.
Did she ever think that maybe I didn't NEED a tragic backstory to be interesting?

Her writing was unrealistic, it was foolish, it was self-indulgent, and worst of all it was blind.
She was young, I'll give her that, but she didn't understand that her actions really affected us.

I wish I didn't need her. And maybe I don't.

I have every reason to leave her and she knows it.

At least, unlike some stupid writers, she never ever thought of herself as our Goddess, who giveth and taketh away, to whom we oweth our very lives.

I found her old novel drafts for a book that never made it past the first chapter.
The two main characters had cool and barely pronounceable names, and everyone else was just Bob or Fred or Joe. They had exotic appearances too, and everyone else looked normal.
Everybody who was somebody had a tragic past.

Then there was Jess. Poor girl was in an RPG full of two-dimensional, mentally unstable and very dysfunctional characters.
When she finally snapped, she gave the silent treatment to Annie for years until she matured and wrote a very sincere apologetic letter.

If I could ever meet Annie personally, be there face to face, mercy knows what I'd do.
I hate what she's done to my life. She's tried to fix it but she's never been there for me.
But I still remember how she'd come back every few months.
She'd sketch me, she'd colour me in, tenderly fixing the smudges and the mistakes, wising that someday I may forgive her.
Don't tell her, but....I like her pictures.

I adore this Victorian gown she designed for me. It's sophisticated, and elegant, but also practical.
That's her specialty.

I'll at least admit that Annie has matured, and consequently, things are better for us.
Now Jess has a balanced life, and a sister. I live in a fantastic steampunk library with a kind and witty four-armed lady named Mavis.
I have a best friend to keep me from drifting too far.
I like Mavis and I like the library, and to be honest my life isn't so bad.

But sometimes it's just not enough.
I had parents, I had a sister. We were all we had, and we were all we needed.
Sometimes I want to ask her...

Why did you kill them?

I want to know where I come from. I want a future outside of these walls.
I need a purpose, and we have to find it.

Or I might live in underdevelopment forever.
Last edited by SirenCymbaline on Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Bad souls have born better sons, better souls born worse ones -St Vincent

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:37 pm
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BluesClues says...

Spoiler! :
She’s sitting at a McDonald’s this morning. She visits McDonald’s a lot, relatively speaking, although this morning she’s there for the Internet more than food. All she’s bought is an overpriced coffee and three chocolate chip cookies. I don’t understand the appeal, personally, but she’s young yet.

Then again, everyone seems young when you’re three hundred and fifty-six.

She takes a sip of her coffee and shrugs like she’s had better. She probably has. Overpriced coffee is nearly never worth the extra money spent. You might as well get your coffee at a gas station: another thing she does a lot, by the way. But this morning the lure of an Internet connection was too strong to pass up an opportunity to go to what you might almost consider her favorite restaurant.

(She might quibble with that speculation, but if I could I would ask her: What restaurant do you frequent as often as McDonald’s?)

She’s typing away at a laptop, typing much more than drinking her coffee (though the cookies are long gone), but she’s easily distracted. Every few words, she looks up from the screen to gaze out the window. What is that? Writerly contemplation? A love of windows? ADD?

She has a habit of chewing on a thumbnail when she’s stuck, which happens a lot today but not recently. She’s been writing a novel, and there has been little thumbnail-chewing. Instead her fingers have spent the last month flying across the keyboard, except for those occasions when she was overcome with emotion, usually happiness, and stopped to laugh at herself and exclaim over her characters.

Ridiculous. Hard to believe that a serious story could arise from the same mind that writes such fluff.

Now she’s done with that story, or, at least, she’s waiting for feedback before continuing her work. Evidently other writing is not so inspiring as to get her to leave off the thumbnail-chewing.

She sips at her coffee again and shrugs as if she did not already signal to the world that this coffee is not very good. Closes her laptop, shoulders her laptop bag. It’s time for work: first the grocery store where she flips between working the meat department and cashiering, smiling at customers as best she can even when they irritate her, and then to the after-school program where she teaches at risk children.

How humanitarian of her.

And then, after a long day of work and more driving than she cares to do, she’ll head home, curl up again with her laptop, and chew her thumbnail as she tries to think of what to write next.

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:41 pm
crescent says...


Spoiler! :
I know she doesn’t think of me often. If she did, my body wouldn’t be made out of cardboard. I watch her sleep. “Melanie, Melanie, Melanie,” I whisper in her thoughts. Maybe if I say my name enough times she’ll think of me. She doesn’t.

Her body is curled up like an infant. She needs to grow up and care about me. I’ve heard rumors from an unnamed character that she’s thinking about abandoning me and naming him. After four years of living in her mind, I refuse to let that happen. I don’t want to fade, but I know she’s cruel with her terminations.

“Wake up, you stupid human,” I scream. Her body shifts its position. Music sounds. She doesn’t stir. I wonder if she has a hearing disability. I know that humans aren’t naturally good at hearing, but the repetitive music has been playing for 20 minutes. I sit close to her eyes. Their lids are still shut. “Come on,” I say. Slowly, they pry open, then they slam shut. The music continues blaring for an hour before she finally gets up and turns off the alarm on her phone. She walks about the small building. Some elderly humans greet her. They ask if she’s hungry. She eats a sandwich they give her. I can feel her glaring as they fuss over her. Typical human behavior.

She spends the rest of the day in front a bright glowing square box, pressing buttons. She visits blue pages a lot. She looks at a picture of a girl. I hate her. Her mind screams. I don’t get why she hates her. The reason I hate Heather is clear; she tried to kill me in one of our drafts, and our author likes her better for some reason. Our author stares at a picture of a boy for a brief moment. He comes up sometimes in her thoughts, and she gets upset. She doesn’t really have a right to be upset. She didn’t want him anymore. Also, it’s not like he had his heart ripped out by her father in front of her. She’s so pathetically weak and human. She should be spending all those pointless emotions on me, but she doesn't because she's selfish.

A bunch of words are typed, but none of them generate a new character or make me less cardboard-like. She's thinking about herself again and her life, and I wish she could be more altruistic with her emotions and words. If she just spent a few hundred on me everyday, I wouldn't mind that she tends to like all the other characters in my novel better than me even though I'm the main character. I could even forgive her.

When she finally goes to bed, hours past midnight, I cry. She hasn’t thought of me once. I stare at my fingers and I swear one of them is slightly smaller than this morning.
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"grammer" 1519 matches on YWS *twitches*

Rydia is the ruler of the world. :(

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:42 pm
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Morrigan says...

From the point of view of Sassafras the Cat.

Spoiler! :
tall thing is like snow.
tall thing make loud sounds at barkers. it barks at barkers.
tall thing curls up in its nest like me. den is cold, nest is warm.
why is tall thing still? tall thing is still for long time, only paws moving, clicking. shapes in front of glow click fast like prey. maybe glow is tasty looking. glow hurts my eyes.
tall thing goes into BIG dens. BIG dens made of rock rectangles. i can't go in BIG dens.
tall thing with other tall things. crinkles paper. listens to tall thing noises.
tall thing goes in food den. i smell it. tall thing food smell weird.
when tall thing see mewers like me, makes squeak noise with mouth. sometimes they come to it. mostly not.
tall thing open strange object. smell bad. drinks water with bad smell. tall thing moves weird, like trees bend in wind. tall thing goes to den with other tall things and LOUD sounds. tall thing moves body with LOUD sounds.
tall thing falls. tall thing okay?
tall thing okay.
tall thing goes back to nest in own den. It sleeps.
"So many poems growing outta them they're practically a poet-tree"

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:00 pm
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Dragoon120 says...

Ashley Blakewood (Resurrection)

I watch as the girl lays on her futon with two hoodies and a Halo beanie, just staring up at the bottom of the top bunk. Her Siberian Husky, Artemis, lays contently against her feet. The air is crisp and cold, and yet blankets ignored. Thoughts fill the mind of my creator, who goes by Dragoon online, and yet she does nothing with them.
She rolls over on her side and sighs, like those ideas were a plague upon her. She doesn't have the fancy technology as I do, but it does not take that much time to scribble down ideas.
Dragoon promptly stands up and walks over to the laptop that provides a bright light in the dim, messy room. She sits down in the desk chair, and begins searching for her tablet pen. She finds the small, black, slim item on the bookshelf next to her and opens up Adobe Photoshop. I intently watch her scribble a form down, just a mass of lines. Then it slowly begins to take the form of a woman... Then, after a few moments of contemplation of the scribbled sketch, I watch her give it a neat, smooth outline of a dark brown. With a moment of surprise, I notice it is me.
I watch her draw me with great concentration and wonder, why, if she has such detailed thoughts of my world, has she not given it a written end? She colors me in, and gets up, leaving the computer on as she rummages within her box filled to the brim with incomplete stories. She pulls out an orange plastic folder. It is stuffed impossibly with papers, yellow sticky notes protruding with rambled corrections. She gives it a longing look, and I know one thing, it is Resurrection. I feel a sadness at the sight of the beaten folder, filled with 25 chapters of my life within the ship of the SFV Xona, and know why she abandoned the idea.
She didn't want it to end.
She takes it over to the desk and sets the story on it, opening it to the prologue. She then begins reading away, and I deem to think a thought most unfinished creations would not: I like that I was not given an end.

Talent is something that comes from within; it has nothing to do with age.