
Young Writers Society

Holiday to a Hellish Place

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Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:41 am
Khe Sahn says...

Just remember, this was written a little while back, so it's not exactly great. Another thing, I had to shorten it also because I wrote this for an English assignment at school.

The Holiday to a Hellish Place
Finally, the volcanic planet came into view.
“There she is, Ted.” I said.
“Yep.” replied Ted, piloting the craft.
Slowly the planet became bigger and bigger. Then it started to become bigger a lot faster. Possibly too much faster.
“Hey Ted, slow down a bit would ya?”
Still faster.
“Ted, slow down.”
“But I-“
CRASH! We came down to the mysterious volcanic planet like a tonne of bricks. Like a tonne of falling bricks. Like a tonne of incredibly fragile falling bricks onto extremely hard concrete. You get the picture.
But somehow, I just managed to emerge from the ship uninjured (well, mainly), but ‘Mr. Useless’ didn’t. He ended up landing practically upside down, balancing on his head. Then he came falling down like a – sorry – tonne of bricks (and it serves him right, too). But Ted’s injuries were the very least of my problems. I don’t know about Ted, but I would like to get home at some point in time (with or without Ted, either suit me fine). And just to top everything off, it turns out that all our communication devices ended up getting crushed or damaged. One damaged communicator was working for a time. “Hey fellas, what’s happened!” said the crackly voice through the communicator.
“What happened? Oh, I’ll tell you what happened. Ted here decided he’d go for the whole ‘epic landing’ thing and ended up almost killing –“ I was talking to a dead line. I picked up the comm. Unit and in anger threw it to the ground.
“There goes any hope of communication!” said Ted, like this whole fiasco was my fault.
“What? What! Are you blaming me! Well I’ll tell you what you are. You’re a –“ But before I could even begin insulting Ted, a 20 foot snake (about 1 metre wide, too) came out of a nearby pit of lava and (yes, there were a lot of those pits around) drew itself up to full height, ready to lash out. Ted hurriedly shoved me in front of himself. The god-sized snake had begun its attack as I franticly tried to escape Ted’s grip. Just as the snake opened its mouth to crunch me into who knows how many pieces (please just the one piece) I skilfully whacked Ted in the jaw and rolled out of the way. (And for those who were wondering, yes, I am very skilled at close-quarters combat).
“You son of a-“ he started, but the snake (although a snake was hardly what it was) had just devoured him whole .
Good riddance, I thought, as the beast lowered itself back into the pit of lava, giving me an evil glare, and as I sprinted off into the other direction, the both of you.
I was still running away when I realised I was about to approach another steaming pit of lava. I came to a speedy halt. I turned in the other direction, ready to restart my sprint, when a (much smaller) alien appeared. It began to make quite animated gestures as it also started talking absolute gibberish. It made a sighing motion, and stuck its hand in its pocket and pulled out a fish and handed it to me. I swallowed it whole, not knowing what to do. The alien seemed quite annoyed with me, pointing its deranged finger at its ear while grabbing another fish with its free hand. I took this one and stuck it in my ear.
“Babel fish. It allows you to understand foreign languages. Gosh, has no one read “A Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”.”
I just stood there, gobsmacked.
“I’m Malmo by the way” the alien spoke, quite out of synch (the Babel fish wasn’t doing a very good job translating.).
“J-j-j-john” I said, hardly managing even the most basic, one syllable words.
I noticed a robot to the right of ‘Malmo’.
“This here is my robotic counterpart, A.R.G.H.”
“It’s my name! Automatic Robotic Galactic Healer! A.R.G.H.! Simple.” The robot speedily replied.
Malmo held out a glowing red plant that looked suspiciously like a chilli plant.
“Eat it. It’s good stuff.”
I took the plant and cautiously placed it in my mouth. I bit down on it. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Then BANG! A taste explosion of the chilli kind erupted in my mouth, and I swear my tongue had melted.
“ARGHHHHHH” I screamed.
“What?” replied A.R.G.H.
I quickly spat it out.
“Tastes good, doesn’t it?” said a familiar voice. And not Malmo’s or A.R.G.H.’s.
“I am going to steal all these deliciously scrumptious plants and bring them home and sell them to the world! I will be the most powerful man in the world! MuHaHaHAHAHAHAHA!” roared a quite out of control Ted.
“Well Ted, for one, they’re bloody hot, and two, that’s plain wrong!”
“I thought you would be on my side. Oh well, if I must...” He pulled out a plasma gun and began to pull the trigger just as an electric charge (courtesy of A.R.G.H.) burst into his chest. The result wouldn’t have shamed an Olympic high jumper. He flew a good 3 metres backward, straight into a pool of lava.
“ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH” he howled, as the lava burned his body to a crisp.
“What now?” said the robot.
Ted was finished. It’s not like he’d be missed. I swear they only gave him this (joke of a) holiday so he could give the people on planet Earth a break from his ignorance and annoyance. But finally all his plans for world domination were over. Thank God.

“How did Ted survive that 20-foot beasts stomach?”
“The Gralazyins ‘eating’ Ted? They were just playing around. They feed off of the lava and chilli plant. I’ll bet it just spat out Ted.” answered Malmo.
“You’re telling me that those 20 foot tall oversized monsters are playful creatures? Which planet am I on!” I exclaimed.
“Planet Ak” answered A.R.G.H.
I shook my head.
“How am I going to get back home?”
“Oh, how does a teleporter sound?”
“I think I might stay here for the month.” I said, finally satisfied I would get the holiday that I had worked so hard for.
99% of people die when killed. If you are in the 1% who doesn't, put this in your signature.

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:59 am
Tenyo says...

Haha! I love it!

The voice of the protragonist is very strong, and quite brilliant. Personally I have a short attention span and an annoying inner editor, so I rarely get through a full piece without being distracted, but this one kept me reading from beginning to end.

I can't really pick out anything wrong grammatically, only the term 'one syllable word,' which is 'mono-syllabic.' Also, cut down on the brackets, especially in the beginning few paragraphs.

Well written, funny and incredibly creative, this has to be one of my favourite pieces yet :) Keep it up.
We were born to be amazing.

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:02 am
PenNPaper says...

Hi, PenNPaper here.
I would like to say that this story is very creative, interesting and a little funny(The fish in the ear part).
“There she is, Ted.” I said.
“Yep.” replied Ted, piloting the craft.

Before the second and fourth apostrophe, change the fullstops to a comma.
We came down to the mysterious volcanic planet like a tonne of bricks. Like a tonne of falling bricks

You used the phrase 'like a tonne of bricks' in two subsequent sentences.
It should be 'We came down to the mysterious volcanic planet like a tonne of falling bricks'.
but I would like to get home at some point in time

It would have sounded better if you said, 'but I would have liked to get home at some point in time.
Gosh, has no one read “A Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”.”

The first and second inverted commas should be changed to apostrophes, if not it would sound like a dialogue inside a dialogue.

That's all for now, Ciao~
Writing is all about imagination~

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:12 am
RoachRedford! says...

okay, i'm not big on critique-ing but i'll give it my best shot. red font is my observations/corrections/suggestions

Finally, the volcanic planet came into view.

“There she is, Ted.” I said.

“Yep.” replied Ted, piloting the craft.

Slowly the planet became bigger and bigger. Then it started to become bigger a lot faster. Possibly too much faster.Maybe you should try using different words here to avoid such intense repitition. eg; Then it started to rapidly approach, gaining size faster than I had expected.

“Hey Ted, slow down a bit would ya?”

Still faster.

“Ted, slow down.”


“SLOW DOWN”Personal preference, but make this bold? Capitals can tend to look messy.

“But I-“

CRASH! We came down to the mysterious volcanic planet like a tonne of bricks. Like a tonne of falling bricks. Like a tonne of incredibly fragile falling bricks onto extremely hard concrete. You get the picture. Take this out and replact it with something more descriptive. It's very messy and pretty unnecessary. Try to describe the crash and the violence of it all as it would be inside the ship.

But Somehow, I just managed to emerge from the ship mainly uninjured, but ‘Mr. Useless’ didn’t. He ended up landing practically upside down, balancing on his head. Then he came falling down like a – sorry – tonne of bricks You have no other similies? (and it serves him right, too). But Ted’s injuries were the very least of my problems. I don’t know about Ted, but I would like to get home at some point in time (with or without Ted, either suit me fine). And just to top everything off, it turns out that all our communication devices ended up getting crushed or damaged. One damaged communicator was working for a time.
“Hey fellas, what’s happened!” said the crackly voice through the communicator.
In here you've switched from past tense to present, you'll have to watch that cause it's really easy to do.

“What happened? Oh, I’ll tell you what happened," I said,"Ted here decided he’d go for the whole ‘epic landing’ thing and ended up almost killing –“ I was talking to a dead line. I picked up the comm. unit and in anger threw it to the ground.

“There goes any hope of communication!” said Ted, like this whole fiasco was my fault.

“What? What! Are you blaming me! Well I’ll tell you what you are. You’re a –“ But before I could even begin insulting Ted, a 20 foot snake (about 1 metre wide, too) came out of a nearby pit of lava and (yes, there were a lot of those pits around) drew itself up to full height, ready to lash out. Ted hurriedly shoved me in front of himself. The god-sized snake had begun its attack as I franticly tried to escape Ted’s grip. Just as the snake opened its mouth to crunch me into who knows how many pieces (please just the one piece) I skilfully whacked Ted in the jaw and rolled out of the way. (And for those who were wondering, yes, I am very skilled at close-quarters combat).
Okay, the whole brackets thing was okay, but now you've used it to death. I understand it's in first person but you can't keep using the brackets, it breaks the story up and makes it choppy, not to mention unprofessional.

“You son of a-“ he started, but the snake (although a snake was hardly what it was) had just devoured him whole . Brackets!

Good riddance, I thought, as the beast lowered itself back into the pit of lava, giving me an evil glare, and as I sprinted off into the other direction, the both of you. What? I think you meant good riddance to the snake and Ted, but you should make that more precise.

I was still running away when I realised I was about to approach another steaming pit of lava. I came to a speedy halt. I turned in the other direction, ready to restart my sprint, when a (much smaller) alien appeared.Much smalled that what? The snake wasn't an alien was it? Be precise. It began to make quite animated gestures as it also started talking absolute gibberish. It made a sighing motion, and stuck its hand in its pocket and pulled out a fish and handed it to me. I swallowed it whole, not knowing what to do. The alien seemed quite annoyed with me, pointing its deranged finger at its ear while grabbing another fish with its free hand. I took this one and stuck it in my ear.

“Babel fish. It allows you to understand foreign languages. Gosh, has no one read “A Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”.” Ha! At last something I love. Perfect idea, enjoyed this part.

I just stood there, gobsmacked.

“I’m Malmo by the way” the alien spoke, quite out of synch (the Babel fish wasn’t doing a very good job translating.).

“J-j-j-john” I said, hardly managing even the most basic, one syllable words.

I noticed a robot to the right of ‘Malmo’.

“This here is my robotic counterpart, A.R.G.H.”


“It’s my name! Automatic Robotic Galactic Healer! A.R.G.H.! Simple.” The robot speedily replied.

Malmo held out a glowing red plant that looked suspiciously like a chilli plant.

“Eat it. It’s good stuff.”

I took the plant and cautiously placed it in my mouth. I bit down on it. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Then BANG! A taste explosion of the chilli kind erupted in my mouth, and I swear my tongue had melted.

“ARGHHHHHH” I screamed.

“What?” replied A.R.G.H.

I quickly spat it out.

“Tastes good, doesn’t it?” said a familiar voice. And not Malmo’s or A.R.G.H.’s.


“I am going to steal all these deliciously scrumptious plants and bring them home and sell them to the world! I will be the most powerful man in the world! MuHaHaHAHAHAHAHA!” roared a quite out of control Ted. Had me on a string, loving it, then the Muhahahaha. Take that out and describe the menacing laughter out of speech.

“Well Ted, for one, they’re bloody hot, and two, that’s plain wrong!”

“I thought you would be on my side. Oh well, if I must...” He pulled out a plasma gun and began to pull the trigger just as an electric charge (courtesy of A.R.G.H.) burst into his chest. The result wouldn’t have shamed an Olympic high jumper. He flew a good 3 metres backward, straight into a pool of lava.

“ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH” he howled, as the lava burned his body to a crisp.

“What now?” said the robot.

Ted was finished. It’s not like he’d be missed. I swear they only gave him this (joke of a) holiday Brackets unneeded. so he could give the people on planet Earth a break from his ignorance and annoyance. But finally all his plans for world domination were over. Thank God.

“How did Ted survive that 20-foot beasts stomach?”Okay wow, on my fifth read through I realised you were talking about the snake here. This is disjointed don't you think? Talking of the snake in the wrong place. Maybe put this when he first returns after being eaten.

“The Gralazyins ‘eating’ Ted? They were just playing around. They feed off of the lava and chilli plant. I’ll bet it just spat out Ted.” answered Malmo.

“You’re telling me that those 20 foot tall oversized monsters are playful creatures? Which planet am I on!” I exclaimed.

“Planet Ak” answered A.R.G.H.

I shook my head.

“How am I going to get back home?”

“Oh, how does a teleporter sound?”

“I think I might stay here for the month.” I said, finally satisfied I would get the holiday that I had worked so hard for.

It was good in some parts, not so much in others. I don't know where you're heading with this but I can't see a future plot with what seemed to be the main antagonist dying at the end of this passage. If you're going to continue this idea maybe explain why they're travelling to Ak, who they work for, the year, technology etc. Please don't think I was being mean or harsh, I was only trying to be honest and helpful. Happy writing!
It's not the fall that kills you.

GENERATION 31: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:02 pm
Juniper says...

Hello there! June here. :)

Interesting method to begin a story in the middle of pending action! I quite like that approach, although it could be better executed if you added more sensory description.

I like the extremity of this story -- the losing control and communication and soon after encountering a snake. It's a good premise! But, take your time. Everything is coming at us pretty fast, and at the end of this, I was left wondering what just happened. Your ideas are rushing into one another, and there's almost no room left for shock and realization, so, I think you should just take a moment and let it slowly evolve. :)


Take time to let your ideas develop.
"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:57 am
Khe Sahn says...

I have an excuse! There was seriously small word limit :P
99% of people die when killed. If you are in the 1% who doesn't, put this in your signature.

If you can't get out of your comfort zone, you'll never find what you're looking for. Don't make things quick and easy to feel better short term. Make a change and then you'll feel better longer term.
— Frinderman