
Young Writers Society

Character Art PlanMo/Camp NaNo April 2024

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Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:09 am
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Spearmint says...

It's that time again, where I get to practice art and you get free character art! :3 As a bonus incentive to complete the character questionnaire (the last PlanMo challenge), I'll be drawing one character each for the first five people to fill it out and post the link in this thread! If you've completed the questionnaire for multiple characters, please also mention which character you'd like to be drawn. ^^

This is a character profile for one of my Camp NaNo characters this year:
Spoiler! :
Name: Chelsea
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Eye colour: dark brown
Physical appearance: straight black hair that reaches the middle of her back, dresses neatly, default facial expression is a gaze of concentration
Strange or unique physical attributes: dark eyebags under her eyes that concealer doesn't quite conceal fully
Favourite clothing style/outfit: white blouse, black formal pants, red heels, clear umbrella
Where do they live? What is it like there? -- all these characters live in an alternate Earth/future Earth. Virtual reality is used by nearly everyone, and Chelsea works for one of the foremost VR companies, Vitri. She makes sure everything is running as it should and stops hackers trying to attack Vitri or its virtual world, Lucidity.
Defining gestures/movements: Chelsea sometimes taps her fingertips together when she's thinking
Things about their appearance they would most like to change: she would love to get rid of her eyebags, but working long hours and taking care of her brother Miles doesn't leave her much time to sleep. Stress from her job doesn't help either
Speaking style: brisk, crisp, efficient. Chelsea doesn't waste time with "please" or "thank you" or "you're welcome"
Pet peeves: people blabbering on for twenty minutes about what could've been communicated in twenty seconds. Also, meetings that could've been emails
Fondest memory: trying to bake brownies with Miles when they were kids. Yes, they put food coloring in the brownies and promptly burnt the bluish-brown brownies and the fire alarm went off, but it was hilarious
Hobbies/interests: girl doesn't have time for hobbies :/
Special skills/abilities: has an excellent work ethic and a talent for whipping teams into shape. Chelsea was recruited to Vitri at age sixteen, first sent out into the field at age eighteen, and has rapidly risen through the ranks since
Insecurities: that she'll lose her brother Miles, but what's worse, that she could have done something about it but just wasn't good enough to succeed in saving him
Quirks/eccentricities: she has a collection of umbrellas. She doesn't go out much, but she likes their aesthetic
Temperament: calm, cool, collected
Negative traits: can come off as cold and unempathetic sometimes
Things that upset them: inefficiency that leads to harm
Things that embarrass them: being the one her team needs to wait for, getting in someone's way unintentionally, not knowing things
This character is highly opinionated about: equity in the workforce. No discrimination on her watch
Any phobias? -- nope
Things that make them happy: cool umbrellas, also when Miles is not a disaster in the kitchen
Family (describe): Chelsea's and Miles's mother died of a terminal illness when they were in high school, and a few years later, their father followed suit (Miles thinks it's because of a broken heart. Chelsea thinks it was his high cholesterol). Chelsea had already been recruited by Vitri by then, so she was able to pay for Miles's college and simultaneously learn to cook and do basic household tasks (Miles tried to help cook, but, uh, he set the fire alarm off at least ten times before he gave up. At least he does the dishes now.)
Deepest, darkest secret: she doesn't actually enjoy her job. She finds it tiring and unfulfilling and would rather be using her skills to create something to help people who have no one else to rely on, much like she would have been if she hadn't had Miles.
Reason they have kept this secret for so long: it earns a good salary, and she needs money to take care of the two of them. She doesn't want Miles to worry about her, so she pretends it's her dream job.
Other people's opinions of this character: most people have at least a grudging respect for Chelsea. She's proven herself and her abilities a thousand times over by now. Some are jealous, some would like to befriend her, but she's usually rather aloof at work.
Favourite bands/songs/types of music: classical music or rock music. Both help her concentrate
Favourite movies: she hasn’t watched movies in a long time, but she enjoyed silly animations when she was younger
Favourite TV shows: same as movies
Favourite books: also doesn’t have time to read anything except books on the latest VR tech and cybersecurity
Favourite foods: brownies, rice bowls
Favourite sports/sports teams: gymnastics, parkour
Political views: socially liberal, economically conservative
Religion/philosophy of life: hard work and intelligence are the only things you can rely on, and even thing, things can always go wrong
Physical health: stressed, sleep deprived, gets sick every flu season
Dream holiday: anything that involves not working
Description of their house: tiny apartment on the thirteenth floor of a building near the center of the city, small window with a little plant that Miles takes care of, sparsely decorated by stuff Miles finds
Description of their room: bare except for a bland bed and a desk covered with computers and papers
Any pets? – nope
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: getting recruited to Vitri. or maybe meeting a certain character >.>
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: getting recruited to Vitri. or maybe parting ways with that certain character <.<
Superstitions: ehh not really
Three words to describe this character: efficient, tired, selfless
If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be? “i’m so tired of love songs” but it’s actually “i’m so tired of working”

And ta-da!

Art will be completed in around 3-4 days and posted on your wall. :] Looking forward to seeing your character questionnaires! Happy PlanMo'ing!

Note that I mayyy be opening this up to more than five people this year if I have more time >.> We shall see :]
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Gender: Demigirl
Points: 1150
Reviews: 35
Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:18 am
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WeepingWisteria says...

TW: Mentions of violence and icky families

Spoiler! :
Name: Cassia
Age: 1558
Height: 4’9, a nice 5’0” with her usual boots on.
Eye colour: Hazel
Physical appearance: Cassia has olive skin, black hair with about half of it painted green, and looks about 25 years old. Very skinny due to never quite gaining the weight back after not eating for a year (it’s complicated, don’t worry she’s fine). She’s usually always smiling. She has three moles, one in the corner of her left eye, one just to the left of her mouth, and one by her right ear.
Strange or unique physical attributes: Cassia wears a lot of bright makeup: usually teal with big winged eyeliner she does with precision.
Favourite clothing style/outfit: Layers! This girl loves layers. She’ll wear a collared shirt, then a sweater, then another jacket or plaid shirt on top of that. She short shorts, then fishnets or torn tights, and then a miniskirt, and tall lace-up boots. She loves looking like a scene kid, even though she was born about over a thousand years before that style was invented.
Where do they live? What is it like there? Cassia lives in the New York District house for her company, General Anachronistic Investigations Inc. (GAII). She loves it there, as she gets to live with her secretary and a teenager that just moved in off the street.
Defining gestures/movements: Cassia is always smiling, but she’s also a skipper. She loves to skip around places.
Things about their appearance they would most like to change: Honestly, Cassia is pretty happy with their appearance. The only thing they would change is they really want a piercing, but it’s against company policy. Having a piece of metal on her face is bad for time travel >.>
Speaking style: Cassia actually has a British accent! After joining the company from the remains of the Western Roman Empire, the person who she was around the most had a British accent, so she picked it up too.
Pet peeves: Cassia cannot stand the feeling of wet clothes. They’re cold and they’re sticky and your skin gets all itchy! And it’s gross. Just ew.
Fondest memory: Cassia has a lot of fond memories, but some of her favorites are the night she realized her secretary was a lot more than a coworker, and inviting that teenager into her home.
Hobbies/interests: Cassia used to love running, but has stopped in recent times. Now, though, she enjoys a good manga and horror movie!
Special skills/abilities: Cassia can smell when an area is good for time travel. She also has a sixth sense for jumpscares, but she only uses that for evil.
Insecurities: Cassia grew up in a very troubled home, and doesn’t like talking about it. She still has nightmares and flashbacks, but feels guilty for making people worry.
Quirks/eccentricities: Cassia, being almost 2000 years old, can be a little out of touch with modern day. And spending so much of her life time-traveling, she gets events mixed up. A lot.
Temperament: Cassia is an easygoing, very nice person. It’s only rarely she deviates from that.
Negative traits: Cassia can be very reckless, especially when it comes to her health, makes decisions rather rashly without looking at all of the facts, and can be very secretive about important things.
Things that upset them: She hates her old team leader, Kier. She doesn’t like explaining why though.
Things that embarrass them: She has a disease in her legs that makes it so she needs a blood transfusion every so often or she’ll become paralyzed. She… does not like this fact.
This character is highly opinionated about: That no one does disturbing movies quite like the French
Any phobias? She is terrified of ending up alone
Things that make them happy: Her family, consisting of her secretary, Janice, and the teenager, Cricket.
Family (describe): She was born to Lilith and Aeodus ten years before the fall of Western Rome. After Lilith abandoned her family and Cassia ran away from home, Cassia made a new family. Which brings us to Janice and Cricket.
Deepest, darkest secret: She had to tell two people know this, but her deepest secret is that her old team leader, Keir, is the one who gave her the disease by tampering with her vaccination that would have prevented her from getting it.
Reason they have kept this secret for so long: She doesn’t like admitting when she’s hurt, so even just admitting she’s sick is hard. But having to face why? It breaks her every time.
Other people's opinions of this character: While Cassia has found her niche of people, there have been many people in the past who find her annoying, overbearing, and a few knives short of a dining set.
Favourite bands/songs/types of music: She loves gothic music and Martian Punk Rock (it’s a shame it won’t be invented for about a thousand years. She can wait though.)
Favourite movies: She loves horror films of all types, but she’s a sucker for classics like Dawn of the Dead and Nosferatu.
Favourite TV shows: She occasionally watches anime, but tends to get frustrated if they deviate from the manga. (Like, The Promised Neverland did such a big time skip!!! Ughhh)
Favourite books: manga, especially horror manga like The Promised Neverland and PTSD Radio
Favourite foods: Anything that Janice cooks, but especially her stew.
Favourite sports/sports teams: She doesn’t tend to follow sports. Her favorite sports have not yet been invented. (But oooh the Martian Wastelands play so wellll.)
Political views: Cassia spent so long bouncing around time that she struggles keeping up. All that matters to her is: the government isn’t tyrannical, too many people aren’t dying, and they’re protecting the forests. (She’s going to miss forests once they’re gone.)
Religion/philosophy of life: Her philosophy is to help as many people as possible with a smile.
Physical health: Cassia has a disease that could paralyze her if her transfusions stopped.
Dream holiday: Cassia has been so many beautiful places!! It’s so amazing.
Description of their house: Cassia’s home is a Victorian Gothic beauty, standing out like a sore thumb against the New York neighborhood. The inside is well furnished, but not very decorated. It’s used as a resting place for people who have been displaced by time. They stay there until Cassia can return them to their proper time.
Description of their room: Cassia’s room is quite messy, much to Janice’s chargin. She would love it if Cassia just made her bed once in a while.
Any pets? No, it’s against company policy.
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Finding Janice and Cricket and making a home for herself.
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being abandoned by her mother, stabbed by her father, and getting infected with her disease.
Superstitions: Cassia needs to thank any forest she enters.
Three words to describe this character: Bubbly, protective, reckless.
If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be? This song

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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415 Reviews

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Reviews: 415
Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:11 pm
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keystrings says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Lila Padilla

Age: 17

Height: 5'3

Eye colour: Dark brown/slightly hazel

Physical appearance: Lila has dark brown hair is cut a bit short, past her chin but above her shoulders. Her hair is usually half up, half down unless it's drying, and is wavy, in a loose pattern. She has light brown skin, with a pink undertone. She has an oval-shaped face, with thick eyebrows.

Strange or unique physical attributes: Lila has a wide array of dark and light freckles across her face, and mainly her arms. She does have a few darker moles, much like birthmarks in various places as well. Also, Lila has peculiar marks that are slowly darkening since she was 14 on her arm, that looks like a triangle with three moles slightly apart.

Favourite clothing style/outfit: Her favorite clothing style is a long coat and dark, low heeled-boots because she likes to hear the clack on the ground. Underneath is usually some kind of thin long sleeve shirt preferable a light color, if it's cold outside. On a warm day, Lila will wear long, loose dresses, that look more like sundresses than fancier ones.

Where do they live? What is it like there?: Lila lives in a town called Mesa, in a nondescript part of central California, that has stuck to its old traditions from the Wild West Era, and is so off the regular road that there is no cell service. In fact, that's what draws people to attend their annual festival, always happening during the winter solstice. And, this year, it's the centennial year -- which means only one thing: something big is going to happen. This town is small, the population is fewer and shrinking by the month, and families are leaving. At least, some members are.

Defining gestures/movements: Lila talks with her body a lot, such as waving her hands around during a concentrated conversation, or really using facial expressions without realizing it. She also will absentmindedly tug on her own hair so she tries to put it up somehow.

Things about their appearance they would most like to change: She would want to change her hair color to something lighter, probably a subtle auburn.

Speaking style: Lila chooses her words carefully and will usually speak a bit slowly, and will always think more than she says. However, in a rush, she can talk a lot in very little time.

Pet peeves: When someone tries to scare her by tapping her shoulder from behind, or scream her name to make her jump.

Fondest memory: During the summer months of her middle school years, her sister and their friends would engage in fun activities such as buying tons of ice cream and running down the town streets completing dares and tricks. She loved the chaos and lightheartedness that she grew up with and has had to leave behind.

Hobbies/interests: She writes letters mainly, practicing to an audience of no one, but she never lets anyone read them. Besides writing, Lila tends to go on walks throughout her home town and watch nature for a few minutes alone.

Special skills/abilities: She speaks Spanish, English, and is learning two more languages, Italian and Korean. She also is in good shape, as she usually exercises and keeps herself busy.

Insecurities: She never feels like she understands everything someone is saying and then never likes to ask questions to get clarification if she missed out on something.

Quirks/eccentricities: Lila will start feeling awkward and might suddenly squat or stand at weird angles just to get some energy out.

Temperament: Lila is pretty easy-going but will tend to be quiet if she's around strangers or people she doesn't feel as comfortable with, unless they really annoy her.

Negative traits: Lila is not only bad at asking for help, clarification, to repeat something, but she's also really stubborn and usually thinks she's right and won't listen to reason.

Things that upset them: If she sees someone getting made fun of and no one is helping that person, that someone says something really ignorant/wrong, or when she gets surprised and feels scared.

Things that embarrass them: If she realizes she's wrong about something she thought she understood/knew, when someone tells her that she's ignorant, selfish, or did something stupid.

This character is highly opinionated about: feeding stray animals, spending time with animals, that families are what you make them, and they do not make you.

Any phobias?: Arachnophobia probably, but Lila claims to not be scared of anything.

Things that make them happy: Animals. Cats. Dogs. Nature. Having a few minutes to herself.

Family (describe): She grew up in a lopsided household, with her parents: her mom, her dad, her stepmom, her stepdad and her older sister, as well as basically having a family within the whole town since the population was so small. Her birth parents had gotten divorced when her mom was pregnant with her, but thankfully they got along well enough to actually live in the same house still. Her stepparents did not end up having kids of their own, which did help with the transition period. She did have to fight for her chance to leave the house though and not feel so trapped in such as a small world.

Deepest, darkest secret: Lila made a pact with a demon at the age of 14 to save her older sister's life (who was 17 at the time) after they were in a serious car crash and she felt really guilty about that. She felt responsible because she was being annoying and trying to mess with Camie before they got hit by a car and drove off the side of the road.

Reason they have kept this secret for so long: Well, no one was going to be happy that Lila made a pact/potentially signed off her life to save her sister, and since no one knew about it besides Lila and the demon, 'cause Camie was busy trying not to die, she wasn't going to speak about it.

Other people's opinions of this character: Camie thinks there's something off about Lila, but she really likes being around her. Most of the town find Lila strange since she basically ran away at the age of 14 to attend school out of the town vicinity.

Favourite bands/songs/types of music: She will always be playing instrumental/classical music, as well as movie soundtracks such as Inception and The Lord of the Rings.

Favourite movies: Everything that has been adapted from said favorite books, like Pride and Prejudice, etc.

Favourite TV shows: As read above, same thing pretty much like Emily Dickinson also Bridgerton, etc.

Favourite books: Anything Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, Grapes of Wrath, etc. She likes classical novels.

Favourite foods: She loves crackers, bread, and olives.

Favourite sports/sports teams: Lila goes to baseball games the most often, and roots on teams based in California, but doesn't totally follow one over the other.

Political views: Well, despite her obsession with the past, she is very democrat and wants ya know the world to be less expensive.

Religion/philosophy of life: Lila isn't very religious. She believes that everyone has the right to choose their own fate.

Physical health: She's in decently good shape.

Dream holiday: Leaving the USA, but probably London to see some inspired sights from her favorite books.

Description of their house: Small, but with many rooms and a bright, yellow painted kitchen. With an extra set of parents, there never was enough space for everyone, but it was homely, and nice and always smelled good when she came to visit.

Description of their room: Small. She collected various things but never had a place to display it.

Any pets?: No pets, but she does feed any stray cat she sees, and she basically has taken care of many animals over the years.

Best thing that has ever happened to this character: When she was able to leave her home and go travel, even at the age of 14. Also, she doesn't realize until later, but making a pact with a demon.

Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being abandoned at an old train station when she was little by her biological father and having to get picked up by a family friend after waiting for hours.

Superstitions: She broke it, but it used to be "Don't read a book out loud that's in old English and might have something bad related with it" before she needed to save her sister.

Three words to describe this character: Quiet, determined, cautious.
If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be?: SYML - where's my love
name: key/string/perks
pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs

novel: the clocktower (camp nano apr 24)
poetry: the beauty of the untold (napo 2024)

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227 Reviews

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Points: 32581
Reviews: 227
Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:55 pm
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NadyaStatham says...

Spoiler! :

Name: Chris (Christopher) Cummings

Age: 14

Height: 1,58

Eye colour: Hazel Brown

Physical appearance: He’s not too short. He has amazing wavy and tousled hair. A sharp jawline and casual sporty clothing.

Strange or unique physical attributes: An Emerald birthmark in his neck.

Favourite clothing style/outfit: Sporty and comfortable. Evers dark colours.

Where do they live? What is it like there?: In a magical world. It’s currently Chaos. But when it’s normal, it’s a beautiful place, very chill. The best place on earth to be for Chris. Almost everything works with magic, so that makes things easier but also sometimes dangerous. The air is fresh, there is no global warming or natural disasters that are threats to the world, everyone is helpful and friendly.

Defining gestures/movements: Laidback, relaxed, friendly.

Things about their appearance they would most like to change: Nothing really.

Speaking style: Short, but not straightforward. Mostly sugar coated, bc he doesn’t want to offend anyone.

Pet peeves: Rubbing with broken pieces of glass against each other

Fondest memory: The day father got him a new bike and was teaching him how to ride.

Hobbies/interests: Watching the sunset, Skateboarding, soccer

Special skills/abilities: He’s a vampire, he can fly, he is super-fast. He’s great with spears and has super-strength.

Insecurities: He’s afraid of speaking his mind and when he does he kinda lashes out. He struggles with self doubt and this makes him vulnerable.

Quirks/eccentricities: Goes to nature while thinking, mostly searches up a lake with rocks in a quiet forest.

Temperament: Friendly, approachable

Negative traits: procrastination

Things that upset them: Disloyalty and dishonesty

Things that embarrass them: His asthma and his superstitions.

This character is highly opinionated about: Loyalty and Equality

Any phobias?: Hemophobia, fear of blood

Things that make them happy: Having fun or a night out with his friends and family.

Family (describe): Both of his parents died, but he was too young to remember. Just like his mother he has asthma. He lives together with his big sister, Kiara and their guardian who is a witch called Natasha.

Deepest, darkest secret: Struggles with self doubt

Reason they have kept this secret for so long: He was afraid he’d come over as weak.

Other people's opinions of this character: Probably their favourite out of all the characters in the Novel.

Favourite bands/songs/types of music: Song: Anti-Hero by TS

Favourite movies: -

Favourite TV shows: -

Favourite books: Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them & Six of Crows

Favourite foods: Pasta Alfredo and Chicken Parmesan

Favourite sports/sports teams: -

Political views: -

Religion/philosophy of life: Agnostic/ Live in the moment and go with the flow.

Physical health: He’s healthy except for his asthma

Dream holiday: Canada

Description of their house: It has an upstairs and downstairs and about seven rooms. The house relies on magic and is invisible from the evil eyes, but only visible to humans.

Description of their room: He shares a room with his sister, so not too much. The right part of the room is his part: The ceiling is an enchanted view of the galaxy always moving around. His bed is always tidy and two metres in front is his closet. Next to his bed is his bedside table on which his inhaler is.

Any pets?: No

Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Restoring the order and freedom in the magical land again, by defeating the evil that was luring around.

Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: His parents were murdered in front of his eyes and because he was so young he almost doesn’t remember them anymore.

Superstitions: Highly Superstitious: Black bats, Sweeping the house after six and throwing salt over his shoulder.

Three words to describe this character: Cool, Chill & Friendly

If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be? Style by Taylor Swift

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32 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 10
Reviews: 32
Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:10 am
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herbalhour says...

i would prefer amon :]
Spoiler! :


Amon Valéntin and Jason Burton

Age: 20

Height: A: 6" J: 5" 7'

Eye colour:

A: Brown

J: Black with deep purple contacts

Physical appearance:

Amon: Dyed pink hair, carries cluless pen and notebook light tan skin

Jason: Black hair, deep pink & orange glasses, dark tan skin

Strange or unique physical attributes:

Amon: double jointed thumbs

Jason: 3 piercings per ear

Favourite clothing style/outfit:

A: Pink cat sweater, white crop top, faded jeans, pink sandals

J: Black Nightmare Before Christnas hoodie, sweatpants, shark slippers

Where do they live? What is it like there? -- dorms in US idk what the US is like

Defining gestures/movements:

a: big hand movements

j: fidgrts with ting on his finger

Things about their appearance they would most like to change:

A: stomach area (wants to be SKINNIER)

J: content w/ body

Speaking style:

A: flirty but also fast

J: zoned out and fast

Pet peeves:

A: vanity

J: chewing w/ mouth open

Fondest memory:

A: First tine writing a story

J: first time watching SAW


A: romance, plushies, art, writing

J: horror, music, druns

Special skills/abilities:

A: can lick his nose

J: can do a backflip


A: body

J: not insecure


A: flirts eith everyone

J: looks away from people


a: calm most of the time

j: very easy to anger

Negative traits:

A: flirtatiousness

J: cold (person wise)

Things that upset them:

A: not being "pretty"

J: racoons

Things that embarrass them:

A: himself

J: Amon

This character is highly opinionated about:

A: gay rights

J: mayo is a pudding

Any phobias? --

A: being ugly, failing

J: being alone

Things that make them happy:

A: Jason, viola, romance novels

J: Amon, horror, good drums

Family (describe):

A: Only child, ab*sed by his parents for being "girly". <-- caused a deep scar which gives him body dysmorphia(?)

J: 5 older brothers, forced to be masculine, family v. anti gay!! internalizef homophobia

Deepest, darkest secret:

A: likes stepping on legos

J: likes the idea of homoerotic cannabilism (idea from corv i really like)

Reason they have kept this secret for so long:
A: not relevant in conversation

J: do i have to explain

Other people's opinions of this character:

A: Endearing, very much a flirt, extroverted.

J: why he scary!!!

Favourite bands/songs/types of music:

A: The Beatles, all-american b!tch(olivia rodrigo), pop, alt

J: Taylor Swift, classical, some vocaloid

Favourite movies:

A: Love Actually, Enola Holmes

J: SAW, Thriller 2

Favourite TV shows:

A: K-Dramas (specifically crash landing on you), Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen

J: American Horror Stories, True Crime, Brooklyn 99

Favourite books:

A: Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, (herb can't think of romance novels LOL)

J: A Wrinkle In Time

Favourite foods:

A: Enchiladas, churros, flan, strawberries with ice cream

J: Plant-based burgers, salad, hard boiled eggs

Favourite sports/sports teams:

A: Swimming, tennis, gymnastics

J: Basketball, swimming, wrestling

Political views:

A: idk girl he's a democrat ig


Religion/philosophy of life:

A: karma is REAL, you get what you put in!

J: realist + pessmist

Physical health:

A: Abnormally fit for someone who stays in all day

J: Very much bulky, very much like a bear

Dream holiday:

A: Tokyo, Seoul/Busan/Incheon

J: Berlin/Canada/Chile

Description of their house:
They share a simple apartment. To the left of the door is a small blue & white costal vibes kitchen seperated from the living room by a half wall. Against the half wall in the living room, is a beautiful white table with a fruit basket on it. Their living room has a nice white couch and a glass coffee table, with 9 coffee cups on it.

Description of their room:

The two share a room. Amon's side is pinks, reds, whites, very much kawaii style. His bed has various cute pillows and plushies, fairy lights above his bed. At the end of his bed is his wardrobe, and next to that is his desk. Jason's side is covered in posters but is unusually organized. His bed has neatly folded blankets at the end, and no other decor. He has a dresser and a lap-desk that he uses on his bead instead.

Any pets? --
Their apartment doesn't allow them, sadly.

Best thing that has ever happened to this character:
A: gettung a publishing deal!

J: meeting Amon

Worst thing that has ever happened to this character:

A: spilling coffee on his NEW white dress

J: breaking his glasses because he sneezed


A: saying macbeth in theaters

J: jinx knock on wood

Three words to describe this character:

A: pink, chaos, herb

J: grounded, stalkery, chill

If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be?

A: IT GIRL (yk that song) / pretty isn't pretty (olivia rodrigo)

J: obsessed/enough for you (olivia rodrigo)

nothing is forever but everything was infinite

herb/tea - he/him/his, she/her/hers

“I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you.”
— Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince