
Young Writers Society

Sugar rush

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:41 pm
linerider says...

First and foremost I’m not allowed to have sugar. It seems like a normal parent rule but its not. I can’t have any sugar, any… period. It’s just the way it affects my body. The sugar or sugar in general is just an everyday material that goes into almost anything to make it sweeter. For me however sugar is an accelerator not unlike a car, it speeds up my body my lungs, my muscles, almost anything that will move faster. Including my brain.

My name is Solind Rush, yeah like people would the name “Solind”. That’s what my parents wanted to do. They said it would be but for how long until the person remembering forgets? So now that you know about my “medical condition” that’s about it. Be thankful it wasn’t an autobiography.

First day in 8th grade was not good and not bad either. I almost automatically made friend with the “weirdoes” but tell no one I said that. Or thought that as the case maybe…
“Whatcha doing?” one of the dark twins asks me.
“Nothing”, reply quickly, shutting down my computer.
“It was something”.
“Okay, then what was the something that is nothing, hmm?”
I leave the room as she ponders my riddle. The dark twins are not black but just wear a lot of dark clothing. They’re also kind of funny in the head, not ha-ha funny either. But that might just be an act, you never know.
Plus they’re my cousins and I’m not that normal consider my “condition”, I have sort of mixture of black and white skin, sort of tannish. Oh and I have snow white hair.
I leave the house, walking where ever my feet want to, and I venture over to the pool. And who should be there but the other twin.
“Where are you going, Snowflake?” she asks slight frown on her face as if the nickname she used was inadequate.
“No where and everywhere,” I reply with a smirk.
“Ugh, you are so annoying.”
“Oh that’s original.”
“Just... buzz off.”
“Buzz, buzz.”
Solind one and Azalea zero. My sisters are only about a year and a day older than me and they never let me forget it. Speaking of family, my parents are millionaires, my father the head of an international company with ties in just about everything. My mother is a scientist and biologist who studies plants, animals and rocks all around the world. How they met up I’ll never understand, I’ll just be grateful. But that’s about all I know about them.
I tour the grounds, again, of the mansion. Three stories and almost the length of a football field. Yes there are “houses” that big out in there in the world. You know that reminds me, I got lost once in my own house, it wasn’t scary just embarrassing.
“Sol, where are you going now?” asked my butler, Samuel. He around thirty-ish never asked. He’s not balding like normal butlers and he has white somewhat tan skin like a tan that never fully goes away. He’s also surprisingly feet for a butler and he’s an overall nice dude. I feel more at home with him than my parents he’s not a stranger to me.
“Just touring the grounds again,” I answer.
“Okay then but don’t stay out to ling like before,” he tells me.
So yeah I once got lost in my yard too… not one of my best moments.
My real reason for touring the ground was to find a secluded area to finally have a taste of… sugar. What did you think I was going to say?
My sisters have a saying and sometimes my brother, I know I haven’t mention him but later on that, it’s usually when they think I’m out of ear shot. “He’s always bound to do something stupid once a day.” This time it was going to be true. My somewhat normal life ended when I tasted sugar.
And yet it was the best thing I ever did on a Sunday night.

It wasn’t midnight or anything cliché like that. It was about 4:30, give or take a few minutes. I took out the little packet of sugar I asked a friend to give and he knows about my condition too. But m friends are good friends. All of the things I have ever eaten has either not involved sugar or has had sugar replaced. Nothing is ever too sweet or bland sort of like the food is in a limbo.
“Well here goes,” I say to no one in particular.
I ripped the packet open sat down underneath a nice shady tree that people are always falling asleep under. Tipped my head back a little and poured the contents onto my tongue.
Guess what… nothing happened, well not a first just a slight tingling sensation.
“Well that was a little anticlimactic,” again I was talking to myself.
Then I notice that everything is sluggish, like I’m looking through thick honey not only that but the sound seem slower as well. I stood up I didn’t feel different just tingly like that buzz that comes with energy drinks and some sodas. It was a strange feeling like I was vibrating at super human speed augmenting my body’s natural properties. Or I could just be that tingly feeling…
I walked around looking at the forest and its inhabitants. Everything was slower; everything was like at half speed. Bending down I stared at a bee, I know it noticed me and yet its wings were moving so that I could actually see the wing as they moved. Naturally I did what any dude would have done, I flicked it.
It flew like a yellow bullet going splat on a tree; it formed a perfect cartoon splotch on the bark.
“ Wow…” I say staring at my fingers.
On a side note I ran home, well I was still technically at home but still, I tried to jump the pool just for the heck of it. I make it. Our pool is 25ft wide.
I look at my watch the second hand seems to be stuck a little, I crack the glass. Oh man it was a gift too.
The tingling sensation wears off just about then.
“Snowflake, how did you do that!?” my brother Zack asks me excitedly.
“Do what?” I ask noticing his excitement.
“JUMP the pool!” he exclaims.
“So?” Did I mention how bored I already am at this conversation.
“That’s about 25ft!”
“Whoa, really?” I’m actually intrigued at this.
“You were a blur!!”
“ Thanks for noticing,” this by far intrigued me.
At dinner with Sam, parents busy, I mention I jump the pool and all chewing stops. I’m met with 3 three astonished stares and one smile.
“You?” Azalea asks skepticism obvious on her pale face.
“No that other Solind Rush who lives across the street,” I reply.
“He did , I saw him do it, it was epic,” Zack says wistfully like he had jump the pool and not me.
“Well done master Solind,” Samuel compliments my achievement with actual feeling. I smiled at that.
“Pfft that’ll be the day,” Sam said dismissively.
“It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not I jumped that pool. So what have you done today then?” I shoot back, “Find the cure for cancer?”
Dinner ended with out further comments.

At school everything was fine, I was just nervous all over. Luckily that feeling of danger didn’t lead to any danger. ‘Cause at lunch I had survived most of the day now there was only sixth block,… period , what ever to worry about.
“Hello, Hello Snowflake to earth!” Sam said snapping her fingers in my face.
“What?” I slap her fingers out of my face.
“You zoned out”
“Like you haven’t”
“As a matter of a fact I haven’t today”
“What about any other day?”
Before our conversation could continue my friend Andy thankful interrupted.
“Uh guys what are we talking about again?”
“Zoning out, why?”
“Oh no reason…”
After lunch sixth block came and went and it was time to go. I met up with my friends Andy and D and no it doesn’t stand for Dude (D is short for Dom which is short for Dominic).
“So what did you guys do this weekend,” I asked absentmindedly.
“I worked on a program to digitally see the future,” D proudly tells us, “it’s not really done yet.”
“I worked on a solar back pack battery,” Andy said a little embarrassed.
“I think I can move at super human speeds when exposed to sugar,” I add.
We are friends, but we must look like one ragtag trio. D with his tiny bit of extra weight only a teeny tiny bit, and about 5’7 and light freckles with brown hair and blue eyes. Andy with his thin wiry body, glasses, Light brown hair and gray eyes. And then me with white hair that’s neither curly nor straight or either, tan-ish skin tone, and light purple eyes. But we’re still friends no matter what.
“Wait when exposed or when ingested? Because that’s so awesome!” D exclaims.
“Ingested but you can see the future with your computer and,” I point to Andy, “you created a solar back battery! Think we could get a patent on that?”
“This is so awesome!” Andy pitches in.
Our elated mood last until we get to my house when we show off our inventions and my talent. After an hour or a half of showing off and defying the rules of nature and physics we set off for our true task. The dreaded hour of homework. How ever with my enhanced speed it took us about 5 to 10 minutes to do so. I also found out if I move something at accelerated speeds on something flammable it’ll most likely catch on fire. And after some experimentation I learned quiet a few things about super speed.
“Okay now I’ll do my homework myself before you burn something else,” D says still smiling. He worked on his singed homework by himself this time.
“So what else do you think you can do?” Andy asked staring out the window.
“Well not to brag but I think I think I can teleport a little,” I said as I downed a small spoonful of sugar. I focused on one point outside the window just beside the pool. I felt a rush of air and again a tingling sensation over my body. I stumbled a little as I came out of warp drive or where ever I was. Thankfully there was no sonic boom. But I did feel a little funny.
“How was that?” I shout smiling.
D opens a window, “Dude…”
“You…” Andy started to say but by then I was already unconscious. I think he was going to say “You don’t look so good,” or “You okay?” or some thing like that.

I wake up to find all of my closet friends (literally) standing over. Not the best thing to wake up to or from.
“Eiaaah!” I shout.
“Oh look Solind is awake,” Samuel said even though everyone was about a foot away from me.
“Dude after you passed out you were asleep for like a day,” D whistles.
“Actually like 4 hours,” Sam corrects.
“Whatever, its just it was scary to see you go down like that is all,’ Andy added.
“But it was kind of cool to poke you while you were unconscious,” Azalea said still poking me.
“Well now that I’m better can I get some room here,” I ask getting kind of claustrophobic.
Everyone backs up and I serve the people in my room there’s Andy, D, my sisters, my brother, Samuel and this girl in the corner.
“Wait, who she?” I ask pointing to her. Everyone turns to look at a girl in standing near the window in the corner. I don’t get a good look at her when she walks over to us.
She quickly kisses me on the cheek then decks me. Her left hook would have made any boxing coach proud. I feel something or things break as I black out. The last thing I hear before the dark is “Oops…”
When I wake up I wish I had stayed unconscious. My jaw and some of my teeth was sore. Surprise, surprise everyone was in my room including Mrs.K.O.
“Okay before I get a hook to the jaw what’s happened?” I ask tensed and ready to jump, I wasn’t about to get k.o.’ed twice in the same day.
“ First this is Heather,” Sam said warily pointing to her. I notice first the night black hair and vampire pale skin. Her hair was long, and to avoid going to into flattering details she had hazel eyes too…
“Yeah and she cracked some of jaw and some of your teeth,” Azalea pointed out happily.
“ Yet you seem to have all ready healed, hmm,” D noticed.
I had yet to realize myself, I ran my hand across my chin like a man after a shave. My jaw was sore like I had taken a blow to the head, oh wait I did. My teeth were a little sore like I had recently healed holes in them. Getting up I walked over to the window, it was gray and cold like it was going to snow. Samuel entered the room to announce that school had been canceled for the rest of the week due to a huge snow storm.
“I hope the weather man or woman didn’t lie this time,” Andy said joining me at the window.
“It does feel like it,” Sam added also joining us at the window.
“Eh,” Azalea said walking over.
“Scoot over,” D said as he joined us.
It was nice to see the snow swirling as it descended upon the ground. The pool was already freezing over building up a layer of ice.
“Oh snap!” I exclaimed.
“What?” D asked.
“Your parents, the snow, blizzard, hello?” I try to spell it out for them.
“I’ll go call my dad see if I can stay over,” Andy states.
“Uh same here,” D said weakly.
“You came prepared for this didn’t you?” I ask Andy and D.
“Maybe,” He says as they left the room. Leaving me with the homicidal Heather and my sisters. Oh…crud.. Not wanting to turn around, I simple ran. However, seeming as I was moving too fast my shoes didn’t have time to catch up. My shoes stood still like concrete tripping me up and nearly breaking my ankles. I went down head over heels spinning rapidly like one of those cartoons. Then came the stairs which weren’t any comfortable. Each step had contact with at least one part of my body.
After that little incident I walk, not ran, to the front porch, opened the door and sat down, gingerly, on the steps wondering what would come next?

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Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:20 am
Elinor says...


This needs some work. First off, you're switching tenses; it starts off in past and then goes to present, which is pretty confusing. I also didn't like the general voice and the main character, as it came across to me as bland and unoriginal. I also think that you should leave out the description of what sugar is. Your opening paragraph seems to drone on too long; just tell us that he cant have sugar and that will be fine.

Good luck when your revise!


All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

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Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:54 pm
midnightread says...

Hi linerider
I like this story and I think it's a really good idea. I like the way that he is a millionaires kid and he probably has lived in that house all his life but he still gets lost!
I really want to know who Heather is and why she punched him in the face.
Now for the nit-picks. I saw a few mistakes but they were only minor ones, like spelling mistakes and a lack of commas. I think if you just re-read it then you can sort it out quite easily. Can you pm me when you post more?
midnightread :elephant:
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
A wise man does not need advice and a fool won't take it.

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Rugby is a thugs game played by gentle men,
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Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:39 am
penguinduan1 says...

it's really interesting and the plot is interesting. i think it has a few grammatical errors, but otherwise, it's really good!

"If you are mad at someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes." -Anonymous (I forgot)

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:25 am
napalmerski says...

That was great!
I like the tone of the kid's internal monologes, and the basic premise.
Have you read 'the new accelerator' by H.G. Wells? Here it is, if you haven't http://www.online-literature.com/wellshg/16/
Reminds me also of that futurama episode, where the guy from our time drank a 100 cups of coffe, and as he downed the 100th cup everything slowed down.
Only one thing concering the plot - I think the kid should sleep much much more to regenerate, and should be hungry as hell, after all, he burned up energy reserves of a fornight's worth, from what you've described. Not to mention the quick healing. Unless his organism is super different from ours. But then he shouldn've found it out a long time ago. Unless this sugar episode triggered something. Or coincided with age related transformations. Whatever - a very nice idea, well writen, nice 'gold coins' scattered to make us want to fid out more
she got a dazed impression of a whirling chaos in which steel flashed and hacked, arms tossed, snarling faces appeared and vanished, and straining bodies collided, rebounded, locked and mingled in a devil's dance of madness.
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Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:58 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

It was a good read, but I didn’t really know where this story was going. So the kid has a kind of superpower and a gang of cool friends, but what will happen next? I can’t think of any kind of plot that could go along with this. It was a good job, but there’s not really any conflicts.
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:23 pm
curiousvampire says...

Pesonally I thought this was great. Your MC has a good personalty and I like him. All in all it was interesting except you had a few mistakes that I advise you to reread your work and fix them. Thank you for the read!
"I became insane,with long intervals of horrible insanity."

"Their ideology is that human nature is fundamentally evil.In other words, humans are evil from the day they are born."

"Human is beatiful. Perfect is boring."

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Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:08 am
budding writer says...

hey there, honestly really liked your story. But when reading the title i never guessed that there would be like a story like this inside. i was surprised. but its very intresting.

Just a couple of typing mistakes here and there as well as a few grammar mistakes but the plot was very intresting, espcially the way you described it. just trying to confirm something is this like the firt chapter which you numbered into different parts(there was the no. 3,4)?

but anyway im saying it again this story definitely kept me hooked.

pm me please when you post the next part. realy want to read it. :D
## My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations ##

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— George Santayana