
Young Writers Society


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Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:31 am
aztoriwhitaker says...

Tromperie by: V. Whitaker
(keep in mind that this is my first draft, so there are many spelling/ grammar mistakes)
It was during the day in which I wish I were able to sleep. The sun was too bright, the heat unbearable, and the invidious people ignite fury within me. Was this high school or was this hell? The answer lies within a winter too incredible to believe, a season in which the sun no longer cast shadows upon my face but I made imprints upon the sun.
It was an auspicious day in the beginning of December, and the brisk winter air chilled my bare arms as I walked leisurely to the car. This was the predictable routine that eventuated in the ordinary status of my life. I pulled out into the lane and began my journey through the barren streets of my small town. I got a sudden chill as I drove past the oldest extant house in Tromperie, the black house. The house was abandoned in the late 1600’s for being deluded with sinister spirits. The black house is the last remaining evidence of the witch trials.
The Black house is not physically black but when one’s eyes come upon it, they swear they see a dark shadow cast on its ancient brick stones. The windows are opaque, no one can see what is inside, and town’s people are too afraid to try. The house stands alone in a barren field on the edge of town, in Tromperie, Massachusetts.
Once, around 50 years ago, the Mayor tried to commission a construction team to tear the building down. He believed the house was the reason for the non-existent tourist rates. But when the day finally arrived, the team mysteriously contracted a rare infectious disease that caused them to be hospitalized for months before a cure was found.
From that point forward, the house’s reputation and physical perimeters were untouchable to residents of the town. Instead of continuing the destruction plans, the town simply just left the house alone. Its only purpose now is to incite fear within those who believe it is haunted. The house was a milestone of an ancient time, a time were women were persecuted under the false assumptions of black magic.
Unlike my classmates I had never been deterred by the house’s allieness, only more intrigued. Whenever I passed the house it felt like my arms were trying to turn the cars wheels towards it without my permission. I resist because of the mendacious ghost tales of my classmates, but I allow myself to wonder. The textures of the walls have invaded my consciousness on more than one occasion. I imagine they are made of wood, but it looks both like silk and gravel at the same time, two concepts impossible to reconcile. The handle on the door was an allusion of normality. It was an iron rectangle with a bold W in old English writing on the front. It looked as if it hadn’t aged a day since it was placed there over 300 years ago. It felt as if the door was beckoning me, I wanted so a bad to reach out and fulfill my curiosity it but my inner fears were stopping me. I knew somewhere inside myself that I wasn’t ready to face whatever I found behind the austere exterior of the Warren Manor…
The sound of a loud car horn pulled me out of my reverie. I adjusted both my mind and body for the day to come. I shouldn’t have been looking for trouble… especially when it has a way of finding me when I least expect it.
I looked out the windshield at the small but proud high school I attend. The walls were red brick with moss growing up the sides of the two story buildings. My junior class contained around 250 students and in a town as small as Tromperie everybody knew everyone.
I parked my beat-up 1986’ Chevy Camaro next to its counterpart red dodge charger in the parking lot.
A small red haired girl skipped towards me, yelling my name in a song as I unlocked my door and jerked it open.
“Piper Manchester, where have you been? I have been waiting in the cold weather for 20 minutes without a coat,” the small fairy life girl squealed.
“Sorry, I forgot that I have your coat in my car.” Normally we wouldn’t need coats but with this strange weather front coming through, a warm exterior was a necessity.
I walked around the long body of my car and put my key in the lock until it clicked. I found Sam’s bright pink parka and handed it to her. Sam shivered as she put her arms in the sleeves.
“What did you do, shove my jacket in a freezer? I think I was better off without it. I know I still deserve payback for freezing your bra in the 5th grade….. But seriously brrrrr.” Sam chuckled.
Samantha Jane Turner has been my best friend since, 1st grade. The Turners moved here in ’98 just before the town started to build up. Sam has been my friends ever since.
My parents were unable to have any other children, so Sam was the closest I ever got to a real sibling. We do everything together; nothing could break our friendship apart. We have been through the many things together the good and the bad.
The first time I met Sam set the president for the rest of our friendship. It was the annual Festivalul de la moarte. The festival of the dead mirrored that of Salem’s annual expo, but in a town this small only town folk attend. The fair took place in the winter of ’98, just after the Turners had moved to town. It was a cool winter night in the middle of February, the Farris wheel was turning the cotton candy machines were spinning everything was somber. I was five years old and playing by myself in the bounce house listening to the silent night, when I collapsed to the ground and blacked out.
When I awoke, I ran straight for the woods, no inkling as to why only that I needed to be there. I heard a gut retching scream just as I approached the tree line, I ran through the brush and saw two boys throwing rocks at an innocent red haired girl. She was quavering behind the trunk of a spruce staring at me with pleading eyes.
Of course I knew the boys, the Delane brothers had lived in Tromperie, Massachusetts, as long as my family has. Cole and Danny are a year apart in age; Cole was four while Danny was 5 like me.
I couldn’t stand to watch them hurt the poor girl; I picked up a large granite rock. The boys both stared at me, wondering my intentions.
“Back off Piper! We are just having some fun with the new girl!” Danny choked out through his laughter.
“Well boys, I guess the fun is over” I held the large rock above my head and as hard as I could, I chucked the hard object at Danny.
He ducked as soon as he realized my intentions, but it was too late. The rock’s trajectory collided directly with the right side of his brow line. He did not fall or burst out crying, he just ran away as fast as he could while bleeding from the head.
Sam was instantly grateful that I had helped her, but she couldn’t help but asking how I knew where she was. For the life of me I couldn’t remember why I had passed out, only that I woke with the feeling that something was happening in the woods.
Evidence of that night still exists on Danny Delane’s face, even after twelve years a small circular scar was still visible just above his right eye brow. Although refusing to admit that a girl had done him harm, Danny told all of his friends that he had fallen off a golf cart and hit his head on a joy ride.
Cole, Sam, and I were the only ones who knew the real reason. But in all honesty Danny’s hostility towards me ended a long time ago. Danny had grown up; he was no longer the baby faced boy he had once been. His lankiness had since turned to muscle, and his pale skin had become bronzed with sun. His hair was golden brown, and when the sun would hit the locks it looked as if he had many highlights.
He was the quarterback for the Tromperie Tigers football team, so he was constantly surrounded in people asking him inconsequential so they could be seen with him. With as much attention as he was getting you would think he was a NFL player instead of the high school player he was. In a town this small, the patrons tend to become extremely proud of certain people even if what they are doing wouldn’t be deemed extraordinary.
Danny developed a presence around himself, he wasn’t cocky he always told people ‘I am only as good as my next touchdown, I take nothing for granted’. He applied that phrase to every aspect of his life, including his personal one.
Danny looked up just then, and his eyes caught mine. His eyes were green, normally you wouldn’t be able to see depth behind the irises but somehow I could. I would know exactly what Danny was feeling just by the look in his eyes.
He disengaged himself from his fans, and began to walk across the parking lot without ever losing my eye. As soon as Danny was near, he reached out with his tanned arms and picked me off the ground with the slightest of ease. I was no longer recalcitrant of the past, only content with living the present with my boyfriend.
His eyes were cautious, he leaned his forehead towards mine and all I could think is how this amazing boy could be with me. He was always letting me decide, when to show affection. Danny always seemed perfectly content to go at my pace to do what I was comfortable with.
I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his soft lips to mine. He was both gentle and engaging at the same time. His lips moved with mine and then to my surprise, he broke the hold of my lips but his never left my skin. He kissed my skin all the way down my jaw line, and paused just at the nape of my neck. He gave me one last quick kiss, before I pulled his lips back to me. I was completely and totally unaware of the world around us, the moment felt as if it lasted forever. It was as if we were communicating through our actions, and believe me nothing went unsaid.
I heard a cough from beside us, but unwilling to lose the moment he pulled away and whispered in my ear
“I love you.” As he said those words he set my feet solidly back on the asphalt. Although I had heard him speak those words a thousand times in the last five years, I couldn’t help smiling as the feeling of warmth spread through me. I locked his gaze and with all my heart I whispered back,
“I love you, always and forever.” We both leaned in ready to start again from where we left of, but just as our noses intertwined the bell sounded and our moment for enjoying ourselves was over.
We both sighed in resignation as we disengaged ourselves and Danny took my hand. Danny’s puppy dog look was apparent as he walked me too class, the day wasn’t long enough for me to make everyone happy.
I was only one person; I didn’t have time to please everyone. But that didn’t mean I didn’t try. Danny and Sam were my main causes for concern.
My best friend and my boyfriend have been butting heads for my attention lately. I can’t seem to balance their needs… I was halfway to my English class before I realized that I had left Sam standing alone in the parking lot while I was having my moment with Danny.
Lately, I have been neglecting Sam and although she says she understand I can tell it is hurting our friendship. I try very hard to be there for everyone but I can only do so much. So I devised a schedule, during the school day Sam and I talk as much as physically possible and during the weekend I am Danny’s. But weeknights are completely free game.
Danny let go of my hand as we reached the door to my English class and he peeked around for any strict teachers who enforced the schools public affection policies. Just as he was leaning in to kiss me the bell rang, knowing he had lost track of time he kissed me quickly on the cheek and speed away to his first class.
The bell rang incessantly as I took my seat at the back of the class. Sam gave me a quizzical look from the seat next to me.
“You know you are blushing, right?” she said as she passed me a sheet of paper. I quickly scanned the front and was instantly taken back. I knew I had forgotten something. “I am sorry; I totally forgot that we were going to get the extra credit project before school today!” I said with utter sincerity.
Sam though about it for a second before mentioning
“You know I tried to get you attention when you were with Danny, but you were a bit preoccupied.” She giggled.
“Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes, especially now since I barely get to see him. My parents have been weirdly strict about me going out at night, it’s almost as if they are afraid of the dark, it’s ridiculous.”
“I was trying not to be too rude, so I thought the cough would work but apparently not, next time I should use a bit more force. I stood out there next to you for a while; I thought you might take a breath at some point. But I felt a little awkward standing lamely next to my best friend while she was making out with her boyfriend.”
I looked down at the extra credit, trying to hide the deepening of my blush.
“O please don’t be embarrassed! If I had a boyfriend I would probably have been doing the same thing.”
I looked at her with a sly smile, her expression shifted into the defensive knowing that she had left the gate open for what I was about to say.
“You know you could have a boyfriend a-n-y-t-i-m-e you want!” I annunciated carefully trying to keep a straight face.
“Please not this again…As I have said a million times before Piper, Cole Delane and I are just friends nothing more.” Sam nearly shouted for all the class to hear.
Mr. Butler gave the two of us a stern look, before continuing his lesson. Sam and I curbed our conversation and began to pay attention to our English teachers’ explanation the extra credit assignment.
“As you all should be aware Salem, Massachusetts, was the home of the witch trials in the 1640’s. Many innocent women died as a result of the persecution of the Church and the Protestants. Towns blamed witchcraft for things they couldn’t explain; they used the theory of black magic as a way to cope with world occurrences. Tromperie is no different. We are located thirty miles away from Salem, in the countryside of Massachusetts. In the late 1600’s our town played host to some of the most violent trials on record, but unfortunately most of the records are lost. Some even believe the records are located within the black house, as some young people call it.” Mr. Butler looked off into space for a moment seeming to contemplate something that continuously evaded him, “Well, as I was saying, this extra credit assignment involves a lot of research about the gruesome history of our town so for those afraid of ghost stories should partake in this assignment. As a part of this assignment you need to both research a specific trial of an accused witch and find a piece of the past that is relevant to you woman. It can be a diary page, a photograph, or any other historically accurate item. Your discoveries will be presented at the Festival of the Dead on Saturday. Make sure you are up to the task of unearthing the past, because you never know what you might find.”
Mr. Butler’s last sentence lingered in the air as the bell rang signaling the end of class. I couldn’t help but wonder what our teacher could have meant by his last line. How could history be frightening when it already happened in the past? I have never been afraid of the dark, but I couldn’t help but wonder if there were things out there more frightening than the night.
The rest of the day went by in a blur; I could not stop thinking about my project. While in history I could only think of going to the library and starting to research, in French I could only mull over about how our town’s name meant deception. There are things in Tromperie that do not make sense, and I am all too willing to find the information that will fill in the blanks.
After the last bell rang I made my way to the library, of course it was small but most of its texts are historical nonfiction. The walls in the library are a light beige color with small animal imprints on the high beams. The animals made me feel as if I was in second grade again but kept focused. I walked past the librarian and we exchanged quick glances and I made my way towards the town’s history section. The library was empty; apparently no one would be distracting me in here.
The books were spread along the shelves in ascending order; I felt the spines of the books they were aged leather bound with deep lettering. The section smelled like a musty forest, the pages of the books were aged, yellow, and had the faint smell of mold. As I ran my eyes over the lot of books, I saw a bright gold spark from behind the bookshelf. I instantly jumped back and almost fell over a stool placed behind me.
I cautiously walked around the shelf and went to where I saw the light. I kneeled down on the granite floor and gazed at the books in front of me. Tucked behind the maps of the town tunnel was a dark black, leather bound book with a large W engraved in gold on the cover.
An instant chill went through my body as I realized I had seen that symbol before. The same type of calligraphy was used in the door handle of the black house. I carefully took the book out of its crypt beneath the shelf, and took in a deep breath. My hand was shaking uncontrollably as I held the delicate book in my grasp.
I blew the dust off the cover with the air from by lungs. Under the thick dust there was more old writing in the same gold text it said
Ceux qui amènent l'obscurité, la lumière les consommera.
I mulled over the text, running the words through my head. For the first time I was grateful my mother had forced me to take French. It translated as “For those who bring darkness, the light will consume them”.
With guarded fingers I flipped over the cover and translated the French cursive script.
December 1, 1642 night
The Warren Manor was quite, I shook all over as if covered with ice. The brisk air flowed through the open window to my left. I couldn’t help but listen to the noises coming from outside, the moon shown brightly through the glass and the animals made incoherent sounds through the thick woods. Jonathan was down in his study, preparing for his speech for the coming day. My Jonathan, a mayor, I couldn’t believe I could be so fortunate as to have such a lovely husband. Just tonight he brought home a luxurious bracelet filled with red rubies; he said it was too beautiful not to be placed upon my wrist. My eyes appraised the attractive jewels around my slender arm. Exhausted, I rested my head upon thy pillow as I pondered the coming day. Just as my eyes were closing a loud knocking came at the front door, I rushed to the window and was enveloped in light. The whole town was gathered with torches and pitchforks and bolstering loudly. I quickly gathered my robe and slipped on my sandals, and ran silently down the stairs. At the bottom of the staircase Jonathan was talking to Randolph Devoy, and just as I approached both sets of eyes turned towards I and their expressions weren’t that of what I was expecting. Jonathan eyes were filled of fear, he took a step back as I tried to embrace him. ‘Get back demon.’ The words he spoke incapacitated me. Carson Devoy shouted ‘Look everyone she wears the rubies of my wife, she is full of darkness, she is a murderer. She slayed a poor women in the black of night, in a closed house, the only explanation is black magic. Townsfolk we have a witch among us.’ I could not say a word in my defense, why wasn’t Jon saying anything he gave me the bracelet, why isn’t he stopping them. The second I looked into my lovers eyes I knew the answer to my own inquiry, he was the culprit, the betrayer of my love.
-prudence warren
I put down the book and my head was spinning, I couldn’t believe what I had just read. This was the journal of Prudence Warren the wife of the Mayor in the 1640’s; she and her husband were the last residents of the Black House. I tried to stand up but my legs were uncontrollable. I looked down at my hands; my left hand was placed upon a sheet of parchment that must have fallen out of the journal. It read,
Order of Execution dated 1642 December 2
Prudence Lucinda Warren
Accused of the murder of Maria Devoy by means of black magic, found guilty by the overwhelming evidence of Carson Devoy and Mayor Jonathan Warren.
As a punishment for crimes against humanity, thy accused will be burned until death before the town at the estate at which presently lived, in front of the Warren Manor will justice be served.
I quickly grabbed up my things and the journal and ran as fast as I could out of the library, I couldn’t breathe. I crashed through the outer doors and into the light of the day; the cold air reprieved my aching mind. The information I have discovered was that of deception and murder. My mind couldn’t grasp the motives behind the betrayal, but for one thing I was absolutely positive Jonathan Warren set his wife up and she was burned at the stake as a result.
My freshman history class came rushing back through my mind. The town’s name was changed in 1642 from Wessington to Tromperie. This town is based upon the building blocks of deception. Tromperie is not the innocent country town it was made out to be in history books, it was full of history to incredible to believe.
The black house was a place where injustice occurred; an innocent woman was burned to cover up a murder that happened at the hand of a trusted official and friend. Although it occurred 368 years ago, I now know that it is my chance to discover the truth. The Festival of the Dead is the anniversary of Prudence Warren’s execution and this Saturday, the lies will be separated from reality and Prudence will finally be at peace. The history of Tromperie will finally be complete, but as my English teacher said ‘history isn’t always what you’d expect’.
I tried to get my mind around the things I had just discovered, although the people responsible are long dead I couldn’t help but feel the need to know the whole story. I walked back to my car, as I got in and turned the key in the ignition I knew exactly where I needed to go.
I drove down the long drive, while watching the trees grow in size as I neared my destination. For the first time I allowed by arms to turn the wheels in the direction of the black house, although afraid I could not allow my fear to incapacitate me. I parked in front of the house, and turned off the engine.
The faint shadow had enveloped the house, as the sun was setting over the tree line. I am not afraid, I am not afraid, I am not afraid. As many times as I said those words to myself I could not bring myself to believe them. I am not scared at the house, for it is just four walls and a roof, I am afraid of the implications of what I might find. This town was built upon the principles of those times so what if what I find changes the very essence of this community… I am being irrational; whatever I find cannot possibly change anything well maybe except the history books.
I took a deep breath and unlocked the car door. I stepped cautiously out of my seat and took the fateful steps towards the black house. I climbed up the steps one at a time, hoping that the ancient wood would not give way. I was now only inches away from the place that had been a source of allusion in my life, it was now the time to seize what had evaded me for all these years. I reached out with my finger tips and let them graze over the wood of the door frame. I could feel the dust underneath my fingers it is a smooth as satin and yet extremely cold. It felt as if the house was radiating cold air.
The wood of the door is dark cherry colored, and it is somehow larger than any I had ever seen. I look down at the handle; the W is as bold as I had ever seen it. I grabbed the handle with both fear and excitement, and began to turn the iron.
A sort of shock went through me. From my fingertips to my toes, I felt like a breeze had passed through my skin and now it was trying to get out. I pushed open the door and suddenly was overwhelmed to the point of hysteria. The world was spinning, or was I, my eyes were betraying me. I could no longer see my hand in front of me, I was slipping. I fell to the ground and just as I was about to lose control I saw the door frame shift the open as wide as physically possible. Just as the frame hit the back of the wall, everything went black.
Awoken by the sound of thunder, I ran my fingers over my eyes trying to gain clarity. I need to get inside, now. I need to find the heart, the reason for the madness.
I jumped off the ground and ran straight towards the door. My feet ran as if they knew where they were going. I took the round flight of stairs two at a time and ran down a long hallway, the walls were covered with dirt and the candles were full of dried wax dripping down towards the floor. I sprinted toward the room at the end of the hall, and slammed the door open.
The room was pristine, no sign of the years spent in slumber. A large bed stood in the middle of the large room, a red wool blanket covered the edge of the bed. I had the feeling that this was the last place, Prudence Warren had lived and unfortunately the place she had died. I ran to the third panel of wood south of the entrance. I used my car key to stab the panel and used it to lift it out of its place.
Dust blew out of the whole in the ground; I coughed and continued my mission. Underneath the board was a small silk bag. I took the bag out of the dark whole, knowing exactly what I was holding. I unhooked the small hook and opened it, and slid out the red heart.
I was holding the evidence that had convicted Prudence Warren to death, the bracelet of Maria Devoy. It was slender iron weaved together into a beautiful pattern. The bracelet is filled with red stones too extraordinary to be real. It was as light as a feather, but somehow as heavy as a stone. This was the heart of the reason that an innocent woman had been put to death.
As soon as the shock wore off, the fear began to set in. How did I know where to find this, why had I known exactly where I was going as I navigated through this strange house? It was like I had been doing these things with no conscious reason, in the dark I sat there pondering the unrealistic occurrence that had taken place. I had never been quite so afraid of the dark before this moment, because for once I had no idea where it will lead.
As I held the ancient bracelet in my hand, I felt the shock begin to wear off. I realized that I probably just read it somewhere and forgot that I had. The fear mixed with the darkness had just caused me to make the experience more frightening than it should have been. The sun was completely set, and the wind is whipping against the house while the rain is pouring over the roof. I need to get out of this place.
I led myself through the dark with perfect direction, down the staircase, and out the door. The door slammed shut behind me making me jump, only then did I realize the wind had been responsible. I got into my car and made my way home, trying along the way to rationalize what I had done.
It was nearly midnight when I pulled into the driveway in front of my home. My house was welcoming and warm; I snuck quickly upstairs and into my bedroom. I had to be careful not to wake my parents. I got ready for bed in record time, and slowly sank into my covers. Utterly exhausted from this day, I rested my head on my soft pillow and drifted into sleep. But only as my eyes were closing did I realize that my left wrist felt strange. It was both cold and heavy. The heart was literally on my sleeve.
The sudden burst of heat on my wrist woke me from my slumber. It was Saturday and the Festival was tonight. I was completely satisfied with my project, certain no one had gone to the lengths I had. I looked down upon my wrist and latched in place was the bracelet. It shown brilliantly in the light and when I saw my reflection something had changed within me.
I didn’t feel right, but I didn’t feel wrong either. I felt heavy, not in the physical sense but I knew something was happening to me. I looked into the mirror and saw myself. My skin looked flushed from confusion, but my body seemed the tense. My blonde hair was tangled and messy from the rain, dark circles bulged from under my eyes from the late night, but there was something off about my eyes. The blue color was strange, they were almost transparent and I could see a faint glow of red from behind the irises. Unable to bear my reflection any longer I threw my candle as hard as I could at the mirror, it shattered into millions of pieces at the blow.
I picked up the phone to call Sam, but what would I say? She would think I had gone crazy, and so would anyone else. Danny would be caring, but that is not what I need at the moment, I need answers and I know exactly where I am going to find them.
The Festival was located in the middle of the town just north of the black house. You could see its tall roof from where I stood. It no longer beckoned me, but stood as a reminder of what I must do. The bracelet kept pulsating heat from its stones.
I was becoming more irritable, everyone’s slow movements were beginning to infuriate me. The mere humanity of it all was causing me to lose my edge. The sun was shining so brightly upon my face; I shielded myself from the light whenever I could. I began to sweat the heat was becoming too much for my body to handle. I cannot understand why all the people around me are wearing layers upon layers of clothing, the heat is overwhelming. They all starred with concerned expressions as they took in my overall appearance.
I was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and jean shorts, looking as if I was prepared for summer in the middle of December. The heat was getting stronger, how could the town’s folk not feel it. The sun was setting, and I was hopeful it would bring reprieve for my sunburned skin. It was almost time for my presentation. Mr. Butler had been circling the crowd for hours, avoiding my eyes and my questions.
Danny and Sam were sitting in front of the stage waiting for the projects to commence. I couldn’t help but see the way that Sam was looking at Danny it was like fire to my soul. Samantha had betrayed me. She was just as evil as my Jonathan. It was time to set my plan in motion.
Mr. Butler took the stage and announced the few people who decided to partake in his assignment. They all were extremely unoriginal, most of the students either found a photograph or diary page, so unimaginative.
As I took the stage a smug smile spread across my face as I considered that so many years later justice is to finally be served.
A podium stood in the middle of the open stage. I looked out among the crowd and saw the people who had allowed the history to be falsified, the people who tolerated one persons’ testimony to be enough evidence to burn me at the stake.
These people have no right to be celebrating the day I perished in the eternal fires. This festival is nothing more than the celebration of conspiracy and persecution. They will pay for the sins of their ancestors, I will not continue to burn for eternities knowing the people responsible are still living through these conduits.
These townsfolk will hear from the source what happened that night exactly 368 years ago, the night when I was wrongly accused for the murder of my friend. Once they know the truth of their ancestor’s actions, they will repay their debt to me with their lives. They will perish just as I did, with no just cause. I will not allow these people to live on while having been instilled with the perceptions of the past.
I took my place in front of the podium while resting my hands on the oak wood of the slanted face. The heart pulsated on my wrist and made a slight noise as it hit the stand. Knowing exactly what I had to do, I eyed the crowd with absolute clarity.
“Most people believe that the past is the past, nothing can change it. And many believe that the past has little effect of the future. History is repeating all around you, you all are just too unimaginative to notice. “I heard slight laughs and sighs from the audience, they weren’t getting the point. “ There is no such thing as friendship, love or even time.” My eyes were locked in Sam’s; she knew I had figured out her secret. Danny was just staring at me, innocently unaware of the poor girl’s affections. How could Sam, my friend, be so deceitful? The world is full of deception and lies….
Mr. Butler interrupted me then, “ Piper, I think you should get to what you found out in your research, there is no reason to make this into a scary horror story” both he and the crowd chuckled. How absentminded could they all be?
“Citizens of Wessington, I mean Tromperie, I have a little story to tell you. It’s a short tale of something that occurred three hundred and sixty eight years ago tonight.” The crowd seemed intrigued as if I were telling a mystery of fictional properties. The heart’s beating started to quicken on my wrist
“Everyone believes that the black house is haunted, and I am here to tell you all that you are right.” More laugher began originating from the crowd
“Prudence Warren haunted her old home for centuries waiting for the right person to release her from her hell. And today her wishes were fulfilled.”
The laughter stopped, people where starring up at me as if I was a lunatic, gone mad from some foreign disease. Sam and Danny looked concerned, wondering what had gotten into me.
“My husband Jonathan Warren murdered my best friend in the black of night, and framed me. I wear his gift upon my wrist just as I had that fateful night.” I raised my wrist so the crowd could see the beautiful heart.
“This outstanding piece contemned me to death by burning. All your ancestors allowed this injustice to occur, and my good name was both tainted and forgotten as if a bad memory.”
“Piper I think you are finished, I think you need to go to the hospital you must have hit your head or something. You are acting impeccably strange. I think it is best if you just stop now.” Mr. Butler whispered in my ear. His words just enraged me more.
“When this professor assigned Piper as you call her this assignment, you said ‘Make sure you are up to the task of unearthing the past, because you never know what you might find’.”
The look of amusement suddenly changed to that of fear and confusion. Danny started to run towards the stage, he jumped up to my level.
“Piper, I think it is time to go. Have you been drinking or doing any drugs.” As he said those words he stared into my eyes checking to see if my irises were dilated.
I just smiled, and murmured back.
“If the truth is a drug, then yes I am completely and totally engrossed in it. Tonight you all will pay for the misdeeds of those who followed before you. Murder is not one of the talents of a witch but this is…”
Bright light enveloped the fair grounds, heat began to radiate not just from me but from everywhere. Flames burned brightly all around, the people began to scream and they tried to run. They yelled for help, and with pleading eyes tried to convince me to stop. No one could, they were getting what they deserved.
“Come on Piper we are leaving” Danny shouted as he grabbed my arm and began to pull me from the stage.
I turned around and shoved him from the stage. Danny flew backwards and landed flat on his back on the hard ground. He screamed in anguish as he landed on the burning fire. Sam rushed to his side jumping over the fire, making sure her precious fantasy was unscathed.
Danny looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears of both pain and sadness and said.
“Piper you know I will always love you, I always have.” His eyes began to close, he tried to fight it, but before he could say the rest of his speech he was gone. Sam began to cry hysterically, and tried to resuscitate him with CPR.
A sharp pain went through me. I felt as if my heart was being torn into pieces. This was all wrong. What was I doing, this is not me. What have I done, Danny, my Danny, I am so sorry.
I ran from the stage, quickening my pace as I ran north towards the darkness. The heart was burning my skin but it wouldn’t stop. As I ran I looked around me at the destruction I had caused. The Town was burning to the ground. City Hall was engulfed in flames, adults and children were crying and praying for a savor.
I sprinted faster than I ever thought possible, trying to escape the screams until I reached my final destination.
The Black house was entirely penetrated by the flames. The fire was causing thick black smoke to raise high into the dark sky.
I clawed desperately at the latch of the bracelet. This house, this trinket were the reason I had hurt everyone I love. I could feel the darkness trying to spread its way back over me, Prudence wasn’t finished with what she had started. But I wasn’t going to give in. She has destroyed my life, everyone I know is going to die because of her.
The bracelet wasn’t coming lose, it was permanently fixated on my wrist unwilling to be thwarted. I knew what I had to do.
This decision was the only way to save the people I care about, and silence Prudence Warren once and for all. I thought about Danny, his anguish had pulled me out of the purgatory Prudence had put me in. He was my love, the one person in the world who could see me. Prudence’s spell was working quickly on the town, the fires were growing stronger by the second.
I had always known that I wasn’t ready to know the truth behind the Black House. My whole life had been leading up to this moment; Prudence had used me as a pawn in her little game. She had drawn me in, and I let my curiosity and the overall desires to uncover the mystery consume me. I know that this is what needs to happen, what I have done needs to be repented. As prudence’s journal had said ‘For those who bring darkness, the light will consume them” I sought the truth and became overwhelmed by the darkness, the only way to atone for my sins lies within myself.
The bracelet was not moving, Prudence was trying to take me over, and there is only one option.
I walked toward the burning mansion. My legs were trying to stop me, but my resolve was strong. I stepped lightly on the wood steps. My lungs began to fill with smoke, but I did not cough. The flames were large, but the heat was immeasurable. I walked straight towards the burning entrance, and took the fateful steps that transported me, Prudence, and the heart directly into hell.
“Piper!!!! Wake up, are you okay?” I opened my eyes, expecting to see the horror of flames. But I was surprised when I found myself staring into Danny’s concerned expression. He is alive; I reached up and hugged him with all my strength my heart was pounding out of my chest. He hugged me back although surprised by my unexpected affection he hugged me back.
“I came to look for you after school, and that’s when I heard you screaming, I found you lying here passed out you really scared me. I don’t know what I would have done if something were to happen to you.” He kissed my forehead.
“I must have dozed off; I think I was having a nightmare.”
I quickly looked down at my left wrist looking for the bracelet, but I was gone. I didn’t understand what had happened, the last thing I remember I was burning in the flames. This doesn’t make sense…
Danny helped me up from the ground of the library floor, I looked at the spread of book titles trying to find the journal of Prudence Warren but it was nowhere to be seen. Danny held my hand as he walked me out of the front door; he had no recollection of what I had done to him. Had anything been real, or was my imagination betraying me. The light shone brightly outside the brick walls of the school. I let it warm my skin as I took in the scenery.
Tromperie was still standing. The buildings were stable with no signs of scorch marks. Everything was normal. I must have been dreaming the whole thing. Danny led me towards his car perfectly content, I was never going to look for trouble ever again. The past was the past for a reason. It wasn’t necessary to go digging through history, trying to find conspiracies. Life is full of surprises, deception, love, and desires, but when you let you mind wander you never know what it might find.
As Danny and I drove away from the school, I let go of the painful memory of my delusion. It wasn’t real. We pulled up to the stop sign, when a fire truck went speeding by. I gasped, I tightlyclosed my eyes. Danny shook my shoulder.
“Piper everything is okay, the fire isn’t here. The black house got struck by lightening last night during the storm and burned to the ground. They are just going to pick up the pieces.”

copyrighted March 4, 2010 all rights reserved

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Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:28 pm
MiaParamore says...

Hi Whitaker. I will be your reviewer today. Hope I could be of some help.

It was during the day in which I wish I were able to sleep.

The first sentence is so confusing. I am not able ti understand your point.

The sun was too bright, the heat unbearable, and the invidious people igniting fury within me.

Unlike my classmates, I had never been deterred by the house’s allieness, only more intrigued.

Whenever I passed the house, it felt like my arms were trying to turn the car's wheels towards it without my permission.

I found tons of mistakes like 13 while reading half only and I didn't point out some. SO you can imagine the total number.

It felt as if the door was beckoning me, I wanted so badly to reach out and fulfill my curiosity it but my inner fears were stopping me.

I knew somewhere inside myself that I wasn’t ready to face whatever I found behind the austere exterior of the Warren Manor…

Try This: I knew somewhere in the hearts of my heart that I wasn;t ready to face whatever I would found behind the austere exterior of the Warren Manor...

The walls were of red brick with moss growing up the sides of the two story buildings.

My junior class contained around 250 students and in a town as small as Tromperie, everybody knew everyone.

I parked my beat-up 1986’ Chevy Camaro next to its counterpart, red dodge charger in the parking lot.

We have been through the(delete it) many things together the good and the bad.

Sam was instantly grateful that I had helped her, but she couldn’t help but(delete it) asking how I knew where she was

I know what you mean by this but you need to re-frame it. Maybe that would help!!!!
Evidence of that night still exists on Danny Delane’s face, even after twelve years a small circular scar is still visible just above his right eye brow.

He was the quarterback for the Tromperie Tigers football team, so he was constantly surrounded in people asking him inconsequential so they could be seen with him.

You have millions of mistakes which can be fixed by reading this aloud.I left the chapter halfway coz' it became so boring and reading something with so much of mistakes is difficult.
The chapter is just so big that after seeing it's length people might drop the idea of reading it. You can divide it into parts like:Chapter-1(part1 of 2).
You just forget to put commas and periods.
You skip from one place to other instantly without giving reader any time to grasp what he has read before.
Now one good thing: you describe things very well and maybe I should learn this from you.
PM me if you need any help. I would be glad to help! :D
Keep writing!!!
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

If you run now, you will be running the rest of your life.
— Reborn