
Young Writers Society

Death defying

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Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:50 am
Nyx says...

Hey there was taking a study break and this is what happened. Would love to hear your comments. It's not finished and it needs some work so... enjoy anyway

Smoke filled the air, so that a film of gray covered my sights. I could smell the fire; I could feel the heat and gas burn my nasal passages. I wanted to get away; to run as fast as I could and as far as I could. However what I could do was limited. I sat restricted in an old wooden chair, there are two slats missing from the back support and I could feel the splinters penetrating my back. The rough rope that held my wrists and ankles together was starting to draw blood with every wriggle I made. The duct tape over my mouth pinched my lips and prevented me from screaming for help. Even though I am sure no one would hear me even if I did yell out.

It was only this morning that I was on my way to work, to the job I had worked so hard to get. That was when I was taken. I heard rumours just like everyone else. Heard of a man acquiring woman and making sure they never saw the light of day again. No one knew why he did this; why he was so focus on women or the killing. No one knew why the police had seemed to do nothing. All I knew was I never thought that this would happen to me.

The old wooden door with a glass panel was the only barrier between me and the fire. After a few minutes I could see the wall of flames advancing and the swirls of smoke that infiltrated from under the door increased tenfold.

The old warehouse seemed like the perfect place. There was no one here at this time of day, and even if there was the sound of the ocean would have cancelled out the violent screams for freedom. The building had already seen better days. There must have been a fire in here before because the walls looked to be scorched. The thing that had to be frightening her the most though was the message on the wall. The police called it his ‘signature’ she called it a taunting horror.
“Thou sacrifice thy self for all”
The scrawled paint was slowly dripping down the wall even with the increasing heat of the fire.

How was she to get out? And even if she got out of the chair how was she to call for help. That horrible man had her cell phone. There was nothing she could do. It made no sense but the only thought she could think of was ‘Would anyone care?’ Her parents had died in a car crash four years before, she was an only child, and now that she reflected on it her social life had died with her parents. Far that blow she was never really the same. That thought was the most upsetting. She had no one.

The fire was slowly braking down the door. Suddenly the glass shatters. Tiny fragments spray the small back room, and a muffled scream escaped from her mouth. Then a miracle happened. All of her fighting against the ropes most have loosen them a bit because when the glass broke she instinctively tried to jump out of the way and there was a small amount of leeway in the ropes.

It burnt just as much as the fire but she fought against the ropes again. She couldn’t feel the blood any longer her single thought now was ‘I’m going to get out of here, and someone is going to care.’ She managed to release her hands and pulled the menacing duct tape off. She tried to be careful taking the ropes off of her feet because her wrist felt like they were on fire as well as the building.

“There is no way out!” That fact settled in her mind as she tried to conceal her eyes from the raging fire. She had to get out; she had to find a way. She turned around to look at the room again. There! A single window just big enough for her to fit her body through and escape. She picked up the chair she had been chained to and with all her power tried to break the window. It took two goes, but with the adrenaline running through her veins she managed it.

She stepped through the window and as soon as her feet hit the outside world she started running. She wasn’t more than a few metres away when there was a huge explosion from the building. The Warehouse was engulfed in flames now soaring high above. She ran like a crazed person until she heard the sound of traffic, and she gave a huge sigh.

She sprinted around the last corner and bumped into a woman who had obviously just finished her shopping with the child now asleep in the pram she was pushing. “Help me please” was the only three words the woman heard before the poor girl hit the side of the road which was now stained with her blood.

Thanks for the comments :)

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Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:13 am
AmeliaCogin says...

Hi there,
I enjoyed this piece, it was quite imaginative. Your writing could be made a little more dramatic and could have more impact if the sentences were a little more short and sharp. That's just my opinion. If that's not your style go with what you're comforatble with. Thanks :)

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Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:56 pm
OneSun says...

Hi! This is a good piece, quite inventive and origional however there are a few things that need to be checked, mostly grammar!

Firstly, you start in first person then move the third person then every so often flip back to first person. You need to make your mind up here as you can't have both! Most if the text seems to be third person and the story line seems to move nicely like this so I would suggest you stick to third person. however you feel most comfortable though.

Also, you change a few times from past tense to present tense and back, again this doesn't work. One or the other!!

Apart from those grammatical mistakes the body of the text is postitive, it would make a good chapter in a longer novel certainly. You'll probably need to claify the events leading up to this point though if you want the story to have a greater impact but getting some of her emotions through here would really lift the story.

All in all a good start though, don't give up!!!

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Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:23 pm
Nyx says...

Hey there,

Thanks for that comment, i realized after i posted it that there were problems with it, but that's what you get for writing it at midnight right? :D I have already changed it on my laptop and will edit the piece in a few days hopefully when i finish my research assignment.

Thanks for the comments

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Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:03 pm
YellowAeroplane says...

Great story. Exciting and scary.

There’s always a story. It’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.
— Terry Pratchett